Giving New Meaning to the So-Called New Evangelization

I had intended to use the subject of Saint Alphonsus de Ligouri’s sermon for the Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost, “On Avoiding Bad Company, in a commentary on the necessity of avoiding the contagion of spiritual and moral leprosy that comes from excessive familiarity with those, including relatives and once close friends, who are steeped in lives of unrepentant sin and/or who have immersed themselves in the culture to such an extent that they view anyone concerned about modesty and decency of speech to be mentally deranged.

As important as this subject is, however, I have addressed it several times before on this site and will do so again in the near future.

It was while researching whether I had written anything in the past that included Saint Alphonsus de Liguori’s “On Avoiding Bad Company” that I found an article from twenty-two months ago that is just as relevant now as it was then. This because, as I have noted in the past, Nothing New Under Jorge's Sun. The Argentine Apostate, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, is doing now, just about seven weeks away from his “extraordinary synod of bishops on the family,” what he has planned to do ever since his brother apostates began lobbying for his election to succeed Karol Josef Wojtyla/John Paul II in April of 2005 as the means to prevent the supposed “enforcer of orthodoxy,” Joseph Alois Ratzinger, from being elected. Bergoglio was seen as the “progressivist” camp’s only hope of blunting Ratzinger’s rise to the conciliar “Petrine Minister.”

There is an account of the 2005 conciliar conclave of apostates, published on the Vatican Insider website on July 27, 2011, that contains some very interesting information even though the author’s description of Jorge Mario Bergoglio as “shy” and not prone to giving interviews just a little off the mark, although it could be the case that the clever lay Jesuit revolutionary simply kept his mouth shut in Italy until he was in a position where no one could shut him up. As we know, no one has been able to shut him up ever since he stepped out on the balcony of the Basilica of Saint Peter and stood still without making any of the grand gestures that expected of a supposed Sovereign Pontiff while he asked the crowd to pray for him.

Here is the Vatican Insider news story from forty-nine months ago now:

Sunday, 17 April. This afternoon I took a room at Casa Santa Marta. Setting down my bags, I tried to open the shades, as the room was dark, but it was impossible. One of my brothers had the same problem, and asked for help from the sisters in charge. He thought it was a technical problem. The sisters explained that the blinds had been sealed shut. Seclusion of the Conclave….A new experience for nearly all of us: out of 115 cardinals, only two had previously participated in the election of a pope....   

With these words begin the “secret diary” of the conclave that led to the election of Benedict XVI on 19 April 2005 - the confidential, hand-written notes of an anonymous cardinal upon returning to his room after voting in the Sistine Chapel. This remarkable document, published in the journal Limes, allows a step-by-step reconstruction of the balloting process, raising the veil of secrecy that, by the will of the Popes, has always covered the conclave. From the cardinal’s notes obtained by the journal, we learn first of all that Ratzinger’s candidacy was extremely strong from the beginning.   

The seventy-eight year old Bavarian cardinal was the only candidate who could count on the dedicated support of a well-organized group, disproving speculation that Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, contemporary of the new Pope and ex-archbishop of Milan, played a crucial role in the election of Benedict XVI. And consequently, the notes confirm the story published in the Milan daily newspaper Il Giornale the day after the conclave: the only real rival to Ratzinger who could count on a consistent number of votes - up to 40 - was the Archbishop of Buenos Aires, the Argentine Jesuit Jorge Mario Bergoglio.  

But let’s go by degrees and reconstruct, step-by-step, the timeline of events that took place in the secrecy of the Sistine Chapel in the twenty-four hours starting the afternoon of Monday, 18 April 2005. At eighteen hundred hours, after the 115 cardinals entered the chapel, had been sworn and heard a meditation by the octogenarian Spidlik, the first round of voting begins. The ballots, rectangular and made to be folded in two, are distributed. On the upper half is written Eligo in Summo Pontificem (“I elect as Supreme Pontiff”); on the lower half, a space to write the chosen name.

Each cardinal approaches the metal ballot box, emits a solemn utterance and deposits his ballot. Everything is finished a few minutes after nineteen hundred hours. The negative result of the vote is a given, but the results are surprising. Ratzinger receives forty-seven votes, Bergoglio – and this is the real surprise of the conclave - receives ten. Nine votes go to Martini, six to Camillio Ruini, Vicar General to the Pope and President of the CEI. Four go to Secretary of State Angelo Sodano, three to the cardinal from Honduras, Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga, and two to Dionigi Tettamanzi, Martini’s successor in Milan. There are then over thirty votes dispersed among all the cardinals in the conclave, individual votes that do not carry any weight – accordingly, the cardinal-author of the ‘“secret diary” did not note them in his memoir. The smoke is unequivocally black.   

After this first vote, the position of the “progressive” wing of the conclave was greatly diminished. They had decided to vote for Martini, a “test candidate,” for the sole purpose of checking to see how many votes he could get. The cardinals left the Sistine Chapel and went to eat. Ratzinger supporters had had a good start, but the Bergoglio surprise hit many electors hard. The archbishop of Buenos Aires is a shy person who avoids TV cameras and does not give interviews. He left the Archbishop’s Palace to live simply and humbly in a small apartment, his character reminiscent in some ways of Pope Luciani. After dinner, they hold small meetings to decide what to do, and above all to convince the undecided. «Small groups, two-three people, there are no big meetings. As in all the hotels, a ban on smoking has been added to the thousand already-existing prohibitions. The Portuguese Cardinal Jose Policarpo da Crux, a famously inveterate smoker, cannot resist and goes outside to light up a good cigar”.

The next morning, Tuesday, 19 April, at nine, the 115 cardinals return to Michelangelo’s frescoed Chapel, and under the severe gaze of the figures of the Universal Judgment, pick up their ballots once again. The result of the second vote shows a significant diminution of votes for individual candidates. Ratzinger’s tally climbs to sixty-five (he needs twelve more votes to reach the two-thirds majority needed for election in the first two weeks of conclave) and Bergoglio’s share climbs considerably to thirty-five. Ruini loses all his votes, which go to Ratzinger and not Martini, whose supporters voted for Bergoglio. Only Sodano hangs onto his four votes, and Tettamanzi to his two. (Documents Detail 2005 Conclave.)

Bergoglio’s vote total declined to twenty-six by the time of the next ballot as Ratzinger’s increased by twelve to eighty-four, making him “Pope Benedict XVI.” Three others (Giacomo Biffi, Christoph Schonborn, the lover of all things lavender, and a “cardinal” just three years removed from the revelations about how he helped to cover-up the clerical abuse of his perverted clergymen, Bernard Law) each received a single vote. Bergoglio’s friends in low places, and he has them in the very lowest of places, made sure that he got his due on March 13, 2013.

Actually, the Vatican Insider report is not entirely accurate as Bergoglio did give interviews in Argentina, although not as many as he has given in the past twenty-nine months now that he has not have to worry about someone from what he believed the “no church” inside of the walls of the Occupied Vatican on the West Bank of the Tiber River to get under his thin, hypersensitive skin. Jorge is nothing other than a septuagenarian juvenile delinquent, “liberated” at long last to throw the Girondists/Mensheviks in his false religious sect under the bus, which will be run over them repeatedly until there is no possibility of their returning to what Bergoglio believes were the “stifling years” of the postconciliar revolution under Wojtyla/John Paul II and Ratzinger/Benedict XVI.

“Pope Francis,” who will be here in the United States of America in a little over four weeks, and he is coming here to continue doing what he has been doing since March 13 2013: the prepare the way for the acceptance of “alternative living arrangements” as part of an “evolving” understanding of the “family” in the contemporary world and, it should be noted, to evangelize in behalf of the “right” of those who break this nation’s just immigration laws to do so with impunity. Bergoglio believes in “open borders” just as much as he believes in throwing the arms of what he thinks is the Catholic Church open to unrepentant sinners who want to be reaffirmed in their sins. (A reminder at this juncture: I wrote on the subject of immigration sixty-three months ago now, and I see no reason to revisit what I wrote then: Good Catholic Common Sense Must Prevail, part 1 and Good Catholic Common Sense Must Prevail, part 2.)

Most importantly, however, Bergoglio has been preparing the way as a precursor of Antichrist by attacking what little remains of the authentic sensus Catholicus in his false religious sect by condemning a “closed-in-on-itself” and “self-referential” Catholic Church of the past, which is his way of dismissing the Sacred Deposit of Faith as safeguarded by our true popes and as defined by Holy Mother Church’s true councils.

Although the full text of what I wrote in October of 2013 is lengthy, I include it here to demonstrate  how everything that Bergoglio did in the immediate aftermath of his “election” was designed to lead up to the “big show” on the Tiber in seven weeks:

On Monday, October 14, 2013, the Feast of Pope Saint Callistus I, Jorge Mario Bergoglio/Francis, spoke in behalf of what is called "the new evangelization," which is, of course, nothing other than a program of indoctrination in the joys of conciliarism to those who are "illiterate" about it, especially those non-Catholics who are under the unfortunate misapprehension, as he sees it, that the Catholic Church adheres to a "moralistic ideology" and is to "closed-in-on-itself" to "accept" others as they are without seeking with urgency their unconditional conversion to her maternal bosom and to adhere to everything she teaches without any reservation or qualification whatsoever.

That's about as cogent a summary of the goals of the "new evangelization" as can be provided as a means of "framing" Bergoglio/Francis's screed to the "Pontifical" Council for Promoting the "New Evangelization":

I greet you all and thank you for what you do at the service of the New Evangelization, and for the work for the Year of Faith. My heartfelt thanks! What I would like to say to you today can be summarized in three points: primacy of witness; urgency of going out to encounter; pastoral program centered on the essential. (Antipope Discusses New Ways to Propagate Conciliarism, October 18, 2013, from the Italian.)


Once again, Jorge Mario Bergoglio/Francis clams that it is "necessary" to concentrate on what he thinks is the "essential," which means, of course, that there are matters pertaining to the Sacred Deposit of Faith that are "non-essential" or "non-fundamental." Although phrased differently, this is the exact same approach taken by a certain heretic for whom he has expressed much admiration and respect, Martin Luther.

As readers are prone not to remember points made in various commentaries, permit me to cast this conciliar shibboleth aside once again by calling upon Pope Pius XI to explain to that are no such things as "fundamental" and "non-fundamental" doctrines:

Besides this, in connection with things which must be believed, it is nowise licit to use that distinction which some have seen fit to introduce between those articles of faith which are fundamental and those which are not fundamental, as they say, as if the former are to be accepted by all, while the latter may be left to the free assent of the faithful: for the supernatural virtue of faith has a formal cause, namely the authority of God revealing, and this is patient of no such distinction. For this reason it is that all who are truly Christ's believe, for example, the Conception of the Mother of God without stain of original sin with the same faith as they believe the mystery of the August Trinity, and the Incarnation of our Lord just as they do the infallible teaching authority of the Roman Pontiff, according to the sense in which it was defined by the Ecumenical Council of the Vatican. Are these truths not equally certain, or not equally to be believed, because the Church has solemnly sanctioned and defined them, some in one age and some in another, even in those times immediately before our own? Has not God revealed them all? For the teaching authority of the Church, which in the divine wisdom was constituted on earth in order that revealed doctrines might remain intact for ever, and that they might be brought with ease and security to the knowledge of men, and which is daily exercised through the Roman Pontiff and the Bishops who are in communion with him, has also the office of defining, when it sees fit, any truth with solemn rites and decrees, whenever this is necessary either to oppose the errors or the attacks of heretics, or more clearly and in greater detail to stamp the minds of the faithful with the articles of sacred doctrine which have been explained. But in the use of this extraordinary teaching authority no newly invented matter is brought in, nor is anything new added to the number of those truths which are at least implicitly contained in the deposit of Revelation, divinely handed down to the Church: only those which are made clear which perhaps may still seem obscure to some, or that which some have previously called into question is declared to be of faith. (Pope Pius XI, Mortalium Animos, January 6, 1928.)

Jorge Mario Bergoglio is a true disciple of his false religion, conciliarism, one of whose "essential" premises is that it is necessary to "strip away" all that be a stumbling block to true "brotherhood" with mankind. This means that dogmatic pronouncements and "moralizing" and an "excessive attachment" to liturgical ceremonies must be stripped away as entirely "non-essential" to engaging in "dialogue" to get to "know the other" "where it is" in order to help him understand that the Catholic Church is not the "no church" that he may think it to be.

Are you ready for the next part of Bergoglio/Francis's speech about the "new evangelization" four days ago now?

Ready or not, here it is: 

In our time we often witness an attitude of indifference to faith, regarded as no longer relevant in man’s life. New Evangelization means to reawaken the life of faith in the heart and mind of our contemporaries. Faith is a gift of God, but it is important that we Christians show that we live the faith in a concrete way, through love, concord, joy, suffering, because this elicits questions, as at the beginning of the journey of the Church: Why do they live like this? What drives them? These are questions that go to the heart of evangelization, which is the witness of their faith and charity. What we need especially in these times are credible witnesses who with their life and also with the word render the Gospel visible, reawaken attraction for Jesus Christ, for God’s beauty.

So many people have fallen away from the Church. It’s a mistake to put the blame on one side or the other, in fact, it’s not about talking about fault. There are responsibilities in the history of the Church and of her men, in certain ideologies and also in individual persons. As children of the Church we must continue on the path of Vatican Council II, stripping ourselves of useless and harmful things, of false worldly securities which weigh down the Church and damage her true face.

There is need of Christians who render the mercy of God visible to the men of today, His tenderness for every creature. We all know that the crisis of contemporary humanity is not superficial but profound. Because of this the New Evangelization -- while calling to have the courage to go against the current, to be converted from idols to the only true God --, cannot but use the language of mercy, made up of gestures and attitudes even before words. In the midst of today’s humanity the Church says: Come to Jesus, all you who labor and are heavy laden and you will find rest for your souls (cf. Matthew 11:28-30). Come to Jesus. He alone has the words of eternal life. (Antipope Discusses New Ways to Propagate Conciliarism, October 18, 2013, from the Italian.)

The blaspheming lay Jesuit revolutionary from Argentina must always slay his straw men. He seems to be diabolically compelled to do so, blaming Holy Mother Church and her true popes for "certain ideologies" that he believes have hindered the "true message" of the Gospel.

To accomplish this end of disabusing fallen away Catholics, most of whom have been driven out by conciliarism or have left because they have immersed themselves in lives of unrepentant sin, Bergoglio/Francis, who is rather merciless and cold-blooded in his treatment of traditionally-minded and "conservative" Catholics in the structures of his false church (see Francis: The Latest In A Long Line Of Ecclesiastical Tyrants, to say nothing of his daily screeds), believes that the "medicine of mercy" must be used.

There have been fifty-one years of this false mercy, begun with Angelo Roncalli/John XXIII's "opening address" at the "Second" Vatican Council on October 11, 1962, the Feast of the Divine Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This has resulted in the alienation of Catholics from the true Church, an alienation that is the result, at least in part, of the raising of "expectations" in the wake of the "Second" Vatican Council and the "liturgical renewal" represented by the Protestant and Masonic Novus Ordo liturgical service by making it appear that everything about the Catholic Faith was negotiable and subject to alteration and/or adaptation to the "needs" of the times.

By making constant advertence to the false mercy of conciliarism and by denouncing certain "ideologies" and "individual persons" who have been "closed" to the "needs" of the people, Jorge Mario Bergoglio/Francis is explaining that those who have been alienated by the as of yet "unfulfilled" expectations raised by the "Second" Vatican Council need wait no longer. The day of the "open church" for which they have waited so long has arrived, and it is communicate this demonic message that the "new evangelization" has been launched.

Can you stand any more?

Well, to be honest with you, I cannot stand much more of this. However, as I got a decent night of sleep last night for the first time in ten days or so, I will forge ahead with the next section of Bergoglio/Francis's address four days ago to the "Pontifical" Council for Promoting the New Evangelization:

Every baptized person is a “cristoforo,” a bearer of Christ, as the ancient holy Fathers said. Whoever has encountered Christ, as the Samaritan woman at the well, cannot keep this experience to him/herself, but has the desire to share it, to bring Jesus to others (cf. John 4). It is for all of us to ask ourselves if one who meets us perceives in our life the warmth of faith, sees in our face the joy of having encountered Christ!

Here we move to the second aspect: the encounter, to go out to encounter others. The New Evangelization is a renewed movement towards him who has lost the faith and the profound meaning of life. This dynamism is part of the great mission of Christ to bring life to the world, the Father’s love to humanity. The Son of God “went out” of his divine condition and came to encounter us. The Church is within this movement; every Christian is called to go out to encounter others, to dialogue with those who do not think the way we do, with those who have another faith, or who don’t have faith. To encounter all because we all have in common our having been created in the image and likeness of God. We can go out to encounter everyone, without fear and without giving up our membership.

No one is excluded from the hope of life, from the love of God. The Church is sent to reawaken this hope everywhere, especially where it is suffocated by difficult existential conditions, at times inhuman, where hope does not breathe but is suffocated. There is need of the oxygen of the Gospel, of the breath of the Spirit of the Risen Christ, to rekindle it in hearts. The Church is the house whose doors are always open not only so that everyone can find welcome and breathe love and hope, but also because we can go out and bring this love and this hope. The Holy Spirit drives us to go out of our enclosure and guides us to the fringes of humanity.

In the Church all this, however, is not left to chance or improvisation. It calls for a common commitment to a pastoral plan that recalls the essential and that is “well centered on the essential, namely on Jesus Christ. It is no use to be scattered in so many secondary or superfluous things, but to be concentrated on the fundamental reality, which is the encounter with Christ, with his mercy, with his love, and to love brothers as He loved us. A project animated by the creativity and imagination of the Holy Spirit, who drives us also to follow new ways, with courage and without becoming fossilized! We could ask ourselves: how effective is the pastoral of our dioceses and parishes? Does it render the essential visible? Do the different experiences, characteristics, walk together in the harmony that the Spirit gives? Or is our pastoral scattered, fragmentary where, in the end, each one goes his own way?

In this context I would like to stress the importance of catechesis, as an instance of evangelization. Pope Paul VI already did so in the encyclical Evangelii nuntiandi (cf. n. 44). From there the great catechetical movement has carried forward a renewal to surmount the break between the Gospel and the culture and illiteracy of our days in the matter of faith. I have recalled several times a fact that has struck me in my ministry: to meet children who cannot even do the Sign of the Cross! Precious is the service carried out by the catechists for the New Evangelization, and it is important that parents be the first catechists, the first educators of the faith in their own family with their witness and with the word.

Thank you, dear friends, for this visit. Good work! May the Lord bless you and Our Lady protect you. (Antipope Discusses New Ways to Propagate Conciliarism, October 18, 2013, from the Italian.)

"It is no use to be scattered in so many secondary or superfluous things."

You know, little things such as the Cantate Domino, February 4, 1442, issued by Pope Eugene IV at the Council of Florence.

Little things such as the doctrinal exactitude of the Scholasticism of Saint Thomas Aquinas, which Jorge Mario Bergoglio/Francis, in perfect lockstep with his predecessor, Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI, has "obscured" the "true Gospel" of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and corrupted the writings of the early Church Fathers.

Little things such as Purgatory.

Little things such as the Council of Trent.

Little things such as the condemnations of "religious liberty" issued by Popes Pius VI, VII, Gregory XI, Pius IX, and Leo XIII.

Little things such as the condemnations of the separation of Church and State made by Popes Gregory XVI, Pius IX, Leo XIII, Saint Pius X and Benedict XV.

Little things such as The Syllabus of Errors, issued by Pope Pius IX on December 8, 1864.

Little things such as the [First] Vatican Council's teaching on the Divine Constitution of Holy Mother Church, on the immutability of Catholic doctrine, on Papal Primacy and Papal Infallibility.

Little things such as Pope Leo XIII's declaration of the absolutely invalid nature of Anglican sacramental rites as found in Apostolicae Curae, September 15, 1896, and his firm exhortation to the Orthodox and Protestants to return to the true Faith as found in Praeclara Gratulationis Publicae, June 29, 1894, which was merely a reiteration of the exhortation given to Protestants to return to the Catholic Church that had been made by Pope Pius XI in Iam Vos Omnes, September 13, 1968.

Little things such as Pope Saint Pius X's Pascendi Dominci Gregis, September 8, 1907,  The Oath Against Modernism, September 1, 1910, and Notre Charge Apostolique, August 15, 1910.

Little things such as Pope Pius XI's reminder that there can be no peace in the world which is not the "peace of Christ in the Kingdom of Christ," as he taught in Ubi Arcano Dei Consilio, December 23, 1922, and Quas Primas, December 11, 1925.

Little things such as Pope Pius XI's condemnations of false ecumenism in Mortalium Animos, January 6, 1928, and of contraception and abortion in Casti Connubii, December 31, 1930, and classroom instruction in matters pertaining to the Sixth and Ninth Commandments in Divini Illius Magistri, December 31, 1929, and of any cooperation whatsoever given to socialism or Communism by Catholics as found in Divini Redemptoris, March 19, 1937.

Little things such as Pope Pius XII's reiteration in Mystici Corporis, June 29, 1943, of Catholic doctrine concerning the invalid nature of the Mosaic Covenant and that only those who are members of the Catholic Church.

Little things such as Pope Pius XII's denunciation, contained in Humani Generis, August 12, 1950, of the "new theology" in which a German seminarian named Joseph Ratzinger was being formed at that precise time.

You know, little things like that, those, just "superfluous" and "secondary" "Pharisaical" things adhered by "restorationists" and "triumphalists" and "legalists" who long for the "no church," the "moralizing church, the "ideological church" of the past that was "too-closed-in-on-itself."

Perhaps more "superfluous" and "secondary than everything else is Immemorial Mass of Tradition, whose very permanence and stability, transcendence and glory, Bergoglio believes, impeded the "true Gospel of the Divine Redeemer more than anything else, something that he reiterated, if only by implication, just today, Friday, October 18, 2013, the Feast of Saint Luke the Evangelist.

Conciliarism's "new evangelization" that is now in the charge of Jorge Mario Bergoglio/Francis is simply the work of Antichrist to turn everything about Catholic Faith, Worship, Morals and pastoral praxis upside down, all to the inflaming the wrath of God and to the ruin of so many countless hundreds of millions of souls

Just Say No To "Moralizing Ideologies"

Continuing along the same themes that mentioned at length to "Father" Antonio Spadoro, S.J., and to atheist Eugenio Scalfari, Jorge Mario Bergoglio/Francis has been on a rampage in the past several days against what he considers to be "false piety" and "moralizing ideologies," thereby once again castigating the entire membership of the Church Militant in Heaven and giving encouraging to those who are living lives of rank libertinage.

Here is just a sampling:

This was the theme of Pope Francis’ homily during his Thursday morning Mass at the Domus Sanctae Marthae. During his homily, the Pope warned Christians against behaving as though the “key is in [their] pocket, and the door closed.” He reiterated that without prayer, one abandons the faith and descends into ideology and moralism. “Woe to you, scholars of the law! You have taken away the key of knowledge!” (Luke 11: 52)Pope Francis referred back to this passage from Thursday’s Gospel in his homily, moving from Jesus’ warning. He warned: “When we are on the street and find ourselves in front of a closed Church,” he said, “we feel that something is strange.” Sometimes, he said, “they give us reasons” as to why they are closed: They give “excuses, justifications, but the fact remains that the Church is closed and the people who pass by cannot enter.” And, even worse, the Lord cannot be close to the people. Today, the Pope said, Jesus speaks to us about the “image of the [lock]”; it is “the image of those Christians who have the key in their hand, but take it away, without opening the door.” Worse still, “they keep the door closed” and “don’t allow anyone to enter.” In so doing, they themselves do not enter. The “lack of Christian witness does this,” he said, and “when this Christian is a priest, a bishop or a Pope it is worse.” But, the Pope asks, how does it happen that a “Christian falls into this attitude” of keeping the key to the Church in his pocket, with the door closed? (Prayer keeps us from losing faith.)

I laughed out loud when I read this the first time as the transparency of Jorge Mario Bergoglio's hatred of anything to do with even a semblance of the Catholic Faith is but a caricature of conciliarism and buries once for all time the efforts made by his immediate predecessor, Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI, a true revolutionary in his own right as a progenitor of the "Second" Vatican Council, to "reconcile" the "novelties" of the "Second" Vatican Council and the "magisterium" of the conciliar "popes" with the teaching and tradition of the Catholic Church.

Upon re-reading it just now, however, I must admit to being very sad, recognizing that, yes, while some people are, thanks be to God, seeing through all of this and recognizing that none of it has anything to do with the Catholic Faith, many others will be led astray as each of their own prejudices against all that is authentically Catholic is being reaffirmed by the "pope" who shares their false views in their entirety.

To claim that an adherence to the Sacred Deposit of Faith as it has been handed down to us from the Apostles "descends into ideology and moralism" that keeps the Catholic Church "closed" is to blaspheme every single Catholic who suffered much in this life, up to the point of shedding their own blood in many instances, to defend the integrity of the Holy Faith and the purity of moral teaching.

It was in like manner that the rest of his screed at the Casa Santa Marta yesterday morning, Thursday, October 17, 2013, the Feast of Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque:

The faith passes, so to speak, through a distiller and becomes ideology. And ideology does not beckon [people]. In ideologies there is not Jesus: in his tenderness, his love, his meekness. And ideologies are rigid, always. Of every sign: rigid. And when a Christian becomes a disciple of the ideology, he has lost the faith: he is no longer a disciple of Jesus, he is a disciple of this attitude of thought… For this reason Jesus said to them: ‘You have taken away the key of knowledge.’ The knowledge of Jesus is transformed into an ideological and also moralistic knowledge, because these close the door with many requirements.”The Pope continued, Jesus told us: “You burden the shoulders of people [with] many things; only one is necessary.” This, therefore, is the “spiritual, mental” thought process of one who wants to keep the key in his pocket and the door closed:

“The faith becomes ideology and ideology frightens, ideology chases away the people, distances, distances the people and distances of the Church of the people. But it is a serious illness, this of ideological Christians. It is an illness, but it is not new, eh? Already the Apostle John, in his first Letter, spoke of this. Christians who lose the faith and prefer the ideologies. His attitude is: be rigid, moralistic, ethical, but without kindness. This can be the question, no? But why is it that a Christian can become like this? Just one thing: this Christian does not pray. And if there is no prayer, you always close the door.”“The key that opens the door to the faith,” the Pope added, “is prayer.” The Holy Father warned: “When a Christian does not pray, this happens. And his witness is an arrogant witness.” He who does not pray is “arrogant, is proud, is sure of himself. He is not humble. He seeks his own advancement.” Instead, he said, “when a Christian prays, he is not far from the faith; he speaks with Jesus.” And, the Pope said, “I say to pray, I do not say to say prayers, because these teachers of the law said many prayers” in order to be seen. Jesus, instead, says: “when you pray, go into your room and pray to the Father in secret, heart to heart.” The pope continued: “It is one thing to pray, and another thing to say prayers.”

These do not pray, abandoning the faith and transforming it into moralistic, casuistic ideology, without Jesus. And when a prophet or a good Christian reproaches them, they the same that they did with Jesus: ‘When Jesus left, the scribes and Pharisees began to act with hostility toward him’ – they are ideologically hostile – ‘and to interrogate him about many things,’ – they are insidious – ‘for they were plotting to catch him at something he might say.’ They are not transparent. Ah, poor things, they are people dishonoured by their pride. We ask the Lord for Grace, first: never to stop praying to never lose the faith; to remain humble, and so not to become closed, which closes the way to the Lord.” (Prayer keeps us from losing faith.)

Jorge Mario Bergoglio is a master projectionist as he is the one who has attempted to transform revolutionary ideology into an expression of the Catholic Faith while he condemns those who stand fast in Its holy defense.

A firm preaching of the Catholic Faith has attracted souls to the true Church from the time that our first pope, Saint Peter the Apostle, preached on Pentecost Sunday following the descent of God the Holy Ghost upon he Apostles and our dear Blessed Mother and the others who were gathered in the same Upper Room in Jerusalem where Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ had instituted the Holy Priesthood and the Holy Eucharist fifty-three days before.

Yes, there are those who have been repelled by the preaching of the true Catholic Faith over the centuries. Such people, however, were not interested in changing their lives or of enduring the suffering from friends and relatives that would come their way if they had converted. They, like the rich young man who turned away from Our Lord when He asked him to follow Him, had many "possessions" (career security, human respect, friendships, family ties, financial independence) that they were unwilling to surrender. Jorge Mario Bergoglio/Francis is telling such people that there is never to change, there is nothing to give away, there is nothing about which to be ashamed, that they must not listen to his mythical straw men who have "kept them away" in the past.

Perhaps Jorge Mario Bergoglio/Francis would like to name the names of those who have been "Christian ideologues" and "moralists."

How about Saint John Mary Vianney? He was a firm moralist who scared the living daylights out of the people so as to get them back into the confessional, where he spent up to eighteen hours a day most days.

How about Padre Pio? He was very firm about modesty and purity.

How about Saint Alphonsus de Liguori, the very Patron Saint of Moral Theologians and a Doctor of Holy Mother Church, who communicated with firmness and clarity.

Here is just one example:

"A friend of fools:, says the Holy Ghost, "shall become like them"--Prov., xiii. 20. Christians who live in enmity with God, are, Father M. Avila used to say, all fools, who deserve to be shut up in a madhouse. For, what greater madness can be conceived than to believe in Hell, and to live in sin? But the man who contracts an intimacy with these fools, shall soon become like them. Although he should hear all the sermons of the sacred orators, he will continue in vice, according to the celebrated maxim: "Examples make greater impressions than words". Hence the Royal Prophet has said: "With the elect though wilt be elect, and with the perverse thou wilt be perverted"--Ps., xvii. 27. St. Augustine says, that familiarity with sinners is as it were a hook, which draws us to communicate in their vices. Let us, said the saint, avoid wicked friends, "lest by their company we may be drawn to a communion of vice". St. Thomas teaches, that to know whom we should avoid, is a great means of saving our souls. "Firma tutela salutis est, scire quem fugiamus".

"Let their way become dark and slipper, and let the angel of the Lord pursue them"--Ps., xxxiv. 6. All men in this life walk in the midst of darkness, and in a slippery way. If, then, a bad angel--that is, a wicked companion, who is worse than any devil--pursue them, and endeavour to drive them into an abyss, who shall be able to escape death? "Talis eris", says Plato, "qualis conversatio quam sequeris?" And St. John Chrysostom said, that if we wish to know a man's moral habits, we have only to observe the character of the friends with whom he associates: because friendship finds or makes him like his friends. "Vis nosse hominem, attende quorum familiartate assuescat: amicitia aut pares invenit, aut pares facit:. First, because, to please his friends, a man will endeavour to imitate them; secondly, because, as Seneca says, nature inclines men to do what they see others do. And the Scripture says: "They were mingled among the heathens, and learned their works"--Ps., cv. 35. According to St. Basil, as air which comes from pestilential places causes infection, so, by conversation with bad companions, we almost imperceptibly contract their vices. "Quemadmodum in pestilentibus locis sensim attractus aer latentem corporibus morbum injuicit sic itidem in prava conversatione maxima a nobis mala haurinutur, etiamsi statim incommodum non sentiatur"--S. Bas., hom. ix. ex. var. Quod Deus, etc. And St. Bernard says, that St. Peter, in consequence of associating with the enemies of Jesus Christ, denied his Master. "Existens cum passionis dominicae ministris, Dominum negavit".

But how, asks St. Ambrose, can bad companions give you the odour of chastity, when they exhale the stench of impurity? How can they infuse into you sentiments of devotion, when they themselves fly from it? How can they impart to you a shame of offending God, when they cast it away? "Quid tibi demonstrant castiatem quem non habent? Devotionem quam non sequuuntur? Verecundiam quam projiciunt?" St. Augustine writes of himself, that when he associated with bad companions, who boasted of their wickedness, he felt himself impelled to sin without shame; and to appear like them, he gloried in his evil actions. "Pudebat", he says, "me esse pudentum"-lib. 2, de Conf., c. ix. Hence Isaias admonishes you to "touch no unclean thing:--Isa., lii. 11. Touch not what is unclean: if you don, you too shall be polluted. he that handles pitch, says Ecclesiasticus, shall certainly be defiled with it; and they who keep company with the proud, shall be clothed with pride. The same holds for other vices: "He that toucheth pitch, shall be defiled with it; and he hath fellowship with the proud, shall put on pride"--Eccl., xiii. 1.

What then must we do? The Wise Man tells us, that we ought not only to avoid the vices of the wicked, but also to beware of treading in the ways in which they walk. "Restrain they foot from their paths"--Prov., i. 15. That is, we should avoid their conversations, their discourses, their feasts, and all the allurements and presents with which they will seek to entice us into their net. "My son," says Solomon, "if sinners shall entice thee, consent not them"--Prov., i. 10. Without the decoy, the birds are not enticed into the fowler's net. "Will the bird fall into the snare upon the earth, if there be no fowler?"--Amos, iii. 5. The Devil employs vicious friends as decoys, to draw so many souls into the snare of sin. "My enemies", says Jeremias, "have chased me, and have caught me like a bird without cause"--Lamen., iii. 52. He says, without cause. Ask the wicked whey they have made a certain innocent young man fall into sin; and they will answer: We have done it without cause; we only wish to see him to do what we ourselves do. This, says St. Ephrem, is one of the artifices of the Devil: when he has caught a soul in his net, he makes him a snare, or a decoy, to deceive others. "Cum primum capta fuerit anima, ad alias decipiendas fit quasi laqueus".

Hence it is necessary to avoid, as you would a plague, all familiarity with these scorpions of Hell. I have said that you must avoid familiarity with them--that is, all fellowship in their banquets or conversation; for, never to meet them is, as the Apostle says, impossible. "Otherwise you must needs go out of this world"--I. Cor., v. 10. But, it is in our power to abstain from familiar intercourse with them. "But now I have written to you, not to keep company, etc........with such a one, not so much as to eat"--ibid., v. 11. I have called them scorpions: so they have been called by the Prophet Ezechiel: "Thou art among unbelievers and destroyers, and thou dwellest among scorpions"--Ezech., ii. 6. Would you live in the midst of scorpions? You must then fly from scandalous friends, who, by their bad examples and words, poison your soul. "A man's enemies shall be they of his own household"--Matt., x. 36. Wicked friends that are very familiar and intimate to us, become the most pernicious enemies of our souls. "Who", says Ecclesiasticus, "will pit an enchanter struck by a serpent, or any that come near wild beasts? So it is with him that keepeth company with a wicked man"--Eccl., xii. 13. If the man that makes free with serpents, or with ferocious wild beasts, be bitten or devoured by them, who will take pity on him? And so it is with him who associates with scandalous companions; if, by their bad example, he be contaminated and lost, neither God nor man will have compassion on him; because he was cautioned to fly from their society.

One scandalous companion is enough to corrupt all who treat him as a friend. "Know you not", says St. Paul, "That a little leaven corrupts the whole lump?"--I. Cor., v. 6. One of these scandalous sinners is able, by a perverse maxim, to infect all his companions. They are the false prophets whom Jesus Christ warns us to avoid. "Beware of false prophets",--Matt., vii. 15. False prophets deceive, not only by false predictions, but also by false maxims or doctrines, which are productive of the greatest mischief. For, as Seneca says, they leave in the soul certain seeds of iniquity which lead to evil. "Semina in animo relinquunt, quae inducunt ad malum". It is too true that scandalous language, as experience proves, corrupts the morals of those who hear it. "Evil communications", says the Apostle, "corrupt good manner"--I. cor., xv. 33. A young man refuses, through the fear of God, to commit a certain sin; an incarnate David, a bad companion, comes, and says to him what the serpent said to Eve--"No; you shall not die the death"--Gen., iii. 4. What are you afraid of? How many others commit this sin? You are young; God will have pity on your youth. They will, as is written in the book of Wisdom, say: "Come, therefore, let us enjoy the good things that are present,...let us spend our time in amusements and in joy. "O nimis iniqua amicitia", says St. Augustine, "cum dicitur, eaumus, faciamus: pudet non esse impudentum". O cruel friendship of those who say: Let us go and do, etc.; it is a shame not shameless. He who hears such language is shamed not to yield to it, and not to be as shameless as they who utter it.

When any passion is kindled within us, we must be particularly careful in selecting the persons whom we will consult. For, then the passion itself will incline us to seek counsel from those who will probably give the advice which is most agreeable to the passion. But from such evil counsellors, who do not speak according to God, we should fly with greater horror than from an enemy; for their evil counsel, along with the passion which is excited, may precipitate us into horrible excesses. As soon as the passion shall subside, we shall see the error committed, and the delusion into which we have been led by false friends. But the good advice of a friend, who speaks according to Christian truth and meekness, preservers us from every disorder, and restores calm to the soul.

"Depart from the unjust", says the Lord, "and evils shall depart from thee"--Eccl., vii. 2. Fly, separate from wicked companions, and you shall cease to commit sin. "Neither let the way of evil please thee. Flee from it, pass not by it; go aside and forsake it"--Prov., iv., 14, 15. Avoid the ways in which these vicious friends walk, that you may not even meet them. "Forsake not an old friend; for the new will not be like to him"--Eccl., ix.. 14. Do not leave your first friend, who loved you before you came into the world. "I have love thee with an everlasting love"--Jer., xxxi. 3. Your new friends do not love you; they hate you more than your greatest enemy; they seek not your welfare, as God does, but their own pleasures, and the satisfaction of having companions of their wickedness and perdition. You will, perhaps, say: I feel a repugnance to separate from such a friend, who has been solicitous for my welfare; to break off from him would appear to be an act of ingratitude. What welfare? what ingratitude? god alone wishes your welfare; to break off from him would appear to be an act of ingratitude. Your friend wishes your eternal ruin; he wishes you to follow him, but cares not if you be damned. It is not ingratitude to abandon a friend who leads you to Hell; but it is ingratitude to forsake God, who has created you, who has died for you on the cross, and who desires your salvation.

Fly then from the conversation of the these wicked friends. "Hedge in thy ears with thorns, hear not a wicked tongue"--Eccl., xxviiii. 28. Beware of listening to the language of such friends; their words may bring you to perdition. And when you hear them speak improperly, arm yourself with thorns, and reprove them, not only for the purpose of rebuking, but also of converting them. "Ut non solum", says St. Augustine, "repellantur sed etiam compunganatur". Listen to a frightful example, and learn the evil which a wicked friend does. Father Sabatino relates in his Evangelical Light, that two friends of that kind were one day together. One of them, to please the other, committed a sin; but, after they separated, he died suddenly. The other, who knew nothing of his death, saw, in his sleep, his friend, and according to his custom, ran to embrace him. But the deceased appeared to be surrounded with fire, and began to blaspheme the other, and to upbraid him for being the cause of his damnation. The other awoke, and changed his life. But his unhappy friend was damned; and for his damnation there is not, and shall not be, any remedy for all eternity. (Thirteenth Sunday After Pentecost: On Avoiding Bad Company.)

Just another moralistic ideologue, I suppose, in the mind of Jorge Mario Bergoglio/Francis, who keeps regular company with the enemies of Catholic Faith and Morals in order to "learn from them" and to "be there" for them and to show them how "open" he is to their "needs." 

Then again, he is an enemy of Catholic Faith, Worship, Morals and true pastoral praxis in his own right. It is thus natural for him to keep bad company, which is why no Catholic should want to keep any kind of "company" with him any offering or staging of any version, traditional or modernized, of the Immemorial Mass of Tradition, to say nothing of the hideous, abominable and sacramentally invalid Protestant and Masonic Novus Ordo liturgical service.

Still with me?

Good. I am glad that you persevered.

As is well known, Jorge Mario Bergoglio has made “private” overtures aplenty to those who are divorced and civilly “remarried” with a conciliar decree of nullity, who are self-identified by their habitually perverse violations of the binding precepts of the Divine Positive Law and the Natural Law, and at least one woman who paid for her body to be mutilated in order for her to “marry” another woman. As noted in the last original article, on this site, Willing Servants of Antichrist, part three, these sort of unrepentant sinners are the ones who exist on what Bergoglio calls the “existential peripheries” who must be welcomed without any kind of conditions, including, of course, the condition of their quitting their lives of sin.

The situation is actually far worse than this as Bergoglio and his band of Jacobin/Boleshevik conciliar revolutionaries are not only “inviting” bad company into their false religious sect, they are seeking to create a groundswell of support for those whose company Saint Alphonsus de Liguori told us to avoid any kind of excessive familiarity, going so far as to actively and boldly undercut conciliar “bishops” in Africa who oppose sodomy and want to defend the integrity of a sacramentally valid and ratified and consummated marriage:

The Catholic News Agencyis reporting today [August 21, 2015] that a Catholic agency in Switzerland, with close links to the Bishops’ Conference of Switzerland, are funding LGBT activists who wish to undermine the work of African Catholic bishops.

Voice of the Family has also drawn attention recently to the concerted attempts by western agencies and governments to impose contraception, abortion and the homosexual agenda on African nations. We have similarly reported on the disturbing collaboration between Vatican departments and the leading architects of the population control movement.

CNA reports that the “Swiss Catholic Lenten Fund and a major U.S. foundation have helped fund an LGBT activist project intended to counter West African bishops at the Catholic Church’s Synod on the Family.”

The organisation in question, the Netherlands-based European Forum of LGBT Christian Groups, said:

“Reacting to the extremely negative influence from bishops from Western Africa on the final document of the Family Synod 14, we found it important to bring the voices of LGBT Catholics from this region to broader attention.”

The organisation has interviewed “self-identified LGBT Catholics” from across west Africa. Romana Buchel of  the Swiss Catholic Lenten Fund (Fastenopfer) said that the interviews “will be used for written works of sensibilization (sic) regarding the second Synod of the Family.”

The European Forum’s activities report states that the project was funded by the Swiss Catholic Lenten Fund and the Arcus Foundation, an American organisation, which says the CNA, “has given hundreds of thousands of dollars to LGBT activist groups to target the synod.”

The CNA report reveals the links between the Swiss Catholic Lenten Fund and the Bishops Conference of Switzerland:

“Bishop Felix Gmur of Basel, Switzerland is president of the Lenten fund’s foundation council, which oversees the NGO’s directors group. Two of the nine members of the foundation council are named by the Conference of Swiss Bishops, with the rest being named by a separate body.

“Michael Brinkschroeder, who until this year was co-president of the European Forum of LGBT Catholic Groups, said that Fastenopfer’s support was in the form of a small project grant. He told CNA Aug. 10 that the grant was under 15,000 Swiss Francs (about $15,300) and was approved by the fund’s executive director. The grant did not have to be approved by the foundation council or its president, Bishop Gmur.”

Bishop Gmur was one of the three Swiss bishops who reportedly attended a “Shadow Council” held at the Jesuit’s Gregorian University and organised by the French, German and Swiss bishops. The meeting brought together dissenting theologians from across Europe who seek undermine Catholic doctrine on marriage, the family and human sexuality.

The hostility of many “progressives” towards the African Church was brought dramatically to the public’s attention by the dismissive remarks made by Cardinal Kasper in an interviewwith journalists during the Extraordinary Synod. Kasper said that the African bishops were not listened to by other bishops and “they should not tell us too much what we have to do.”

The African bishops have shown themselves to be determined defenders of Catholic moral teaching. At a meeting of the Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar the cardinals and bishops present resolved that at the synod the African Church would give “a clear affirmation of family and marriage values ​​according to the Word of God and the doctrine of the Church.”

Ten African cardinals and bishops will soon be launching a book entitled Christ’s New Homeland – Africa, which is intended to be a contribution towards the synodal debates. His Eminence John Cardinal Onaiyekan, Archbishop of Abuja,  is one of eleven cardinals who have contributed to Eleven Cardinals Speak on Marriage and the Family: Essays from a Pastoral Viewpoint, which will explore the pastoral problems associated with the proposal to admit the “divorced and remarried” to Holy Communion without amendment of life. Developments such as these suggest that “progressive” prelates, such as Cardinal Kasper, will find it increasingly difficult to silence the voices of the African bishops at the Ordinary Synod. (Agency Linked to Swiss Wannabe Bishops Sends Lousy, Godless and Boldly Truculent Activists to Undermine African Wannabe Bishops.)

If you think about it for a moment, this development represents an “evolution” in the “dogma” of “episcopal collegiality” in that one nation’s group of supposed “bishops” can use a third party with which it has close ideological and financial ties to intervene directly in the territories of other supposed “bishops” to engage in a “new evangelization” based upon a “mature” understanding of how it is “mean-spirited” and “exclusionary” to reprimand those who engage in unchaste behavior, whether natural or unnatural.

In other words, Bergoglio and his fiends are fascists brook no opposition. They are the same sort of “take no prisoners” ideologues who condemn “ideology,” which they apply to anything, up to and including the Sacred Deposit of Faith, that contradicts their supposedly “enlightened” attitudes and beliefs while seeking to exclude and marginalize those who disagree with them. Believe me, these types have long run most academic institutions in the United States of America, and the corridors of civil governments around the so-called “developed” world are awash with such fascists. We are once again face-to-face with a convergence of the forces of Antichrist in the world and in the counterfeit church of conciliarism.

For all of his talk about respecting various cultures, Jorge Mario Bergoglio and his band of Jacobin/Boleshevik conciliar revolutionaries are really ideological imperialists of moral relativism and pantheism who have no regard for the beliefs and practices of those cultures that adhere to a moral philosophy merely by the use of human reason unaided by Divine Revlation that rejects as perverted those things that are opposed to truth, nature, beauty and right reason.

Most Africans take a slightly different view of “LGBT” “rights” than do Bergoglio and his fellow willing servants of Antichrist, something that the President of Uganda, Yoweri Musevani, made clear when he signed a bill into law in February of 2014 that made unnatural acts committed in certain circumstances punishable by life imprisonment:

President Yoweri Museveni, who made anti-homosexuality laws in Uganda much tougher Monday, told CNN in an exclusive interview that sexual behavior is a matter of choice and gay people are "disgusting."

After signing the bill that made some homosexual acts punishable by life in prison, Museveni told CNN's Zain Verjee that, in his view, being homosexual is "unnatural" and not a human right.

"They're disgusting. What sort of people are they?" he said. "I never knew what they were doing. I've been told recently that what they do is terrible. Disgusting. But I was ready to ignore that if there was proof that that's how he is born, abnormal. But now the proof is not there."

Museveni had commissioned a group of Ugandan government scientists to study whether homosexuality is "learned," concluding that it is a matter of choice.

"I was regarding it as an inborn problem," he said. "Genetic distortion -- that was my argument. But now our scientists have knocked this one out."

Dean Hamer, scientist emeritus at the National Institutes of Health, wrote an open letter to the Ugandan scientists in the New York Times last week urging them to reconsider and revise their report. Among his responses to their conclusions: "There is no scientific evidence that homosexual orientation is a learned behavior any more than is heterosexual orientation."

Museveni, whose public position on the measure changed several times, signed the bill into law at a public event Monday. The bill was introduced in 2009 and originally included a death penalty clause for some homosexual acts.

The nation's Parliament passed the bill in December, replacing the death penalty provision with a proposal of life in prison for "aggravated homosexuality." This includes acts in which one person is infected with HIV, "serial offenders" and sex with minors, according to Amnesty International.

The new law also includes punishment -- up to seven years in prison -- for people and institutions who perform same-sex marriage ceremonies, language that was not in the 2009 version of the bill.

Lawmakers in the conservative nation said the influence of Western lifestyles risked destroying family units.

The bill also proposed prison terms for anyone who counsels or reaches out to gays and lesbians, a provision that could ensnare rights groups and others providing services to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.

The White House issued a statement Monday: "Instead of standing on the side of freedom, justice, and equal rights for its people, today, regrettably, Ugandan President Museveni took Uganda a step backward by signing into law legislation criminalizing homosexuality."

he statement continued: "As President Obama has said, this law is more than an affront and a danger to the gay community in Uganda, it reflects poorly on the country's commitment to protecting the human rights of its people and will undermine public health, including efforts to fight HIV/AIDS. We will continue to urge the Ugandan government to repeal this abhorrent law and to advocate for the protection of the universal human rights of LGBT persons in Uganda and around the world."

United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay also denounced the law, saying it institutionalizes discrimination and could promote harassment and violence against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.

This law violates a host of fundamental human rights, including the right to freedom from discrimination, to privacy, freedom of association, peaceful assembly, opinion and expression and equality before the law -- all of which are enshrined in Uganda's own constitution and in the international treaties it has ratified," Pillay said in a statement.

Museveni also told CNN that the West should not force its beliefs onto Ugandans.

"Respect African societies and their values," he said. "If you don't agree, just keep quiet. Let us manage our society, then we will see. If we are wrong, we shall find out by ourselves, just the way we don't interfere with yours."

He also said Westerners brought homosexuality to his country, corrupting society by teaching Ugandans about homosexuality. The West has also helped make children at schools homosexual by funding groups that spread homosexuality, he said.

Attitudes against homosexuality are prevalent in Uganda. A 2013 report from Pew Research found that 96% of Ugandans believe society should not accept homosexuality.

Thirty-eight African countries have made homosexuality illegal. Most sodomy laws there were introduced during colonialism.

Even before Museveni signed the bill into law, homosexual acts were punishable by 14 years to life in prison.

Ugandan gay rights activist Pepe Julian Onziema told CNN's Christiane Amanpour that some gay people in Uganda would rather kill themselves than live under the new law.

"Prior to the bill becoming law today, people attempted suicide because they are like, 'I'm not going to live to see this country kill me -- so I would rather take my life.' "

Many have already left the country in fear of violence, Onziema said, and among those who stay, many are stopping their activism.

Onziema, however, says he is not afraid. He says he won't let the law take away his voice. (Uganda president: Homosexuals are 'disgusting'.)

Too harsh?

Consider these words of none other than a canonized saint, Pope Saint Pius V:

That horrible crime, on account of which corrupt and obscene cities were destroyed by fire through divine condemnation, causes us most bitter sorrow and shocks our mind, impelling us to repress such a crime with the greatest possible zeal.

Quite opportunely the Fifth Lateran Council [1512-1517] issued this decree: "Let any member of the clergy caught in that vice against nature . . . be removed from the clerical order or forced to do penance in a monastery" (chap. 4, X, V, 31). So that the contagion of such a grave offense may not advance with greater audacity by taking advantage of impunity, which is the greatest incitement to sin, and so as to more severely punish the clerics who are guilty of this nefarious crime and who are not frightened by the death of their souls, we determine that they should be handed over to the severity of the secular authority, which enforces civil law.

Therefore, wishing to pursue with the greatest rigor that which we have decreed since the beginning of our pontificate, we establish that any priest or member of the clergy, either secular or regular, who commits such an execrable crime, by force of the present law be deprived of every clerical privilege, of every post, dignity and ecclesiastical benefit, and having been degraded by an ecclesiastical judge, let him be immediately delivered to the secular authority to be put to death, as mandated by law as the fitting punishment for laymen who have sunk into this abyss. (Pope Saint Pius V, Horrendum illud scelus, August 30, 1568.)

Death, not "brotherhood" and "mainstreaming" for the sake of "inclusivity," was what Pope Saint Pius V, faithful to the teaching of Saint Paul the Apostle in his Epistle to the Roman that was last cited in Willing Servants of Antichrist, part three, believed should be imposed on the clergy as well as the laity who were caught in "such an execrable crime" that caused him "such better sorrow" shocked his papal mind as he sought to "repress such a crime with the greatest possible zeal."

Jorge Mario Bergoglio and others in the conciliar structures want to provide "brotherhood" and "acceptance."

Just a slightly different approach, wouldn't you say?

A true pope understood the horror of such a detestable sin on the part of the clergy and sought to administer punishment to serve as a medicinal corrective for other priests and to demonstrate to the laity the horrific nature of such a moral crime.

A false "pope"seeks to appear as an agent of mercy when he is actually an apostle of eternal death.

Mind you, I am not suggesting the revival of this penalty in a world where it would not be understood and where the offender would be made a "martyr" for the cause of perversity, only pointing out the fact that the Catholic Church teaches that clerics and others in ecclesiastical authority who are guilty of serious moral crimes are deserving of punishment, not protection, by their bishops. Such is the difference yet again between Catholicism and conciliarism.

This is something that some non-Catholics, such as Yoweri Musevani, understand clearly. There are very few "bishops" in the counterfeit church of conciliarism who have either the personal inclination or desire to denounce sodomy as evil and detestable. Many, of course, are steeped in perversion themselves, which is why they are have recruited, promoted and protected their fellow perverts at every turn until the bright light of news reports put something of a crimp in their lavender style of "reconciliation" and "brotherhood" that is nothing other than fellowship with the works of darkness.

It is thus so very sad but entirely unsurprising that President Yoweri Musevani, who is an Anglican, has more of a sense of the horrors of the sin of Sodom and its related vices than does the putative “pope,” Jorge Mario Bergoglio, thus making him a better witness and apologist for truth than the man most people in the world believe is the first American pope. Perhaps it is also good to remember that Saint Paul the Apostle himself said that those who exchange the use of the natural for the unnatural know that they are deserving of death, which is why those who engage in unnatural behavior must proselytize with evangelical fervor to “convert” those who oppose the sin of Sodom and to intimidate all those who resist their “missionary” work.

Even Uhuru Kenyatta, the President of Kenya, which is where Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., was born and lived a good deal of his life, rejected Barack Hussein Obama/Barry Soetoro’s impassioned pleas in behalf of “gay rights” last month when he was in Africa:


President Obama on Saturday made an personal plea for gay rights during his visit to Kenya, warning that “bad things happen” when countries discriminate against certain groups of people.

“As an African-American in the United States, I am painfully aware of the history of what happens when people are treated differently under the law,” Obama added during a joint press conference with Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta. “I’m unequivocal on this.”

But Obama’s call for universal gay rights was quickly dismissed by Kenyatta, who described the issue as something “our culture, our society does not accept.”

“For Kenyans today, the issue of gay rights is really a non-issue. We want to focus on other areas that are day-to-day living for our people,” he said, citing heath concerns and women’s rights.

“This issue is not really an issue that is on the foremost of mind for Kenyans, and that is a fact," he said to some applause.

Kenyatta’s comments represent the views of the vast majority of African leaders, many of whom rely on their religious beliefs in their day-to-day governance.

Obama — who has faced criticism from global gay rights groups for not pursuing the issue aggressively enough — argued democratic governments should guarantee rights for all people regardless of religious views held in that country.

“I’ve been consistent all across Africa on this. I believe in the principle of treating people equally under the law,” he said. “The state should not discriminate against people based on their sexual orientation.”

Obama made clear before his trip that he planned to raise the issue of gay rights with African government officials.

Still, Obama said he recognized that “there may be people who may have different religious or cultural beliefs.” (Kenyan president rebukes Obama's gay rights message.)

The irony here is absolutely inescapable.

Agents of Antichrist connected with the conciliar “episcopal” conference of Switzerland and an agent of Antichrist in the world, Barack Hussein Obama/Barry Soetoro are doing the same kind of work in behalf of perversity. This is just one of the many reasons what Bergoglio’s meeting with Obama/Soetoro on September 23, 2015, the Feast of Pope Saint Linus, will be a lovefest from beginning to end. They have so very much in common (see my “draft” of the remarks will give to Congress on September 23, 2015, the Feast of Our Lady of Ransom, that I wrote five months ago now: Bucking for Obama's Job.)

We must avoid the bad company represented by the likes of Jorge Mario Bergoglio and the lords of his false religious sect, and we must pray for those very misguided Catholics who are in the least bit enthusiastic about this blaspheming apostate’s visit to the United States of America that begins in but thirty days from today, no less those who are planning to be present at one of his scheduled events. Jorge Mario Bergoglio is an agent of the devil. He believes, thinks, speaks and acts in ways that are opposed to Christ the King and the Sacred Deposit of Faith that He has entrusted exclusively to His Catholic Church for Its eternal safekeeping and infallible explication.



Those who do not see this truth will find themselves become more and more able to serve as apologists for Antichrist in their own right, and they will provide no resistance whatsoever when the Antichrist himself arises on the seen because they have permitted themselves to be swayed by his precursors in the world of Modernity and in the world of Modernism in the counterfeit church of conciliarism with each incremental advance of heresy, blasphemy, sacrilege, apostasy and moral evil.

Although the Church Militant on earth has undergone her Mystical Passion, Death and Burial in recent decades, she will, like her Divine Founder out of Whose Wounded Side she was born, know her Resurrection. We must simply and faithfully continue to cleave exclusively to the Catholic Faith while making who make no concessions to conciliarism or to the nonexistent legitimacy of its apostate "officials," men who are most casual in their acceptance of outrages that have become commonplace in their false church that gives so much offense to Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and to His Most Blessed Mother.

We must also recognize that our sins have contributed mightily to the worsening of the state of the Church Militant and to the state of the world. We have much for which to make reparation, especially those of us who were slow to embrace the truth that those who defect from the Faith expel themselves from the Church and cannot hold office within her legitimately. Our Rosaries of reparation today may help to plant the seeds for the restoration of the Church Militant at some point in the future.

We may not be skinned alive as was Saint Bartholomew,whose feast we celebrate today, Mondat, August 24, 2015. However, we must be willing to suffer all as the consecrated slave of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary.

We must be willing to be wrapped in the new wineskin of the Catholic Faith as we shed the old skin of our sins, each of which we must detest and seek to make reparation for, especially by means of our fidelity to the Immemorial Mass of Tradition in the catacombs (offered by true bishops and true priests who make no concessions to conciliarism or to the legitimacy of its false shepherds), by our use of the Sacred Tribunal of Penance, by the time we spend in prayer before Our Lord's Real Presence in the Most Blessed Sacrament outside of Holy Mass, and by our faithful and meditative recitation of as many sets of Our Lady's Most Holy Rosary that our states-in-life permit us to pray.

May the courageous witness and holy death of Saint Bartholomew inspire us to seek the conversion of all men, including the conciliarists, to the true Faith, imploring our dear Blessed Virgin Mary to help us be so purified of our own sins that our prayers will be heard more readily and our hearts will respond more promptly to seek out the true Faith in the catacombs, far, far away from those who want to appease false religions and who call the places where devil worshipers worship as sacred.

Vivat Christus Rex! Viva Cristo Rey!

Isn't it time to pray a Rosary now?

Immaculate Heart of Mary, triumph soon!

Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death.

Saint Joseph, pray for us.


Saints Peter and Paul, pray for us.

Saint John the Baptist, pray for us.

Saint John the Evangelist, pray for us.

Saint Michael the Archangel, pray for us.

Saint Gabriel the Archangel, pray for us, especially on your feast day today!

Saint Raphael the Archangel, pray for us.

Saints Joachim and Anne, pray for us.

Saints Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar, pray for us.

Saint Philip Benizi, pray for us.

Saint Bartholomew, pray for us.









With full confidence in Our Lady's Immaculate Heart, may we rise above the insanity found in the counterfeit church of conciliarism and in the world-at-large to pray and to work for the restoration of Holy Mother Church as the fruit of the triumph of that same Immaculate Heart.  We may not see the results with our own earthly eyes. Please God and by the intercession of Our Lady, especially by means of her Most Holy Rosary, that we die in states of Sanctifying Grace, may it be our privilege to see the results from eternity, where those who have won the only election that matters, God's favor for all eternity, will praise and glorify Christ the King forever in Heaven. after having been absolutely firm in the Faith until the moment of their deaths.

Isn't it time to pray a Rosary now?

Vivat Christus Rex! Viva Cristo Rey!

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.

Saint Joseph, pray for us.

Saints Peter and Paul, pray for us.

Saint John the Baptist, pray for us.

Saint John the Evangelist, pray for us.

Saint Michael the Archangel, pray for us.

Saint Gabriel the Archangel, pray for us.

Saint Raphael the Archangel, pray for us.

Saints Joachim and Anne, pray for us.

Saint Luke the Evangelist, pray for us.

Saint Bartholomew, pray for us.