Republished: Christ the King Wants Us to Avoid the Chronic Fear and Agitation of Naturalism

Two articles are being republished today as I was unable to complete the one upon which I am working at this time. 

This commentary was published last year and it makes many of the points that I am reiterating in the commentary I hope to have published by tomorrow, the Feast of All Saints.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

All the Saints, pray for us.

Republished from December 16, 2009: Listen Up, You Morons and Idiots in Copenhagen

As I was unable to complete the commentary about the triumph of hatred and violence that has as it remote cause Original Sin and as its more proximate cause the overthrow of the Social Reign of Christ the King, I thought it useful to republish an article published on December 16, 2009, that advanced some of the themes in Otto von Bergoglio's Kulturkampf (or Jorge Mario Zedong's Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, part two about population control as the ultimate goal of the climate warriors. Additionally, another commentary, published a year ago, is also being republished as the one I am writing is more or less a follow-up of that one.

Thank you for your patience.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

All the Saints, pray for us.

Nations Need Kings After the Mind and Pattern of Christ the King (2023)

As today is the Feast of Christ the King, I thought that it would be useful to republish contrast of the  promise made by kings contained in Catholic Coronation Rite as found in the 1896 Pontificale Romanum to “cut off the mass of iniquity” with our own very blithe and passive acceptance of the “mass of iniquity” as evil keeps being advanced, whether at an accelerated rate by the coercive power of the civil state or at more imperceptible rate by means of its being institutionalized slowly so that people can become used to its acceptance, no matter which organized crime family of naturalism is in power.

Part two of Otto von Bergoglio's Kulturkampf (or Jorge Mario Zedong's Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution), which dealt with Laudate Deum, was published yesterday, the Feast of Saints Simon and Jude, October 28, 2023.

Vivat Christus Rex!

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

We Must Always Live and be Willing to Die for Christ the King (2023)

Today is the Feast of the Universal Kingship of Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Commemoration of the Twentieth-second Sunday after Pentecost.

Another republished reflection on this feast day will follow shortly before and an original commentary will be posted by the Vigil of All Saints, Tuesday, October 31, 2023.

Part two of Otto von Bergoglio's Kulturkampf (or Jorge Mario Zedong's Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution) was published yesterday, the Feast of Saints Simon and Jude, October 28, 2023.

Vivat Christus Rex!

Viva Cristo Rey!

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

The Sovereignty of Christ the King is Universal and Eternal (2023)

Today is the great feast of the Universal Kingship of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, instituted by Pope Pius XI by the issuance of Quas Primas, December 11, 1925, to counteract the naturalism and the anticlericalism that was spreading so wildly in the world and attracting so many Catholics away from the Faith. This is ninety-eighth observance of the Feast of Christ the King since its institution.

Two other republished reflections on this great feast and an original commentary will be posted within thirty minutes of this posting. An original commentary on the contemporary effects of the overthrow of the Social Reign of Christ the King should be published by the Vigil of All Saints, Tuesday, Octobr 31, 2023, and part three of Otto von Bergoglio's Kulturkampf (or Jorge Mario Zedong's Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution), which will focus on the conclusion of part one of the Argentine Apostate's Anglicization of the counterfeit church of conciliarism into a veritable "People's Temple of Sin," will appaer later in the week. It will not be until next week, however, that part three of "Benedictus Qui Venit in Nomine Domine, Hosanna in Excelsis" will be published. Part two of Otto von Bergoglio's Kulturkampf (or Jorge Mario Zedong's Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution) was published yesterday, the Feast of Saints Simon and Jude, October 28, 2023.

A blessed Feast of Christ the King to you all!

Vivat Christus RexViva Cristo Rey!

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Otto von Bergoglio's Kulturkampf (or Jorge Mario Zedong's Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution), part two

With apologies for the delay caused by most recent sickness, which is as yet ongoing, I hereby present to you the concluding part of my current series, which focuses on Laudate Deum’s complete subservience to the anti-population, anti-Theistic global elites and calls for human beings to be “reconciled” with the world.

No, one cannot make any of this up.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saints Simon and Jude, pray for us.

Saint Jude: Apostle of Hopeless Cases and of the Holy Face of Jesus

Today, Saturday, October 28, 2023, is the Feast of Saints Simon and Jude. 

Special attention is given in this tribute to the Patron Saint of Hopeless cases to the fact that he, Saint Jude Thaddeus, carried on his person the Holy Shroud on which is impressed the image of the Holy Face of Jesus. Devotion to the Holy Face is one of the ways God has given us in this time of apostasy and betrayal to make reparation for the crimes of all blasphemers and communists, including the conciliar revolutionaries.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint Simon, pray for us.

Saint Jude Thaddeus, pray for us.

Otto von Bergoglio’s Kulturkampf (or Jorge Mario Zedong’s Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution), part one

It was within the Providence of God for me to be felled by a terrible sickness on Monday, October 23, 2023, that made it impossible to do any writing. I am still under the “weather.” However, I did want to provide you with part one of a two-part series that will conclude with a discussion of Laudate Deum.

Penance is better than ever in 2023.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saints Chrysanthus and Daria, pray for us.

Republished from 2019: The Key to Understanding Our Situation Today: The Conciliar Church Is Not the Catholic Churh

A week of medical appointments and family duties of one kind or another combined with a sudden worsening of both the rheumatoid arthritis in my right hand and the worsening of a condition called “severe rotary scoliosis,” which is the cause of my degenerative disc disease, have kept me from doing much writing this past week. This is all grand, Heavenly-sent penance, which I need to make reparation for my sins, and has been appointed for me from all eternity by Our Divine Redeemer so that I can die to self and love each cross with more and more fervor, Deo gratias!

Thus, in light of a report I discovered on Lifesite News the ongoing transformation of the counterfeit church of conciliarism into an instrument of the globalist new world order/communism/pantheism that I will discuss in detail along with Laudate Deum in tomorrow’s posting, I thought that an article published four years ago would be very appropriate to republish today, Monday, October 23, 2023, which is a day on which the Feast of the Holy Redeemer is appointed in the “Masses for various places” on what is otherwise a ferial day universally.

Once again, I am sorry for the temporary absence of new articles.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Republished: A Brief Reflection on the Feast of Saint Peter of Alcantara

This is a brief reflection on Saint Peter of Alcantara, whose feast is celebrated today, Thursday, October 19, 2023

My commentary on Laudate Deum should appear by Saturday, October 21, 2023, Our Lady's Saturday and the Commemorations of Saint Hilarion and Saint Ursula.

Pray to Our Lady through her Most Holy Rosary daily in these truly phenomenal times.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint Peter of Alcantara, pray for us.



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