Sin: More Deadly Than Any Virus's False "Antidotes"

Although At the "Mercy" of the Merciless, part one, At the "Mercy" of the Merciless, part two, and At the "Mercy" of the Merciless, part three could have been entitled as parts of “Sin: More Deadly Than the Coronavirus” series, I decided that I should retire that venerable title, which dates back to March of 2020, as the focus has shifted in recent years to the false “antidotes” that were developed under former President Donald John Trump’s warped “Operation Warp Speed” and the genocidal toll they have wrought human health and morality.

To wit, although the Trump poisoned jabs that he continues to insist as part of his delusional world in which “Trump never makes mistakes” have “saved” millions of lives have, quite in fact, killed millions of people of all ages around the world, we have witnessed the incredible phenomenon of the rash of the “sudden deaths” of teenagers and young adults that has never occurred before in the history of the world.

As I noted in a recent conversation with Dr. Paul Byrne, who is eighteen years my senior, there was no such phenomenon of young, highly conditioned athletes dropping dead on practice fields or fields of play during athletic contests as has been happening regularly since the deployment of the genocidal, poisoned jabs three years ago this month. Look, as one who has a student manager (the one in charge of equipment and statistics) of high school varsity and junior varsity baseball, basketball, and football teams, the only players I ever saw carted away and taken to a hospital were those in football games who suffered fractures of various kinds.

My contemporaries, who are all now between the ages of seventy-five and seventy-two years of age, never dropped dead during practice or during games. No one, other than the few instances of students who were taking illegal drugs or involved in car accidents, died “suddenly” between 1965 and 1969 at Oyster Bay High School on Long Island. The sort of sudden deaths” that have occurred in the past three years since the warped “Operation Warp Speed” introduced its various morally tainted poisons into the arms of unsuspecting victims who had been promised immunity from the SARS-CoV-2 virus simply did not occur fifty-eight years ago, and it was only after seventy-five people died from the swine flu virus vaccine in 1976 that the vaccination campaign was shut down. Now, however, the Pharmaceutical and Medical Industrial Complex, aided and abetted upon their propaganda arms in the mainslime media. which is very dependent upon the pharmaceutical companies for advertising dollars, covers up the deaths caused by the Wuhan Virus vaccines and report the sudden deaths of athletes and entertainers without the slightest bit of journalistic curiosity as to a possible connection with the bioengineered vaccines that were designed to accomplish some of the transhumanist goals of the globalist “reset” to protect the environment from God’s rational creatures who have been given dominion by Him over it.

For example, author John Leake, who works with Dr. Peter A. McCullough to expose the facts concerning the Wuhan Virus’s origins, the adverse effects of the vaccines, and the efforts of what they call the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex to cover-up those facts, called out the typical intellectual dishonesty of The New York Times concerning their downplaying the undeniable linkage between the Wuhan Virus vaccines and the death of one young man while claiming that there have been only a little over two hundred such deaths when the truth is that there have been millions in the past three years:

Yesterday [December 13, 2023] the New York Times published a long and detailed report on the death of a 24-year-old man shortly after receiving his second COVID-19 vaccine. To quote the most relevant section:

Shortly after receiving his second dose, on Sept. 17, George Jr. started feeling pain in his heels, according to medical records and his father’s account. By early October, his fingers started going numb, and he had difficulty holding onto objects.

By mid-October, his father was so concerned that he drove him to the emergency room. Among other things, George Jr. had the markers of an upper respiratory infection: sinus congestion, a sore throat and a cough. An X-ray showed no abnormalities or fluid in his lungs, according to a summary of the visit from the coroner’s report. He said he didn’t have chest pain or shortness of breath, according to the coroner’s investigation, two common symptoms among myocarditis patients Doctors diagnosed him with a sinus infection and bronchitis and prescribed antibiotics. He also started taking NyQuil.

A week later, George Jr. was rushed back to the emergency room after coughing so much that he started vomiting. Doctors found no obvious lung problems, his heart wasn’t enlarged, and there were no signs of cardiac issues, according to the coroner’s report.

If there were clear signs of myocarditis, doctors would most likely have monitored George Jr. and prescribed drugs, like blood pressure medications, beta blockers or corticosteroids.

Eight days after his emergency room visit, George Jr. collapsed and died. His body was transported 40 minutes east, to Binghamton, for an autopsy at Lourdes Hospital.

The medical examiner at Lourdes found that the heart muscle, the myocardium, was losing some of its strength and sagging. Parts of the heart, when examined under a microscope, were inflamed. Both are clues that point toward myocarditis.

While the reporter frankly acknowledges that myocarditis was indeed “a known risk,” from the shots, he hastens to add:

the overall numbers are small — there were 224 verified cases of myocarditis among vaccinated children and young adults in the United States from late 2020 to mid-2022, out of the nearly seven million vaccine doses that were administered, according to one study.

The piece is a perfect example of reporting an incident while at the same time falsely minimizing its significance for the broader community. This propaganda technique conveys the impression that the issue is being addressed instead of concealed while at the same time concealing the true scope of the problem.

At no point in the report does the author consider any of the following questions:

1). Are cases of vaccine-induced myocarditis being overlooked, ignored, and misdiagnosed?

2). Are treating physicians making a diligent effort to LOOK for myocarditis in patients such as the subject of this report?

3). Are all unexpected deaths like the subject of this report being thoroughly investigated by Medical Examiners?

In its reporting about COVID-19 vaccine injuries and deaths, the New York Times should consider a notable historical precedent in recent American history—namely, the decades-long denial of the link between cigarette smoking and cancer by the tobacco industry and its hired gun medical experts. (NYT's Mendacious Reporting of VAX Death.)

The efforts to cover-up the truth while labeling those who are bringing the truth to public light as disseminators of “misinformation” is vast and seemingly without cease, although one commentary, published on The Hill website, did go where most other commentaries have failed to go, that is, to at least discuss the possibility of the linkage between the Wuhan Virus vaccines and the rise in mortality that has lowered life expectancies among all age groups:

Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Robert Califf recently took to X to mourn the “catastrophic” decline in U.S. life expectancy. 

But his post, which hit on smoking, diet, chronic illness and health care, ignored the obvious: People are dying in abnormally high numbers even now and long since COVID-19 waned. Yet public health agencies and medical societies are silent. 

Life insurers have been consistently sounding the alarm over these unexpected or, “excess,” deaths, which claimed 158,000 more Americans in the first nine months of 2023 than in the same period in 2019. That exceeds America’s combined losses from every war since Vietnam. Congress should urgently work with insurance experts to investigate this troubling trend. 

With the worst of COVID behind us, annual deaths for all causes should be back to pre-pandemic levels — or even lower because of the loss of so many sick and infirm Americans. Instead, the death toll remains “alarming,” “disturbing,” and deserving of “urgent attention,” according to insurance industry articles.

Actuarial reports — used by insurers to inform decisions — show deaths occurring disproportionately among young working-age people. Nonetheless, America’s chief health manager, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, opted in September to archive its excess deaths webpage with a note stating, “these datasets will no longer be updated.” 

Money, of course, is a motivating issue for insurers. In 2020, death claims took their biggest one-year leap since the 1918 influenza scourge, jumping 15.4 percent to $90 billion in payouts. After hitting $100 billion in 2021, claims slowed in 2022, but are still above 2019. Indemnity experts are urging the adoption of an early-warning program to detect looming health problems among people with life insurance and keep them alive.

Unlike in the pandemic’s early phase, these deaths are not primarily among the old. For people 65 and over, deaths in the second quarter of 2023 were 6 percent below the pre-pandemic norm, according to a new report from the Society of Actuaries. Mortality was 26 percent higher among insured 35-to-44-year-olds, and 19 percent higher for 25-to-34-year-olds, continuing a death spike that peaked in the third quarter of 2021 at a staggering 101 percent and 79 percent above normal, respectively. 

“COVID-19 claims do not fully explain the increase in incurred claim incidence,” the Society said. COVID-19 deaths dropped 84 percent from the first three quarters of 2021 to the same period in 2023.

To some extent, we know what is killing the young, with an actuarial analysis of government data showing mortality increases in liver, kidney and cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes. Drug overdoses also soared nationwide, but not primarily in the young working class.

Therein lies the most pressing question for insurers, epidemiologists and health agency officials. Why is the traditionally healthiest sector of our society — young, employed, insured workers — dying at such rates? Public health officials aggressively oversaw the pandemic response, for better or worse. Why aren’t they looking into this? 

In the United Kingdom, where post-pandemic excess deaths in similar demographics also persist, a government-funded independent inquiry is underway. “With each passing week of the COVID inquiry,” the BBC reported recently, “it is clear there were deep flaws in the way decisions were made and information provided during the pandemic.” 

the pandemic. This probe — by a high-level, unbiased commission — should focus on what worked and what did not.

Lockdowns limited access to education, social interaction and health care with documented harm to childhood development, mental health and the economy. Treatment protocols dictated how doctors should deliver COVID care — primarily in hospitals and with expensive medicines — and limited early access to generic drugs that might have helped. 

Vaccines were given to more than 270 million people, among them babies, pregnant women and workers under employer mandates. The therapeutic’s “warp speed,” emergency use authorization must be part of any post-pandemic analysis, in light of more than 1 million reports of possible harm to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System and a new Yale University study validating a chronic post-vaccination syndrome. 

the pandemic. This probe — by a high-level, unbiased commission — should focus on what worked and what did not. (This is bigger than COVID: Why are so many Americans dying early?)

Dr. Peter A. McCullough, who was one of the most respect cardiologists and epidemiologists in the world prior to his efforts to expose the proven empirical link between the Wuhan Virus poisoned jabs and myocarditis and a whole host of other health problems, explained recently that many trained scholars have produced studies that have been submitted for peer review about their conclusions concerning autopsy results of people killed by the jabs’ adverse effects:

Epidemiology is the study of the distribution and determinants of disease. I graduated with a degree in this field from the University of Michigan. Nearly a year ago, Nicolas Hulscher, a current graduate student at U of M was credited with an approved project “Systematic Review of Autopsy Findings in Deaths after COVID-19 Vaccination” with myself as the senior mentor.

The formal process of epidemiological investigation is rigorous and disciplined. In essence, we searched for and obtained every published autopsy report in PUBMED and then independently adjudicated each death from extracted data. Our conclusion was 73.9% of deaths after vaccination are either direct due or significantly contributed to by known mechanisms (myocarditis, blood clots, etc.) resulting from COVID-19 vaccines. The conclusion is supported by the data presented.

The peer-review process for this paper includes a review and acceptance of the paper to the University of Michigan School of Public Health, Department of Epidemiology, Poster Session which was held November 17, 2023. Nic stood by the poster, described his study, and answered questions from students and faculty. The paper was vetted and well received.

Currently, the full length manuscript is listed on the European Commission preprint server while it goes through the publication process at a major journal. In my experience this can take up to 2-4 years.

I found it ironic that while our paper was making it through these steps, Health Feedback, the fact-check blogging site posted this false claim attached to our graphical abstract in social media.




Who wrote this? What are their credentials? What motivated Health Feedback to do this? Who directed them to our paper? The short answer is that our paper is devastating to the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex pulling the strings of an army of fact checkers, social media bots, editors, and publishers. They are hell-bent on blocking or discrediting the truth on vaccine side effects in order to push the global lockstep “safe and effective” false narrative.  (Systematic Review of Autopsy Findings in Deaths after COVID-19 Vaccination.)

Facts mean nothing to the ideologues in control of so-called “fact checking.” The false narratives of the Kremlin (meaning government apparatchiks of both major organized crime families of naturalism and officials in the “public health community”) and the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex must be defended at all costs no matter how many unsuspecting human beings are suffering life altering illnesses and/or are dying in record numbers because of “vaccines” whose full genocidal effects may never be known until eternity and for which those responsible will be held to account by Christ the King at the time of their own Particular Judgments if they not repent and convert to the true Faith before they die.

Moderna worked overtime to censor all stories about any possible linkages between its own vaccines and long-term adverse health effects and/or sudden deaths by cardiac arrest, blood clots, or other cardio-vascular, pulmonary-related problems:

Moderna, known for its mRNA coronavirus vaccine, reportedly engaged in extensive surveillance and influence operations, attempting to remove criticism or pushback against its vaccine from online discourse.

UnHerd reports that Moderna, the biotech firm raised to prominence by its mRNA coronavirus vaccine, is now at the center of a complex and controversial situation. While it achieved a staggering $100 billion valuation during the pandemic, recent reports suggest the company ventured beyond pharmaceutical innovation into the world of surveillance and public influence.

According to the report from UnHerd, Moderna developed an intricate network of monitoring that it aimed to use to influence the public discourse on vaccines. Central to this operation is a collaboration with Public Good Projects (PGP), a drug industry-funded NGO, and former law enforcement officials, aimed at combating what the company considers to be vaccine misinformation. However, this initiative’s scope and methods have sparked significant concerns about the blurring lines between public health advocacy and corporate surveillance.

During the  pandemic, Moderna transformed almost overnight from a fledgling biotech firm to a household name, thanks to the widespread use of its mRNA vaccine. However, as the demand for vaccinations waned, so did Moderna’s earnings. In response, Moderna not only increased vaccine prices but also embarked on a marketing campaign to maintain its relevance in the public health sphere.

The company’s surveillance arm, led by Nikki Rutman, a former FBI analyst, monitors a vast array of mainstream and alternative media outlets. Utilizing advanced technology like Talkwalker’s “BlueSilk” AI, the team tracks vaccine-related conversations across millions of websites globally. High-risk alerts are raised for narratives that could potentially harm Moderna’s interests or bolster anti-vaccine sentiments.

This proactive approach to monitoring and influencing vaccine discourse extends to scrutinizing public figures like Elon Musk and Russell Brand. Moderna’s reporting on public figures’ comments on vaccines does not necessarily dispute their claims but flags them as misinformation if they are perceived to encourage vaccine hesitancy.

The partnership between Moderna and PGP, however, is particularly interesting. UnHerd claims that the companies initially collaborated on a program called “Stronger” in 2021-22, which aimed to identify misinformation and shape content decisions on social media, but that the relationship has grown between the pharmaceutical firm and the NGO. PGP, with its extensive access to Twitter data and influence in formulating pandemic-related speech policies, has been pivotal in guiding Moderna’s strategy. (Report: Moderna Engaged in Covert Operations to Control Online Criticism of Vaccines.)

This censorship has extended, of course, to blaming the “unvaccinated” for the spread of the Wuhan Virus even though it is impossible for an unvaccinated person to spread a disease to those the “vaccinated,: who are said to be immune from it, and despite the fact that the spike proteins within the vaccines are incubators for the virus itself and that the unvaccinated have become infected by vaccine shedding from the vaccinated.

Writer Igor Chudov explained this scapegoating as follows in a recent commentary:

I doubt that the “scientific discovery” of unwarranted and mean-spirited scapegoating of the unvaccinated surprises most of my readers, but the details of the “findings” are interesting.

However, this emphasis on vaccination has also given rise to a complex social phenomenon – the stigmatization and prejudice faced by those who choose not to get vaccinated against COVID-19. A recent study published in the Journal of Medical Ethics aimed to investigate whether the negative sentiments directed towards the unvaccinated can be considered a form of scapegoating.

“My colleagues and I have been studying the social divisions surrounding COVID-19 for some time. We have noticed that much of the existing research at that time focused on conflicts originating from people who discount COVID-19, believe in conspiracy theories, and generally undervalue the threat of the virus. We replicated many of those patterns in our own research as well,” said study author Maja Graso, an assistant professor at the University of Groningen.

The authors seem to be shocked by their discovery that much of the lies and misinformation came from the government and media:

“However, what we found to be missing was an address to misinformation and the consequences stemming from overestimating the threat. Consider, for instance, how in 2020, more than 30% of Americans believed that a COVID infection led to a 50% chance of hospitalization; it never did, nor was there ever evidence to suggest it might. Left-leaning individuals tended to over-estimate COVID harms to a greater degree than conservatives.”

The scientific study by Maja Graso et al. examined attitudes toward unvaccinated people by presenting a questionnaire with fictional characters: a vaccinated person named Katy and an unvaccinated person named Mark. Both Katy and Mark carried the COVID-19 virus and infected a vulnerable individual.

It turns out that, despite being in the identical position, the unvaccinated individual was selected for blame and targeted with extremely negative emotions:



You would expect me to rant against the above-mentioned left-leaning individuals. Instead, I would like to point out that “Trump supporters” were also prone to scapegoating and hatred towards the unvaccinated, although to a lesser extent:



The pandemic propaganda was strong!

The truth, of course, was that the Covid vaccine did not work and did not prevent any transmission, and after a month or two past vaccinations, it made the vaccinated MORE likely to be infected.

However, the impact of the media’s fear-mongering was all-encompassing. 35% of adults believed that half of Covid infections required hospitalization! The authors tried hard to make their findings palatable for an official medical journal.

Second, scapegoating implies that the blame is either undeserved or disproportional. Thus, we encourage public health researchers, practitioners and science communicators to consider the implications of relying primarily on fear-based approaches to mitigating the harms caused by C19.65 For example, if 35% of US adults believed that at least half of C19 infections require hospitalisation,18 it suggests a significant health communication failure. A result is that it can lead people to turn against and blame each other when doing so is not justified by available facts, which may not have been adequately presented to the public. We submit that a relevant ethical question that public health officials should debate is whether it is morally obligatory for them to correct misinformation regardless of whether it overestimates or underestimates of C19 risk.

Third, our findings also show the impact of citizens’ political ideology on scapegoating. We did not test the sources of liberals’ greater likelihood to scapegoat the unvaccinated individuals, but we encourage further investigation of whether media exposure could be a contributing factor. Just as conservative media and politicians are culpable for misinformation leading people to underestimate certain C19 risks,66 67 it is possible that liberal outlets introduced misinformation in the opposite direction. For instance, Rachel Maddow of MSNBC, an outlet with a decidedly liberal audience,68 noted in March 2021: ‘Now we know that the vaccines work well enough that the virus stops with every vaccinated person.’69 However, this claim was not possible to make at that time,70 nor was it true. The original clinical trials did not test for effectiveness on transmission.71 Early evidence, and reasonable deduction from the research in vaccinology and virology, suggested that the vaccines would not fully stop transmission. By April 2021, more than 10 000 vaccine breakthrough infections had been officially reported across the USA (a substantial undercounting), 10% of which had been hospitalised and 2% of which had died.72 An outbreak investigation by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in July 2021 found that 74% of cases linked to a summer event in Massachusetts were vaccinated and most were symptomatic.73 Therefore, we argue that it is important to correct the dubious claims made by both sides of the political spectrum, as both may distort risk and fuel polarisation.

Worse still, this scapegoating, based on complete fiction by official health experts and media, broke many families, as this highly typical 2021 Reddit post from a confused pregnant woman describes:



Hatred and Division Were Intentional!

The authors of the">Graso et al. study did not mention an important fact: fear and creating divisions and hatred towards the unvaccinated were completely intentional and had a purpose: to force vaccine refusers (who knew everything Maja Graso et al. described above, in 2021) to vaccinate through alienating their relatives and friends.

Consider">">this agenda article by the World Economic Forum, which mentioned creating “FOMO,” or fear of missing out.



The “another way” link above points to concepts of using social division, hatred, and lies developed in January 2021... guess where… at">Harvard University!

Harvard authors recommend:

Inspire FOMO. Second, we recommend incentivizing the fear of missing out, both socially and economically. For example, recently 82 percent of adults said they are not comfortable visiting family or close friends inside their homes during the COVID-19 pandemic. This inability to socialize is more likely to influence late majority and laggard groups to take the vaccine than health-related messages. …

Harvard researchers call for inducing “guilt and regret,” by scapegoating the unvaccinated:


Inducing guilt and regret. This method was">successfully employed in Canada in the 1930s and 1940s to confront diphtheria, which was affecting up to one in seven Canadian children. Simple messages of guilt, with statements like “if your children die of diphtheria, it is your fault because you prefer not to take the trouble to protect against it” proved to be effective and led the late majority to vaccinate their children.

The hatred and division were relentless:

What is the result of it? Almost everyone had COVID anyway. Fortunately, few have died, although both COVID-19, a">" style="font-family: "times new roman", times, serif; font-size: 16px;">lab-made">" style="font-family: "times new roman", times, serif; font-size: 16px;">SARS-HIV chimera, and COVID-19 vaccines have killed millions and">" style="font-family: "times new roman", times, serif; font-size: 16px;">undermined the health of billions.

The worst outcome is thousands of broken families, economic devastation among the families of fired unvaccinated workers, and persisting social alienation and division - all created in the name of anti-human “science” driven by profit and careerism.

I want to thank Maja Graso for her brave study. I also must mention that">Modern Discontent, a friend of this blog, also">covered that story.

I would also like to thank my readers,">">vaccine skeptics, regardless of their personal vaccination status, for whatever you did to fight this craziness.


Largely, the guilt for these broken relationships lies at the feet of anti-human careerists such as the Harvard researchers above. The relatives who chose to break ties with some of us are also victims of those industrialized mass psychology tactics, which were designed to be irresistible to most. So, even if reconciliation is not likely, please forgive them!


(As found at">" style="font-family: "times new roman", times, serif; font-size: 16px;">The Unvaccinated Were Scapegoated for Failure of COVID Vaccines, Study Finds.)

Yes, there have been gargantuan efforts by the "inclusive" to exclude those who did not accept their propaganda without any hesitation, rservation, or qualifcation. Many families were torn apart needlessly. Friendships were ended. I, for one, can attest how scientists within my own acquaintance are ever ready to ostracize anyone who dissents from the prevailing Bio-Phamarceutical and Deep State narrative.

The great scientific censors cannot admit that the following list of “sudden deaths” provided by John Leake one month ago has anything to do with their salvific,” gene-altering jabs developed in part from the stem cells of butchered babies:

Nov. 10:" target="_blank">Italian Fashion Designer David Renne dies at 46, cause “apparently a heart attack.”

Nov. 13:" target="_blank">Hollywood Producer Kevin Turen dies at 44, “cause unknown.”

Nov. 15:" target="_blank">Devon Wylie, former NFL player for Chiefs and Titans, dies at 35, “cause not given.”

Last night at dinner a friend told me about a young model and mother of two who recently died of cardiac arrest while watching TV with her kids. A few weeks ago, two fit, 44-year-old men in a prominent Dallas church congregation died in their sleep on the same night, apparently of cardiac arrest.

Prior to 2021, I remember young people dying of leukemia, drug overdose, and car accidents. I have no recollection of young people dying of “heart attacks” and “unknown causes.” (">Weekly Casualty List: 11/8 - 11/15.)

More recently, there is the case of a Protestant Brazilian who described himself as a “gospel singer,” Pedro Henrique, who suffered a massive heart attack and died while performing in front of a live audience at the age of thirty:

Pedro Henrique, a Brazilian gospel singer, collapsed and died while performing on stage Wednesday in a chilling incident that was also captured on video. 

Henrique, 30, was performing at a religious event in the city of Feira de Santana">" target="_blank">in Brazil where he can be seen on the edge of the stage passionately singing his song "Vai Ser Tão Lindo" to the crowd.  

He then holds his microphone in the air urging the crowd to sing along, and, as he brings the mic back to his mouth, he suddenly loses his balance, falls backward and slumps onto his back in front of his band.

People can be seen rushing over to help him as the horrified crowd watches on in shock. The performance was">" target="_blank">broadcast live on social channels.  Henrique's Instagram page has 1.2 million followers.

Henrique is survived by his wife, Suilan Barreto, and their 2-month-old daughter, Zoe.

Todah Music, Henrique’s record label, said he was pronounced dead at a local medical clinic having suffered a massive">" target="_blank">heart attack.

"There are very difficult situations in life, for which we have no explanation," Todah Music posted on its Instagram page, translated in Portuguese.

"We just need to understand that the will of God prevails!

"Peter was a cheerful young man, a friend to all… a husband and super-dedicated father. There is no pastor">" target="_blank">or Christian in Brazil who says anything different… The Christian music segment is mourning."

"Todah music family is mourning. Heaven in choir receives an illustrious son: Pedro Henrique! See you soon dear brother!!! See you all soon!
May the Holy Spirit comfort you all!" (">">Brazilian gospel singer Pedro Henrique, 30, dies on stage during massive heart attack.)

There is an explanation for such tragedies: the Wuhan Virus vaccines, replete with their genetic engineering and spike proteins that are causing young people to drop dead with cardiac problems or to suffer from vaccine-induced myocarditis as well as other adverse health effects. Dr. McCullough explained what happened to a seventy-five year-old marathon runner in the United Kingdom who was crippled after having received several Wuhan Virus vaccinations:

The World Health Organization has a layperson explanation of Guillain-BarrĂŠ Syndrome (GBS) which is appropriate as more people are affected with this condition after SARS-CoV-2 infection and the ill-advised COVID-19 vaccines.

“Symptoms typically last a few weeks, with most individuals recovering without long-term, severe neurological complications. The first symptoms of Guillain-Barré syndrome include weakness or tingling sensations. They usually start in the legs and can spread to the arms and face. For some people, these symptoms can lead to paralysis of the legs, arms, or muscles in the face. In approximately one third of people, the chest muscles are affected, making it hard to breathe. The ability to speak and swallow may become affected in severe cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome. These cases are considered life-threatening, and affected individuals should be treated in intensive-care units. Most people recover fully from even the most severe cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome, although some continue to experience weakness. Even in the best of settings, a small number of Guillain-Barré syndrome patients die from complications, which can include paralysis of the muscles that control breathing, blood infection, lung clots, or cardiac arrest.”

Mr. Rod Shears is a 77 year-old former CEO and super fit marathon runner in the UK. He lives about 15 minutes outside of central London. Please listen to the description of what happened to him in 2021 after two AstraZeneca adenoviral COVID-19 shots and then a Pfizer mRNA booster. His syndrome is not classic for GBS because it is a dominant demyelinating motor neuropathy.

This video is important, because Rod is in a wheelchair and obviously devastated with his vaccine injury. He has never heard of" target="_blank">McCullough Protocol Base Spike Detoxification. As you will see, he has agreed to try the protocol and check in with Courageous discourse at 3, 6, 9, and 12 months to report on his condition. In the absence of large randomized trials, we must rely on clinical judgement and empirical evidence to understand safety and treatment effect. Let’s hope for the best for Mr. Shears. (">COVID-19 Vaccination Cripples Senior Marathon Runner Into Wheelchair.)

Human beings are being maimed and killed by “vaccines” that were developed under Donald John Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed” to provide a supposed “preventative” for a bioengineered virus that was, as was documented throughout the “Sin: More Deadly Than the Coronavirus” series, never as fatal to most of those who contracted it who did not suffer from preexisting comorbidities. Most, although certainly not all, of the people who were said to have died from the Wuhan Virus were actually the victims of the Anthony Fauci/Deborah Birx/Centers for Disease Control/World Health Organization rigid, cookie-cutter/boilerplate protocols that refused in most cases to provide the sort of early intervention that front line physicians such as Drs. Peter McCullough, Robert Malone, Peter Koury, and Joseph Mercola, among so many others, championed throughout the course of the scamdemic fearmongering by so-called “public health officials.” Stories emerged in 2020 and 2021 of eyewitness testimonies about the failure of such official protocols, which denied any investigation of an individual’s medical history and whether the prescribed courses of treatment would be beneficial to a patient after a thorough review of his health problems.

These eyewitness stories continue to emerge, and one was reported on The Defender page of the Children’s Health Defense organization’s website:

In exclusive interviews with">CHD.TV’s ‘Vax-Unvax” Bus and">The Defender, California intensive care unit nurse Gail Macrae shared her story of pushing back against hospital COVID-19 protocols that she said violated medical ethics and resulted in increased harm to patients.

Macrae worked at the Kaiser Permanente Hospital in Santa Rosa from 2015 until 2021, when she was fired for not complying with the staff vaccine mandate.

After the">COVID-19 vaccine rollout, Macrae witnessed a dramatic spike in hospitalizations with side effects she had never seen before. Meanwhile, proven and recommended treatments were banned and record-keeping systems were manipulated to obfuscate vaccine-related injuries and">breakthrough infection cases, she said.

Hospital staff faced threats for reporting adverse events and retaliation for objecting to">protocols isolating patients and denying families access and">input over their treatments.

In his new book, “">">What the Nurses Saw: An Investigation into Systemic Medical Murders That Took Place in Hospitals During the COVID Panic and the Nurses Who Fought Back,” Ken McCarthy details similar events.

‘Felt like I was violating my oath’

According to Macrae, in the first months of the pandemic hospitals were nearly empty as elective procedures halted — a scene that contrasted with media claims of overwhelmed capacity.

Even during the 2020-2021 winter surge of hospitalizations due to normal respiratory issues, she said “not once” were hospitals overwhelmed — an observation she corroborated with colleagues across the state.

“The public was being lied to,” she said. “So that really opened my eyes to the fact that there were things going on that shouldn’t have been going on.”

Macrae reported the implementation of strict isolation protocols for COVID-19 patients that prohibited visitations from patient families and advocates. She claimed these restrictive policies facilitated unchecked “fear-mongering from the media,” while removing a support system that would have provided a buffer against administrative coercion.

Despite COVID-19 being “the most inflammatory disease process that humanity has ever seen,” experienced hospital staff were blocked from administering steroids — “the">best treatment for an inflammatory process,” Macrae said.

“So for the government and the CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] and these three-letter organizations to tell practitioners that they could not administer steroids … was absolutely criminal,” she said.

California was not the only state to ban steroids. McCarthy, in a">recent interview with AMP News, said he found it “just mind-boggling” when nurses told him standard anti-inflammatories like steroids were banned under rigid protocols in hospitals across the U.S.

Meanwhile,">remdesivir, already found">ineffective as an Ebola therapeutic, was administered under rigid protocols although evidence indicated it “causes more harm than good,” Macrae said, adding that antivirals, in general, do not work “more than two days post-symptom onset.”

Macrae suggested profit motives were to blame, noting “each one of those doses was over $3,000.”

With all of these new restrictive policies and protocols, Macrae said, “Every day I felt like I was violating my oath as a practitioner.”

After vaccine rollout, surge in hospitalizations, ‘code blue’ alerts

Once COVID-19 vaccines were introduced in early 2021, Macrae reported an immediate and drastic shift, with a “300% increase in hospitalizations,” and hospital staff overwhelmed amid uncharacteristic patient conditions.

Macrae said “code blue” alerts — when somebody stops breathing or their heart stops — which had been happening perhaps once per shift, begin happening as many as 10 times per shift.

“They would always call them down to the lower level of the hospital, where we had a vaccination clinic,” she said.

Two nurses who administered the shots directly — colleagues she met through a practitioner support group in her community — said they were seeing between 10 and 20 episodes of">anaphylactic shock every day. They told Macrae they were threatened with termination if they said anything about it publicly.

One day near the end of June 2021 as she was working a 16-hour shift split between two units, Macrae said she got a report that every single patient in both units — 60 overall — had unusual injuries that were likely the result of the COVID-19 shots.

She described uncommon">blood clots,">bleeds, heart attacks, strokes and">Bell’s Palsy increasing in frequency during the early months of the vaccination campaign.

“There were all of these bizarre peripheral">vascular clotting disorders,” she said, “and literally, I had never even heard of them or seen them before.”

She even saw four “rapid onset”">">Guillain-Barré syndrome cases, compared to only two cases in all of her previous years of experience as an acute care nurse.

Macrae asked two of these patients what they thought caused their condition, and they said they had received the COVID-19 shots “within 24 hours of onset” of their symptoms.

During this time, the hospital and the press maintained that it was the">unvaccinated who were filling the hospitals, she said.

The hospital’s charting system was also rigged to not show post-vaccination breakthrough infections, Macrae said. “Any patient who was diagnosed with COVID the chart would automatically populate as ‘unvaccinated. If anyone tried to change that manually, the only other option was “vaccination status unknown.”

This was a feature of">"> Epic software used in all Kaiser Permanente hospitals, said Macrae, a limitation corroborated by others.

“I’ve talked to nurses all over the country who saw the scamming of the charting systems,” she said.

Macrae said staff at her hospital were deterred from drawing logical conclusions or lodging reports, saying her manager told her, “We cannot report these because we cannot prove that these [shots] are what is the cause.”

“I felt like we were being handcuffed, duck-taped across the mouth and threatened with harm,” she said.

Macrae said only about 30% of her colleagues saw what she was seeing — or were willing to say so.

McCarthy’s interviews with other nurses around the country chronicled similar patterns of reprisal. If nurses submitted injection injury reports or spoke to media, they risked job loss and their professional reputations.

“Any nurse that stood up was not just fired, not just delicensed, but personally attacked,” he said. One nurse was even forced to leave her home and change her name after receiving death threats, he said.

McCarthy said their were “organized armies of attack trolls” going after nurses, and that one of the funders of these efforts was the United Nations. “We actually have video of the undersecretary of communications of the U.N. bragging about this group">"> Team Halo,” he said.

In August 2021, Macrae said the pressure on hospital staff to take the vaccine intensified. She showed her employer her bloodwork proving she had">natural immunity, but to no avail.

In the months leading up to that, she said those who refused the vaccines — whether staff or patients — were often “belittled, gaslighted or undermined” in various ways.

In September, Macrae">"> served her manager and the hospital’s human resources manager with “affidavits of truth and fact,” she said, consisting of notarized statements and two blood tests proving her natural immunity and citing state, federal and international laws concerning her right to reject the “experimental use product.”

“I didn’t want to file a religious exemption,” she said, so she included “over 70 articles showing that">natural immunity was as effective or more effective than these experimental use vaccines.”

The next day Macrae was put on leave, and within a week she was fired. She estimates at least 25 people from her facility — along with thousands of medical practitioners throughout California — suffered a similar fate.

By the time she left, Macrae estimated more than 90% of the patients hospitalized at her facility were fully vaccinated.

Macrae said the ostracizing hasn’t stopped, lamenting that she still gets pushback from people who accuse her of being paid to criticize the medical system or call her a “monster.”

“We get so much scrutinization from all of these naysayers who just don’t want to see the truth,” she said. “I don’t know what to tell them. Is it really reasonable to look at people like me and somehow convince yourself that I’m doing this for some ulterior motive?”

Macrae credits her faith and her husband — formally a civil engineer, now a law school student — and her 20-year marriage with giving her the strength she needed to get through the last several years.

‘I would not take my family member to a hospital’

Macrae said she is concerned for the future of medicine in this country “because we have criminalized and disciplined all the practitioners” who were willing to “protect our patients and families.”

“I would not take a family member to a hospital,” she said. “It’s a dangerous place.”

McCarthy echoed that assessment, stating plainly, “I want to make very clear to everybody: These murders, they are murders,.. are going on right now. They have not stopped.”

“They are still using these protocols,” said McCarthy, who described the COVID-19 treatment as, “Don’t give them water. Cut them off from their loved ones. Put them on powerful psychoactive drugs, coerce and bully them into getting intubated and vented.”

“Less people are dying because less people are being diagnosed and ending up in the clutches of these hospitals,” he said.

McCarthy warned against accepting sedatives. “The minute you take a psychoactive drug in a hospital, you now become somebody they can hold against your will,” he said. “Why? Because you’re now a danger to yourself and others.”

“There is a law that allows them to hold onto you. It’s called medical kidnap,” he said.

Macrae said the optimist in her “wants to believe that this medical system is going to crumble and we’re going to rebuild something based on ethical and integrous human interaction, which I feel has been pretty much removed from these systems.”

The road from here

Macrae and several medical professionals,">"> Dr. Christiane Northrup, founded the organization"> Stand Firm Now, with the goal of gathering expert witness testimony from medical practitioners on notarized affidavits that will “be accessible to every litigating attorney in the world,” she said.

“That’s what’s been missing in courts,” she said, referring to lawsuits — including">one filed on her behalf  by">">America’s Frontline Doctors — that have been thrown out by “judges who are also practicing from the bench.”

The notarized testimonies will allow litigants to “properly reinforce” their cases with the “quality and quantity of evidence required to persuade the judge to open exploration,” she said. Without such evidence, judges think, “This is all conspiracy theories and misinformation,” she said.

Macrae recently filed a"> lawsuit as a pro se litigant against seven individuals who worked for Kaiser Permanente, against state and county health officers, and against her union representative, who she alleged failed to represent her when her hospital mandated the experimental drug. The suit was thrown out but is now on appeal at the federal level, according to Macrae.

“I’m very excited about this,” she said, noting that filing against individuals instead of corporations “changes the legal jurisdiction.”

Macrae said she is contracting with people all over the country to begin collaboration and development of a “new private, parallel healthcare system outside of the legal grasp of the three-letter agencies that are constantly forcing us to commit crimes against the oath that we took.”

“We must remove ourselves from the jurisdiction of the corrupt federal government and regulatory organizations that have destroyed the medical system,” she said, adding there will be a process for ensuring “ethical and moral compliance” in the new system.

McCarthy talked about">"> American Frontline Nurses and the"> Nurse Freedom Network, nonprofits offering advocacy, education and nursing services directly to the public.

These nurses are “protecting people that are in the COVID meat grinder,” he said. “They actually intervene and help people. They deal with the hospitals. They deal with the hospital administrators.”

“But they also keep you out of the hospital, which should be your very, very, very last resort,” he said. (">Exclusive: Fired ICU Nurse Speaks Out on COVID Protocols, Vaccine Injuries. Also see">A Star Witness of the Criminal Pandemic Response 

What is very tragic about the facts presented in this story is the fact that there is no understanding that medical care once was based entirely on both the bodily and spiritual care of patients.

The Middle Ages, which is so hated and disparaged by Protestants, Talmudists, Freemasons, and most other non-Catholics, saw the establishment of numerous religious communities whose charism was the care of the sick and the establishment and maintenance of hospitals. One of those communities was the Hospitallers of Saint John of God, although there are very few members of the order today because of the doctrinal, liturgical, and moral bankruptcy of conciliarism (Poland and the Spanish provinces of Andalusia and Castile have the most Hospitallers in comparison to most of the world; there are only seventeen in the United States of America). Saint Aloysius, a professed member of the Society of Jesus, gave up his life to serve those in Rome who had contracted the plague, and our own Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini, whose feast we celebrate he made sure that the establishment of hospitals was one of the chief works of her own Missionaries of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (in addition to caring for Italian immigrants to the United States of America and elsewhere in the Americas, establishing schools and rorphanages). Mind you, these are only a few examples of the numerous saintly Catholics who took seriously the commands of the Holy Gospel to provide care to others motivated by a love of God as He has revealed Himself to us through His true Church and the spiritual and temporal good of the souls for whom His Divine Son shed every single drop of His Most Precious Blood to redeem.

Rather than the indifference and, in all to many cases, callousness of many medical “professionals’ today who view time with their patients as burdensome, which is why some have taken to delivering messages to patients via video screens displayed on a robot, institutions of mercy established and maintained by the Catholic Church and staffed with believing Catholics took the time to comfort patients in body, mind and soul. Patients received sound medical care in Catholic healthcare institutions of yore, and many priests, consecrated religious, lay Catholic physicians, nurses, nurses’ aides, orderlies, and other staff members took the time to sit by the bedside of patients while they prayed Our Lady’s Most Holy Rosary together and to recite other prayers with them throughout the day. Those who serve others as though they are serving Our Lord Himself do so with a cheerful demeanor but are also ready to offer sympathy and compassion in times of distress and sorrow according to these words of Saint Paul the Apostle:

[6] And having different gifts, according to the grace that is given us, either prophecy, to be used according to the rule of faith; [7] Or ministry, in ministering; or he that teacheth, in doctrine; [8] He that exhorteth, in exhorting; he that giveth, with simplicity; he that ruleth, with carefulness; he that sheweth mercy, with cheerfulness. [9] Let love be without dissimulation. Hating that which is evil, cleaving to that which is good. [10] Loving one another with the charity of brotherhood, with honour preventing one another.

[11] In carefulness not slothful. In spirit fervent. Serving the Lord. [12] Rejoicing in hope. Patient in tribulation. Instant in prayer. [13] Communicating to the necessities of the saints. Pursuing hospitality. [14] Bless them that persecute you: bless, and curse not. [15] Rejoice with them that rejoice; weep with them that weep.

[16] Being of one mind one towards another. Not minding high things, but consenting to the humble. Be not wise in your own conceits. [17] To no man rendering evil for evil. Providing good things, not only in the sight of God, but also in the sight of all men. [18] If it be possible, as much as is in you, have peace with all men. [19] Revenge not yourselves, my dearly beloved; but give place unto wrath, for it is written: Revenge is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord. [20] But if thy enemy be hungry, give him to eat; if he thirst, give him to drink. For, doing this, thou shalt heap coals of fire upon his head.

[21] Be not overcome by evil, but overcome evil by good. (Romans 12: 6-21.)

Yes, there was a time when institutions of mercy provided the Corporal Works of Mercy as befits redeemed creatures, mindful that patients must be prepared to receive to the Sacraments and that those who are not disposed to do would be able to make their peace with the good God in the Sacred Tribunal of Penance on a regular basis, especially before they die, and to receive Holy Communion frequently while hospitalized and as Final Viaticum as death approaches. It is the absence of such care today, especially in institutions formerly administered by the authority of the Catholic Church that have merged with or been taken over by large corporate entities and are operated on an almost purely utilitarian basis without any regard to the binding precepts of the Divine Positive Law and the Natural Law and thus of seeing the Divine impress in all that they serve.
What Gail Macrae and so many hundreds of other healthcare professionals witnessed during the height of the plandemic was the consequence of the Protestant Revolution’s overthrow of the Social Reign of Christ the King that was cemented by the rise and institutionalization of Judeo-Masonry’s naturalistic view of the world that makes no place for redemptive suffering and, quite instead, is a tool of viewing the sick and the suffering in a purely utilitarian cost-benefit manner.

A System Taken Over by the Merchants of Death

Now, obviously, this does not mean that there are not good professionals in the healthcare industry who are devoted to healing. Of course not. It would be inaccurate and irresponsible to state such a thing. There are many people who work long, hard hours and who are doing their best on a purely natural level to help patients, including elderly patients who have had heart attacks or strokes or suffer from some long-term, debilitating disease.

Nevertheless, however, it remains the case that, despite the level of care one receives and the dedication of many healthcare providers to the healing of the sick, the ethos of “palliative care,” which the nefarious Anthony Fauci euphemized as “comfort care,” saw to it that so many hundreds of people died needlessly during the height of the plandemic, and I have no doubt that many others, trusting naively in the so-called “healthcare professionals” and the “official” “public health” narratives, will do so yet again if the latest bioengineered China Virus that is said to drug-resistant to antibiotics.

Make no mistake about the matter, however: the rigid protocols and then the vaccine mandates that controlled the plandemic narrative were the logical consequences of a healthcare system that has long been suffused with the “palliative care” mentality into every figurative corpuscle of major medical institutions, and it is also true that much of the good care provided on the merely natural level will last as long as does a patient’s insurance or savings accounts. No money, no care, and that is where the “bottom line” matters more than anything else, which is why the notorious “call to hospice” is made when “all is lost,” which in too many instances today means that the money has simply dried up and it is no longer cost-effective to keep someone who is comatose, terminally ill or suffering from some debilitating condition that interferes with his “quality of life.”

The late “Doctor Death,” Jack Kevorkian, was a cardboard caricature of a utilitarian killer who played God in life and then had to face Him in death. Far more dangerous than Jack Kevorkian are the ordinary men and women in the healthcare industry who think nothing of making “quality of life” decisions that are not other than life and death decisions the moment a patient walks through the door and is interviewed by the first member of the “team.” Very few of those in the medical profession see the Divine impress in those they treat as they do not even see it within themselves.

The horrible situations we face in the world, including the traps that exist within the healthcare industry, are, as noted just above, but the inevitable results of the overthrow of the Social Reign of Christ the King wrought by the Protestant Revolution and its subsequent institutionalization by the rise of Judeo-Masonry and all of the naturalist myths spread by its adherents. It is nonetheless true that the lords of conciliarism have enabled the regime of “palliative care” that was propagated by the Robert Wood Johnson and Soros foundations. Jorge Mario Bergoglio and his handpicked minions in the revamped “pontifical” academy of life have been very vocal in this regard (see">" title="A Mutual Alliance in Behalf of Spiritual and Physical Death: Jorge Mario Bergoglio and George Soros">A Mutual Alliance in Behalf of Spiritual and Physical Death: Jorge Mario Bergoglio and George Soros, which was incorporated as part of">">Life, Death, and Truth: Under Attack by Medicine and Law three years ago).

Sickness, disability, pain, and death are the temporal effects of Original Sin and our own Actual Sins on the human body. A soul consecrated to Our Lord through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary expresses gratitude for every consolation and for every cross given unto him. We must recognize that each consolation and every cross is a sign of God's great love and mercy for us as He gives us consolations to give us encouragement in this vale of tears and as He gives us crosses to unite us more fully to His Holy Cross so that we can help to pay back the debt of what we owe for our own forgive sins, help to convert hardened sinners alive on the face of this earth and to help to release the Poor Souls in the Church Suffering in Purgatory.

A soul who lives in the conscious awareness of his Total Consecration to Jesus through the Immaculate Heart of Mary does not live in fear of the exigencies of the moment in his personal life. He maintains an equanimity in the midst of personal travails, seeing each as coming from the hand of God and understanding without a moment's hesitation that the graces He won for us on the wood of the Holy Cross and that flow through the loving hands of Our Lady, the Mediatrix of All Graces, are sufficient to prosper under each cross, recognizing as well that absolutely nothing we suffer in this life is the equal of what one of our least Venial Sins caused Him to suffer in His Sacred Humanity during His Passion and Death.

A soul who lives in the consciousness awareness of his Total Consecration to Jesus through the Immaculate Heart of Mary does not live in fear of the exigencies of the moment in the life of the Church Militant on earth or the world. He maintains an equanimity in the midst of these travails, hoping and praying that his own acts of reparation to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary will help to plant a few seeds for the Resurrection of the Mystical Body of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ upon earth and for the restoration of Christendom in the world.

Consider these words of Father Edward Leen in Why the Cross?

For men, as a rule, have but shown themselves too eager to manage their own temporal affairs. They resent what they call the Church's interference. This resentment culminates in a deliberate exclusion of the Church from the councils of peoples. Even at the best of times, when States were not yet professedly secularist, what jealousy was always manifested with regard to the action of the Church in secular matters! How slow men were to take her advice! How her efforts for procuring the temporal welfare of men were hampered, thwarted and positively resisted!

The gradual silencing of the voice of Christianity in the councils of the nations is the evil cause of the chaotic conditions of modern civilized life. This issue was inevitable. For though the Church's wisdom is primarily in the domain of things of the world to come, yet she is wise, too, with regard to the things of the world that is. She is not for the world, and yet she is able and even ready to act as if she were equipped specially to procure the temporal good of men.  [See Maritain, St. Thomas Aquinas, p. 134.] She is able and willing to give men directions in temporal matters, which, if followed, will result in temporal prosperity. She is too wise to promote unrealizable Utopias, from which all suffering and toil will be banished. She can give prudent directions how to devise measures for the mitigation of inevitable hardships and the elimination of unnecessary evils. If rulers and ruled alike listened to her voice, the authentic voice of Christianity, what a change would come over the world! It would not cease to be a vale of tears but would cease to be a vale of savage strife. It would not become an earthly Paradise but would become an earth where man's dreams of a satisfying order of things could be realized. (Father Edward Leen, Why the Cross?, originally published by Sheed & Ward in 1938, and republished in 2001 by Scepter Publishers, Princeton, New Jersey,  pp. 14-15.)

We must lift our minds and hearts to Heaven as we embrace the Holy Cross, ever conscious of the price that Our Lord paid to redeem us thereon, a price that was shared by His Most Blessed Mother as she stood so valiantly under It. We do need to be afraid of any virus. We need only to understand that sin is more deadly than any virus, that one Mortal Sin could, if left unrepented and unabsolved, lead us to hell for all eternity if we were unfortunate enough to die in its stench. We must accept suffering as the price of our salvation and offer it up to the Throne of the Most Blessed Trinity as the consecrated slaves of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary.   n

Father Benedict Baur, O.S.B., explained how deeply we must always unite ourselves to Our Lord's sufferings:

Christ and His members must be one. They must walk the same road, not only during the liturgical service, when they are lifted up together in the mysteries of the sacrifice, but also in every event of life. Christ welcomed suffering, and accepted it freely; He did not flee the hardships of life. He makes suffering in us, His members, serve the spirit; He uses it as a means of freeing us from the world and all that is temporal and thus raises us from things of his world to the thins that are eternal.

Now, during Passiontide, we must begin to live and treasure pain and suffering. In the cross, in suffering, in or crucifixion with Christ, we shall find salvation. For Him and with Him we should bear all the slight injustices committed against us. For Him we should suffer freely and willingly the unpleasant and disagreeable things that occur to us. But our faith is weak. We flee from from the cross instead of holding it dear, instead of loving it and welcoming it our as Savior did.  (Father Benedict Baur, O.S.B., The Light of the World, Volume I, B. Herder Book Company, 1954, p. 595.)

Father Leen made a similar point in the conclusion of Why The Cross?

Why God should have decreed that the obedience of His Son should be expressed through the awful sufferings of the Passion, when it might have been expressed in a ritual act involving no such pain, is a secret of His inscrutable designs. All we can now is that the sacrifice of Calvary was decreed out of a merciful regard for man.

St. Thomas, while not pretending to solve this great mystery of pain, shows how, practically, the dreadful sufferings of Christ on Calvary aid man to profit by the salvation that these sufferings have merited for him. He points out that, though from the very beginning of His conception Jesus merited the divine life of grace for men, yet their remained obstacles to their profiting to the grace so won for them. The Passion was directed toward the removal of those obstacles.

Calvary brings home to men in a vivid way the great gravity of sin and the terrible tribulation that awaits it. The Passion, bringing home to the imagination, as well as to the mind, the loathsomeness of sin and the chastisement that it merits, act as a powerful deterred from evil. Calvary, by its example, encourages that heroism which is often demanded of men if they are to prove faithful to God in times of great trial and temptation. Above all, it moves men to the love of God, Who, in surrendering Himself to death on their account, gives such a convincing proof of His love for them. Love is, in final account, the great force in life, for love alone can inspire that sacrifice which is the price of unwavering fidelity to the Lord.

Every Christian who proves himself faithful in his vocation will deduce form his own experience the wisdom of the divine decree. He will learn by practical experience that it is only through contemplating with faith the sufferings of the Man-God that he nerves himself to abide in obedience to the Lord in spite of the hardships that such obedience so frequently entails. In a world that is ever at with Christ and His ideals, there is a constant call for heroism if one is to persevere to the end in loyalty to God. The Cross, is for the Christian, the standard that rouses his courage to withstand bravely the assault of the consequences with Christ, risen from the dead, “to walk in newness of life.”

Christ has traced for the Christian the path he most follow if he is to achieve himself and conquer happiness.

The life of Christ on earth was a career of conquest, closing in on the magnificent triumph of entry into heaven on the day of the Ascension. The Christian who wishes to share in Christ’s victory must be prepared to take active part in Christ’s struggle. He must, in other words, display, in conflict with the adverse forces within and without himself, the moral and spiritual qualities of his Leader.

The great obstacles to final success in this welfare of the spirit are the concupiscence of the flesh, the concupiscence of the eyes, and the pride of life. If the Christian is to cleave his way to the peace that surpasseth all understanding, and the happiness which such peace gives, the concupsicences must be beaten down and reduced to a state of impotence. The poverty, chastity, and obedience of Christ are he weapons with which this result is achieved. These are the moral qualities of which Christ’s life was the sustained expression.

The Christian will catch a reflection of Christ’s noble distinction if he emulates Christ’s grand independence of men and things. His contempt for purely fictitious glory, and His utter disregard for any honor except that which comes of God’s approval bestowed on a man’s life and actions. He will capture something of Christ’s moral grandeur if, reproducing something of Christ’s chastity, he attains to that majesty of spirit over matter which leaves the will free to expand in the purest love for God and man. He will clothe himself with a measure of Christ’s serene sovereignty if, acquiring Christ’s humility, he brings his nature to its highest in harmonizing it completely with the mind and will of its Creator and Sovereign Lord. In this lies the achievement of perfect truth: through this the Christian attains the excellence that comes of the flawless realization of the divine ideal of manhood. Undeniably, all this involves bitter suffering for man’s fallen nature, but the follower of Christ must be ready to sacrifice with Him if he wishes ‘to be glorified with Him.’ (Father Edward Leen, S.J., Why the Cross?, originally published by Sheed & Ward in 1938, and republished in 2001 by Scepter Publishers, Princeton, New Jersey,  pp. 310-312.)

While death will come to us all at time that God has appointed for us from all eternity, we must be willing to suffer until the time of a true natural death, not one defined by the merchants of death, in a world of escapism that has rejected the necessity of redemptive suffering. We must be well-prepared to make a good death, which can occur at any time, of course, and to ready to make a good Confession of our sins to a true priest if God has granted us the grace to be conscious, alert and in full control of our rational ability to do so, something for which we must beg Our Lady every day. A lifetime of embracing suffering by uniting it to the Cross of the Divine Redeemer as a member of His true Church is the only path to prepare as adequately as possible for the fearful moment of the Particular Judgment that will be rendered to us by Christ the King, our Divine Judge.

Protestantism has created a Christianity without the Cross. Judeo-Masonry has created a world without Christianity. The end result must be slavery to the "professionals" in a world of unspeakable savagery, and it is with that world of unspeakable savagery that Jorge Mario Bergoglio has made his own "official reconciliation" by forging a mutual alliance with Geroge Soros to advance the forces of spiritual and physical death.

Father Robert Mader offered words of great inspiration ninety years ago in the very country, Germany, where Bishop Clemens von Galen was to preach against the Hitlerian practices of eugenics, which involved the killing off of the feeble in body and in mind, most of which had originated during the Weimar Republic in the 1920s, that have become accepted as normal and nature in the "developed" world at this time, including here in the United States of America:

Following the destruction of Jerusalem, the Romans covered the places of hallowed memory to he Christian with rubble. The cave of the Holy Sepulchre was buried under such rubble, and over as well Golgotha pagan images and temples were erected in honor of Venus and Jupiter. For this reason the Christians did not go there anymore, in order not to be mistaken for idol-worshippers. Emperor Constantine ordered the temples and images torn down and the rubble carried away. After long and hard work the cave of the Holy Sepulchre was found. Not found away three crosses with nails were discovered, and along with them the superscription, which, however, lay separate from the cross.

Without doubt one of the these must be the Cross of the Savior, but there was no certain sign that would differentiate it from the crosses of the two thieves. This was given when a mortally il woman was suddenly cured by touching the true Cross. The Holy Cross was then encased in silver and precious gems, and a church was built over it, which according to Emperor Constantine's order was to be more magnificent than anything ever seen before. In memory of these events, the Church recalls the Finding of the Most Holy Cross on May 3, in order that on every day until the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross (September 14), land and people with be blessed with a splinter, a particle of the Cross.

We have every reason to remember these events. Christianity is the religion of the Crucified One. In his first letter to the Corinthians the Apostle of the Nations, St. Paul, declares: "For I judged not myself to know anything among you, but Jesus Christ, and him crucified (1 Cor. 2:2). St. Paul's preaching, no matter how many-sided it appears, always returns to the central Sun of Christendom: Jesus on the Cross, King of the World! Everything else is either a ray from this Sun, or it is nothing. In the Crucifix lies our entire dogmatic and moral theology, our entire teaching on faith and morals, our catechism. The Cross is our library. Every other book has value only inasmuch as the spirit of the Cross speaks in it.

Modernists have attempted to ban the old preaching of St. Paul, the Gospel of the Cross, to oblivion. The Cross means the teaching of the necessity of sacrifice and of grace, and this now lies under the rubble on which a new paganism has erected once again the pagan images and temples of Jupiter, Mercury, Venus and Bacchus--in other words, the absolutist state, capitalism, immorality, and addiction to pleasure. A certain superficial Christianity, which puts more value on being modern than on being Catholic and Biblical, and for which the imitation of the spirit of the times is more understandable than the imitation of Christ, has made itself a willing accomplice.

We have lost the Cross. We have a Christianity that no longer understands sacrifice and there is no Christianity or only a soulless version of Christianity. We need Constantines and Helens who will once again dig out the the Cross from under the rubble and make it their shrine and their sign, and who believe that the King's throne is the Cross.

The crucified King! In the family we must have a Finding of the the Most Holy Cross! The modern family has lost the crucifix, and in its place it has raised up the political hero, the artist, old pagan gods, nudity and the prostitute. The crucifix does not fit into the modern home. The modern living room preaches money-grabbing, pride, vanity, lasciviousness, laziness. The modern living room is the exaltation of the seven deadly sins. At least one is honest enough to feel the Cross no longer fits into this milieu and has got rid of it because in the long run the crucifix can only remain there where the spirit of the Crucified One remains, and the spirit of the Crucified is no longer there.

The spirit of the Crucified is the spirit of love and sacrifice, but the spirit of the modern family is the spirit of selfishness and enjoyment. The speech of the Crucified says: First the others, I come last! The speech of selfishness is: First I, then again I, the others come last! The Christian family is built on the notion of sacrifice and devotion. The concept of the Christian father is: Work from morning to evening for others. The concept of the Christian mother is: Care for others! Let the self always come last! The concept of the Christian child is: Respect, love, obedience. Father and mother first, only then I!

The notion of sacrifice is dying out in the modern family. The modern family is built upon the law of egotism. The modern family takes as its motto: "As much enjoyment and as little sacrifice as possible!" This is the source of Malthusianism. That is where characterless education comes from. And that is the doom of the family. Only the Cross and its sermon of self-discipline, self-denial and devotion can save the dying family. (Father Robert Mader, Cross and the Crown, edited and translated by Dr. Eileen Kunze, Sarto House, 1999, pp. 117-119.)

The myth of “brain death” and the practices of the modern "palliative care" industry are founded upon a rejection of the Holy Cross. So is most of modern medicine, especially for the chronically or terminally ill. We must embrace the Holy Cross of the Divine Redeemer, Christ the King, not flee from It, the very instrument of our salvation. It is only the Cross of the Divine Redeemer that is the true standard of human liberty, a liberty which seeks to please God in all things as He has revealed Himself to us through His Holy Church, a liberty which seeks to scale the heights of sanctity and to flee from even the whiff of sin, including the impurity, indecency, immodesty, and utter naturalism of a world drunk on one Judeo-Masonic myth of secular salvation after another.

On the Feast of the Expectation of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary

Today, Monday, December 18, 2023, is an Advent ferial day in the Third Week of Advent (the Ember Days of Advent occur this week on Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday) on which can be celebrated the Feast of the Expectation of the Blessed Virgin Mary just one week before Christmas Day itself.

Writing in The Liturgical Year, Dom Prosper Gueranger, O.S.B., explained the importance of this feast, which was once observed throughout Spain:

This Feast, which is now kept not only throughout the whole of Spain but in almost all the Churches of the Catholic world, owes its origin to the Bishops of the tenth Council of Toledo in 656. These Prelates having thought that there was an incongruity in the ancient practice of celebrating the feast of the Annunciation on the twenty-fifth of March, inasmuch as this joyful solemnity frequently occurs at the time when the Church is intent upon the Passion of our Lord, and is sometimes obliged to be transferred into Easter Time, with which it is out of harmony for another reason – they decreed that, henceforth, in the Church of Spain there should be kept, eight days before Christmas, a solemn Feast with an Octave, in honour of the Annunciation, and as a preparation for the great solemnity of our Lord’s Nativity. In course of time, however, the Church of Spain saw the necessity of returning to the practice of the Church of Rome, and of those of the whole world, which solemnise the twenty-fifth of March as the day of our Lady’s Annunciation and the Incarnation of the Son of God. But such had been, for ages, the devotion of the people for the Feast of the 18th of December, that it was considered requisite to maintain some vestige of it. They discontinued, therefore, to celebrate the Annunciation on this day; but the faithful were requested to consider, with devotion, what must have been the sentiments of the Holy Mother of God during the days immediately preceding her giving him birth. A new Feast was instituted, under the name of the Expectation of the Blessed Virgins Delivery.

This Feast, which sometimes goes under the name of Our Lady of O, or the Feast of O, on account of the Great Antiphons which are sung during these days, and in a special manner, of that which begins Virgo Virginum – is kept with great devotion in Spain. A High Mass is sung, at a very early hour, each morning during the Octave, at which all who are with child, whether rich or poor, consider it a duty to assist, that they may thus honour our Lady’s Maternity, and beg her blessing upon themselves. It is not to be wondered at that the Holy See has approved of this pious practice being introduced into almost every other country. We find that the Church of Milan, long before Rome conceded this feast to the various dioceses of Christendom, celebrated the Office of our Lady’s Annunciation on the sixth and last Sunday of Advent, and called the whole week following the Hebdomada de Exceptato (for thus the popular expression had corrupted the word Expectato). But these details belong strictly to the archaeology of Liturgy, and enter not into the plan of our present work; let us, then, return to the Feast of our Lady’s Expectation, which the Church has established and sanctioned as a new means of exciting the attention of the faithful during these last days of Advent.

Most just indeed it is, Holy Mother of God, that we should unite in that ardent desire you hadst to see Him, who had been concealed for nine months in your chaste womb; to know the features of this Son of the heavenly Father, who is also yours; to come to that blissful hour of his Birth, which will give Glory to God in the highest, and, on earth, Peace to men of good-will. Yes, dear Mother, the time is fast approaching, though not fast enough to satisfy your desires and ours. Make us redouble our attention to the great mystery; complete our preparation by your powerful prayers for us, that when the solemn hour is come, our Jesus may find no obstacle to his entering into our hearts.

The Great Antiphon to Our Lady

O Virgin of virgins, how shall this be, for never was there one like you, nor will there ever be. You daughters of Jerusalem, why look you wondering at me? What he behold is a divine mystery. (Dom Prosper Gueranger, O.S.B. The Liturgical Year, December 18.)

Christmas joy is but one week away.

We have one more week in this Advent, which is the shortest Advent as Christmas Day itself falls on a Monday, to prepare well to commemoration of the Nativity of the Divine Redeemer, who was born of the Most Pure Virgin Mary at Midnight, in piercing cold, in Bethlehem.

We have time this week to pray and fast on the Ember Days, and we must always make the time to pray as many Rosaries each day as our state-in-life permits as, after Holy Mass and Eucharistic Adoration, there is no more powerful instrument to adore God, honor His Most Blessed Mother, and to call down graces upon ourselves and the whole world than the Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

May it be our unmerited privilege to celebrate this Christmas with souls unspotted by the world, the flesh, and the devil, souls that, though living in this world and its distractions and trials, long for life in an unending Easter Sunday of glory before the Beatific Vision of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost for all eternity.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint Joseph, pray for us.

Saints Peter and Paul, pray for us.

Saint John the Baptist, pray for us.

Saint Michael the Archangel, pray for us.

Saint Gabriel the Archangel, pray for us.

Saint Raphael the Archangel, pray for us.

Saints Joachim and Anne, pray for us. 

Saints Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar, pray for us.