Bitter Biden the Demonic Demagogue Goes Mumbling and Stumbling Into the Distance

Given the fact, though, that Bitter Biden the Demonic Demagogue gave his farewell address on Wednesday, January 15, 2025, the Feast of Saint Paul the First Hermit and the Commemoration (in parts of the United States of America) of Our Lady of Prompt Succour, I have decided to devote this original commentary to reviewing just two of the many hypocritical passages in the outgoing naturalist’s mumbled address.

There are also reflections on the Feast of the Chair of Saint Peter in Rome and of Saints Prisca and of the saints that follow on January 19 and 20 found in the appendices after the text of this commentary.

Finally, the Chair of Unity Octave begins today and runs through Saturday, January 25, 2025, the Feast of the Conversion of Saint Paul the Apostle. Here is a link to the official Prayers for the Chair of Unity Octave as prepared by Friars Press, Lafayette, Louisiana.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saints Peter and Paul, pray for us.

Saint Prisca, pray for us.

Jorge Mario Bergoglio Once Again Displays His Hatred for Catholic Faith, Worship, and Morals

Jorge Mario Bergoglio has once again disparaged Catholics, especially the young, who are attached to the modernized version of the Immemorial Mass of Tradition within the structures of his counterfeit church of conciliarism.

Bergoglio’s hatred for the true Mass has its root in his hatred of the true Faith, whose immutable doctrine and traditions are best expressed and protected in the Immemorial Mass of Tradition. Bergoglio sees the true Mass as a harbor, a safe haven, if you will, for those who have not come to accept the counterfeit church of conciliarism’s efforts to implement every condemned (dating back in Modernism’s incipient form to the condemnations contained in The Syllabus of Errors and at the Vatican Council prior to Pope Saint Pius X’s condemnations in Pascendi Dominci Gregis and Pope Pius XII’s condemnation in Humani Generis of the Modernism contained in the so-called “new theology” that nurtured and sustained Joseph Alois Ratzinger/Benedict XVI throughout the course of his seventy-one years of priestly apostasy) Modernist presupposition about the Holy Faith and every falsehood about the Sacred Liturgy that was condemned by Pope Pius XII in Mediator Dei, November 20, 1947.

The ever “tolerant” and “merciful” Jorge Mario Bergoglio has no toleration for refuseniks within his false religious sect. We must pray that these refuseniks come to recognize that the problem they face is not with this or that conciliar “pope” but with a false religion that rejects Catholic Faith, Worship, and Morals.

I will resume work on yet another commentary about the coronascam plandemic that began five years ago and whose aftermath is still taking the lives of those who continue to trust in the “word” of medical “professionals” that the poisoned jabs are not only “safe” to get but “vital” to the “health” of the world. This commentary may take a few days to complete, but I expect it to be published no later than Saturday, January 18, 2025, the Feast of the Chair of Saint Peter in Rome and the Commemoration of Saint Prisca.

Our Lady of Prompt Succour, pray for us.

Saint Paul the First Hermit, pray for us.

Saint Maurus the Abbot, pray for us.

"Ain't It Da Truth"

This is a brief commentary discussing outgoing president in name only Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr.'s, bestowing the Presidential Medal of Freedom upon Jorge Mario Bergoglio. The citation accompanying the medal said Jorge was like no one before him.

Ain't it da truth.

A blessed Octave Day of the Epiphany to you all.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint John the Baptist, pray for us.

Saints Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar, pray for us.

The Feast of the Holy Family, January 12, 2025

Today is the Feast of the Holy Family of Nazareth and the Commemoration of the First Sunday after the Epiphany within the Octave of the Epiphany. 

Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ chose to become Man in His Most Blessed Mother's Virginal and Immaculate Womb by the power of the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity, God the Holy Ghost, and place Himself, the Co-Equal and Co-Eternal Son of God the Father, under subjection to mere creatures His Most Blessed Mother, the fairest flower of our race, and to Good Saint Joseph, his foster-father.

The subjection of the God-Man to the authority of His Most Blessed Mother and his foster-father, whom He had chosen from all eternity to provide Him with the earthly love and care and stewardship of a father seeking only to please God with his every thought, word and deed, teaches us that we, who came from families and who, in many instances, are raising families of our own, must be subject to all legitimate authority, duly constituted, in all things that do not pertain to sinful commands. Children are supposed to learn this subjection in the household from their tenderest days, seeing in their fathers the image of Saint Joseph and in their mothers the image of Our Lady.

Children are supposed to realize that God in the very Flesh obeyed His creatures in the Holy Family of Nazareth. So must they.

Parents must, for their part, foster an atmosphere within the family of selflessness, charity, forgiveness and joy, centering the family's life on daily assistance at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass (if at all possible), regular time spent in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament, the daily recitation of Our Lady's Most Holy Rosary, supplications to Our Lady's Most Chaste Spouse, Saint Joseph, home enthronement to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Total Consecration to Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ through the same Immaculate Heart of Mary, Scriptural reading and family reading time, especially about the lives of the saints, and a refusal to participate in the rot of popular culture.

This requires sacrifice and the willingness to be misunderstood, calumniated and rejected even by one's own family members as we protect our children from those cultural currents that come from the devil and are designed to lead each of us to Hell for all eternity. To eschew worldliness one must be ready to embrace the Holy Poverty of the Holy Family of Nazareth, detaching oneself from the material acquisitiveness of our consumer society, shaped by Judeo-Calvinist materialism, and to live in light of First Things and Last Things as we week to acquire the only thing that matters: Sanctifying Grace in this life and eternal life in the glory of the Beatific Vision of Father, Son and Holy Ghost in Heaven. 

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, we love you, save souls!

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, pray for us now and in death's agony.

A blessed Feast of the Holy Family of Nazareth to you all. 

P.S.  “Woke” Produces Sloth, Incompetence, Malfeasance, Ignorance, and Mismanagement was published about nineteen hours ago. I will have new commentary tomorrow, January 13, 2025, the Octave of the Epiphany of Our Lord that contains the Gospel account of His second manifestation, that to His cousin, Saint John the Baptist, the last of the Old Testament Prophets, to receive a symbolic baptism He did not need but submitted Himself thereto to fulfill every word that He had caused to be written about Himself in the Old Testament, to give us an example of obedience and humility we must follow, and to sanctify the waters of the Jordan--and hence of the world--for the Baptism of regeneration that He would make possible for us by the shedding of every single drop of His Most Precious Blood during His Passion and Death on the wood of the Holy Cross on Good Friday.

"Woke" Produces Sloth, Incompetence, Malfeasance, Ignorance, and Mismanagement

This is a follow-up to the commentary published on this site two days ago.

Although I do not want to do so, I suppose that I must give Senor Jorge and his false religious sect some attention in my next original commentary, which will be followed by my long-delayed commentary on the coronascam five years after it began.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Pope Saint Hyginus I, pray for us.

Putting Ideology Before Duty to Christ the King and Simple Common Sense

This is a brief reflection on the terrible wildfires afflicting southern California at this time.

While praying for all those who lost their lives and those who have lost their homes and belongings or are at risk of such loss, we must always remember that disasters of this sort are meant to remind us to fear the loss of Heaven and the pains of hell, those pains being principally the eternal loss of the Beatific Vision of the Most Holy Trinity as the souls are the damned are tortured without cease by pains of eternal hellfire that, unlike wildfires that are either put out or burn out on their own, can never be quenched.

Our Lady, Queen of Mary, pray for us now, and at the hour of our death.

Saints Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar, pray for us.


Mrs. Randy Engel, Founder and President of the U.S. Coalition for Life, has request that church bells be rung at noon on January 22, 2025, to mourn the deaths of the over 66,139,135 (see Real-Time United States Abortion Statistics | babies killed solely surgical baby-butchery since the decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States of America in the cases of Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton, January 22, 1973. A statistical extrapolation done by the American Life League in 2006 estimated that the number of innocent lives killed both by abortifacient contraceptive pills/devices and by surgical baby-killing was over 650,000,000. No, that is not a typographical error: six hundred fifteen million babies killed since 1965, and that estimate was made nearly nineteen years ago.

Here is Mrs. Engel’s request:

“Setting off a wave for LIFE that will resonate from sea to shining sea…“

By: Randy Engel 

The U.S. Coalition for Life (USCL), the nation’s oldest prolife research organization, is asking pastors of every prolife denomination throughout the United States to ring their church bells at NOON local time on Wednesday, January 22, 2025 – the 55th anniversary of Roe V. Wade – in loving memory of the millions of unborn children that have since been lost to abortion.  

CHURCH BELLS FOR LIFE is a clarion call to the entire Prolife Movement to renew its commitment to securing a Constitutional Human Life Amendment, one that acknowledges and protects the life of unborn children at all stages of human development. 

“Bells for Life,” explained Randy Engel, the founder of the USCL, “should ring out loudest in Washington, D.C., so that President Donald Trump, who will be inaugurated just two days earlier, may come to understand that his greatest possible legacy will come from taking the lead in protecting the lives of millions of pre-born American citizens from the barbaric practice of abortion, whether conceived in their mother’s womb or in a laboratory.” 

“I think that most in the prolife community believe that God protected President Trump from an assassination attempt so that he might gain a renewed appreciation for the priceless gift of life. As President of the United States, he has a unique opportunity to express his gratitude to God by extending that same protection to countless unborn human beings. And there is no better way than backing a no-exception Constitutional Human Life Amendment,” Engel noted.

“Whatever else President Trump might accomplish in his second administration,” concluded Engel, “history will always consider it secondary in importance to his public decision to help end, not regulate, the ongoing mass extermination of our nation’s progeny.”

The U.S. Coalition for Life is asking all readers to personally contact their parish priests, pastors, or ministers to obtain their commitment to the “CHURCH BELLS FOR LIFE” project. 

Church Bells will commence ringing on the east coast at Noon (EST) on January 22, 2025, setting off a wave for LIFE that will resonate from sea to shining sea. 

Please direct all questions to USCL Director Randy Engel at

Droleskey here again: While we know full well that President-elect Donald John Trump has taken a stand in the past two years that has excoriated “extremists” who want to ban all surgical baby-killing without exception and has said that his incoming administration will do nothing to stop the mailing of the human pesticide, miracles are possible.

Thus, I strongly encourage every traditional Catholic bishop and priest no matter where they fall on the vast expanse of the ecclesiastical divide in this time of apostasy and betrayal to join in the ringing of their church bells for life at noon on Wednesday, January 22, 2025. This is something that should unite all Catholic clergy as it would be a very powerful message to send to the new administration and to members of Congress that no country can be made great either “again” or for the first time while the shedding of the blood of innocent babies continues under cover of civil law.

Finally, I would ask all those who access this website to pray Our Lady’s Holy Rosary at noon on Wednesday, January 22, 2025, to pray fervently for restoration of legal protection for all innocent human life without exception from the moment of conception until death.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

No Security in the Womb? Then No Security Anywhere Else at Anytime, part two

This is final part of the current two-part series.

As the hour is late and I have been overtaken with a slight cold and its penitential accompaniments, I must take my leave now. However, I should have another original commentary in two or three days. Thank you for your patience.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saints Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar, pray for us.

The Epiphany of Our Lord Jesus Christ to the Gentiles

Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ was made manifest on Christmas Day to the handful of Jewish people, including the shepherds in the field who were sent to adore Him by the angels who had announced the following:

And there were in the same country shepherds watching, and keeping the night watches over their flock. And behold an angel of the Lord stood by them, and the brightness of God shone round about them; and they feared with a great fear. And the angel said to them: Fear not; for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, that shall be to all the people: For, this day, is born to you a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord, in the city of David. And this shall be a sign unto you. You shall find the infant wrapped in swaddling clothes, and laid in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly army, praising God, and saying: Glory to God in the highest; and on earth peace to men of good will. And it came to pass, after the angels departed from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another: Let us go over to Bethlehem, and let us see this word that is come to pass, which the Lord hath shewed to us. And they came with haste; and they found Mary and Joseph, and the infant lying in the manger. And seeing, they understood of the word that had been spoken to them concerning this child.And all that heard, wondered; and at those things that were told them by the shepherds. But Mary kept all these words, pondering them in her heart. And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God, for all the things they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them. (Luke 2: 6-20.)

Today's feast, the Feast of the Epiphany of Our Lord, known colloquially in Ireland as "Little Christmas" and in many other places as Three Kings' Day, celebrates Our Lord's manifestation to the whole world through the Gentiles.

Indeed, the Offertory for today's Mass explains that all kings shall adore Christ King and that all nations shall serve Him:

"The kings of Tharsis and the islands shall offer presents: the kings of the Arabians and of Saba shall bring gifts: and all kings of the earth shall adore Him: all nations shall serve Him."

The United States of America is no exception to this. We must pray for the day when the leaders of this country, founded on the falsehoods of Protestantism and Judeo-Masonry that are so hateful to Our King, will adore Him as their King and the day when this nation will serve Him as it acknowledges His Social Kingship over it by submitting in all that pertains to the good of souls to the authority of the Catholic Church that He Himself founded upon the Rock of Peter, the Pope.

We are suffering at the hands of statists today because the men of Modernity who believed that they had no obligation to offer public worship to Christ the King through His true Church set us on a course that can result only in the triumph of the civil state over the King of Kings Who was made manifest to Saints Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar on this day.

We must make Him manifest in our own lives at at all times, never fearing to suffer in behalf of the truths of the Holy Faith or to suffer in the cause of justice when souls are placed into jeopardy needlessly even by some of our own true shepherds.

Part two of my current two-part series requires more work than I am able to devote to it at this hour. Manana. Maybe!

A blessed Feast of the Epiphany of Our Lord to you all!

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint Joseph, pray for us.

Saints Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar, pray for us.

The Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus, January 5, 2025

Today, Sunday, January 5, 2025, is the Feast of the Holy Name, which is celebrated on the Sunday between the Feast of the Circumcision and the Feast of the Epiphany of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ (or January 2 if there is no intervening Sunday as was the case in 2024), and also the Commemorations of the Vigil of the Epiphany (which is the only vigil that is ever commemorated on a Sunday during the liturgical year if the Feast itself falls on a Monday as it does this year) and of Pope Saint Telesphorus.

This brief reflection reminds readers that the heretical blasphemer named Jorge Mario Bergoglio keeps his silence about the Holy Name of Jesus when speaking before groups that might include as few as one person who rejects Our Lord’s Sacred Divinity. Such is the warped, twisted man of an apostate, a man whose long-held false beliefs expelled him from the bosom of Holy Mother Church in his youth.

It is my hope that the part two of my current commentary will be posted by tomorrow on the Feast of the Epiphany. Part one, No Security in the Womb? Then No Security Anywhere Else at Anytime, was published about twenty-three hours ago. 

A blessed Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus to you all!

Holy Name of Jesus, have mercy on us.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.


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