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Willing Accomplices in the Promotion of Grave Evils
Many notable acts of political insanity have been committed by the members of counterfeit church of conciliarism’s “hierarchy” in the United States of America since the end of the “Second” Vatican Council on December 8, 1965. Most, although not all, members of the variously named National Catholic Welfare Council/National Conference of Catholic Bishops—United States Catholic Conference/United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, have been reflexive supporters of any kind of naturalism emanating from the false opposite of the Judeo-Masonic “left.”
For instance, the American “bishops” have been fully supportive—mostly explicitly and sometimes implicitly—of the policies of presidential administrations” that were said to be committed to the pursuit of “social justice” and social engineering by means of coercive taxation policy, starting in the postconciliar years with their implicit support for President Lyndon Baines Johnson’s plans to force American taxpayers to fund “family planning” programs:
Pressure for government birth control was rising before LBJ. Although President Dwight Eisenhower had famously remarked that he could think of nothing less appropriate for government involvement than family planning, private conversations on the matter took place during the Kennedy administration.
Meanwhile the population lobby labored to win Catholic support. An important part of this effort was a series of conferences from 1963 to 1967 at Notre Dame University, with the Ford and Rockefeller foundations paying and attendance by foundation people, population groups and Church organizations. Critchlow writes: “Both sides knew what they wanted: a liberal forum to create an oppositional voice within the Catholic Church on the issue of family planning.”
Johnson came to the presidency determined to make birth control an integral part of his War on Poverty. Congress agreed. But LBJ, canny politician that he was, feared a Catholic backlash if he moved too fast on the domestic front and therefore stressed family planning to fight the much-ballyhooed “population explosion” abroad. Quiet expansion of existing welfare and health programs was to be the tactic at home.
Two administration Catholics—presidential aide Joseph Califano and Office of Economic Opportunity director Sargent Shriver—were given the job of cultivating the Catholic hierarchy, especially its Washington-based organization the National Catholic Welfare Conference, predecessor of today’s U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.
A key moment occurred in early 1966 when the Department of Health, Education and Welfare (now Health and Human Services) for the first time issued guidelines for family planning grants to the states. The NCWC administrative board responded with a statement protesting “threats to free choice of spouses.” But an NCWC official privately assured Califano this was only “the last trumpet of the older American bishops.”
The White House then concluded that non-coercive family planning was acceptable to the hierarchy. The following year brought expanded support for birth control abroad, along with Social Security amendments for the first time authorizing grants to private groups like Planned Parenthood—a breakthrough long sought by the population lobby.
By the time Johnson announced he wouldn’t seek reelection in 1968, federal funding of family planning was in the multi-millions and rising fast. And the bishops, Critchlow writes, had “tacitly” agreed to accept federal birth control, provided only it was “noncoercive.” It’s unlikely they could have prevented what happened—public opinion, including Catholic opinion, was against them—but they might have gotten a better deal. Is there a lesson here today as Obamacare abortion grows? (American Bishops Tacitly Surrender to LBJ Birth Control Policy.)
Although the author of the article excerpted just above, Russell Shaw, who is a super-numerary in Opus Dei (see All The Men Behind the Opus Dei Curtain w.newengelpublishing.com/all-the-men-behind-the-opus-dei-curtain/), believes that the counterfeit church of conciliarism is the Catholic Church, his article stated the facts about what the conciliar hierarchy, consisting at that of time of true bishops, did when Lyndon Baines Johnson launched his exercise in social engineering called the “Great Society, his belief three years ago that the American “bishops” would have learned a lesson from the past and applied it to the growth of ObamaDeathCare ignores the fact that the American conciliar hierarchy always supports statist programs of income redistribution and social engineering even if it involves making Catholics involuntary accomplices in the funding of evil.
That is, the government of United States of America uses its taxing powers to coerce us into supporting various policies that are unjust, immoral and, all too frequently, entirely unconstitutional. We are involuntary accomplices in evil as we are required to pay taxation lest we face penalties of fine and/or imprisonment even though we do not intend the evil done with our taxpayer dollars. The American conciliar “hierarchy” has never raised the specter of tax boycotts to resist policies such as those advanced first by Lyndon Baines Johnson and has been kept in place and expanded ever since, including during the administrations of Republican presidents (Richard Milhous Nixon was particularly aggressive in this regard—see Making It Up As They Go Along).
Even worse, though, the conciliar “bishops” of the United States of America supported ObamaDeathCare despite its being a monstrous overreach of the just powers of a civil government and contained provisions that permitted the pro-abortion, pro-perversity Catholic, Kathleen Sebelius, a friend, supporter and beneficiary of the late George Tiller the Killer (see Reichstag II), to issue rules mandating all Americans pay for insurance policies that included coverage for “family planning services.” Even though the “bishops” sought an exemption for their own institutions under the pretext of their campaign in behalf of the heresy that has put us in the mess we find ourselves at this time, religious liberty (see Fortnight of Fraud), they did not provide any support to individual Catholic employers or to individual Catholics who did not want to be forced to further subsidize the chemical and surgical execution of the innocent preborn. There has never been any kind of talk about a tax boycott to place political pressure on pro-abortion presidential administrations.
It has been this way time and time again.
The conciliar “hierarchy” within the United States of America have been consistent in their vocal opposition to various policies advanced by Republican presidents (Ronald Wilson Reagan’s nuclear defense build-up, the deployment of Pershing II Cruise missiles in Europe and his economic policies) and are, of course, staunch supporters of the invasion of the United States of America by illegal immigrants without regard to the Natural Law right of nations to secure their borders and to provide for an orderly process of migrant to protect the safety and health of its citizens.
Indeed, the only time that there has been talk of any kind of tax boycott from an American “bishop” was when the recently deceased advocate of all things heretical and firm supporter of the homosexualist agenda—a North American forerunner of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, if you will, the horrific Raymond Hunthausen, who was the conciliar archbishop of Seattle, Washington, from 1975 to 1991 after having been served as the Bishop of Helena, Montana, from 1962 to 1975, withheld half of his Federal taxes to protest President Reagan’s nuclear defense policies:
Hunthausen led protests near a base for nuclear-armed Trident submarines at Bangor, Washington. He withheld half his federal income tax in the early 1980s in protest of nuclear weapon stockpiling, and he urged others to do the same. The IRS garnished his wages.
Critics accused him of deviating from Catholic doctrine by allowing a group for gay Catholics to celebrate Mass at Seattle's Saint James Cathedral; by allowing divorced or remarried Catholics to receive the sacraments; and by permitting Catholic hospitals to perform contraceptive sterilizations. (Hunthausen, Heretic and Supporter of the Lavender Agenda, Dead at 96.)
Hunthausen, who was a true bishop, believed that Polish Modernist, Karol Wojtyla/John Paul II, and the Girondist/Menshevik “bishops” he appointed were too “fixated” on the “culture wars,” including abortion and contraception. His former spokesman, John A, McCoy, spoke of his late friend’s view in a book he wrote in 2015:
“Because of John Paul’s indifference, the bishops repeatedly failed to address the scandal of clerical sex abuse, destroying much of their integrity in the process,” Mr. McCoy added. “They lost themselves in polarizing culture wars over abortion, same-sex marriage and health care coverage of contraception.” (Liberal Hunthausen Rebued by Rome Dies at 96.)
Readers of this site know that Raymond Hunthausen’s views were exactly those of the South American revolutionary who is fourteen years his junior, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who has appointed a bevy of Raymond Hunthausens worldwide as “bishops” to march along the exact path blazed by the late heretic from Montana who made his “name” in the hotbed of all things “progressive,” Seattle, Washington. The conciliar hierarchy under Bergoglio is no longer concerned with the “culture wars,” the cause of which dates back to the Protestant Revolution and the subsequent rise of Judeo-Masonry, and they will not be in the least bit concerned about the following monstrous story about “humanized mice” that has been documented by Terence P. Jeffrey, the editor-in-chief of the Conservative News Service:
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration signed a new contract on July 25 to acquire “fresh” human fetal tissue to transplant into “humanized mice” so that these mice will have a functioning “human immune system,” according to information published by the FDA and the General Services Administration.
“The objective is to acquire Tissue for Humanized Mice,” said a June 13 FDA “presolicitation notice” for the contract.
The contractor, the notice said, would “provide the human fetal tissue needed to continue the ongoing research being led by FDA.
“Fresh human tissues are required,” said the notice, “for implantation into severely immune-compromised mice to create chimeric animals that have a human immune system.”
According to GSA’s federal contract database, Advanced Bioscience Resources (ABR), a non-profit organization based in the San Francisco Bay Area, was awarded this $15,900 contract, which will run through July 25, 2019.
“Fetal tissue used in research is obtained from elective abortions,” says the Congressional Research Service.
In 2016, Harvard University provided the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives with a background paper explaining that mice with human immune systems “are engineered to this condition only by means of the use of human fetal material” and that this material can only come from aborted babies not from miscarriages. (See the Harvard backgrounder by clicking here.)
Thus, by issuing a contract to acquire human fetal tissue to use in making mice with human immune systems, the FDA is using federal tax dollars to create a demand for human body parts that must be taken from babies who are aborted.
Because it would not be able to create its “humanized mice” without fresh tissue taken from aborted babies, the FDA also has an interest in the continuation of legalized abortions at a stage in fetal development when the tissue needed to create these mice can be retrieved from the aborted baby.
While the FDA confirmed to CNSNews.com that its June 13 presolicitation notice for a contract to “acquire Tissue for Humanized Mice” and the July 25 contract it signed with ABR (as reported on the GSA contract database) refer to the same deal, the FDA declined to answer 17 other questions CNSNews.com asked it about that contract and the aborted baby parts it requires the contractor to provide. (See the full set of questions CNSNews.com sent to the FDA by clicking here.)
Instead the FDA provided CNSNews.com with a three-paragraph statement. (See the FDA’s full statement by clicking here.)
In its specific questions, CNSNews.com asked the FDA to disclose:
--The total number of babies expected to donate their tissue to the FDA to create humanized mice during the year-long duration of the contract.
--Whether the FDA needed to know that the abortion of a donor baby was taking place so FDA researchers could be prepared to implant this baby’s “fresh” tissue into mice in a timely manner.
--What the minimum and maximum gestational ages of the babies must be to provide the tissue needed to create these “humanized mice.”
--Whether there were any methods of abortion that could not be used to terminate the babies whose tissue would be used by the FDA to create humanized mice because that method would cause the tissue to be damaged or spoiled in a way that would make it unsuitable for this research.
The FDA also would not answer this question: “Are the mothers who agree to donate the tissue from their unborn babies for this FDA research informed that tissue taken from their aborted baby will be transplanted into a mouse?”
In its statement to CNSNews.com, the FDA stressed that it was committed to making certain its research followed “all legal requirements” and met “the highest ethical standards.”
“The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is committed to ensuring that its research is conducted responsibly, conforms with all legal requirements, and meets the highest ethical standards,” said the FDA statement.
“At the FDA, research involving human fetal tissue accounts for a very small fraction of the FDA’s total research and has been used in situations where it is critical to understanding how the human immune system responds to certain drugs and biologics,” the statement said. “This work has led to a better understanding of a number of conditions and diseases that affect millions of Americans.
“The FDA’s researchers obtain fetal tissue from a non-profit Tissue Procurement Organization (TPO) that have [sic] provided assurances that they are in compliance with all applicable legal requirements, including relevant provisions relating to research involving human fetal tissue,” said the statement.
“FDA is not involved in the TPO’s sourcing of the tissue,” it said.
“In addition,” the statement continued, “the FDA has in place systems to ensure FDA research using fetal tissue, as well as any research funded by FDA, is in compliance with applicable federal, state and local regulations and guidelines, as well as FDA policies.”
Since 2012, according to the GSA’s Federal Procurement Data System, the FDA has signed eight contracts with ABR, including the one signed July 25. Seven of these expressly cite “Humanized Mice,” “Human Fetal Tissue” or “Tissue Procurement for Humanized Mice” in the contract’s “description of requirement.” The eighth simply says: “Human Tissue.”
The “description of requirement” for the latest contract is only two words long. It says: “Humanized Mice.”
The FDA’s most recent prior contract with ABR ran from July 13, 2017 to July 12, 2018. It carried this description: “Tissue Procurement for Humanized Mice—other functions.”
Before that, the FDA had a contract with ABR that ran from May 10, 2016 to May 15, 2017. Its description of requirement said: “Human Fetal Tissue (Liver/Thymus).”
The FDA’s June 13 presolicitation notice contended that Advanced Biosciences Resources was the only organization that could fulfill the new contract.
“ABR is the only company in the U.S. capable of supplying tissue suitable for HM research. No other company or organization is capable of fulfilling the need,” the FDA notice said.
“The government intends to solicit and negotiate directly with Advanced Bioscience Resources (ABR) Inc., and no solicitation will be issued,” it said.
“The objective is to acquire Tissue for Humanized Mice,” it said.
“ABR is the only company that can provide the human fetal tissue needed to continue the ongoing research being led by the FDA,” said this FDA notice. “Fresh human tissues are required for implantation into severely combined immune-compromised mice to create chimeric animals that have a human immune system. This human immune system allows us to test biological drug products for safety and efficacy. This is necessary because these drug products do not bind non-human species drug targets.”
CNSNews.com sent ABR the same set of questions it asked the FDA. However, ABR did not respond.
In investigative reports published in December 2016, the Senate Judiciary Committee and the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives discussed ABR’s actions in providing researchers with human fetal tissue retrieved from aborted babies. These actions included having ABR technicians working inside abortion clinics operated by Planned Parenthood affiliates.
“Advance Bioscience Resources, Inc. (ABR) describes itself as ‘a non-profit corporate foundation established in 1989 under California law to provide biomedical researchers with access to human tissues,” said the Judiciary Committee report. “ABR ‘specializes in the procurement, preservation, and distribution of both human fetal tissue and full umbilical cord blood for research.”
“For the period covering 2005 to the present, ABR informed the committee that it obtained fetal tissue from two Planned Parenthood affiliates, as well as from seven other independent clinics,” said the committee report.
“ABR technicians working at the Planned Parenthood clinics obtain the fetuses from the Planned Parenthood staff and then harvest and immediately ship the fetal tissue specimens,” said the report. “The fetal tissue is never stored or otherwise in the possession of ABR.”
“As ABR’s attorneys stated,” the report said, “‘For purposes of actual procurement, ABR’s employees primarily work at a counter in each affiliate’s laboratory and are able to access various instruments and supplies from the assigned cabinets and/or refrigerators in the lab, or from the basement. ABR personnel may also access common areas as well as the recovery room to draw blood, as necessary.’”
The FDA has published materials on its website and in a scientific journal indicating that it uses human thymus and liver to create its “humanized mice.”
For example, a group of scientists from the FDA’s Division of Applied Regulatory Science (DARS) published an article in Therapeutic Innovation & Regulatory Science on July 21, 2017 that discussed the FDA’s use of humanized mice engrafted with human immune systems like the mice described in the FDA’s contract notice.
A graphic in this article—“Making a Mouse with a Human Immune System”—shows how a “severely immune-compromised mouse” is implanted with “human thymus and liver tissue” and injected with “human stem cells” derived from a human liver to create “a mouse with a ‘humanized’ immune system.”
The FDA published a similar graphic in an internal presentation made in November 2016 that included a section on the FDA’s use of “Humanized Mouse Models.” Yet another similar, if simpler, graphic is posted on the FDA's website.
As previously reported by CNSNews.com, government researchers working for the National Institutes of Health created similar “humanized mice” using livers and thymuses taken from babies aborted at 17 to 22 weeks gestational age.
These NIH researchers published an article in the Journal of Immunological Methods that indicated that Advanced Bioscience Resources—the FDA’s fetal tissue contractor—had provided them with the livers and thymuses they needed to make their humanized mice.
The NIH scientists said in this journal article that they “routinely produced cohorts of approximately 40” humanized mice “from a single tissue donor”—n.b. a single aborted baby.
At a Sept. 24, 2007 workshop sponsored by the NIH—“The New Humanized Rodent Model Workshop”—a federally funded scientist described a type of humanized mouse given a human immune system by implanting it with “human fetal liver and thymus” taken from babies who were 20 to 24 weeks gestational age. The federally funded scientist indicated at this NIH workshop: "A single donor provides sufficient tissue to implant 50–60 mice."
In fiscal 2018, the NIH—which is a separate entity from the FDA but also a part of the Department of Health and Human Services--estimates it will spend $103 million on human fetal tissue research. In fiscal 2017, it spent $98 million.
On Sept. 14, 2017, the House of Representatives passed an omnibus appropriations bill that included language pushed by Rep. Martha Roby (R.-Ala.) and other pro-life House members that would have prohibited federal funding of research that uses tissue from aborted babies. This language, however, was not included in any of the spending bills that ultimately passed the Senate and were signed into law for fiscal 2018.
In July, the House Appropriations Committee approved a bill to fund the Department of Health and Human Services for fiscal 2019. That bill—like last year’s version--includes language that prohibits federal funding of research that uses human fetal tissue obtained through an abortion.
For that language to become law, however, it would need to be included in a funding bill that is passed by both the House and Senate and signed by President Donald Trump. (F.D.A. Acquiring Fresh Aborted Baby Parts to Make Human-Mice Immune Systems.)
Terry Jeffrey, who helped to direct the Buchanan for President campaign in which I served as a volunteer surrogate, especially in the State of Iowa, in 1995 and 1996, has provided incontrovertible evidence of how a policy that is straight out of the pantheist Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, which is being funded by our own Federal tax dollars and is not important enough for either for United States Senator Addison Mitchell McConnell, the Majority Leader of the United States Senate, or President Donald John Trump, himself the victim of a coup to keep him from getting elected and is continuing in an effort to get him out of the White House, to take a stand. We must, however, remember that it is the President of the United States of America who appoints the Commissioner of the United States Food and Drug Administration (F.D.A.) that is underwriting the “humanized mice” program.
President Trump appointed Dr. Scott Gottlieb, a complete stooge of the Big Pharmaceutical industry that is forever trying to shut down those who promote herbal and other natural remedies for various diseases and conditions, including cancer itself. Dr. Gottlieb has the full authority to shut down the “humanized mice” program, yet it is under his own watch that F.D.A. has sought continued funding for it.
There is no basis for anyone to be critical of the scientific experimentations in the Weimar Republic of Germany (1919-1933), the Third Reich of Adolph Hitler (1933-1945) or the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (1918-1991) if one can remain silent as a taxpayer subsidized agency of the government of the United States of America has a vested interest in continuing the surgical execution of innocent preborn babies to find a “fresh” source of fetal stem cells to be transplanted into mice. No administration has any claim on being “pro-life” if it can permit its mad scientists to conduct experiments that bring down the wrath of God upon us all.
There will be no condemnation of this program from the so-called United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, who are as perfectly content to raise their collective outrage against the death penalty in solidarity with “Pope Francis” as they are to continue to remain silent in the face of the daily slaughter of the preborn under the cover of the civil law. These theological, liturgical and pastoral barbarians support the “right to life” of convicted felons who have been given the death penalty as a just punishment for crimes while giving full support to like-minded politicians who are the supposed advocates of “social justice” and the “protectors” of the environment, who are unapologetic in their open support for the death penalty to be imposed upon the innocent preborn, who are guilty of nothing other than having been conceived as the natural fruit of that which is proper only to the married state no matter the circumstances of their conception, be it in or out of wedlock. These monsters, who are voluntary accomplices in the creation of the not-so-brave world of the abyss, will say nothing at all about the F.D.A.’s program that traffics in the stem cells of aborted babies to be used to make “humanized mice.”
Ah, but the American conciliar vipers and the Catholic Healthcare Association have come out in full support of “Palliative Care and Hospice Education and Training Act” that is now pending before the United States Senate:
August 6, 2018
The Honorable Lamar Alexander
Committee on Health, Education, Labor & Pensions
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510
The Honorable Patty Murray
Ranking Member
Committee on Health, Education, Labor & Pensions
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510
Dear Chairman Alexander and Ranking Member Murray:
On behalf of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Catholic Health Association of the United States, we write in support of the Palliative Care and Hospice Education and Training Act (PCHETA), S. 693 and H.R. 1676.
Catholics believe that human life is a gift from God, a sacred gift that no one may dispose of at will. All persons, regardless of their medical condition, possess inherent dignity and are worthy of respect, protection and care. As our guidelines, the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services, state, "Effective management of pain in all its forms is critical in the compassionate care of the seriously ill and dying."
Palliative care is focused on providing patients with relief from the symptoms, pain and stress of a serious illness - whatever the diagnosis – with the goal of improving quality of life for both the patient and the family. It is provided by a team of palliative care-trained specialists, including a physician, nurse, social worker, chaplain and other care specialists, who work with a patient's physician to provide an extra layer of support and care coordination. Palliative care is appropriate at any age and at any stage in a serious illness and can be provided together with curative treatment.
Palliative care has been shown to lower health care costs through reduced emergency room visits, time in the hospital and use of intensive care services. Studies also show that early access to palliative care for seriously ill patients improves their quality of life and in some cases even prolongs it.
While there has been considerable growth in the number of hospital-based palliative care programs across the United States, barriers in three key areas currently prevent full access to, and availability of, palliative care for all patients and families facing serious or life-threatening illness: an insufficient number of trained health care professionals; insufficient research funding to build the knowledge base that supports clinical practice in pain and symptom management, communication skills and care coordination; and lack of awareness among patients and health care professionals about what palliative care is and when it should be provided.
S. 693 and H.R. 1676 would address these barriers by:
- Establishing a Palliative Care and Hospice Education Center to improve the training of interdisciplinary health professionals in palliative care;
- Authorizing grants to schools of medicine, teaching hospitals and GME programs to train physicians (including residents, trainees, and fellows) who plan to teach palliative medicine;
- Establishing a program to promote the career development of physicians who are board certified or board eligible in Hospice and Palliative Medicine;
- Establishing fellowship programs within the new Palliative Care and Hospice Education Centers to provide short-term intensive courses focused on palliative care workforce development and grants through career incentive awards for eligible health professionals who agree to teach or practice in the field of palliative care for at least 5 years; and
- Providing for the establishment of a national campaign to inform patients, families and health professionals about the benefits of palliative care and the services that are available to support patients with serious or life-threatening illness.
These important building blocks will help ensure that all patients facing serious illnesses have access to high quality palliative care. Your committee is urged to advance the Palliative Care and Hospice Education and Training Act, and your consideration of our views on the legislation is appreciated.
Timothy Michael Cardinal Dolan
Archbishop of New York
Committee on Pro-Life Activities
Most Rev. Frank J. Dewane
Bishop of Venice
Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development
Sr. Carol Keehan, DC
President and CEO
Catholic Health Association of the United States (USCCB-CHA Letter to Senate Endorsing "Palliative Care".)
There is no need to offer a refutation of this piece of propaganda as several articles on this site have dealt with the evil that is “palliative care.” (See Chronicling the Adversary's Global Takeover of the Healthcare Industry, Attack Dogmatic Truth, Open the Doors Wide for George Soros, A Mutual Alliance in Behalf of Spiritual and Physical Death: Jorge Mario Bergoglio and George Soros, Devoted to Killing in the Name of "Compassionate Health Care" and Bought-and-Paid-For Stooges of the Merchants of Death.)
However, it is important to point out that this letter sent by the “Happy” Non-Bishop, Timothy Michael Dolan, “Bishop” Frank J. Dewane and the ubiquitous Sister Carol Keehan is nothing other than pure propaganda from hell itself, and it is from hell as, quite to the contrary of what is being contended presently by some Catholics who have been fighting the lie that is “palliative care” and have provided critical documentation and timelines of what it involves and which organizations have been promoting it, the Catholic Church is not the singular most important force on earth in support of “palliative care.” The killing off of innocent human beings by means of “palliative care” is being promoted by the agents of a false church, the counterfeit church of conciliarism, making them quite voluntary accomplices in the promotion of a sin that cries out to Heaven for vengeance, willful murder.
It is ontologically impossible for the Catholic Church, she who is the spotless, virginal mystical bride of her Divine Founder, Invisible Head and Mystical Spouse, Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, to endorse heresy, institute any kind of liturgical rite that is an incentive to impiety and anger and can be manipulated for pagan and ideological ends or promote evils that attack the inviolability of innocent human life while denying the Natural Law right of the civil state to put to death malefactors convicted of heinous crimes after the administration of the process of law.
How is this so?
Well, let me remind you:
As for the rest, We greatly deplore the fact that, where the ravings of human reason extend, there is somebody who studies new things and strives to know more than is necessary, against the advice of the apostle. There you will find someone who is overconfident in seeking the truth outside the Catholic Church, in which it can be found without even a light tarnish of error. Therefore, the Church is called, and is indeed, a pillar and foundation of truth. You correctly understand, venerable brothers, that We speak here also of that erroneous philosophical system which was recently brought in and is clearly to be condemned. This system, which comes from the contemptible and unrestrained desire for innovation, does not seek truth where it stands in the received and holy apostolic inheritance. Rather, other empty doctrines, futile and uncertain doctrines not approved by the Church, are adopted. Only the most conceited men wrongly think that these teachings can sustain and support that truth. (Pope Gregory XVI, Singulari Nos, May 25, 1834.)
In the Catholic Church Christianity is Incarnate. It identifies Itself with that perfect, spiritual, and, in its own order, sovereign society, which is the Mystical Body of Jesus Christ and which has for Its visible head the Roman Pontiff, successor of the Prince of the Apostles. It is the continuation of the mission of the Savior, the daughter and the heiress of His Redemption. It has preached the Gospel, and has defended it at the price of Its blood, and strong in the Divine assistance and of that immortality which has been promised it, It makes no terms with error but remains faithful to the commands which it has received, to carry the doctrine of Jesus Christ to the uttermost limits of the world and to the end of time, and to protect it in its inviolable integrity. (Pope Leo XIII, A Review of His Pontificate, March 19, 1902.)
For the teaching authority of the Church, which in the divine wisdom was constituted on earth in order that revealed doctrines might remain intact for ever, and that they might be brought with ease and security to the knowledge of men, and which is daily exercised through the Roman Pontiff and the Bishops who are in communion with him, has also the office of defining, when it sees fit, any truth with solemn rites and decrees, whenever this is necessary either to oppose the errors or the attacks of heretics, or more clearly and in greater detail to stamp the minds of the faithful with the articles of sacred doctrine which have been explained. (Pope Pius XI, Mortalium Animos, January 6, 1928.)
There can be no doubt in anything pertaining to the Catholic Faith as Pope Pius XI has assured us that the teaching authority of Holy Mother Church 'was constituted on earth in order that revealed doctrines might remain intact for ever, and that they might be brought with ease and security to the knowledge of men."
Indeed, Pope Pius XI also reminded us that the Catholic Church enjoys a perpetual immunity from error and heresy:
Not least among the blessings which have resulted from the public and legitimate honor paid to the Blessed Virgin and the saints is the perfect and perpetual immunity of the Church from error and heresy. (Pope Pius XI, Quas Primas, December 11, 1925.)
The Catholic Church has not and can never change the teaching on the death penalty.
The Catholic Church has not and can never endorse “palliative care” as promoted and practiced by the contemporaneous merchants of death.
While we pray for the conversion of the conciliar revolutionaries, it is our duty to oppose error and to condem those who support it and to denounce them as enemies of Our Lord, His Holy Church and the good of souls.
Who says so?
Well, Pope Saint Pius X was just one of scores of saints and martyrs who have said so:
In July 1907 the Pope’s decree Lamentabile Sane Exitu formally condemned 65 modernist propositions. Subsequently all the clergy were required to take an oath against them.
Unquestionably Pius X pursued his quarry with animus. “They want to be treated with oil, soap and caresses,” he said of his antagonists. “But they should be beaten with fists. In a duel, you don’t count or measure the blows, you strike as you can.” (Saint Pius X: The Son of a village postman who said Modernists should be beaten with fists.)
The defense of the Holy Faith demands vigorous efforts on the part of Catholics as the conciliar revolutionaries know what the Catholic Church teaches, and they hate that teaching as they promote themselves as the agents of "mercy" and "compassion." They are liars, blasphemers, apsotates and heretics who commit sacrileges daily at the Cranmer table of liturgical self-congratulations.
We must remember that this is the month of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and that a specific devotion to it was requested by Our Lady herself, who never acts on her own accord, when she appeared to Jacinta and Francisco Marto and [the real] Lucia dos Santos on July 13,1917, in the Cova da Iria near Fatima, Portugal. The devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary is thus essential in this time of chastisement, a time when there has been a general falling away from the true Faith and when men in general are intent upon calling down upon themselves the wrath of the just God.
It is with this in mind that I ask the readers of this site to renew their consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by praying the following prayer that was compose by the Pope who instituted the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pope Pius XII:
Queen of the most holy Rosary, help of Christians, refuge of the human race, victorious in all the battles of God, we prostrate ourselves in supplication before thy throne, in the sure hope of obtaining mercy and of receiving grace and timely aid in our present calamities, not through any merits of our own on which we do not rely, but only through the immense goodness of thy mother’s Heart. In Thee and in thy Immaculate Heart, at this grave hour of human history, do we put our trust; to thee we consecrate ourselves, not only with all of Holy Church, which is the mystical body of thy Son Jesus, and which is suffering in so many of her members, being persecuted, but also with the whole world, torn by discords, agitated with the hatred, the victim of its own iniquities. Be thou moved by the sight of such material and moral degradation, such sorrows, such anguish, so many tormented souls in danger of eternal loss! Do thou, O Mother of mercy, obtain for us from God a Christ-like reconciliation of the nations, as well as those graces which can convert the souls of men in an instant, those graces which prepare the way and make certain the long desired coming of peace on earth. O Queen of peace, pray for us, and grant unto the world in the truth, the justice, and the charity of Christ. Above all, give us peace in our hearts, so that the kingdom of God, may spread it the tranquility of order. Accord thy protection to unbelievers and to all those who lie in the shadow of death; cause the Sun of Truth to rise upon them; may they enabled to join with us in repeating before the Saviour of the world: “Glory to God in the highest, and peace to men of good will.” Give peace to the nations that are separated us from error or discord, and in a special manner to those peoples who profess a singular devotion toward thee; bring them back to Christ’s one fold, under the one true Shepherd. Obtain full freedom for the holy Church of God; defend her from her enemies; check the ever-increasing torrent of immorality; arouse in the faithful a practical love of purity, a practical Christian life, and an apostolic zeal, so that the number of those who serve God may increase in merit and in number. Finally, even as the Church and all mankind were once consecrated to the Heart of thy Son Jesus, because He was for all those who put their hope in Him an inexhaustible source of victory and salvation, so in like manner do we consecrate ourselves forever to thee also and to thy Immaculate Heart, Of Mother us and Queen of the world; may thy love and patronage hasten the day when the kingdom of God shall be victorious and all the nations, at peace with God and with one another, shall call thee blessed and intone with thee, from the rising of the sun to its going down, the everlasting “Magnificat” of glory, of love, of gratitude to the Heart of Jesus in which we alone can find truth, life, and peace. (Pope Pius XII, Rescript from the Secretariat of State, November 17, 1942, document exhibited, November 19, 1942, The Raccolta: A Manual of Indulgences, Prayers and Devotions Enriched with Indulgences, approved by Pope Pius XII, May 30, 1951, and published in English by Benziger Brothers, New York, 1957, pp. 345-347.)
We are eyewitnesses to the process of the disintegration of all social order caused by the marriage wrought in the netherworld between the forces of Modernity and those of conciliarism, which is all the more reason for us to spend time, if at all possible where you live in this time of apostasy and betrayal, before the Blessed Sacrament and by uniting ourselves more fully to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Which beats for us with such love in the Adorable Sacrament of the Altar, through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Let us surrender ourselves now and always to the Most Holy Trinity and be ever reliant upon the intercessory power of Our Lady, especially through her Most Holy Rosary, to effect the conversion of men and their nations to the Social Kingship of her Divine Son as the fruit of her Fatima Message and the Triumph of her own Immaculate Heart, mindful also of the fact that we have a great Wonder Worker in our beloved Saint Philomena.
Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us!
Vivat Christus Rex! Viva Cristo Rey!
Saint Joseph, pray for us.
Saints Peter and Paul, pray for us.
Saint John the Baptist, pray for us.
Saint John the Evangelist, pray for us.
Saint Michael the Archangel, pray for us.
Saint Gabriel the Archangel, pray for us.
Saint Raphael the Archangel, pray for us.
Saints Joachim and Anne, pray for us.
Saints Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar, pray for us.
Saint Philomena, pray for us.
Saints Tiburtius and Susanna, pray for us.