2016-2024 Articles Archive


From "Apostolic Visitation" to "Papal" Evisceration

Republished: Simply Holy: Father Solanus Casey, O.F.M., Cap. (September 1, 2016)

On the Feast of Saint Luke the Evangelist, October 18, 2024

Conciliarism's Immutable Commandment: Thou Shalt Not Offend Anyone Except God

On the Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus's Suffering Servant: Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque

On the Feast of the Inimitable, Indominable Reformer of Carmel, Saint Teresa of Jesus

Gretchen Whitmer Mocks the Most Holy Eucharist

Red Hats for Men as Lavender as Truman Capote

First Ladies of Baby Butchery

On the Feast of the Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary (October 7, 2024)

On the Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi, October 4, 2024

"Benedictus Qui Venit in Nomine Domini! Hosanna in Excelsis!", part six

On the Feast of Saint Therese of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face, October 3, 2024

On the Feast of Our Holy Guardian Angels, October 2, 2024


On the Feast of Saint Jerome

"Fake Pope! Fake Pope!"

Saint Wenceslaus of Bohemia

The North American Martyrs Sought to Make America Truly Great by Trying to Make it Catholic

God is Omnipotent. The Transhumanists Who Mock Him Will Find That Out Soon Enough

On the Feast of Our Lady of Mercy (Ransom): September 24, 2024

Memorandum to Jorge Mario Bergoglio: All False Religions Are Paths to Hell

On the Feast of Saint Matthew the Apostle, September 21, 2024

Republished: A Few Words About Saint Eustace and His Companions

One of the Greatest and Most Divisive Demagogues of Them All: Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton

All Because Those Want to Save “Democracy” Lost an Election

On the Feast of the Seven Dolors of the Blessed Virgin Mary in September (2024)

Jorge’s Religious Indifferentism and Election Interference Continue Unabated

On the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross

Always Prowling About the World to Seek the Ruin of Us All

The Holy Name of Mary Must Be Ever on Our Lips (2024)

The Rope Has Been Sold: Red China Is Coming to Hang the West With It

Saint Peter Claver Was the True Liberator of South America

On the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Maria Bambina), September 8, 2024

Anti-Apostles Always Do Antichrist’s Anti-Apostolic Work of Apostasy

Antichrist’s Doctrinaire and Censorious Church of Communist Globalism

Benedictus Qui Venit in Nomine Domini, Hosanna in Excelsis, part five

On the Feast of Pope Saint Pius X: Modernism's Eternal Foe and Our Eternal Friend (2024)

Saint Stephen of Hungary: Patron of the Church and Defender of the Holy Faith


Memorandum to Donald John Trump: There is Nothing “In Between” About Protecting All Innocent Human Life Without Exception

No One Has Any Other Authority from God to Cut Innocent Life Short

Jorge’s Election Interference Continues Full Speed Ahead

Saint Rose of Lima, The Lily Among the Thorns

On the Feast of the Decollation of Saint John the Baptist

On the Feast of Saint Augustine of Hippo

Hate to Say I Told You So: This is Where the “Lesser of Two Evils” Must Lead

On the Commemorated Feast of Saint Louis IX, King of France, August 25, 2024

Blase Cupich Denies Christ the King Before Chicom Sympathizers

On the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (2024)

Another Circus Comes to Town, part one

Brick by Brick with a Wrecking Ball

On the Feast of Saint Hyacinth, O.P.

On the Feast of Saint Joachim (2024)

Jorge Mario Bergoglio's Religion is Himself

On the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (2024)

Three Sermons for the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary by Father Francis X. Weninger, S.J

Saint Clare of Assisi: In the Command and at the Service of Lady Poverty

Baby Butchery is Not A "Small Issue" to Christ the King

In Honor of and Thanksgiving to Saint Philomena, the Wonder Worker

Saint Lawrence the Martyr: "Make This City [Rome] Christian"

On the Feast of the Cure of Ars, Who Served Souls Unto His Own Death

Flying With Two Far Left Wings

Transfigured Atop Mount Thabor: On the Feast of the Transfiguration of Our Lord

Jorge Mario Bergoglio and His Band of Revolutionaries Have No Concern for the Honor and Glory of God

On the Commemorated Feast of Saint Dominic de Guzman

Jorge Mario Bergoglio Insidiously Sides with All That is Sick and Evil

On the Feast of Saint Alphonsus de Liguori, the Patron Saint of Moral Theologians

As Utilitarian as the Nuremburg Laws Themselves

On the Feast of the Saint Peter's Chains and the Commemoration of the Holy Machabees

JULY 2024

Supremely Totalitarian

Saint Ignatius of Loyola: Always in the Company of Jesus for the Greater Honor and Glory of God

One Dishonest Demagogue Leaves, Another Dishonest Demagogue Enters, part two

One Dishonest Demagogue Leaves, Another Dishonest Demagogue Enters, part one

Saint James the Greater, Saint Christopher, Saint Anne

Truth Can Never Be Sacrificed on the Altar of Political Expediency

On the Commemoration of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Our Protectress

Unity in Error is No Unity At All

On the Feast of Saint Henry, Holy Roman Emperor

The Adversary is Always Prowling About the World to Foment Hatred and Violence

To Reconcile Sinners One Unto the Other: Saint John Gualbert

Jorge Mario Bergoglio is Collecting Scalps

Imprudent Actions Have Consequences

Dehumanize the Preborn, Dehumanize the Victims of Illegal Immigrants' Crimes

Magnificat (July 2, 2024)

Supreme Inconsistencies

On the Feast of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus, the Laver of Redemption (2024)

JUNE 2024

Supreme Delusions Enable Supreme Tyrants to Supremely Crush Dissent

Devotions to Our Lady of Perpetual Help, June 27, 2024

What You Mean "We," Kemo Sabe

Dumbing Down the Papacy: 1976-2024

On the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist, June 24, 2024

Jorge Mario Bergoglio: The Antithesis of the Holy Virtues of Saint John the Baptist

Antidotes to Pelagianism: Saints Paulinus of Nola and Saint Alban, the British Protomartyr

There Is Really Nothing "New" Here, Boys and Girls

The Joke's on Those Who Think That Blaspheming Bergoglio is a True Pope, part two

The Joke's on Those Who Think That Blaspheming Bergoglio is a True Pope, part one

The Supreme Masters of Sophistry Strike Again!

On the [Commemorated] Feast of Saint Basil the Great

"Don't Bother Me Today, Man, I'm on Jupiter"

On the Feast of the Hammer of Heretics, Saint Anthony of Padua, June 13, 2024

Far More Serious Charges Await Those Who Arrogantly Defy God's Laws

Governed by Remorseless Sociopaths Intent on Death and Destruction

On the Transferred Feast of the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary, June 8, 2024

The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus: Remedy for the Cruelty of a Truly Cruel Age

No One Is a Stranger to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Home Enthronement to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary

On the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, June 7, 2024

Belief in the "Right" to Contraception Leads to the Belief in a "Right" to the Artificial Creation of Children

Saint Boniface: Apostle to Germany (June 5, 2024)

The Only Verdict That Matters Belongs to Christ the King

MAY 2024

As the Ignorant Kick the Kicker

On the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, May 30, 2024

"Traditional" Pots Calling "Conservative" Kettles Black

Revised and Expanded: The "Second" Vatican Council Was the Dirty Work of True Bishops and True Priests

New "Norms" With One Principal Purpose: To Disparage Our Lady's Fatima Message

De Deo Uno, De Deo Trino (2024)

As a “General Rule,” Jorge Mario Bergoglio, is Antichrist’s Best Friend

The Argentine Anti-Apostle’s Biennial Election Interference Campaign Has Begun

Father Francis Weninger, S.J.: Two Sermons for Pentecost Sunday

Pentecost Sunday, May 19, 2024

On the Vigil of Pentecost (2024)

Our Lord Uses Human Injustices as Instruments of His Mercy and Divine Justice

Saint Robert Bellarmine's Sermons on Tribulations

In the Month of May: Total Consecration to Our Lord through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary

Our Lord's Ascension into Heaven (2024)

One Wonders

On the Commemorated Feast of Pope Saint Pius V

Jorge Starts to "Clarify" (Undermine) Dignitatis Infinita

A Brief Reflection on Saint Athanasius

APRIL 2024

On the Feast of Saint Catherine of Siena, T.O.P.

Saint Peter Martyr Wrote Credo in Unum Deum in His Own Blood

Victor Manuel Fernandez's Anthropocentric Decree on Human Dignity, part six

On the [Commemorated] Feast of Saint Louis Grignion de Montfort: Friend of the Cross and Promoter of True Devotion to Mary

Victor Manuel Fernandez's Anthropocentric Decree on Human Dignity, part five

Victor Manuel Fernandez's Anthropocentric Decree on Human Dignity, part four

Saint Fidelis of Sigmaringen Came to Extirpate Heresy, Not to Embrace It (2024)

Victor Manuel Fernandez's Anthropocentric Decree on Human Dignity, part three

Two Sermons for the Third Sunday after Easter by Father Francis X. Weninger, S.J.

Victor Manuel Fernandez's Anthropocentric Decree on Human Dignity, part two

Victor Manuel Fernandez's Anthropocentric Decree on Human Dignity: An Overview

"The Mutable Will of the People"

A Brief Reflection on Pope Leo the Great and the Nature of the Papacy

Pontius Trump Washes His Hands of the Blood of Innocent Babies

Benedictus Qui Venit in Nomine Domini, Hosanna in Excelsis, part four

Ecce Ancilla Domini: Fiat Mihi Secundum Verbum Tuum, A Reflection on the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Unlike Jorge Mario Bergoglio, Saint Vincent Ferrer Held the Cross Aloft in the Presence of Jews and Mohammedans

Biden and Friends Despoil, Profane, and Mock Maundy Thursday AND Easter Sunday

Biden and Friends Despoil, Profane, and Mock Easter Sunday

A Reprise: Father Father X. Weninger's First Sermon for Easter Monday

MARCH 2024

The Three Easter Sunday Sermons of Father Francis X. Weninger, S.J.

March 31, 2024: Easter Sunday: There is an Empty Tomb in Jerusalem: Resurrexi, et Adhuc Tecum, Alleluia!

A Holy Saturday Reflection, March 30, 2024

A Good Friday/Holy Saturday Devotion: Hour of Mary in Desolation from Behold Thy Mother: A Servite Manual of Prayers (2024)

March 29, 2024: The Most Solemn Day of the Year: Good Friday

Republished on March 28, 2024: Saint Robert Bellarmine on Our Lord's Agony in the Garden

Our Lord Has Entered Into His Passion (2024)

Father Francis X. Weninger, S.J. (1805-1888): A Maundy Thursday Sermon

A Maundy Thursday Reflection (2024)

Living in a World of Treacherous Deceit

A Spy Wednesday Reprise: Conciliarism's Patron "Saint": Judas Iscariot

On the Commemorated Feast of Saint John Damascene, Foe of Iconoclasm

"Give Us Caiphas!" "Give Us Caiphas!"

A Holy Week Reflection: From Eden to Palm Sunday (2024)

On the Feast of the Seven Dolors of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Passiontide (2024)

On the Feast of Saint Benedict of Nursia, the Founder of Western Monasticism

The Sacrament of Confirmation: To Be Foot Soldiers in the Army of Christ, Now and Forever

Another Memorandum to Clueless Don from Queens: Catholics Do Not Compromise on Truth

Three Sermons by Father Francis X. Weninger, S.J., on the Feast of Saint Joseph

On the Feast of the Just and Quiet Man of the House of David: Saint Joseph

Jorge Mario Bergoglio: Enduring Friend of Impurity, Indecency, and Impiety

Passion Sunday 2024: A Passiontide Reflection

On the Commemorated Feast of Saint Patrick (2024)

Reviewing Jorge's Eleventh Year of Apostasy

Eleven Years of Apostasy, and Counting

Read Pope Saint Pius X on Pope Saint Gregory the Great

The Prophet Osee Reminds Us: "For there is no truth, and there is no mercy, and there is no knowledge of God in the land" (Osee 4:1)

Reflections on the Via Dolorosa, the Via Crucis (2024)

Brother Zero: Saint John of God, Who was Understood by God Alone

On the Feast of the Angelic Doctor, Saint Thomas Aquinas, O.P. (2024)

"Demos II" Tries to Save Conciliarism From Its Logical Consequence: Jorge Mario Bergoglio


The Only Anomalies That Must Concern Us Are Our Sins

Your "Pro-Life" President is At It Again

Timothy Michael Dolan: Still Trying to Make Everyone Happy Except God

Corrupt in Faith, Worship, Morals, and Pastoral Practice

We Cannot Live by the Siren Call of Bread and Circuses in Lent

Memento Homo, Quia Pulvis Es, Et in Pulverem Reverteris (2024)

Forgetful Biden Never Forgets to Use Demagoguery, part two

Forgetful Biden Never Forgets to Use Demagoguery, part one

One Hundred Sixty-Six Years Ago Today: The First Apparition of Our Lady of Lourdes

Jorge Mario Bergoglio Celebrates the "Fruits" of the Abu Dhabi Apostasy as the Middle East is Aflame With Conflict

Bordering on the Borderless, part two

Bordering on the Borderless

Just Ignore Him?

The Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary, February 2, 2024

Do Not Go Looking for the Political Tooth Fairy in 2024, part two


On the Feast of the Saint Francis de Sales, Who Charitably Championed Catholicism

Do Not Go Looking for the Political Tooth Fairy in 2024, part one

Septuagesima Sunday, January 28, 2024

On the Conversion of Saint Paul the Apostle (2024)

Biden Banks on Baby Butchery to Keep His Nominal Job

Jorge Mario Bergoglio’s “Thoughts” Are Irrelevant to Catholic Truth

Empty “Confessions” From Genocidal Miscreants

Pope Pius XI to Jorge the Red: "No One Can Be at the Same Time a Good Catholic and a True Socialist"

Bergoglio and Fernandez: Men Who Extol and Enable the Impure

On the Feast of the Holy Family (2024)

On the Feast of the Epiphany of Christ the King to the Gentiles

Two Argentine Fiends Patronize African “Bishops” In Defense of Sodomy

2024: Yet Another Year to Serve Christ the King through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary

We Must Never Keep Silent About the Holy Name of Jesus (2024)

The Feast of the Circumcision of Our Lord Jesus Christ, January 1, 2024


Prayers for the Last Half Hour of 2023 and the First Half Hour of 2024

Jorge Demands that His Clergy Suborn Sins That Cry Out to Heaven for Vengeance, part two

Jorge Demands That His Clergy Suborn Sins That Cry Out to Heaven for Vengeance

The Fifth Day of Christmas: The Feast of Saint Thomas a Becket

The Fourth Day of Christmas, December 28, 2023: The Holy Innocents

On the Third Day of Christmas: The Feast of Saint John the Evangelist|

Christmas Joy Is Never Eclipsed by Earthly Events

On the Feast of Saint Stephen the Protomartyr, December 26, 2023

The Nativity of Our Lord Made Possible Our Own Birth Unto Eternal Life

Venite Adoremus (2023)

The New Born Babe's Refulgent Light Has Broken Through the Darkness

A Personal Remembrance of Father Louis J. Campbell, R.I.P.

Make Haste Today, Christmas Eve, the Vigil of Christmas: The Lord is Nigh

Saint Francis Xavier Cabrini Defended Moral Standards Bergoglio Dismisses

On the Feast of Saint Thomas the Apostle

Sin: More Deadly Than Any Virus's False "Antidotes"

On Gaudete Sunday, December 17, 2023

On the Feast of Saint Lucy of Syracuse, Virgin and Martyr

Four Hundred Ninety-Two Years Ago: The Americas Belong to Our Lady

Republished on the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe: May We Be Made as Trusting and as Simple

Memorandum from Saint Ambrose to All Catholics: “The Catholic faith derives so much strength and support from the words of the Apostolic See, that it is criminal to entertain any doubts concerning it.”

On the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary (2023)

On the Feasts of Saints Nicholas of Myra and Ambrose of Milan

1534 To the Present: The English Legacy of Judicial and Medical Tyranny Claims Another Victim

Sandra Day O'Connor: A Judge Whose Sangerite Background Meant Nothing to Ronald Wilson Reagan

On the Commemorated Feast of Saint Francis Xavier, S.J.

At the Beginning of Advent in 2023

Henry Alfred Kissinger Worked Against the Interests of the Prince of Peace Throughout His Entire Life


"A Council of the Devil is Taking Place in Rome Now"

In Ways That Continue to Baffle the Minds of Modern Men

Saint Catherine of Alexandria Preferred Death Rather Adore Idols

Adherence to Masonic Principles Forms the Bedrock of Conciliar "Orthodoxy"

On the Feast of Saint John of the Cross, Who Suffered Injustice with Patience and Gratitude

Pope Saint Clement I: No One Can Disobey a True Pope Without Disobeying God Himself

Saint Cecilia: Valiant Model of Holy Purity and Unwavering Catholic Fidelity

On the Feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (2023)

On the [Commemorated] Feast of Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, A Royal Woman Who Embraced Suffering at the Hands of Her Own Family

Updated: Jorge Mario Bergoglio and Christopher Pierre: Certified Agents of Antichrist's Operation of Error

No One Has Killed More Israelis Than the Israelis Themselves

On the Feast of Saint Josaphat Kuncewicz

Jorge Mario Bergoglio is Intent on Making the Protection of Sin Great Again

"Benedictus Qui Venit in Nomine Domnini, Hosanna in Excelsis," part three

Live by "Popular Sovereignty," Die by "Popular Sovereignty"

Otto von Bergoglio's Kulturkampf (or Jorge Mario Zedong's Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution), part four

Otto von Bergoglio’s Kulturkampf (or Jorge Mario Zedong’s Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution), part three

On the Commemoration of All Souls in 2023

On the Feast of All Saints (2023)


Republished: Christ the King Wants Us to Avoid the Chronic Fear and Agitation of Naturalism

Nations Need Kings After the Mind and Pattern of Christ the King (2023)

We Must Always Live and be Willing to Die for Christ the King (2023)

The Sovereignty of Christ the King is Universal and Eternal (2023)

Otto von Bergoglio's Kulturkampf (or Jorge Mario Zedong's Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, part two

Saint Jude: Apostle of Hopeless Cases and of the Holy Face of Jesus

Otto von Bergoglio’s Kulturkampf (or Jorge Mario Zedong’s Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution), part one

Republished from 2019: The Key to Understanding Our Situation Today: The Conciliar Church Is Not the Catholic Church

Republished: A Brief Reflection on the Feast of Saint Peter of Alcantara

Jorge Mario Bergoglio Leaves No Doubt: The Books Are Really Cooked, the Fix Is Really In

On the Feast of Saint Luke the Evangelist (2023)

Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque: The Privileged Soul Who Suffered for the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Benedictus Qui Venit in Nomine Domin1, Hosanna in Excelsis, part two

On the Commemorated Feast of Saint Teresa of the Inimitable, Indominable Reformer of Carmel, Saint Teresa of Jesus

As Relevant Now as It Was One Hundred Six Years Ago: Our Lady's Fatima Message

Our Lady Never Acts on Her Own

Saint Edward the Confessor: Always at the Service of the Queen of Heaven and Earth

Revised: Christopher Columbus Planted the Cross of Christ the King in the Americas

Theotokos: On the Feast of the Divine Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Live by the Hermeneutic of Continuity, Die by the Hermeneutic of Continuity, part two

Benedictus Qui Venit in Nomine Domini, Hosanna in Excelsis

On the Feast of the Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary (2023)

Yesterday's Dissenters, Today's "Doctrinal" Enforcers, part two

On the Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi, Who Went From Riches to Holy Poverty

On the Feast of the Little Flower: Saint Therese of the Child Jesus and Holy Face

Live by the Hermeneutic of Continuity, Die by the Hermeneutic of Continuity, part one

On the Feast of Our Holy Guardian Angels (2023)


Saint Jerome Put Love of God Before All Else

On the Feast of the Dedication of the Church of Saint Michael the Archangel

On the Feast of Saint Wenceslaus: Devoted to Holy Mass and the Blessed Sacrament

Yesterday's "Loyal Dissenters," Today's "Doctrinal" Enforcers

True American Heroes: The North American Martyrs

On the [Commemorated] Feast of Our Lady of Ransom

Divided by Error, United in Amorality, part two

On the Feast of Saint Matthew the Apostle

Revised and Expanded: A Few Words About Saint Eustace and His Family

Divided by Error, United in Amorality, part one

At the "Mercy" of the Merciless, part three

At the "Mercy" of the Merciless, part two

On the Feast of the Seven Dolors of the Blessed Virgin Mary in September (2023)

By This Sign We Will Conquer the Enemies of Our Salvation (2023)

"Bishop" Strickland Must Learn That a True Pope Can Never Promote Errors on Faith and Morals

The Holy Name of Mary Must Be Ever On Our Lips (2023

At the "Mercy" of the Merciless, part one

Republished: Saint Peter Claver, S. J., The True Liberator of South America

Maria Bambina (2023)

Republished: Jorge Mario Bergoglio Would Have Urged Catholics to "Dialogue" with Diocletian

Anti-Apostle Number Six (aka Jorge Mario Bergoglio) Acts as An Anti-Apostle in Mongolia

The "Least of Sins"? Saint Alphonsus de Liguori Contra Jorge Mario Bergoglio

On the Feast of Modernism's Eternal Foe and Our Eternal Friend: Pope Saint Pius X

Jorge Mario Bergoglio Evangelizes on Behalf of Dogmatic Evolutionism and Moral Relativism

On the Feast of Saint Stephen of Hungary


Republished: The Lily Among the Thorns: Saint Rose of Lima

On the Feast of the Beheading of Saint John the Baptist

Those Who Pervert Justice and Truth to "Save Democracy" In This Life Will Answer to Christ the King for Their Corruption

Saint Augustine of Hippo: A Magdalene Soul Who Provides Hope for Us All

Saint Louis IX, King of France: The Epitome of A Just and Holy Monarch Who Governed for Christ the King and His True Church

On the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (2023)

A Foretaste of the Fire That Will Consume the Earth on the Last Day 


The "People" Have No Authority to Contravene God's Eternal Laws, Sean Hannity


Memorandum to Donald John Trump: The Inviolability of Innocent Human Life is Non-Negotiable


The Apostle to the Northland: Saint Hyacinth, O.P.


Saint Joachim: Fatherly Affection, Eternal Orientation


Assumed to Take Her Rightful Place in Heaven

Jorge Mario Bergoglio: A Useful Tool of the World Economic Forum

At the Command and In the Service of Lady Poverty: Saint Clare of Assisi

In Honor of Our Wonder Worker, Saint Philomena

Saint Lawrence the Martyr: "Turn Me Over. I Am Done on This Side"

No Constitutional or Statutory Foundation to Do What Trump Wanted Done on January 6, 2021

Saint John Mary Vianney Served Souls Until He Died

From 1776 to 2023: A Steady March from Religious Indifferentism to Totalitarianism

On the Feast of the Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus Christs

Saint Dominic de Guzman: Our Lady's Valorous Knight

On the Feast of the Patron Saint of Moral Theologians: Saint Alphonsus de Liguori

On the Feast of Saint Peter's Chains and the Commemoration of the Holy Machabees

JULY 2023

Another Invitation to See the Events of the Day Through the Eyes of the True Faith

Saint Ignatius of Loyola Worked for the Greater Honor and Glory of God

George Walker Bush's "Liberation" of Iraq Has "Liberated" Iraq of Most Its Chaldean Rite Catholics

Honoring Saint James the Moorslayer, Saint Christopher, and Our Good Saint Anne

Jorge Mario Bergoglio is Only the End Product of a False Religion, "Father" Missigbeto

Anything That Is "Of, By, and For" The "People" Is Bound to Perish from the Face of the Earth

Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr.'s., Ultimate Treason is Against Christ the King

Sin: More Deadly Than the Coronavirus, part twenty-four

On the Commemoration of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Who Shields Us With Her Love and Care

On the Feast of Saint Henry the Emperor

Jorge Continues to Stuff the Ballot Box While Giving Photo-Ops to Enemies of Christ the King

Saint John Gualbert Reconciled Enemies One to Another

"Hands Off My Family" Won't Work for the "Big Guy" with Christ the King at the Particular Judgment

Not An Ecumenist Among Them

Remember, Robert Francis Kennedy, Jr., That You Have A Soul

A Reprise: Declaring Independence from the Declaration of Independence

Jorge Mario Bergoglio's Version of Beat the Clock

On the Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary: Magnificat

The Laver of Redemption (2023)

JUNE 2023

A Perpetual Truth in the Midst of the Perpetual Reiteration of Error: A True Pope Is Never in Need of Correction

Empty Faith Leads to the "Repurposing" of Catholic Churches in Europe

The Nativity of Saint John the Baptist: His Name Will Be John

Saint John the Baptist: Everything That Jorge Mario Bergoglio Is Not and Will Never Be

Men Who Defy Christ the King and His Laws Are Their Own Worst Enemies, Now and For Eternity

Angelic Purity: Saint Aloysius Gonzaga, S.J.

Perpetual Indulgence of Perversity Must Lead to Its Institutionalization, part two


Perpetual Indulgence of Perversity Must Lead to Its Institutionalization, part one

The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus: Remedy for the Cruelty of a Truly Cruel Age

No One Is A Stranger to the Sacred Heart of Jesus (republished)

Home Enthronement to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary

On the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

Saint Basil the Great: "Perhaps You Have Not Met a Catholic Bishop Before"

On the Feast of the Hammer of Heretics, Saint Anthony of Padua

Christ the King Alone Has One Set of Laws That He Will Apply to Everyone When They Die

On the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, June 8, 2023

Sister Mary Wilhelmina Lancaster Has Much to Teach Us About Persevering Courage, Joy and Charity

On the (Transferred) Feast of the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary (2023)

De Deo Uno, De Deo Trino (2023)

MAY 2023

Scheme with Impunity in This Life, Prepare to Face the Consequences in the Next

Father Francis Weninger, S.J.: Three Sermons for Pentecost Sunday

Pentecost Sunday, May 28, 2023

On the Vigil of Pentecost (2023)

From Our Lord's Great Commission to Its Great Betrayal by the Conciliar Revolutionaries

Spiritual Resource: Novena to God the Holy Ghost (2023)

Holy Mother Church is Infallible, No Ifs, Ands, or Buts

Ascending to Heaven in Our Thoughts and Prayers Every Day

Nota Bene: "Bishop" Joseph Strickland: "Whoever is Holy Does Not Dissent from the Pope" (Pope Saint Pius X)

An Open Invitation to Josef Seifert and Others of Good Will to Remove Their Blinders

Another Ratzinger Myth is Born: Ratzinger the Catholic Mariologist

Republished: The Feast of the Apparition of Saint Michael the Archangel on Mount Gargano

In the Month of Our Lady: Total Consecration to Our Lord through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary

On the Feast of Pope Saint Pius V

Unsound Men Promoting Unsound Doctrines, part two 

Unsound Men Promoting Unsound Doctrine, part one

APRIL 2023

Saint Peter Martyr, O.P.: The Dominican Protomartyr

There Will Come A Day When Vincenzo Paglia Will Argue in Favor of "Accompanying" Women Right into the Hands of Baby Butchers

On the Feast of Saint Louis Grignion de Montfort: Friend of the Cross and Promoter of True Devotion to Mary

"To Resist is a Duty, To Obey a Crime"

Persecution in the Beginning, Persecution Now

The German Synodal Path is Also Jorge Mario Bergoglio’s Path—To Hell Itself

A Very Brief Reflection on Pope Saint Leo the Great and the Nature of the Papacy

Father Francis X. Weninger's First Sunday for Easter Monday

Republished: Father Francis X. Weninger's Three Sermons for Easter Sunday

April 9, 2023: Easter Sunday: There is an Empty Tomb in Jerusalem: Resurrexi, et Adhuc Tecum, Alleluia!

A Reflection for Holy Saturday, April 8, 2023

Good Friday/Holy Saturday Morning Devotion: An Hour In Desolation (From Behold Thy Mother: A Servite Manual of Prayers

Republished: Father Francis X. Weninger's Third Sermon for Good Friday

April 7, 2023: The Most Solemn Day of the Year: Good Friday

Republished in 2023: Saint Robert Bellarmine's Sermon On Our Lord's Agony in the Garden

Our Lord Has Entered Into His Passion (2023)

A Maundy Thursday Reflection

A Reprise from 2021: Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Jorge Mario Bergoglio is the Biggest Fool of Them All

Sin: More Deadly Than the Coronavirus, part twenty-two

A Holy Week Reflection: From Eden to the Empty Tomb (2023)

Walking the Royal Road to Victory, the Via Crucis, This Holy Week (2023)

MARCH 2023

On the Feast of the Seven Dolors of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Passiontide (2023)

Living in a World of Anti-Theism

On the Feast of Saint John Damascene, the Foe of Iconoclasm | Christ or Chaos

A Passiontide Reflection on Passion Sunday

Not One World Leader Stands for Christ the King and His True Church

Ecce Ancilla Domini: Fiat Mihi Secundum Verbum Tuum, A Reflection on the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

We Have No "Rooting" Interest in the Russo-Ukraine War Other Than for a Just Peace

On the Feast of the Founder of Western Monasticism, Saint Benedict of Nursia

Just Another Excuse to Keep Catholics Distracted, Angry, and Agitated During Lent

On the Feast of Saint Patrick, the Apostle to Ireland (2023)

Destroying “Legacies” of Antipopes Who Themselves Destroyed Catholic Teaching

Revised and Expanded: Jorge Mario Bergoglio: Ten Years of Antichrist's Viceroy and Spokesman

Jorge Mario Bergoglio: Ten Years as Antichrist's Viceroy and Spokesman

Forget (At Least Until Tuesday) Jorge's Tenth Anniversary Tomorrow! Read Pope Saint Pius X About Pope Saint Gregory the Great

The Events of January 6, 2021, Should Never Have Occurred. Period

Pope Saint Pius X: "Whoever is Holy Does Not Dissent from the Pope"

On the Feast of Saint John of God: Brother Zero

On the Feast of the Angelic Doctor, Saint Thomas Aquinas, O.P. (2023)

Believing Catholics Pose No Threat to a Just Social Order

Sin: More Deadly Than the Coronavirus, part twenty-one


Revised and Expanded: Sin: More Deadly Than the Coronavirus, part twenty

Memento Homo, Quia Pulvis Es, Et in Pulverem Reverteris (2023)

Witnesses for the State

Seeing the Hand of God in the Chastisements of the Moment

One Hundred Sixty-Five Years Ago Today: Our Lady of Lourdes's First Apparition

Septuagesima Sunday: Preparing for Lenten Penances in 2023

Jorge Mario Bergoglio's Support for the Unsupportable

On the Last Day of Christmas: The Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary


On the Feast of Saint John Bosco

On the Commemorated Feast of the Apostle of Charity, Saint Francis de Sales

Declaring Independence from the Declaration of Independence

From Persecutor of the Faithful to the Apostle of the Gentiles: Saint Paul the Apostle

Of Men Who Keep Not Eternity in Mind

Prayers for the Chair of Unity Octave (Friars Press, Lafayette, Louisiana)

A Brief Reflection on the Feast of the Chair of Saint Peter in Rome (and the Feasts of January 19)

It Is Never Advisable to Die as the Former Head of a False Religion, part three

On the Feast of the Holy Family

On the Feast of the Epiphany of Our Lord Jesus Christ (2023)

It Is Never Advisable to Die as the Former Head of a False Religion, part two

We Must Never Be Silent about the Holy Name of Jesus (2023)

It Is Never Advisable to Die as the Former Head of a False Religion, part one

The Christmas Octave Day: The Circumcision of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ 


The Seventh Day of Christmas: The Feast of Pope Saint Sylvester I

"Passing" Blasphemies Have Eternal Consequences

The Fifth Day of Christmas: Saint Thomas Becket, Martyr for Holy Mother Church's Liberties

The Fourth Day of Christmas: The Holy Innocents

Saint John the Evangelist: The Pure Apostle to Whom Our Lord Entrusted the Care of Our Lady

On the Second Day of Christmas: Saint Stephen the Protomartyr

Enriching Us Now As He Did at the Moment of His Sacred Nativity

We Renew Our Hymn, Venite Adoremus, on Christmas Day

The Newborn Babe's Refulgent Light Has Shone Through the Darkness

Make Haste Today, the Vigil of Christmas, the Nativity of Our Lord is Nigh

Giving Free Passes to the “Lesser of Two Evils” When They Promote Grave Evils

Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini: The Only American Citizen to be Canonized

Conciliar Disciplinary Action: Confined Almost Exclusively to "Conservative" Catholics

On the Feast of the "Doubting Thomas," Saint Thomas the Apostle: Dominus Meus, et Deus Meus

This is Phenomenal Even by Bergoglio’s Endless Array of Double Standards

On the Feast of Saint Lucy, An Immovable Foe of Religious Liberty

Forty Hundred Ninety-one Years Later: The Americas STILL Belong to Our Lady

On the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe: May We Made as Trusting and Simple

All Atwitter About Twitter

On the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary

On the Feasts of Saints Nicholas of Myra and Ambrose of Milan

Sin: More Deadly Than the Coronavirus, part nineteen

On the Feast of Saint Francis Xavier, S.J., Who Had No Respect for False Religions or Their Idols


Fallen Men Will Choose to be Willing Servants of Evil Absent the Social Reign of Christ the King

Republished: A Reflection on Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal

At the Beginning of Advent in 2022

On the Feast of Saint Catherine of Alexandria

John Calvin Could Not Be Happier (2022)

Pope Saint Clement I: No One Can Disobey a True Pope Without Disobeying God Himself

Saint Cecilia: Valiant Model of Catholic Fidelity and Purity

On the Feast of the Presentation of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary

Saint Elizabeth of Hungary: A Royal Woman Who Embraced Suffering at the Hands of Her Own Family

Unable Even to Recognize That There is Nothing to Save from the Existing Ruins

Republished: Saint Josaphat Kuncewicz Did What Conciliarism Forbids

"For Without Me You Can Do Nothing

Republished: Caesars Gain More Power as Dopes Get Doped Up on Dope, Which is for Dopes

On the Commemoration of All Souls (All Souls Day) in 2022

On the Feast of All Saints, the Feast Day of Those Who Have No Feast Days


Christ the King Wants Us to Avoid the Chronic Fear and Agitation of Naturalism

Nations Need Kings after the Mind and Pattern of Christ the King

We Must Always Be Willing to Live and to Die for the Cause of Christ the King and His true Church

The Sovereignty of Christ the King Is Universal and Eternal

The Conciliar Revolutionaries Have Been Debating the Undebatable for Over Six Decades

The Robber Council Turns Sixty

On the Feast of Saint Luke the Evangelist

On the Feast of Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque

"The Students Expect to Get About a B"

On the Feast of the Inimitable, Indominable Reformer of Carmel, Saint Teresa of Jesus

As Relevant Now as It Was One Hundred Five Years Ago: Our Lady's Fatima Message

The Queen of the Most Holy Rosary Never Acts on Her Own

Saint Edward the Confessor: A King Who Was Always in the Service of the Queen of Heaven and Earth

Christopher Columbus Brought the Cross of Christ the King to the Americas

A Republished Reflection: Theotokos

Fear Not Those Who Can Destroy the Body, Fear Not the Likes of Merrick Garland

On the Feast of the Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary

On the Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi: From Riches to Holy Poverty | Christ or Chaos

Saint Therese of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face: Unalloyed Holiness

On the Commemorated Feast of Our Holy Guardian Angels


Revised and Expanded: Saint Jerome Put the Love of God Above All Else

Father Francis X. Weninger's Sermon on the Feast of the Dedication of the Church of Saint Michael the Archangel

On the Feast of the Dedication of the Church of Saint Michael the Archangel

Saint Wenceslaus: Devoted to Holy Mass and Our Lord's Real Presence

Jorge Mario Bergoglio Would Have Urged Catholics to "Dialogue" with Diocletian, part four

The North American Martyrs: Models of Catholic Heroism

On the Feast of Our Lady of Ransom (Our Lady of Mercy)

Saint Matthew the Apostle, From Caesar's Collector of Tribute to God's Collector of Souls

It Is Never Advisable to Die as the Leader of a False Religion

The Feast of the Seven Dolors of the Blessed Virgin Mary in September

By This Sign We Will Conquer the Enemies of Our Salvation

Jorge Mario Bergoglio Would Have Urged Catholics to "Dialogue" With Diocletian, part three

The Holy Name of Mary Must Be Ever On Our Lips (2022)

The True Liberator of South America: Saint Peter Claver, S. J.

Maria Bambina (2022)

Jorge Mario Bergoglio Would Have Urged Catholics to "Dialogue" with Diocletian, part two

Modernism's Eternal Foe and Our Eternal Friend: Pope Saint Pius X


Rembert George Weakland: Among the Most Vicious of the Conciliar Revolutionaries

The Lily Among the Thorns: Saint Rose of Lima

Saint John the Baptist Was Beheaded by a Potentate Who Would Enjoy Bergoglio's Favor Today

Jorge Mario Bergoglio Would Have Urged Catholics to "Dialogue" with Diocletian, part one

On the Feast of Christ the King's Vice Regent and Exemplar: Saint Louis IX, King of France

On the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (2022)

Jean-Claude Hollerich Wants to Listen to "The People," The Catholic Church Speaks for God

Saint Hyacinth, O.P.: Apostle of the Northland Who Opposed Falsehood and Heresy

The Rosary IS Our Weapon, and We Must Pray It to Fight Evil, Especially That Within Our Own Lives

As Forgettable Naturalists Fight Each Other Over Forgettable Things

On the Feast of Saint Joachim

On the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Saint Clare of Assisi Was Always In the Service and at the Command of Lady Poverty

In Honor of Our Wonder Worker, Our Dear Saint Philomena

Sin: More Deadly Than the Coronavirus, part eighteen

Saint John Mary Vianney, the Cure of Ars, Served Souls Until He Died

Transfigured in Glory Atop Mount Thabor

On the Feast of Our Lady's Chosen Son to Fight Heresy with Her Most Holy Rosary

Saint Alphonsus de Ligouri Worked to Convert, Not "Accompany," Sinners

Big Chief Apostate Bergoglio Outdoes Himself in Canada

JULY 2022

For the Greater Glory of God: Saint Ignatius of Loyola, S.J.

Be Not Deceived: The Real Jorge Mario Bergoglio Is Not A Defender of a Faith He Does Not Hold

Antichrist's Antipapal Agents of Anti-Catholic Teaching

On the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel: Shielding Us With Her Love and Care

On the Feast of Saint Henry, the Emperor, A Model for All Christian Rulers

Continuing to Apologize for That Which Is Condemned in Holy Writ and by Nature Itself

Not A Single Ecumenist Among Them

Roe v. Wade is Gone, Baby-Killing Will Continue, part three

Roe v. Wade is Gone, Baby-Killing Will Continue, part two|

Our Lady Proclaims Her Magnificat: On the Feast of Our Lady's Visitation

On the Feast of the Laver of Our Redemption: The Most Precious Blood of Jesus

JUNE 2022

Georgie "The Chin" Bergoglio Strikes Again on Behalf of the Pro-Aborts

Roe v. Wade is Gone, Baby-Killing Will Continue, part one

On the Nativity of the Precursor and Herald of Christ the King: Saint John the Baptist

The Feast of Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

Saint Aloysius Gonzaga, S.J.: Our Model of Angelic Purity

Heresy, Thy Name is Jorge Mario Bergoglio

On the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, June 16, 2022

As Saint Basil the Great Once Said to an Arian: "Perhaps You Have Not Met A Catholic Bishop Before

On the Feast of Saint Anthony, Hammer of Heretics

Arsenic Jorge and Old Lace

Revised and Expanded: De Deo Uno et Trino

An Unbroken Chain of Antipopes (or One Antipope Resigns or Dies, They Make Another Antipope), part one of a periodic series 

Evade Justice in This Life, Prepare to Meet Up with Divine Justice in the Next

Reprising Father Francis X. Weninger's Third Sermon for Whit Monday

Pentecost Sunday (2022)

On the Vigil of Pentecost (2022)

A “Lesser Evil” Here, A Lesser “Evil” There, Soon One Gets Quite Comfortable with All Evil

MAY 2022

The Feast of the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Jorge "Claps Back" at Salvatore Cordileone and Stands Up for Nancy Patricia D'Alesandro Pelosi and Her Pro-Abort Ilk

The Future Conversion of Russia Does Not Indemnify Its Current (and Past) Attacks on Innocent Civilians

Spiritual Resource: Novena to God the Holy Ghost (2022)

Forty Days After the Resurrection: Ascension Thursday

Not Exactly from the Excommunication Scene in Becket

Jorge's Expendables

Merchants of Murder and Mendacity, part two

A Call to Action from Mrs. Randy Engel of the U.S. Coalition to Life: Defend the Humanity of the Unborn Child

More Tragic Victims of Modernity's Hatred of Christ the King

Saint Robert Bellarmine: Sermon Sixty-Eight: On Tribulations (Parts One and Two)

Merchants of Murder and Mendacity, part one

Pope Saint Pius V: Our Rigid Foe of Heresy and All False Religions

We Must Never Live In Fear With Saint Joseph So Near

Total Consecration to Our Lord through Our Lady's Immaculate Heart

Revised and Expanded: An Inversion of Truth: Big Tech and the Deep State Go Full Bore Orwellian

APRIL 2022

A True Victim Soul: Saint Catherine of Siena, T.O.P.

In His Own Blood: Saint Peter Verona, the Protomartyr of the Order of Preachers

Republished: Saint Louis de Montfort: Friend of the Cross, Apostle of True Devotion to Mary

Jorge Mario Bergoglio: The Most Ideologically Rigid Man Alive

Saint Fidelis of Sigmaringen Came to Extirpate Heresy, Not to Embrace It

First Sermon of Father Francis X. Weninger, S.J., for Low Sunday

Religious Indifferentism and the Rise of Modern Atheism

Republished: Father Francis X. Weninger's First Sermon for Easter Monday

There is An Empty Tomb in Jerusalem: Resurrexi, et Adhuc Tecum, Alleluia!

Republished: Three Easter Sermons of Father Francis X. Weninger, S. J.

A Reflection for Holy Saturday, April 16, 2022: Anticipating the Glory of Our Lord's Easter Victory

A Good Friday/Holy Saturday Morning Devotion: Hour of Mary in Desolation from Behold Thy Mother: A Servite Manual of Prayers

Father Francis X. Weninger's Third Sermon for Good Friday

Our Divine Redeemer Has Entered Into His Passion

Republished: Saint Robert Bellarmine, S. J., On Our Lord's Agony in the Garden

The Most Solemn Day of the Year in 2022: Good Friday

Republished: Saint Robert Bellarmine, S. J., On Our Lord's Agony in the Garden

Our Divine Redeemer Has Entered Into His Passion

A Maundy Thursday Reflection (2022)

Republished from 2021: Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Jorge Mario Bergoglio is the Biggest Fool of Them All

A Brief Reflection on Pope Saint Leo the Great and Monday in Holy Week

Walking the Royal Road to Victory, the Via Crucis, This Holy Week

Holy Week Reflections: From Eden to Palm Sunday

Sin: More Deadly Than the Coronavirus, part seventeen

A Reflection on the Seven Dolors of Our Lady in Passiontide (2022)

Unlike Jorge Mario Bergoglio, Saint Vincent Ferrer Held the Cross Aloft in the Presence of Jews and Mohammedans

Passiontide Reflection (2022)

MARCH 2022

Memorandum to Jorge Mario Bergoglio: NYET!

Saint John Damascene Venerated the Images that Last for All Eternity

Ecce Ancilla Domini, Fiat Mihi Secundum Tuum: A Reflection on the Feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Jorge Sure Knows How to Lower the Boom Fast When He Wants to Do So

Saint Benedict of Nursia Was the Founder of Western Monasticism and the Adamant Foe of Idolatry, Paganism, and Heresy

On the Feast of Our Good Saint Joseph: The Just and Silent Man of the House of David

Revised: Joseph Alois Ratzinger: Entirely Unashamed by His Career of Theological Crimes

Saint Patrick: Apostle of Ireland

Wars and Rumors of Wars, part three

Forget About Jorge's Ninth Anniversary Tomorrow: Read Pope Saint Pius X's Tribute to Pope Saint Gregory the Great

Wars and Rumors of Wars, part two

Fray Zero: Saint John of God, Who Was Understood by God Alone

On the Feast of the Angelic Doctor, Saint Thomas Aquinas, O.P. (2002)

Memento Homo, Quia Pulvis Es, Et in Pulverem Reverteris (2022)


Wars and Rumors of Wars

Men and their Nations Who Submit Not to Christ the King Must Always Live Under the Tyranny of the Adversary

More of a Mess Than We Can Comprehend

Modernism’s Own Geiger Counter

Septuagesima Sunday: Preparing for Lenten Penances in 2022

Joseph Alois Ratzinger: Without A Word of Contrition for His Crimes of Heresy

On the Feast of the Apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Lourdes, France

As Always, Pro-Aborts Are More Perfectly Committed to Evil Than So=Called “Pro-Life” Pols Are In Opposing Those Evils

Forty Days after Christmas: The Feast of the Purificaiton of the Blessed Virgin Mary 


Sin: More Deadly Than the Coronavirus, part sixteen 

Saint John Bosco: Father and Techer  of the Young and Devoted Cleint of Our Lady Help of Chrsitians  

Saint Fancis de Sales: As Gentle and Firm as the Divine Master Himself

To Defend the Preborn We Must Defend Catholic Truth in Its Entirety

On the Feast of the Conversion of Saint Paul the Apostle

Joseph Alois Ratzinger: Ever Impervious to the Horror of Personal Sin, Including His Own Sins of Heresy

Naturally Absurd, part seven: Naturalism Produces Demagoguery and Totalitarianism Over Time

Mean, Ugly Schnook Bergoglio, the Great Canceller, Strikes Again!

Pray for Our Lord to Cancel Bergoglio's False Church and Its Baseless Doctrines

No One is More "Closed-In-On-Himself" or "Self-Referential" Than Jorge Mario Bergoglio

The Model of Perfection in All Virtues: The Holy Family of Nazareth

Revised: If It Is In The Acta Apostolicae Sedis, It is "Official" Teaching

True Last Year, True This Year, True Forever: Put Not Your Trust in Princes, in the Children of Men in Whom There is No Salvation, 2022 Edition

To Make Christ the King Manifest to the World Around Us We Must Not Be Worldlings

Janaury 6 is the Feast of the Epiphany of Our Lord and Nothing Else

2022: Another New Year to Serve Christ the King through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary

We Must Never Be Silent About the Holy Name of Jesus

The Fight is for the Holy Faith, Which Jorge and His Band of Heretics Do Not Possess

The Octave Day of Christmas: The Circumcision of Our Lord Jesus


On the Feast of Pope Saint Sylvester I

Saint Thomas of Canterbury: A Martyr for the Liberties of Holy Mother Church, Not "Religious Liberty"

On the Feast of the Holy Innocents

Scuttling Apostolicae Curae? Nothing is Settled in Jorge's False Church Unless It Is "Settled" According to the Dictates of Modernism

On the Third Day of Christmas: The Feast of Saint John the Beloved Evangelist

The Feast of Saint Stephen the Protomartyr, December 26

Born on This Day to Make Possible Our Birth Unto Eternal Life as Catholics

Unrecognized by Most at His Nativity, Rejected by Most Men Today

With the Choirs of Angels We Renew Our Hymn, Venite Adoremus!

The Radiant Light of the Newborn Babe, Christ the King, Hath Shone Through the Darknesss

A Reflection on the Vigil of Christmas

Mother Cabirini: Mother to Catholic Immigrants in the Americas

The Mental Illness Card: Refuge of the Bullies of Latter Day Paganism

On the Feast of Saint Thomas the Apostle: Dominus Deus et Deus Meus

Sin: More Deadly Than the Coronavirus, part fifteen

Wrong Ways Jorge: Infallibly Wrong About Almost Everything, part two

Wrong Ways Jorge: Infallibly Wrong About Almost Everything, part one

On The Feast of Saint Lucy: An Immovable Foe of Religious Liberty

The Supreme Masters of Sophistry: Unable to Admit the Fifth Commandment Exists (Combined Parts One and Two)

Forty Hundred NINETY Years Later: The Americas STILL Belong to Our Lady

Republished: May We Be As Simple and Trusting

The Supreme Masters of Sophistry: Unable to Admit the Fifth Commandment Exists, part two

On the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary (2021)

The Supreme Masters of Sophistry: Unable to Admit the Fifth Commandment Exists, part one

SaInt Nicholas of Myra and Ambrose of Milan: Defenders of the Faith and Militant Foes of Heresy

Saint Francis Xavier: Rigid Catholic "Fundamentalist" and Zealous Foe of Idolatry

Blessed Edmund Campion, S.J., Died to Return England to the True Faith


Irrelevant to Rioters, Looters and Their Apologists: The Binding Precepts of the Divine and Natural Laws

Video Presentation: To Rise Above the Agitation, part four

Video Presentation: To Rise Above the Agitation, part three

Video Presentation: To Rise Above the Agitation, part two

Video Presentation: To Rise Above the Agitation, part one

At the Beginning of Advent in 2021

Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Continues to Baffle the Minds of Modern Men

Saint Catharine of Siena: As Rigidly Opposed to Idolatry as Moses Himself

Republished: Saint John of the Cross: Model of All Who Suffer Unjustly

On the Feast of Pope Saint Clement I: No One Can Disobey a True Pope Without Disobeying God Himself

On the Feast of the Valiant Saint Cecilia: Model of Catholic Fidelity and Purity

Over Fifty Years of Weasel Words and Cowardly Inaction

On the [Commemorated] Feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Three Sermons by Father Francis X. Weninger, S.J., on the Last Sunday after Pentecost

On the Feast of Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, Who Suffered At the Hands of Her Own Family

The Conciliar Revolutionaries: Just a Bunch of Naturalists and Rationalists

Saint Joseph Kuncewicz Acted As a Catholic, Not an Emissary of False Ecumenism

A Reminder: Catholics Must Rise Above the World's Agitation

On the Commemoration of All Souls in 2021

Three Sermons by Father Francis X. Weninger, S. J., for the Feast of All Saints

The Great Feast Day of Those Who Have No Feast Days


Nations Need Kings After the Mind and Example of Christ the King

We Must Always Live and be Ready to Die for Christ the King

The Sovereignty of Christ the King is Universal and Eternal

After the Meeting of the Killer B's--Biden and Bergoglio

Saint Jude Will Provide Us the Help We Need in All Impossible Cases

Sin: More Deadly Than the Coronavirus, part fourteen

A Brief Reflection on Saint Peter Alcantara

Jorge's Entirely Unoriginal Synod on Synodality

Saint Luke the Evangelist: The Winged Ox Who Pulled His Weight

Revised and Expanded: On the [Commemorated] Feast of the Suffering Servant of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque

On the Feast of the Indomitable, Inimitable Reformer of Carmel, Saint Teresa of Avila

Revised and Republished: The Queen of Heaven Does Not Act on Her Own

As Relevant in 2021 As In 1917: Our Lady's Fatima Message

A King Who Was Always in the Service of the Queen of Heaven and Earth

Keep This Up Jorge, and God Will Never Forgive YOU!

Theotokos: On the Feast of the Divine Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

On the Feast of the Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Naturally Absurd, part six: Welcome to East Germany

On the Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi, Who Left Riches to Embrace Lady Poverty

On the [Commemorated] Feast of Saint Therese of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face

On the Feast of Our Holy Guardian Angels


Father Francis X. Weninger's Sermon on the Feast of the Dedication of the Church of Saint Michael the Archangel

Revised and Expanded: On the Feast of the Dedication of the Church of Saint Michael the Archangel

Saint Wenceslaus of Bohemia: A King Who Was Always Prostrated in Prayer Before the King of Kings, Christ the King

We Must Never Do Any Less Than the North American Martyrs

A Brief Reflection on the Feast of Our Lady of Mercy (Our Lady of Ransom)

Revised and Expanded: Saint Matthew the Apostle, From Caesar's Collector of Tribute to God's Collector of Souls

Jorge Mario Bergoglio Persists in His False Sacramental Theology Ad Nauseam, Ad Infinitum

On the Feast of the Seven Dolors of the Blessed Virgin Mary in September (2021)

By This Sign We Will Conquer the Enemies of Our Salvation

Beyond the Headlines: Making Catholic Sense of New Efforts to End Surgical Baby-Killing

The Name That Must Always Be On Our Lips: The Holy Name of Mary

On the Feast of Saint Peter Claver, S.J.: The True Liberator of South America

Revised and Expanded: Rejoice! Give Thanks! Maria Bambina Was Born This Day!

Unlike Pope Saint Pius X, Jorge and His Band of Apostates Are Completely Subservient to the Enemies of the Cross of the Divine Redeemer, Christ the King

Revised: Pope Saint Pius X, Modernism's Eternal Foe and Our Own Eternal Friend

Saint Stephen of Hungary: A Beneficient Patron of the Church and Defender of the Holy Faith


Revised and Expanded: Do Not Be Agitated by the Fearmongers: Pray to Our Lady to See the World Clearly Through the Supernatural Eyes of the True Faith

Saint Augustine of Hippo Provides Hope for Us All

Revised and Expanded: Saint Louis IX, King of France: Christ the King's Viceroy and Supreme Exepmlar

Revised: On the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary: Two Last Remedies

Our Lady's Beloved Client and Exponent: Saint Bernard of Clairvaux

Now Available for Purchase: Paperback Edition of G.I.R.M. Warfare: The Conciliar Church's Unremitting Warfare Against Catholic Faith and Worship

As the Revenge Killings in Afghanistan Commence 

Revised: Saint Hyacinth, O.P., Was Utterly Opposed to Idolatry and Schism

Saint Joachim: The Father of the Mother of God

Three Sermons for the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary by Father Francis X. Weninger, S.J. 

Revised and Expanded: Taking Her Rightful Place in Heaven

On the Feast of Saint Clare of Assisi: In the Service and at the Command of Lady Poverty

On the Feast of Saint Philomena: Our Ever Reliable Wonder Worker

A Brief Reflection for the Feast of Saint Lawrence the Martyr

The Cure of Ars, Saint John Mary Vianney, Served Souls Unto Death

Revised and Expanded: On the Feast of the Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Saint Dominic de Guzman: The Privileged Soul to Whom Our Lady Gave the Holy Rosary to Fight Heresy

The Patron Saint of Moral Theologians: Saint Alphonsus Maria de Liguori

A Brief Reflection on the Commemorated Feasts of Saint Peter's Chains and the Holy Machabees

JULY 2021

Saint Ignatius of Loyola: All for the Greater Glory God In The Company of Jesus

Pure Modernism from the Bavarian New Theologian: Joseph Alois Ratzinger/Benedict XVI

Jorge Mario Bergoglio Bares His Teeth to Do the Work of Baal

Republished: Submit to and Obey the One World Church (June 28, 2008)

Revised: Shielding Us With Her Love and Care

Saint Henry the Emperor: A Model of Christian Rulers

Saint John Gualbert: Reconciling Enemies One to the Other

Nary an Ecumenist Among Them

Seventy Long Years of Priestly Apostasy

On the Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary: Magnificat

On the Feast of the Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ: The Laver of Redemption

JUNE 2021

Aberrant Civil Leaders and Aberrant Pastors of an Aberrant Religion Reaffirm Men in Their Aberrant Affections

Supreme Masters of Sophistry

Devotions to Our Lady of Perpetual Help

Saint John the Baptist: Everything That Jorge Mario Bergoglio Is Not and Will Never Be

On the Feast of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist

Saint Aloysius Gonzaga: Model of Angelic Purity

Caesars Gain More Power While Dopes Get Doped Up

Revised: Saint Basil the Great: "Perhaps You Have Not Met A Catholic Bishop Before"

Revised: Saint Anthony of Padua, Hammer of Heretics, Help Us Find Our Way Home to Heaven

Anthony Fauci, Blind Chicom Asset, Can't Imagine the Chicoms Wanting to Harm Their Own People

Home Enthronement to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

Saint John Chrysostom Says to "Pope Francis": "To this Table then let there draw nigh no Judas Iscariot, no Simon Magus"

Revised and Expanded: Saint Boniface, Apostle to Germany

Revised: On the Feast of Corpus Christi (2021)

Modernity's Religion of the Brave New World Has No Room for Dissenters

MAY 2021

On the Feast of the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary (2021)

De Deo Uno et Trino

The Endless Battle Between the False Opposites of Conciliar Revolutionaries

Republished: Father Francis X. Weninger's Third Sermon for Whit Monday

Revised and Expanded: Pentecost Sunday, The Beginning of the Divinely Instituted Mission to Convert All Men and All Nations

Jorge Orders Protection for His Pro-Abortion, Pro-Perversity Statist Comrades

Our Prayers and Our Aspirations Must Ascend to Heaven Every Day

Revised and Expanded: Sin: More Deadly Than the Coronavirus, part twelve--THE END

No Black and White in "Catholic Universities," Only Different Shades of Lavender

APRIL 2021

Saint Peter of Verona, The Dominican Protomartyr: In His Own Blood

Sin: More Deadly Than the Coronavirus, part twelve

Saint Fidelis of Sigmaringen, O.F.M., Cap.: “I Came to Extirpate Heresy, Not to Embrace It”

Revised and Expanded: Why Live in Fear With Saint Joseph So Near?

Jorge’s False Church Enables Enemies of Christ the King and Souls Without a Thought of Offending God

Red China’s Burgeoning Hegemony Over the West and the Conciliar Vatican

Men Who Are At War With God By Means of Their Sins Will be At War With Each Other

A Brief Reflection on Pope Saint Leo the Great and Low Sunday

Jorge Mario Bergoglio Blasphemes Saint Alphonsus de Liguori

There Is An Empty Tomb in Jerusalem: Resurrexi et Adhuc Tecum! Alleulia!

Three Easter Sermons of Francis X. Weninger, S. J.

A Holy Saturday Reflection: Anticipating the Glory of Our Lord’s Easter Victory

Spiritual Resource: A Good Friday/Holy Saturay Morning Devotion; Hour of Mary in Desolation

Father Francis X. Weninger’s Third Sermon for Good Friday: “O Death, Where  Is Thy Sting?"

The Most Solemn Day of 2021: Good Friday

Saint Robert Bellarmine, S. J., On Our Lord’s Agony in the Garden

Our Divine Redeemer Hs Entered Into His Passion

Maundy Thursday: A New Priesthood for The New Covenant

Father Francis X. Weninger, S. J. (1805-1888): A Maundy Thursday Sermon

MARCH 2021

Conciliarism’s Patron Saint: Judas Iscariot

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: Jorge Mario Bergoglio is the Biggest Fool of Them All

A Holy Week Reflection: From Eden to Palm Sunday

Saint John Damascene: Images to Last for All Eternity

Reflections on the Feast of the Seven Dolors of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Passiontide (2021)

On the Feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary: Fiat Mihi Secudum Verbum Tuum

Antipope Appoveth, Antipope Undermineth What He Approveth

The Sacrament of Confirmation: To be Foot Soldiers in the Army of Christ the King

Saint Benedict of Nursia: Founder of Western Monasticism and Adamant Foe of Heresy, Paganism, and  Idolatry

A Passiontide Reflection

Our Good Saint Joseph: The Just and Silent Man of the House of David

What One Antipope Giveth, the Next Antipope Can Taketh Away 

Saint Patrick: Apostle of the Land of Saints and Scholars 

Forget About Jorge's Anniversary Tomorrow! Read Pope Saint Pius  X on Pope Saint Gregory the Great

Hasn't Iraq Suffered Enough Without Being Visited by Bergoglio? 

Understood by God Alone

On the Feast of the Angelic Doctor, Saint Thomas Aquinas, O.P.

Nearly Seventy Years of Priesthood Spent Making Obscure What Is Clear, part one



Revised and Expanded: Sin: More Deadly Than the Coronavirus, part eleven

Memento Homo, Quia Pulvis Es, Et in Pulverem Reverteris

On the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes

Sin: More Deadly Than the Coronavirus, part ten

Jorge Puts His Faith, Not in Christ the King

Jorge Flexes His Antipapal Muscles

Republished: Jorge Signs Off on the One World Religion


On the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary


On Septuagesima Sunday

Saint John Bosco Was Zealous for Souls Until the Very Endabout

Jorge and Joe: A Jacobin/Bolshevik Mutual Admiration Society

Saint Francis Xavier: Apostle of Charity and Zealous Foe of Calvinism

Revised and Expanded: From Saul of Tarsus to Saint Paul the Apostle

In the Face of the Daily Slaughter of the Preborn

From August 16, 2012: Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr., Update

From May 9, 2012: Abiding Biden and His Counsel

From June 10, 2011: Just A Person Visit [Between Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr., and Joseph Alois Ratzinger/Benedict XVI

From August 27, 2008: Memorandum to Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr., and Nancy Patricia D'Alesandro Pelosi

From August 24, 2008: Lest We Forget About Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr.

Put Not Your Trust in Princes: In the Children of Men in Who There is No Salvation

On the Feast of the Holy Family

To Make Christ Manifest to the World We Must Not be Worldlingsabout

On the Feast of the Epiphany of Our Blessed Lordo and Saviour Jesus Christ

Sin: More Deadly Than the Coronavirus, part nine

Another New Year to Serve Christ the King through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary

On the Feast of the Circumcision of Our Lord


Pope Saint Sylvester I Guided Holy Mother Church Out of the Catacombs

Saint Thomas a Becket: A Martyr for the Liberties of Holy Martyr Church, Not "Religious Liberty"

On the Feast of the Holy Innocents

Saint John the Evangelist, The Disciple Whom Our Lord Love

Naturally Absurd, part five

Saint Stephen the Protomartyr Forgave and Prayed For His Persecutors

Born in Poverty to Enrich Us All With a Birth Unto Eternal Life

With the Choirs of Angels We Renew Our Hymn: Venite Adoremus

Unrecognized at His Birth, Rejected by Most Men Today

The Light Has Shown Through the Darkness

Jorge Mario Bergoglio: Front  Man for the Lockdown State's New Red Dawn

Sin: More Deadly Than the Coronavirus, part eight

Mother Cabrini's Mission to Keep Catholic Immigrants Catholic in the Americas

Dominus Meus et Deus Meus

Sin: More Deadly Than the Coronavirus, part eight

Jorge Mario Bergoglio: Front Man for the Lockdown State's New Red Dawn, part two

Saint Lucy of Syracuse: An Immovable Foe of Religious Liberty

The Americas Will Always Belong to Our Lady

On the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe: May We Be Made As Simple and as Trusting

Jorge Mario Bergoglio: Front Man for the Lockdown State's New Red Dawn, part one

Revised and Expanded: On the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Revised: Saints Nicolas and Myra and Ambrose of Milan: Generous Defenders of the Faith and Militant Foes of Heresy

Republished: Saint Francis Xavier, S. J.: A Rigid Catholic "Fundamentalist Who Gave No Ground to False Religions

From Emperor Rocky to Emperor Andy: An Empire State of Killing Innocent Human Beings

At the Beginning of Advent 


Republished: On the Feast of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal

Saint Catherine of Alexandria: As Utterly Opposed to Idoatry as Moses Himself

Jorge Mario Bergoglio Makes a Mess of Things, All to Utter and Perverse Delight

Saint John of the Cross: Model of All Those Who Suffer Unjustly

Republished: Pope Saint Clement Knew That No One Could Disboey a True Pope

Republished: Saint Cecilia: Valiant Model of Catholic Fidelity and Purity

Republished: On the Feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Saint Elizabeth of Hungary Suffered at the Hands of Her Own Family

Sin: More Deadly Than the Coronavirus, part seven

Saint Josaphat Kuncewicz Did What Conciliarism Forbids

Be Inspired by Exemplars of Christ the King, Not Agitated by Side Shows of Naturalism

"Admirable" Men? Willard Mitt Romney and Joseph Robinette Bide, Jr. 

Christ the King is Still the King of Men and Their Nations No Matter Who Wins Elections

Naturally Absurd, part four

Continue to Make Friends of the Poor Souls

Modernity's Ship of Fools, Including Emmanuel Macron

On the Solemnity of All Saints


The Only "Consensus" on Abortion: Stop it All, Stop it Now, and Catholicism is the Only Way How

Nations Need Kings According to the Mind and Example of Christ the King

We Must Always Live and Be Ready to Die for Christ the King

The Sovereignty of Christ the King Is Universal and Eternal 

Jorge Mario Bergoglio "Papally" Blesses Unions Made in Hell

An Inversion of Truth: The Secular Magisterium and Censoring 

Saint Luke: The Winged Ox Who Pulled His Weight for the Holy Faith

Republished: Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque: Chosen Soul for the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus 

Notice to All Judicial Nominees: Check Your Catholic Faith at the Door

On the Feast of Saint Teresa of Avila

Always Relevant: Our Lady's Fatima Message

Revised: On the Feast of the Divine Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Revised and Exapnded: Given From Heaven Above: Our Lady's Most Holy Rosary

Samaritanus Bonus: A Cover for the Soros Global Reset of Humanity

Saint Francis of Assisi: From Riches to Lady Poverty

On the Feast of Saint Therese of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face

Angel of God, My Guardian Dear: Happy Feast Day


Steeped in the Errors of Americanism and Conciliarism Through No Fault of Her Own

From 2013: Statism to the Naturalist Left,, Statism to the Naturalist Right

We Must Do No Less Than the North American Martyrs

To Fall into the Hands of the Living God Without Having Known Him in Life

Saint Matthew the Apostle: From Caesar's Collector of Tribute to God's Collector of Souls

A Few Words About Saint Eustace and His Family

Take Your Pick: Plutarco Elias Bergoglio or Jorge Mario Calles 

On the Feast of the Seven Dolors in September

This Sign We Will Conquer the Enemies of Our Salvtion

The Most Holy Name of Mary Must Be Ever on Our Lips

Naturally Absurd, part three

Saint Peter Claver, S.J.: The True Liberator of South America

Rejoice! Give Thanks! The Immaculate Maria Bambina Was Born This Day

Pope Saint Pius X: Modernism's Eternal Foe, Our Eternal Friend and Spiritual Father


Inversion in Ireland and Elsewhere Throughout the Conciliar Universe

Saint Augustine Provides Hope for Us All

Saint Louis IX: Christ the King's Viceroy and Exemplar 

On the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary: Two Last Remedies

On the Feast of Saint Bernard of Clairvaux

Naturally Absurd, part two

Taking Her Rightful Place in Heaven

Saint Clare of Assisi: In the Service and at the Command of Lady Poverty

A Very Timely Reprise: Mazie Hirono and Kamala Harris: Epic Haters of Catholicism

Saint Philomena: Our Ever-Reliable Wonder Worker

On the Feast of Saint Lawrence the Martyr

On the Feast of the Transfiguration of Our Lord 

The Most Prolific Desecrators the World Has Ever Known

On the Feast of Saint Peter's Chains and the Commemoration of the Holy Machabees

JULY 2020

On the Apostolic Protomartyr; The Christ-Bearer. and the Mother of the Mother of God

Sin: More Deadly Than the Coronavirus, part six

Counterfeit Church, Counterfeit Sacraments, Counterfeit Everything, part two

Jurisprudential Social Engineering

Stare Decisis Has  No Standing in the Court of Christ the King

The Laver of Redemption

JUNE 2020

Counterfeit Church, Counterfeit Sacraments, Counerfeit Everything, part one

Saint John the Baptist: The Antithesis of Jorge Mario Bergoglio 

Father Francis X. Weninger's Third Sermon for the Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

Republished: On the Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

Sin: More Deadly  Than the Coronavirus,  part five

Republished: On the Feast of Corpus Christi

Republished: On the [Transferred Feast of the Queenship  of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Revised: On the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity

Pluralism Goes Up  in Flames

MAY 2020

Father Francis X. Weninger's Third Sermon for Whit Monday

Without Any Originality

Spiritual Resource: Novena to God the Holy Ghost

On the Feast of the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Only the Adversary and His Fellow Minions Attack Our Lady and Her Fatima Message

Sin: More Deadly Than the Coronavirus, part four

APRIL 2020

On the Paschal Solemnity of Saint Joseph

The "Second" Vatican Council was the Dirty Work of True Cardinals, Bishops and Priests

Saint Fidelis of  Sigmaringen Made No  Compromises with Calvinists

What Does It Matter That Jorge Drops a Few More Titles When He Has Dropped the Holy Faith

Sin: More Deadly Than the Coronavirus, part three: Inflating the Numbers

Behold the Empty Tomb in Jerusalem: Resurrexi. et Adhuc Tecum, Alleluia!

Holy Saturday: Anticipating Our Lord's Easter Victory Over Sin and Eternal Death

A Good Friday/Holy Saturday Morning Devotion: Hour of Mary in Desolation

"O Death, Where is Thy Victory, Where is Thy Sting?", a Good Friday Sermon by Father Francis X. Weninger, S.J.

The Most Solemn Day of the Year

A Maundy Thursday Sermon by Father Francis X. Weninger, S.J.

Saint Vincent Ferrer, O.P.: Zealous and Fearless Seeker of Lost Souls

A Holy Week Reflection: From Eden to Palm Sunday

Reflections on the Feast of the Seven Dolors of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Passiontide

Sin: More Deadly Than the Coronavirus, part two

MARCH 2020

Fiat Mihi Secundum Verbum Tuum

On the Feast of Saint Joseph

Sin: More Deadly than the Coronavirus, part one

In Defense of Pope Pius XII's Wartime Record


Memento Homo, Quia Pulvis Es, Et in Pulverem Revertis

Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz Feels the "Burn," Bernie

Naturally Absurd, part  one

Jorge's Querida Amazonia: Another Modernist Primer

Jorge and His Fiends Accept Fables While Disparaging Catholic Truths

On the Feast of the Apparition of Our Lady of Lourdes

On Septuagesima Sunday (2020)

A Timely Reprise: Flip-Flopping, Carpetbagging Willard Mitt Romney's Self-Serving Hypocrisy

Living at a Time When Contradiction and Confusion Pass for "Progress"

On the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary (2020)


Saint Paul the Apostle: Converted by Our Lord Himself

The Civil State Must Exercise a Reign of Terrror When the Social Reign of Christ the King Does Not Prevail

On the Feast of the Holy Family (2020)

Jorge and His Global Humanists are the Most Hateful Men Alive Today

Ever Enabling Montezuma's Army of Body Snatchers

On the Feast of the Epiphany of Our Lord (2020)

On the Feast of the Circumcision of Our Lord (2020)


The Holy Innocents Died in the Place of the Infant Christ the  King

On the Second Day of Christmas: Saint Stephen the Protomartyr Forgave and Offered Forgiveness

With the Choirs of Angels We Renew Our Hymn: Venite Adoremus

The Light Has Shone Through the Darkness

Make Haste Today, Christmas Eve, the Lord Is Nigh

A Special Place in the Very Depths of Hell Awaits Jorge Mario Bergoglio

Lame Excuses Never Die

The Argentine Apostate Swings Away at More Straw Men in Support of the Lavender Agenda of Perversity

Saint Lucy of Syracuse: An Immovable Foe of Religious Liberty

Purchasing Information for To Live in the Light of Eternity

May We Be Made as Simple and as Trusting

On the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Saints Nicholas of Myra and Ambrose of Milan: Defenders of the Faith and Militant Foes of Heresy

Saint Francis Xavier, S.J.: A "Rigid" Catholic "Fundamentlist" Who Gave No Ground to False Religions


At the Beginning of Advent in 2019

Spiritual Resource: Christmas Novena/Novena in Honor of the the Feast of the Immaculate Conception

On the Feast of Our Lady of the Miraculous  Medal: In Ways that Baffle the Minds of Modern Men

Pope Saint Clement Knew That No One Can Disobey a True Pope

Saint Cecilia: Valiant Model of Heroic Catholic Purity

At the Point of No Return as Captain Kangaroo Holds Court

Saint Elizabeth of Hungary Suffered at the Hands of Her Own Family

Saint Josaphat Kuncewicz Laid Down His Life to Do What Conciliarism Forbids 

Jorge the Idolatrous Scoundrel Plays the Race Card

Let the "Communion Wars" of 2020 Begin!

Make Friends of the Poor Souls

The Glorious Celebration of the Church Militant in Heaven


The Key to Understanding Our Situation Today: The Conciliar Church is Not the Catholic Church

Saint Jude Thaddeus: Our Powerful Helper in These Times of Disarray

We Must Always Live and be Ready to Die for Christ the King

The Sovereignty of Christ the King is Eternal and Universal 

Montezuma's Army of Calvinist Body Snatchers

Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque: Chosen Soul of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Always Relevant: Our Lady's Fatima Message

On the Feast of the Divine Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary


Saint Jerome Put the Love of God Before All Else

Saint Michael the Archangel, Defend Us in Battle, Now and Always

Saint Wenceslaus: King of Bohemia and Humble Servant of Christ the King

We Must Do No Less than the North American Martyrs

On the Feast of Our Lady of Ransom

Saint Matthew the Apostle: From Caesar's Collector of Tribute to God's Collector of Souls

Reflections on the Feast of the Seven Dolors of the Blessed Virgin Mary

By This Sign We Will Conquer

The Holy Name of Mary Must be on Our Lips at All Times

Jorge Appoints More Judases to Attack the Faith and "Redefine" Life Itself

Saint Peter Claver, S.J., The True Liberator of South America

Rejoice! Give Thanks! The Immaculate Maria Bambina was Born on This Day

Pope Saint Pius X: Modernism's Eternal Friend, Our Eternal Friend and Spiritual Father

A "Catholicism" That is at Peace with the World and False Religions is Not Catholicism at All

Saint Stephen of Hungary: Patron of the Church, Propagator of the Holy Faith


Saint Rose of Lima, T.O.P., Shows Us the Difference Between Heaven and Hell 

Saint John the Baptist: Beheaded by Those Who Enjoy Bergoglio's Favor Today

Saint Louis IX, King of France: Christ the King's Humble Exemplar and Viceroy

Catholic Realism

The Remedy for a Truly Sick World: The Immaculate Heart of Mary

Brief Reflections on Saint John Eudes and Saint Bernard of Clairvaux

Saint Hyacinth, O.P., Gave No Quarter to Schism and Heresy

Saint Joachim: God's Faithful, Suffering Servant and Our Lady's Father

On the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Stupendously Absurd and Bereft of Any Notion of Catholic Ecclesiology 

Saint Clare of Assisi: In the Service and at the Command of Lady Poverty

Saint Philomena: Our Ever Reliable Wonder Worker

Saint John Mary Vianney Served Souls Until Death

No Escaping the Battles Let Loose by Antichrist's Forces of Agitation, Disruption and Death

Saint Dominic de Guzman: Favored by Our Lady with Her Most Holy Rosary

Saint Alphonsus de Liguori, Patron Saint of Catholic Moral Theologians and Our Uncompromising Guide to Heaven

JULY 2019

Saint Igantius of Loyola: In the Company of Christ 

"No One Can Be At the Same Time a Good Catholic and a True Socialist"

Your Money or Your Life

Our Lady of Mount Carmel: Shielding Us With Her Love and Care

Only One Reunion Matters

Saint Henry the Emperor was Ever Intent on Spreading the Holy Faith

Saint John Gualbert: Reconiling Enemies One to the Other

Jorge Who?

"Freedom" From Christ the King and His True  Church is Slavery to the Adversary


Vincent Lambert: Another Victim of the Modern Aztecs in White Smocks and Black Robes

The Laver of Redemption

JUNE 2019

True Popes Never Need to Convert to the Catholic Faith

No One is a Stranger to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Enthroning the True and Unsurpassed Love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Our Homes

Tender Mercies

The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus: Remedy for the Cruelty of a Cruel Age

His Name Shall Be John

On the Solemnity of  Corpus Christi

Saint Basil the Great: "Perhaps You Have Not Met A Catholic Bishop Before" 

Set Alfame This Day for the Conversion of Men and Their Nations

On the Vigil of Pentecost

Gypsy George: Religious Indifferentist and Blasphemer Par Excellence

On the Feast of Saint Boniface, Apostle of Germany

MAY 2019

On the Feast of the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Christ the King Takes His Throne in Heaven

Double-Minded Jorge Knows Every Trick in the Modernist Book

Always Consigned to Arguing the Inarguable, part two

Always Consigned to Arguing About the Inarguable, part one

Refusing the See the Divine Impress in Others, part two: Candidates for Execution at the Whims of Utilitarian "Professionals"

On the [Commemorated] Feast of the Dedication of the Church of Saint Michael the Archangel 

On the Solemnity of Saint Joseph (2019)

Refusing to See the Divine Impress in All Others, part one: Memorandum to Mister Rogers

Pope Saint Pius V: A Rigid Foe of Heresy and All False Religions

APRIL 2019

Saint Catherine of Siena, T.O.P.: Chosen by Our Lord to Suffer for Him and His Holy Church

The Conciliar Revolutionaries Enable All Enemies of the Catholic Faith

Opposing False Ecumenism With His Very Life

We Must Ever Profess to an Unbelieving World that Christ is Risen

Revised: Behold the Empty Tomb in Jerusalem: Resurrexi, Et Adhuc Tecum, Alleluia!

Holy Saturday: Anticipating the Glory of Our Lord's Easter Victory Over Sin and Death

A Good Friday Devotion: Hour of Mary in Desolation

Revised and Expanded: Good Friday: The Most Solemn Day of the Year

As Our Divine Redeemer's Passion Begins

Maundy Thursday: The Gifts of the Holy Eucharist and the Holy Priesthood are Given Unto Mere Men

Revised: A Reprise: Jorge Mario Bergoglio's Patron "Saint": Judas Iscariot

The Greatest Coup Plotters of Them All

Revised: As We Enter Holy Week: From Eden to Palm Sunday

Perpetually Lost in the Fog of His "New Theology"

On The Feast of the Seven Dolors of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Passiontide 


Men Remain As Blind Now as They Were When Our Lord Denounced the Blind Jews

Saint Vincent Ferrer, O.P.: A Zealous Seeker of Lost Souls

Antipapal Appointees Always Advance Antichrist’s Anti-Catholic Agenda

MARCH 2019

Reflections on the Royal Road to Victory: Via Crucis (2019)

Images to Last for All Eternity: On the Feast of Saint John Damascene

Not With My Money (Not That I Have Any)

On the Feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (2019)

Saint Benedict of Nursia: Adamant Foe of Paganism, Idolatry and Heresy

Fake Popes Make Fake Promises

Saint Joseph, the Quiet and Just Man of the House of David

Yet Another Pretext for the Monsters of Modernity to Tighten Their Grip on Us All

Saint Patrick: Foe of the Paganism that Has Arisen Anew in the Emerald Isle

Godfried Danneels' Wretched Career of Suborning Sin Has Come to An End

Forget About Jorge's Anniversary! Read Pope Saint Pius X on Pope Saint Gregory the Great

Culpably Blind

Saint John of God: Understood by God Alone

Saint Thomas Aquinas, O.P.: Our Angelic Doctor, Pillar and Champion of the Holy Faith

Memento Homo, Quia Pulvis Es, Et in Pulverem Reverteris

Jorge Mario Bergoglio: Always at the Service of the Ancient Enemies of Christ the King


Jorge the Wizard of Modernist Obfuscation Has Spoke--and Said Nothing

Clothing the World with the Rainbow Flag of Perdition

Remove and Replace: You are Still Left with the Same False Church

On Septuagesima Sunday (2019)

The State of the American Union: Disorderly, Courtesy of Judeo-Masonic Naturalism and Americanism

Jorge Signs Off on the One World Ecumenical Religion

No Matter the Game, No Matter the Final Score: Nothing Super About the Super Bowl

On the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary (2019)

Prepare for the Coming Persecution


Saint John Bosco: Ever Zealous for Souls Until the End

Saint Francis de Sales: Apostle of Charity and Zealous Foe of Calvinism

Saint Paul the Apostle: Converted by Our Lord, Whose Disciples He Had Persecuted

Sobering Truths at a Time When Most Men are Drunk with Naturalism (or, in other words, Sober Up, part fourteen)

The American Genocide of the Preborn: Forty-Six Years of Endless Compromise and Indifference

Catholicism, Not Machiavellianism, Is the Sole Guide to the Just Social Order

On the Feast of the Holy Family in 2019

Jorge and the Company He Chooses to Keep

Christ Manifests Himself to the Gentiles and Thus to the World

Flip-Flopping, Carpetbagging Willard Mitt Romney's Self-Serving Hypocrisy

Willard Returns

2019: Another Year to Serve Our Lord through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary

On the Feast of the Circumcision: The Holy Name of Jesus Is Pronounced for the First Time


Jorge Mario Bergoglio, Son of Esau

Pope Saint Sylvester Guided the Church Out of the Catacombs

Saint Thomas Becket: A Martyr for Holy Mother Church's Liberties

Mazie Hirono and Kamala Harris: Epic Haters of Catholicism

Innocent Martyrs Who Died in the Place of the Infant Jesus, Christ the King

Saint John the Evangelist: The Disciple Whom Our Lord Loved

On the Feast of Saint Stephen the Protomartyr: To Forgive and to Pray

The Light Has Shone Through the Darkness

Born to Give Birth to Us All

With the Choirs of Angels, We Renew Our Hymn: Venite Adoremus

Jorge the Enabler of Every Kind of 'Ism Except Catholicism

Make Haste Today, Christmas Eve, The Lord Is Nigh

Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini: Missionary to Keep Catholic Catholic in the Americas

Dominus Deus et Deus Meus

Climate Change of a Permanent Nature Awaits Those Who Blaspheme the Mother of God

Montezuma Ships Via Southwest

Four Hundred Eighty-Seven Years Later: The Americas Still Belong to Our Lady

May We Be Made As Simple and As Trusting

What Was I Saying About Don't Place Your Bets on Brett

On the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Saints Nicholas and Ambrose: Two Saints Who Defended the Faith and Fought Heresy

Monsters of the Apocalypse

Saint Francis Xavier, S.J.: A Catholic Fundamentalist Who Gave No Quarter to False Religions

At the Beginning of Advent

On The Last Day of the Year in 2018


In Ways That Baffle the Minds of Modern Men

They Have Eyes, But They Do Not See the Abomination of Desolation

Pope Saint Clement Knew That No One Can Disobey a True Pope

Saint Cecilia: Model of Heroic Catholic Purity

John Calvin Could Not Be Happier

On the Feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Saint Jospahat Kuncewicz Laid Down His Life to Do What Conciliarism Forbids

Pray To Be Spared From Eternal Wildfires

Make Friends of the Poor Souls

Jorge Wants Democracy--But Only If You Agree With Him

The Glorious Celebration of the Church Triumphant in Heaven


Error Engenders Hate and Agitation, Christ the King Engeenders True Charity and Peace

Saint Jude Thaddues: Our Powerful Helper in These Times of Disarray

We Must Always Live and Die for Christ the King

The Sovereignty of Christ the King Is Eternal and Universal

Either the Faith is Had Entirely, Or It is Not Had At Allead more

Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque: A Chosen Soul of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

After the Fact: "Canonizing" the Montinian
"Paradigm Shift" 

The Queen of the Most Holy Rosary Does Not Act On Her Own

An Earthly King Yields to Our Heavenly Queen

On the Feast of the Divine Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary: Theotokos 

George Soros's Latest Sideshow

Given From Heaven Above: The Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Saint Francis of Assisi: From Riches to Lady Poverty

Saint Therese of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face Holiness Unalloyed

On the Feast of Our Holy Guardian Angels


Neville Bergoglio's Appeasement of the Chicom Monsters

Saint Jerome Put Love of God Above All Else

Revised: On the Feast of the Dedication of the Church of Saint Michael the Archangel 

Saint Wenceslaus, King of Bohemia, Prostrated the King in His Real Presence

Of, For and By the Cause of Wickedness in the Name of "Love"

We Must Do Less Than the North American Martyrs

Bergoglio the Red Surrenders Faithful Catholics to Their Persecutors

From 2007: A Betrayal Worthy of the Antichrist

Saint Matthew the Apostle: From Caesar's Collector of Tribut to God's Collector of Souls

Ratzinger Persists in His World of Contradiction and Paradox to the Very End

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Jorge Mario Bergoglio's the Biggest Clerical Bully of Them All

Some Reflections on the Seven Dolors of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Revised: In This Sign We Shall Conquer  All the Enemies of Our Salvation

Revised: The Holy Name of Mary Must Be Ever on Our Lips

A Lifelong Refusal to Accept the Certainty of Domgatic Truth: Sixty-Seven Years of Priestly Apostasy

Saint Peter Claver, S.J.: The True Liberator of South America

Rejoice! Give Thanks! The Immaculate Maria Bambina Was Born on This Day

Another Front in the Conciliar Civil War, part five

Pope Saint Pius X: Modernism's Eternal Foe, Our Eternal Friend and Spiritual Father

Another Front in the Conciliar Civil War, part four


Another Front in the Conciliar Civil War, part three

Saint Rose of Lima, T.O.P., Shows Us the Difference Between Heaven and Hell

Another Front in the Conciliar Civil War, part two

Saint John the Baptist: Beheaded by Those Who Enjoy Bergoglio's Favor Today

Another Front in the Conciliar Civil War, part one

Saint Louis IX, King of France: Christ the King's Humble Exemplar and Vicreoy 

Our Remedy for the Evils of a Sick World: The Immaculate Heart of Mary

Empty Words from Empty Men

The Voice That Should Make the Conciliar Revolutionaries Quake: Father Demetrius Gallitzin

Jorge Keeps Moving the Goal Posts

Saint Hyacinth, O.P., Gave No Quarter to Heresy and Schism

On the Feast of Saint Joachim, the Father of the Blessed Virgin Mary

On the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (2018)

Saint Clare of Assisi: In the Service and at the Command of Lady Poverty

Willing Accomplices in the Promotion of Grave Evils

Saint Philomena: Our Ever-Reliable Wonder Worker

Latin-English Mass Propers for the Feast of Saint Philomena (translation by Michael Creighton)

Saint John Mary Vianney Served Souls Until Death

Bought-and-Paid-For Agents of the Merchants of Death

Transfigured in All Glory Atop Mount Thabormore

Make That 224 Red Hats--and Two White Cassocks--To Go, Please

Our Lady Gave Her Most Holy Rosary to Saint Dominic de Guzman to Fight Heresy

Saint Alphonsus de Liguori: Patron Saint of Catholic Moral Theologians and Our Sure Guide to Heaven

JULY 2018

Saint Ignatius of Loyola: In The Company of Jesus

Jerusalem Belongs to Christ the King and His True Church, part four

On the Feast of Good Saint Anne, the Mother of the Mother of God

"Uncle Teddy" McCarrick and the Conciliar Cesspool of Corruption

Devoted to Killing in the Name of "Compassionate Health Care"

Don't Place Your Bets on Brett

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Shields Us With Her Love and Care

Saint Henry the Emperor Was Ever Intent on Spreading the Holy Faith

A Reflection on Saint John Gualbert

Confirmations of a Different Sort


The Laver of Redemption

Experts in Dismissing Papal Primacy

JUNE 2018

A Reminder: True Popes Never Need to Convert to the Catholic Faith

Total Marian Consecration (2018)

Councils From The Netherworld

Saint John the Baptist: Everything That Jorge Mario Bergoglio

He Shall Be Called John

A Reflection on Saint Aloysius Gonzaga

Get Off The Throne, You Fake, Phony, Fraud Bergoglio

Sober Up, part thirteen

On the Feast of Saint Basil the Great: "Perhaps You Have Not Met A Catholic Bishop Before"

Who Will Rise to the Defense of Our Lady?

Saint Anthony of Padua: Hammer of Heretics

The Green Jorge Stikes Again

The Feast of the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Living in a Supremely Absurd World

On the Feast of Saint Boniface: Apostle to Germany

MAY 2018

By Their Fruits, part two

All Adoration, Praise and Thanksgiving be Given to Our Eucharistic King

By Their Fruits, part one

We Adore the Only True God, the Most Blessed Trinity

Jorge Blasphemes God (Again!) to Tickle the Itching Ears of Men

Jorge and His Church of Anti-Apostles

Set Aflame on This Day for the Conversion of Men and Their Nations

On The Vigil of Pentecost

Jorge the Motor Mouth Clams Up About Abortion

From 2009: "Voting in Favor of the Druids" and Surrendering What Saint Patrick Won

Spiritual Resource: Novena to God the Holy Ghost

Antichrist Has Shown Us His Calling Card

Christ the King Takes His Royal Throne in Heaven

Pope Saint Pius V: A Rigid Foe of Heresy and All False Religions

APRIL 2018

Saint Catharine of Siena, T.O.P.: A Chosen Soul who Suffered With Joy for Love of Our Lord

Saint Peter Martyr, O.P.: In His Own Blood

No Court Has Jurisdiction Over Any Innocent Human Life

Saint Fidelis of Sigmaringen, O.F.M., Cap., Opposed False Ecumenism With His Very Life

James Brien Comey: Arbiter of What Constitutes Moral Fitness

On The Solemnity of Saint Joseph

Sober Up, part twelve: Mr. Trump Gets Trumped

Jorge Follows the Anglican Sect's Path of Auto-Destruction at Warp Speed

On the Transferred Feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Jorge "Che" Bergoglio Throws Another Molotov Cocktail

Behold the Empty Tomb in Jerusalem: Resurrexi, Adhuc Tecum, Alleluia!

MARCH 2018

Holy Saturday: Anticipating the Glories of Our Lord's Resurrection

A Devotion for Good Friday: Hour of Mary in Desolation

On the Most Solemn Day of the Year in 2018

Enter the Passion, 2018


Holy Thursday: Nos Autem Gloria Opertet in Cruce Domini Nostri Jesu Christi

Jorge Mario Bergoglio Sings Hosannas to the Soros Generation

Saint John Damascene Protected the Images That Last For All Eternity

From Eden to Palm Sunday

On the Feast of the Seven Dolors of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Passiontide, 2018

A Mutual Alliance in Behalf of Spiritual and Physical Death: Jorge Mario Bergoglio and George Soros

Saint Benedict of Nursia: Foe of the False Idols Adored by the Conciliar "Popes"

How Many More Times? How Many More Times?

Saint John of God: Living a Life to be Understood by God Alone

Saint Thomas Aquinas: The Angelic Doctor and Pillar and Champion of the Catholic Faith

A World Filled with Guilty Consciences


Public Schools Are Fatal to Men and Their Nations

Shed No Tears for the Fuller Brush Man

Sober Up, part whatever (eleven, actually)

Memento Homo Quia Puvlis Es, Et In Pulverem Reverteris

"Canonizing" The Montini Paradigm Shift (Revolution)

One Hundred Sixty Years Ago: "Penance, Penance, Penance! Pray to God for Sinners"

Heretics Kill, Starting With All Truth, Supernatural and Natural

Doubly Betrayed by Jorge and His False Church

Our Lady Lights the Way of Her Divine Son by Her Humility


Revolutions Always Eat Their Own

Saint John Bosco Had Zeal for Souls Until the Very End

Fifty Years After Humane Vitae

The Names Change, The Apostasy Stays the Same

Saint Francis de Sales: Apostle of Charity and Zealous Foe of Calvinism

The Season of Septuagesima Is Upon Us Once Again

From 2016: Still Selling the Rope After All These Years, part two 

Forty-Five Years of Endless Compromise and Indifference 

Keeping Baby-Killing "Safe and Legal" for the Survival of Congressional Republicans 

Lawless Men At Large In An Illegal Chuch, part three

Lawless Men At Large In An Illegal Church, part two

Lawless Men At Large In An Illegal Church, part one

"Reform" For Jorge Constitutes A Rejection of Catholic Truth

A Country Gone to Pot

Athanasius of Kazakhstan: Not To Be Confused With Athanasius of Alexandria

On the Feast of the Holy Family: In Nazareth We Must Live

Christ the King Manifests Himself to the Gentiles and Thus to the World

Reform for Jorge Constitutes A Rejection of Catholic Truth, part one

2018: Another New Year to Serve Christ the King through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary

On the Feast of the Circumcision of Our Lord


Republished: Pope Saint Sylvester Guided Holy Mother Church Out of the Catacombs

Jorge Always Indemnifies Today's Herods

Saint Thomas of Canterbury: A Martyr for Holy Mother Church's Liberties

Revised: The Holy Innocents: Dying in the Place of Christ 

Republished: Saint John the Evangelist: The Disciple Whom Our Lord Loved

On the Feast of Saint Stephen the Protomartyr: To Five and to Pray

Republished: The Light of Christ Has Shone Through the Darkness

Republished: The Christ and the Mass

A Reprise: Born to Give Birth To Us All

With the Choirs of Angels, We Sing Venite Adoremus

Republished: Make Haste Today, Christmas Eve, The Lord Is Nigh

Republished: Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini: A Missionary to the Americas

On the Feast of Saint Thoma the Apostle: Dominus Meus et Deus Meus

Jerusalem Belongs to Christ the King and His True Church, part three

Saint Lucy of Syracuse: An Immovable Foe of Religious Liberty

Four Hundred Eighty-Seven Years Later: The Americas Still Belong to Our Lady

Revised: On The Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe: May We Be As Simple and as Trusting

Jorge Is Only Bringing the Destruction Begun by Roncalli to Its Logical Conclusions

Revised: The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary: At the Heart of the Catholic Faith

Jorge's Patron "Saint": Judas Iscariot

Saints Nichoas of Myra and Ambrose of Milan: Defenders of the Faith and Foes of Heresy

Go Ahead, Argue With Monsignor Joseph Clifford Fenton

At the Beginning of Advent

Blessed Edmund Campion, S..J: Champion of Catholicisim, Not Ecumenism


Spiritual Resources: Christmas Novena/Immaculate Conception Novena/Miraculous Novena of Grace

Jorge's Affinity for Those Who Deny the Catholic Faith

In Ways That Baffle the Minds of Modern Men

Unlike the Conciliar "Popes," Moses Did Not Make "Nice Nice" With Idolaters

Republished: Pope Saint Clement I: Model of Catholic "Rigidity"

Saint Cecilia: Model of Heroic Catholic Purity

On the Feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Take Devotion to Saint Philomena Seriously

Saint Elizabeth of Hungary: Suffering at the Hands of Her Own Family

Take Chest Pain Seriously

Saint Josaphat Kuncewicz Laid Down His Life to Do What Conciliarism Forbids

Nota Bene, Blase Cupich: Believing Catholics Prefer Death to Apostasy

Be Not Agitated in the Midst of the Chaos

Highlighted from 2016: Conciliarism: The Most Dangerous, Destructive and Corrupt Force on the Face of the Earth

Win Friends for Life--Eternal Life! Pray for the Poor Souls in Purgatory

The Triumphant Feast Day of Those Who Have No Feast Days

Attention All Frogs! Get Out! The Water Is Boiling


Without A Thought of Christ the King and His Social Reign 

We Must Live and Die for Christ the King

A King Whose Sovereignty is Universal and Eternal

Saint Jude Thaddeus: Our Help in These Times of Disarray

Relevant at One Hundred: The Message of Our Lady of Fatima

Jorge Would Have Us Believe That The Adversary Himself Leads All Men to Our Lord

From 2011: As The Old German Lays More Snares, part four

From 2011: As The Old German Sets More Snares, part three

From 2011: As The Old German Sets More Snares, part two

From 2011: As The Old German Fowler Sets More Snares, part one

Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque: The Suffering Servant of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

Jorge Applies the Death Penalty to the Nature of Dogmatic Truth

Republished: We Must Accept What the Rationalists Reject

On A Day That An Earthly King Yields to Our Heavenly Queen

Remember, The Queen of the Most Holy Rosary Does Not Act on Her Own

Columbus Brought the Cross of Christ to the Americas

Republished: On the Feast of Theokotos

Given Us From Heaven Above: The Most Holy Rosary

Dianne Feinstein Leads A New Inquisition, Aided by Richard Joseph Durbin

Victims of A World Shaped by One Lie After Another

Republished: Saint Francis of Assisi: From Riches to Lady Poverty

Revised and Expanded: Saint Therese of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face: Holiness Unalloyed

A "Correction In Need of a Correction, part three of a series

Reflections on the Feast of Our Holy Guardian Angels


Revised and Expanded: Putting the Love of God Above All Else

On the Feast of the Dedication of the Church of Saint Michael the Archangel 

A "Correction" In Need of a Correction, part two of a series

On The Feast of Saint Wenceslaus: A King Who Prostrated Himself In Front of THE King

Republished: We Must Do No Less Than The North American Martyrs

A Correction That Damns Ratzinger Just As Much As Bergoglio

On The Commemorated Feast of Our Lady of Ransom

Trump Being Swallowed by the Swamp He Promised to Drain

On the Feast of Saint Matthew the Apostle: From Caesar's Collector of Tribute to God's Collector of Souls

Jorge Codifies His Irreversible Revolution/Jorge's Intellectually Dishonest Defense of the Indefensible, part three

Reflections on the Feast of the Seven Dolors of the Blessed Virgin Mary

In This Sign We Will Conquer All The Enemies of Our Salvation

Memorandum to Stupid Idiot Bergoglio

The Holy Name of Mary Must Ever Be On Our Lips

God Shows Forth His Power and His Mercy

Republished: Saint Peter Claver, S.J.: South America's True Liberator

Rejoice! Maria Bambina Was Born  on This Glorious Day

Jorge's Intellectually Dishonest Defense of the Indefensible, part two 

Saint Pius X: Modernism's Eternal Foe, Our Beloved Friend and Spiritual Father

Saint Stephen of Hungary: Patron of the Church and Propagator of the Faith 

Jorge's Intellectually Dishonest Defense of the Indefensible


Saint Rose of Lima, T.O.P.: The Difference Between Heaven and Hell 

Saint John the Baptist: Beheaded by Those Who Would Enjoy Jorge's Favor Today

Saint Louis IX: Christ the King's Humble Exemplar

The Catholic Church Contra Jorge's "God of Surprises" 

The Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Holy Rosay: God's Two Last Remedies to the World


Saint Hyacinth: Apostle of the Northand and a Rebuke to Concliarists

Victim of Its Own Iniquities

On the Feast of Saint Joachim, the Father of the Mother of God

An Unsurprising Hatred of Catholic Truth, part two

On the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Republished: Saint Clare of Assisi: In the Service and at the Command of Lady Poverty

Saint Philomena: Our Magnificent Wonder Worker

An Unsurprising Hatred of Catholic Truth, part one

Saint John Mary Vianney Served Souls Until His Death

Many Pathways to Advance the Killing of Bodies and Souls

The Cause, by Mr. Timothy A. Duff, M.S., Ed.

On The Feast of the Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Trying to Hold Back the Gates of Hell By Natural Means Never Succeeds

On the Feast of Saint Dominic, Who Fought Heresy With Our Lady's Most Holy Rosary

On the Feast of Saint Alphonsus de Liguori: Giving Us What For to Help Us Get Home to Heaven

JULY 2017

Truth Is Not On the Side of GOSH and Its Conciliar Enablers

Saint Ignatius of Loyola: In the Company of Jesus

Our Lady of Mount Carmel: Shielding Us With Her Love and Care

Saint Henry the Emperor: Ever Intent on Spreading the Holy Faith

Saint John Gualbert: Reconciling Enemies One to Another

Finding Nuance Where There Is No Nuance to be Found

The West Was Made Great by the Catholic Faith, Nothing Else

Perverse Crimes of Jorge's Perverse Religious Sect of Falsehood

Finding New Ways to Dismiss Papal Primacy

On the Feast of the Visitation: Magnificat

On the Feast of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus: The Laver of Redemption

JUNE 2017

An Encore: True Popes Never Need to "Convert" To the Catholic Faith  

Attack Dogmatic Truth, Open the Doors Wide for George Soros

Spiritual Resource: Devotions to Our Lady of Perpetual Help

He Shall Be Called John

Saint John the Baptist: Everything Than Jorge Mario Bergoglio Is Not


Bernie Sanders Makes America Safer for Atheism

Saint Anthony of Padua, Hammer of Heretics, Help Us to Find Our Way Home to Heaven

Trinity Sunday: We Adore The Only True God, the Most Holy Trinity

Jorge Speaks With the Wicked, Blasphemous Tongue of False Spirits, part two

Jorge Speaks With the Wicked, Blasphemous Tongue of False Spirits, part one

Filled With The Holy Ghost To Seek The Conversion of Men and Nations to the True Faith

On The Vigil of Pentecost

MAY 2017

Queen of the Angels, Queen of the May (2017)

Jorge and Trump: Meeting of False Opposites

Spiritual Resource: Novena to God the Holy Ghost 2017

On the Feast of the Ascension: Christ Takes His Throne in Heaven

Chronicling the Adversary's Global Takeover of the Healthcare Industry

Bergoglio the Blaspheming Heretic Lives Down to Expectations at Fatima, part two 

Bergoglio the Blaspheming Heretic Lives Down to Expectations at Fatima, part one

Living Under the Adversary's Rules, part two

Living Under the Adversary's Rules, part one

Pope Saint Pius V: Rigid Enemy of Heresy and All False Religions

Jorge's Preferential Option for Apostasy

On The Solemnity of Saint Joseph: Why Live In Fear With Saint Joseph So Near?

It's Still "Wait Until Next Time" for the Innocent Preborn

APRIL 2017

Saint Catharine of Siena Suffered With Joy for the Good Shepherd

Saint Peter of Verona: In His Own Blood

Saint Louis de Montfort: Friend of the Cross, Apostle of True Devotion to Mary

Four Saints Who Converted Non-Catholics, Not "Encountering" Them

Demythologizing the Nonagenarian Demythologizer, part one of a periodic series 

Judas Bergoglio

There Is An Empty Tomb in Jerusalem: Resurrexi, et Adhuc Tecum, Alleluia!

Holy Saturday: Anticipation the Glories of Our Lord's Resurrrection

Good Friday: The Most Solemn Day of the Year

Enter the Passion, 2017

Maundy Thursday: Novi et Aeterni Testamenti

Jerusalem Belongs to Christ the King and His True Church, part two

As We Enter Holy Week: From Eden to Palm Sunday

Refections on the Royal Road to Victory: The Via Crucis

The Feast of the Seven Dolors of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Passiontide, 2017

Saint Vincent Ferrer Sought to Convert Non-Catholics, Not to "Dialogue" With Them

The Council of Trent Must Have Been Wrong for Jorge to be Correct

Passiontide, 2017

MARCH 2017

Everyone Loses When Our King Reigneth Not Ove Men and Their Nations, part three

Saint John Damascene: Protecting the Images That Last for All Eternity

Here to Stay, 2012

Ecce Ancilla Domini, Fiat Mihi Secundum Verbum Tuum

There Is Nothing "Pro-Life" About RyanCare

Saint Benedict of Nursia: Praying and Working for Christendom, Not Catholicism

On The Feast of Saint Joseph: Our Patron and Protector

Jorge's Guide for Clerical Deformation: Textbook Modernisme

Jorge's Program of Eternal Warming

Saint Patrick: Apostle of the Emerald Isle

Everyone Loses When Our King Reigneth Not Over Men and Their Nations, part two

Pope Saint Gregory's Advice to Shepherds and to Us All

Saint John of God: Understood by God Alone

Everyone Loses When Our King Reigneth Not Over Men and Their Nations, part one

Saint Thomas Aquinas: Angelic Pillar and Champion of the Catholic Faith

Jorge Reaffirms Those Living Lives of Moral Dissolution

Memento Homo, Quia Pulvis Es, Et In Pulverem Revertetis


Disruption Is Of The Essence of Conciliarism

Jorge Plays Tag Team With George Soros and Comrades

No Catholicism, No Social Order, part four

No Catholicism, No Social Order, part three

No Catholicism, No Social Order, part two

No Catholicism, No Social Order, part one

Jorge Spits on the Blood of the English and Irish Martyrs

Septuagesima Sunday: Preparing for Lenten Penances Once More

Revised: Our Lady of Lourdes: "Penance! Penance! Penance! Pray to God for Sinners!"

A False Religion That Mocks Its Own "Infallible" Statements

Jorge Despises What Martin Luther Despised: The Ten Commandments and Moral Truth

Sober Up, part ten

Absolutely Nothing Super About the Super Bowl

On the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary


Saint John Bosco Had Zeal For Souls Until He Died

Saint Francis de Sales: Apostle of Charity and Zealous Foe of Calvinism 

Forty-Four Years Old: The American National Warfare Against Innocent Babies

Sober Up, part nine

Saint Paul the Apostle: Converted by Our Blessed Lord Himself

Almost Always Ashamed of the Holy Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ Before Men

Sober Up, part eight

Examples Aplenty to Rebuke Jorge and His Band of Apostates

Conciliarism: Utterly Defense Against Its Own False Premises

Jorge's Band of Theological Racketeers Legitimize Paul Ehrlich

Men Continue to Love the Darkness Rather Than The Light of the Gentiles, Christ the King

The Model for All Families: The Holy Family

Decadent Is The World To Describe Conciliarism, Not Scholasticism

Manifesting Himself to the Gentiles and Thus To The World

2017: Another Year to Serve Christ the King Through The Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary

Sober Up, part seven

The Circumcision of Our Lord Jesus Christ: To Fulfill All Righteousness


Pope Saint Sylvester: Guiding Holy Mother Church Out of the Catacombs

Saint Thomas a Becket: Martyr for Holy Mother Church's Liberties

The Holy Innocents: Dying In The Place of Christ

Saint John the Evangelist: The Disciple Whom Our Lord Loved

Jerusalem Belongs To Christ the King, part one/Sober Up, part six

The Light of Christ Has Shone Through the Darkness

Born to Give Birth to Us All 

The Christ and His Mass

Venite Adoremus

Make Haste Today, Christmas Eve, the Lord Is Nigh

Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini: A Missionary to the Americas

Saint Thomas the Apostle: Dominus Meus et Des Meus

Memo to All Naturalists: We Place Our Hope in Christ the King and His Holy Church

Ashamed to Bear Witness to a Faith They Do Not Possess

Sober Up, part five

Saint Lucy: An Immovable Foe of Religious Liberty

Four Hundred Eighty-Five Years Later: The Americas Still Belong to Our Lady

On The Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe: May We Be Made As Simple and Trusting

The Immaculate Conception: At the Very Heart of the Catholic Faith

Saints Nicholas and Ambrose: Defenders of the Faith and Foes of Heresy

Sober Up, part four

Saint Francis Xavier: A Catholic Fundamentalist Who Gave No Quarter to False Religions

Blessed Edumund Campion: A Champion of Catholicism, Not Conciliarism


Jorge Grieves For His Fellow Infidel, Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz

Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal: In Ways That Baffle the Minds of "Modern Men"

Republished: John Calvin Could Not Be Happier

As Advent Begins in 2016

Jorge Can't Even Keep Track of His Own Heresies

Jorge Further Dethrones Christ the King to Deify Man

Pope Saint Clement I: Model of "Rigidity"

On The Feast of Saint Cecilia

Sober Up, part three

No More Black and White For Jorge

Saint Elizabeth of Hungary: Suffering At The Hands of Her Own Family

Sober Up, part two

Perdition's Ally: Jorge Mario Bergoglio

Sober Up, part one

Jorge's October Surprise

Christ the King Loses No Matter Who Wins Tomorrow

Conciliarism: The Most Dangerous, Destructive and Corrupt Force On Earth 

We Must Help Those Who Cannot Help Themselves

All Saints Day: The Feast of All Those Who Have No Feast Days


Hillary Can Wait! The Argentine Apostate is in Sweden

On The Feast of the Universal Kingship of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Without A Moment's Hesitation, We Must Proclaim What the Protestants and the Conciliarists Reject: The Social Reign of Christ the King

Still the Most Dangerous Man on the Planet, part two

Still the Most Dangerous Man on the Planet, part one

Four Years Later: Still the Most Dangerous Person at the Al Smith Dinner

The System Has Been Rigged Since July 4, 1776

Antichrist Continues To Have His Way With Believing Catholics, part two

Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque: Truly Suffering for the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

Jorge's Kind of Catholics

The Queen of the Most Holy Rosary Does Not Act On Her Own

Our Lady Chose to Appear on the Feast of Saint Edward the Confessor

Antichrist Continues To Have His Way With Believing Catholics, part one

On The Feast of the Theokotos

Heaven's Instrument of Spiritual Combat: Our Lady's Most Holy Rosary

Saint Francis of Assisi: From Riches To Lady Poverty

Saint Therese of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face: Holiness Unalloyed

Guardians To Light Our Way to Heaven


Saint Jerome: Putting Love of God Above All Else

Saint Michael the Archangel, Defend Us In Battle, Now and Alwaysead more

Saint Wenceslaus: A King Prostrate Before THE King, Christ the King

We Must Do No Less Than The North American Martyrs

Incompatible With True Sanctity

"Civilized" Monsters

Saint Matthew the Apostle: From Caesar's Collector of Tribute To God's Collector of Souls

Openly Admitting What Has Been the Case From the Beginning

On The Feast Of The Seven Dolors of the Blessed Virgin Mary in September

By This Sign We Shall Conquer The Enemies of Our Salvation

The Holy Name of Mary Must Be On Our Lips At All Times

Deplorably Demagogic and Blasphemous

Saint Peter Claver S.J.: South America's True Liberator

Rejoice and Give Thanks: Maria Bambina Was Born On This Day

Medically Induced and Judicially Sanctioned Sorrow

Pope Saint Pius X: Modernism's Eternal Foe, Our Eternal Friend

Saint Stephen of Hungary: Defending the Faith In A Kingly Manner

Saint Rose of Lima: The Difference Between Heaven and Hell

Simply Holy: Father Solanus Casey, O.F.M., Cap.


Saint John the Baptist: Martyred By One Who Would Enjoy Jorge's Favor Today

Saint Louis IX: King of France

"He Speaks Like A Leftist"

Saint Hyacinth, O.P: A Contrast and A Rebuke to the Conciliar "Popes"

Saint Joachim: The Father of the Mother of God

Saint Clare of Assisi: In the Service and at the Command of Lady Poverty

As Our Lady Takes Her Rightful Place In Heaven

As Antichrist Deceives Catholics To Maintain His Hold on Civil Power

Saint Philomena: Our Ever Reliable Wonder Worker

Saint John Mary Vianney: Serving Souls to the Point of Death

Atop Mount Thabor: To Be Transfigured In All Glory

There Is More To Life Than Just Doctrine?, part two

Saint Dominic de Guzman: With Our Lady's Weapon Held High

Saint Alphonsus de Liguori: Giving Us What For To Help Us Go To Heaven

There Is More to Life Than Just Doctrine?, part one

JULY 2016

Revised: In The Company of Jesus

Jorge and the Dems: See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Just Promote It As Good 

Six In A Row

Do Not Expect Injustice From Those Who Are Unjust, part two

The Adversary Always Mocks His Revolutions

Revised: Shielding Us With Her Love and Care

Ever Intent on Spreading the Holy Faith

Do Not Expect Justice From Those Who Are Unjust, part one

Exploitng Tragedies for Nefarious Ends

Jorge Blazes Montini's Trails Once Again

Skating In July

True Popes Never Need to "Convert" to the Catholic Faith

Republished: Magnificat

Revised: The Laver of Redemption

JUNE 2016

The Real "Brexit" Occurred In 1534

Jorge Vests Himself In The Rainbow Flag of Perversity

Revised: Saint John the Baptist: Everything Thar Jorge Mario Bergoglio Is Not

Revised: He Shall Be Called John

Revised: Our Dear Saint Aloysius, Help Us To Be As Pure As Thee

Jorge Mario Bergoglio: A Man of Sin

Sin: The Forgotten Terrorism

Republished: "Perhaps You Have Not Met A Catholic Bishop Before"

Republished: Saint Anthony, Hammer of Heretics, Help Us to Find Our Way Home to Heaven 

Jorge Denounces Truth and Those Who Defend It Yet Again

More Regard for Primates Than Humans

A Gorilla of a Blaspheming Heretic

Saint Boniface: Apostle of Germany

Republished: No One Is A Stranger to the Sacred Heart

Republished: Tender Mercies

Republished: Enthroning the True and Unsurpassed Love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus In Our Homes 

The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus: Remedy for the Cruelty of An Evil Age

Preparing for the Great Ecumenical Merger of 2017

MAY 2016

Revised: Queen of the Angels, Queen of the May

One Scandal Too Many?

All Adoration, Praise and Thansgiving to Our Eucharistic King

Jorge's Exhortation of Self-Justification Before Men, part ten, THE END!

Updated and Revised: Problems in Modern Marriage, by Mr. Michael Creighton

Republished: Only One God is the True God: The Most Blessed Trinity

Jorge's Exhortation of Self-Justification Before Men, part nine

No Human Being Is A Vegetable

To Suffer In This Time For Christ King Is A Privilege

From The Beginning: A Mission to Convert All Men and Nations

By His Gifts We Can Know, Love, and Serve God As Members of His True Church

Jorge's Exhortation of Self-Justification Before Men, part eight

Exposing the Farce Once and For All, part two

Spiritual Resource: Novena to God the Holy Ghost

Exposing the Farce Once and For All

Revised: Christ the King Takes His Throne in Heaven

Jorge's Exhortation of Self-Justification Before Men, part seven

Revised: Total Consecration to Our Lady

APRIL 2016

Republished: Saint Catherine of Siena: Suffering with Joy

Revised: In His Own Blood

Jorge's Exhortation of Self-Justification Before Men, part six

Republished: Opposing False Ecumenism with His Very Life

Jorge's Exhortation of Self-Justification Before Men, part five

Inspector Jorge Wants to See Documents

Jorge's Exhortation of Self-Justification Before Men, part four

The Conciliar Chair of Disunity and Division

Republished: Why Live in Fear With Saint Joseph So Near?

Jorge's Exhortaion of Self-Justification Before Men, part three

Jorge's Exhortation of Self-Justification Before Men: Another Brief Overview

Guest Commentary: Epithets, by Mr. Timothy A. Duff

Jorge's Exhortation of Self-Justification Before Men: A Brief Overview

The Republican Waffle House on Defending the Innocent Preborn, part two

The Republican Waffle House on Defending the Innocent Preborn, part one

Revised: Saint Vincent Ferrer and Anti-Saint Vincent Ferrers Aplenty

Revised: Ecce Ancilla Domini, Fiat Mihi Secundum Verbum Tuum

MARCH 2016

We Must Profess to An Unbelieving World That Christ is Risen

Luther Was Right, the Council of Trent Was Wrong, So Says Cantalamessa 

Resurrexi, et Adhuc Tecum Sum, Alleluia! (2016)

Holy Saturday, 2016

Republished Spiritual Resource: Hour of Mary in Desolation 

The Most Solemn Day of the Year (2016)

Enter the Passsion (2016)

Republished: Novi et Aeterni Testamenti: A Maundy Thursday Reflection

Crowning Christ the King Anew with Newer and Sharper Thorns

Saint Benedict of Nursia's Intolerance for Conciliarism

Jorge the Demon Just Never Rests

Republished: From Eden to Palm Sunday

Republished: Saint Joseph, Our Friend and Protector

Seven Dolors of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Passiontide, 2016

Video Presentation: A Catholic Antidote to Electoral Madness, part two

Video Presentation: A Catholic Antidote to Electoral Madness, part one.

Revised: Saint Patrick and the "C" Word

What Part of Christ or Chaos Is Hard to Understand?

Passiontide 2016

Revised: Advice to Shepherds, Advice to Us All

Still Selling the Rope After All These Years, part two

Women Priests Are No Longer Just the Stuff of Fantasies

Republished: Understood by God Alone

Revised: Angelic Pillar and Champion of Catholic Truth

Too Bad for the Babies, Too Bad for Christ the King, Good News for Barabbas

Textbook Antichrist


Jorge's Wall of Unbelief

Jorge's Most Outrageous Interview to Date part three

Jorge's Most Outrageous Interview to Date, part two

Jorge Misrepesents the Prophet Jonas as a Champion of Illegal Immigration, part two

Jorge's Most Outrageous Interview to Date, part one

Jorge Mispresents the Prophet Jonas as a Champion of Illegal Immigration, part one

To Tell the Truth, Few Know the Truth

In Direct Defiance of Catholic Truth

Still Selling the Rope After All These Years, part one

Revised: Penance! Penance! Penance! Pray to God for Sinners

Revised: From Dust Unto Dust

These Are the Guys in the White Hats?

Bowing Down to False Gods, Reaffirming Men in Their Sins

Continuing to Believe in the Ilusion of Secular Salvation

Revised: The Sword of Sorrow

Zealous for Souls Until the End


God's Laws Take Precedence Over States' Rights

Error Divides, Catholicism Unites (2010)

Ever Lowering the Bar of Truth in Public Discourse

Revised: Model of Conversion: Saint Paul

Revised: Preparing for Lenten Penances

Revised: In the Face of the Daily Slaughter of the Preborn

Death Panels Really Exist

Antichrist's Interchangeable Spare Parts, part two: False Opposites Within False Opposites

Credo in Unum Deum, part three: Too Obstinate to Sacrifice to Idols or to Surrender to False Spirits

Antichrist's Interchangeable Spare Parts, part one

Credo in Unum Deum, part two

Revised: From Nazareth We Come, In Nazareth We Must Live

Credo In Unum Deum, part one

To Manifest Christ the King to the World We Must Not Be Worldlings

Manifesting Christ to the World

Keeping Silent About the Holy Name of Jesus

Revised: To Fulfill All Righteousness