"Their Throat Is An Open Sepulchre"

Short on time to do provide anything other than a short reflection on the very revealing news story, first published in Austria in 2013, that has been translated from the German language into English and published by Novus Ordo Watch Wire:

When he was already wearing a collar” and much to her displeasure, the man who is Pope today taught swear words to his nephew, whose name was likewise Jorge and who was also his godson, according to Maria Elena Bergoglio. This led to an embarrassing situation when her brother began to preach “at an important Mass” with lots of priests, and her son, being surprised at seeing his uncle [at the pulpit], disturbed the calm by yelling out “a very bad word” — audible to all. “After Mass, Jorge came to us and could not stop laughing”, according to his sister. In addition, her brother dipped her child’s pacifier into whiskey. Her brother got the sanguine temperament and the joke-telling from his father, so [Maria Elena] Bergoglio. (Kindheitserinnerungen von Papst Franziskus”. As found at Novus Ordo Watch Wire, which has a very good commentary to accompany the story its bloggers translated.)

No believing Catholic who is serious about his immortal salvation can read such a remarkable story and not be repulsed after reading its contents.

It was not until I was serving as a manager of the varsity sports teams at Oyster Bay High School in the Spring of 1966 that I heard swear words for the first time. Let no one be deceived about how easy it is to fall in their usage when surrounded by filth, which is used to by the devil  to swallow souls whole by accustoming them to uttering profane and obscene words as a matter of normal discourse. The young athletes and the coaches who used vulgarity and obscenity with regularity had, of course, learned it well beforehand. A soul’s natural resistance to that which is indecent and offensive to God can be broken down without constant vigilance and prayer. Only a firm desire to love God by cooperating with the graces sent to a soul through the loving hands of Our Lady, she who is the Mediatrix of All Graces, can get a soul out of the gutter of foul words, whether uttered in the presence of others or even muttered under one’s breath or out loud in private.

Today, of course, vulgarity, obscenity, profanity and indecency are commonplace. What was once reserved to the locker room, to the dock, to sailors, to the closed doors of political clubs and to crusty life of law enforcement and the military is now to be heard almost everywhere. Words once considered unprintable now make their way into online news stories, especially by younger journalists who are without any sense of common decency or self-restraint. A culture that is awash with the stench of sin and its celebration looks with disdain and disgust upon all efforts to denounce and the curb obscene, vulgar and blasphemous speech.

Even some true priests, especially those in urban and suburban areas of the Northeast, who were formed well before the dawning of the age of conciliarism with the “election” of Angelo Roncalli/John XXIII, were known for their use of profanity and vulgarity. Such bad example was dismissed by many as simply being the case of a priest having a “salty tongue.” Most of these men were careful not to use bad words outside of the clerical club. Some, though, were so uninhibited as to use them freely in front of infants, something that I heard in May of 1997 as I reacted with horror as the priest using one profane word after another was completely oblivious to presence of children.

There does, however, come a point in the growth of one's interior life when one is supposed to recognize that profane language is incompatible with discipleship in Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Who would never issue such language from His Holy Mouth. We are, as Saint Paul teaches us, the temples of God the Holy Ghost. We are not to profane our bodies with impure conduct or speech:

From whom the whole body, being compacted and fitly joined together, by what every joint supplieth, according to the operation in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body, unto the edifying of itself in charity. This then I say and testify in the Lord: That henceforward you walk not as also the Gentiles walk in the vanity of their mind, Having their understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their hearts. Who despairing, have given themselves up to lasciviousness, unto the working of all uncleanness, unto the working of all uncleanness, unto covetousness. But you have not so learned Christ;

If so be that you have heard him, and have been taught in him, as the truth is in Jesus. To put off, according to former conversation, the old man, who is corrupted according to the desire of error. And be renewed in the spirit of your mind: And put on the new man, who according to God is created in justice and holiness of truth. Wherefore putting away lying, speak; ye the truth every man with his neighbour; for we are members one of another.

Be angry, and sin not. Let not the sun go down upon your anger. Give not place to the devil. He that stole, let him now steal no more; but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have something to give to him that suffereth need. Let no evil speech proceed from your mouth; but that which is good, to the edification of faith, that it may administer grace to the hearers. And grieve not the holy Spirit of God: whereby you are sealed unto the day of redemption.

Let all bitterness, and anger, and indignation, and clamour, and blasphemy, be put away from you, with all malice. And be ye kind one to another; merciful, forgiving one another, even as God hath forgiven you in Christ. (Ephesians 4: 16-32.)

Sadly, it is the case that even today some Catholic men consider it to be a sign of “masculinity” to use foul language. It is nothing of the sort. Foul language is of the adversary, and there is never any excuse for it to be used.

As Saint Alphonsus de Liguori, quoting The Book of Psalms, Chapter 5, Verse 11, noted in his sermon for the Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost:

Their throat is an open sepulchre: they dealt deceitfully with their tongues: judge them, O God. Let them fall from their devices: according to the multitude of their wickedness cast them out: for they have provoked thee, O Lord. (Psalms 5, 11.)

Far from having simply fallen into the use of foul language as a matter of habit and losing all sense of its wretched nature, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, presuming himself to be a priest, taught his Godson to know and to use it. It is truly the case that this man’s throat is an open sepulcher.”

Remember, Jorge Mario Bergoglio has uttered a constant stream of blasphemies against Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and His Most Blessed Mother throughout the long course of his presbyteral career as an agent of Antichrist. The destruction of doctrine, worship and morals mean nothing to a man who has learn to speak in ways that offend God and harm the souls redeemed by His Divine Son’s Most Precious Blood on the wood of the Holy Cross on Calvary.

This is why the open sepulcher that is the mouth of Jorge Mario Bergoglio can utter such blasphemies against Our Lady, she who is the very Immaculate Mother of God, as he did on December 20, of 2013, at the Casa Santa Marta inside the walls of the Occupied Vatican on the West Bank of the Tiber River:

The Mother of Jesus was the perfect icon of silence. From the proclamation of her exceptional maternity at Calvary. The Pope said he thinks about “how many times she remained quiet and how many times she did not say that which she felt in order to guard the mystery of her relationship with her Son,” up until the most raw silence “at the foot of the cross”.

“The Gospel does not tell us anything: if she spoke a word or not… She was silent, but in her heart, how many things told the Lord! ‘You, that day, this and the other that we read, you had told me that he would be great, you had told me that you would have given him the throne of David, his forefather, that he would have reigned forever and now I see him there!’ Our Lady was human! And perhaps she even had the desire to say: ‘Lies! I was deceived!’ John Paul II would say this, speaking about Our Lady in that moment. But she, with her silence, hid the mystery that she did not understand and with this silence allowed for this mystery to grow and blossom in hope.” (Ever Talkative Apostate: Silence guards one's relationship with God. For refutation of this blasphemous heresy, please see Blasphemer, Timothy Duff: Francis, The Historic Blasphemer and Bergoglio: Condemned by Pope Pius IX.)

First of all, a man who is never silent is the last person in the world to speak about the necessity of silence.

Secondly, there is only one word that can be used to describe Bergoglio: Blasphemer.

Our Lady, the Queen of Martyrs, accepted the will of God the Father for His Co-Equal and Co-Eternal Son, her own sole begotten Son, Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, without regret or complaint. She suffered, to be sure, as no human being had suffered before her or would suffer after her until the end of time. She suffered because she saw the unspeakable wretched effects that our sins, having transcended time, had on the very Body that she had given Our Lord in her Virginal and Immaculate Womb. Our Blessed Mother suffered in complete compassion with her Divine Son and was grieved greatly by the ingratitude of sinful men for whom He was shedding every single drop of His Most Precious Blood to redeem and who she would bring to spiritual rebirth in great agony as she stood so valiantly at the foot of His Holy Cross.

The Venerable Mary of Agreda the true disposition of Our Lady as she accompanied her Divine Son on the Via Dolorosa to Mount Calvary:

As a reward for their tears and their compassion these women were enlightened so as to understand this doctrine. In fulfillment of the prayerful wish of the blessed Mother the pharisees and ministers were inspired with the resolve to engage some man to help Jesus our Savior in carrying the Cross to mount Calvary. At this  juncture, Simon, of Cyrene, the father of the disciples Alexander and Rufus (Mark 15, 21), happened to come along. He was called by this name because he was a native of Cyrene, a city of Lybia, and had come to Jerusalem. This Simon was now forced by the Jews to carry the Cross a part of the way. They themselves would not touch it, yea would not even come near it, as being the instrument of punishment for One whom they held to be a notorious malefactor. By this pretended caution and avoidance of his Cross they sought to impress the people with a horror for Jesus. The Cyrenean took hold of the Cross and Jesus was made to follow between the two thieves, in order that all might believe Him to be a criminal and malefactor like to them. The Virgin Mother walked very closely behind Jesus, as She had desired and asked from the eternal Father. To his divine will She so conformed Herself in all the labors and torments of her Son that, witnessing with her own eyes and partaking of all the sufferings of her Son in her blessed soul and in her body, She never allowed any sentiment or wish to arise interiorly or exteriorly, which could be interpreted as regret for the sacrifice She had made in offering her Son for the death of the Cross and its sufferings. Her charity and love of men, and her grace and holiness, were so great, that She vanquished all these movements of her human nature. (The Venerable Mary of Agreda, The Mystical City of God, Volume III: The Transfixion, p. 637-638.)

"She never allowed any sentiment or wish to arise interiorly or exteriorly, which could be interpreted as a regret for the Sacrifice She had made in offering her Son for the death on the Cross and its sufferings. Her charity and love of men, and her grace and holiness, were so great, that She vanquished all these movements of her human nature."

So much for "Lies! I was deceived," Bergoglio. Blasphemer.

Such a blasphemer, who scoffs at “rigid moralizing,” has no use for the Catholic past, which would it is safe to presume, include Saint Alphonsus de Liguori’s sermon for the Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost that is a direct, firm and unmistakable rebuke of him and his foul behavior:

In this day’s gospel St. Mark relates the miracle which our Saviour wrought in healing the man that was dumb by barely touching his tongue. "He touched his tongue and the string of his tongue was loosed." From. the last words we may infer that the man was not entirely dumb, but that his tongue was not free, or that his articulation was not distinct. Hence St. Mark tells us, that after the miracle he spoke right. Let us make the application to ourselves. The dumb man stood in need of a miracle to loose his tongue, and to take away the impediment under which he laboured. But how many are there on whom God would confer a great grace, if he bound their tongues, that they might cease to speak immodestly! This vice does great injury to others. Secondly, it does great injury to themselves. These shall be the two points of this sermon.

First Point. The man who speaks immodestly does great injury to others who listen to him.

1. In explaining the 140th Psalm, St. Augustine calls those who speak obscenely “the mediators of Satan," the ministers of Lucifer; because, by their obscene language, the demon of impurity gets access to souls, which by his own suggestions he could not enter. Of their accursed tongues St. James says: "And the tongue is a fire,... being set on fire by hell." (James iii. 6.) He says that the tongue is a fire kindled by hell, with which they who speak obscenely burn themselves and others. The obscene tongue may be said to be the tongue of the third person, of which Ecclesiasticus says: ”The tongue of a third person hath disquieted many, and scattered them from nation to nation." (Eccl. xxviii. 16.) The spiritual tongue speaks of God, the worldly tongue talks of worldly affairs; but the tongue of a third person is a tongue of hell, which speaks of the impurities of the flesh; and this is the tongue that perverts many, and brings them to perdition.

2. Speaking of the life of men on this earth, the Royal Prophet says: "Let their way become dark and slippery." (Ps. xxxiv. 0.) In this life men walk in the midst of darkness and in a slippery way. Hence they are in danger of falling at every step, unless they cautiously examine the road on which they walk, and carefully avoid dangerous steps that is, the occasions of sin. Now, if in treading this slippery way, frequent efforts were made to throw them down, would it not be a miracle if they did not fall? "The Mediators of Satan," who speak obscenely, impel others to sin, who, as long as they live on this earth, walk in the midst of darkness, and as long as they remain in the flesh, are in danger of falling into the vice of impurity. Now, of those who indulge in obscene language, it has been well said: ”Their throat is an open sepulchre." (Ps. v. 11.) The mouths of those who can utter nothing but filthy obscenities are, according to St. Chrysostom, so many open sepulchres of putrified carcasses. ”Talia sunt ora hominum qui turpia proferunt." (Hom, ii., de Proph. Obs.) The exhalation which arises from the rottenness of a multitude of dead bodies thrown together into a pit, communicates infection and disease to all who feel the stench.

3. ”The stroke of a whip," says Ecclesiasticus, "maketh a blue mark; but the stroke of a tongue will break the bones." (Eccl. xxviii. 21.) The wounds of the lash are wounds of the flesh, but the wounds of the obscene tongue are wounds which infect the bones of those who listen to its language. St. Bernardino of Sienna relates, that a virgin who led a holy life, at hearing an obscene word from a young man, fell into a bad thought, and afterwards abandoned herself to the vice of impurity to such a degree that, the saint says, if the devil had taken human flesh, he could not have committed so many sins of that kind as she committed.

4. The misfortune is, that the mouths of hell that frequently utter immodest words, regard them, as trifles, and are careless about confessing them: and when rebuked for them they answer: ”I say these words in jest, and without malice." In jest! Unhappy man, these jests make the devil laugh, and shall make you weep for eternity in hell. In the first place, it is useless to say that you utter such words without malice; for, when you use such expressions, it is very difficult for you to abstain from acts against purity. According to St. Jerome, ”He that delights in words is not far from the act. ” Besides, immodest words spoken before persons of a different sex, are always accompanied with sinful complacency. And is not the scandal you give to others criminal? Utter a single obscene word, and you shall bring into sin all who listen to you. Such is the doctrine of St. Bernard. ”One speaks, and he utters only one word; but he kills the souls of a multitude of hearers." (Serm. xxiv., in Cant.) A greater sin than if, by one discharge of a blunderbuss, you murdered many persons; because you would then only kill their bodies: but, by speaking obscenely, you have killed their souls.

5. In a word, obscene tongues are the ruin of the world. One of them does more mischief than a hundred devils; because it is the cause of the perdition of many souls. This is not my language; it is the language of the Holy Ghost. ”A slippery mouth worketh ruin." (Prov. xxvi. 28.) And when is it that this havoc of souls is effected, and that such grievous insults are offered to God? It is in the summer, at the time when God bestows upon you the greatest temporal blessings. It is then that he supplies you for the entire year with corn, wine, oil, and other fruits of the earth. It is then that there are as many sins committed by obscene words, as there are grains of corn or bunches of grapes. O ingratitude! How does God bear with us? And who is the cause of these sins? They who speak immodestly are the cause of them. Hence they must render an account to God, and shall be punished for all the sins committed by those who hear them. "But I will require his blood at thy hand." (Ezec. iii. 11.) But let us pass to the second point.

Second Point. He who speaks immodestly does great injury to himself.

6. Some young men say: ”I speak without malice." In answer to this excuse, I have already said, in the first point, that it is very difficult to use immodest language without taking delight in it; and that speaking obscenely before young females, married or unmarried, is always accompanied with a secret complacency in what is said. Besides, by using immodest language, you expose yourself to the proximate danger of falling into unchaste actions: for, according to St. Jerome, as we have already said, ”he who delights in words is not far from the act." All men are inclined to evil. "The imagination and thought of man‟s heart are prone to evil." (Gen. viii. 21.) But, above all, men are prone to the sin of impurity, to which nature itself inclines them. Hence St. Augustine has said, that in struggling against that vice”the victory is rare," at least for those who do not use great caution. ”Communis pugna et rara victoria." Now, the impure objects of which they speak are always presented to the mind of those who freely utter obscene words. These objects excite pleasure, and bring them into sinful desires and morose delectations, and afterwards into criminal acts. Behold the consequence of the immodest words which young men say they speak without malice.

7. "Be not taken in thy tongue," says the Holy Ghost. (Eccl. v. 16.) Beware lest by your tongue you forge a chain which will drag you to hell. ”The tongue," says St. James, ”defileth the whole body, and inflameth the wheel of our nativity." (St. James iii. 6.) The tongue is one of the members of the body, but when it utters bad words it infects the whole body, and "inflames the wheels of our nativity ;" it inflames and corrupts our entire life from our birth to old age. Hence we see that men who indulge in obscenity, cannot, even in old age, abstain from immodest language. In the life of St. Valerius, Surius relates that the saint, in travelling, went one day into a house to warm himself. He heard the master of the house and a judge of the district, though both were advanced in years, speaking on obscene subjects. The saint reproved them severely; but they paid no attention to his rebuke. However, God punished both of them: one became blind, and a sore broke out on the other, which produced deadly spasms. Henry Gragerman relates (in Magn. Spec., dist. 9, ex. 58), that one of those obscene talkers died suddenly and without repentance, and that he was afterwards seen in hell tearing his tongue in pieces; and when it was restored he began again to lacerate it.

8. But how can God have mercy on him who has no pity on the souls of his neighbours?”Judgment without mercy to him that hath not done mercy." (St. James ii. 13.) Oh! what a pity to see one of those obscene wretches pouring out his filthy expressions before girls and young married females! The greater the number of such persons present, the more abominable is his language. It often happens that little boys and girls are present, and he has no horror of scandalizing these innocent souls! Cantipratano relates that the son of a certain nobleman in Burgundy was sent to be educated by the monks of Cluni. He was an angel of purity; but the unhappy boy having one day entered into a carpenter’s shop, heard some obscene words spoken by the carpenter’s wile, fell into sin, and lost the divine grace. Father Sabitano, in his work entitled”Evangelical Light," relates that another boy, fifteen years old, having heard an immodest word, began to think of it the following night, consented to a bad thought, and died suddenly the same night. His confessor having heard of his death, intended to say Mass for him. But the soul of the unfortunate boy appeared to him, and told the confessor not to celebrate Mass for him that, by means of the word he had heard, he was damned and that the celebration of Mass would add to his pains. O God! how great, were it in their power to weep, would be the wailing of the angel-guardians of these poor children that are scandalized and brought to hell by the language of obscene tongues! With what earnestness shall the angels demand vengeance from God against the author of such scandals! That the angels shall cry for vengeance against them, appears from the words of Jesus Christ: ”See that you despise not one of these little ones; for I say to you, that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father." (Matt, xviii. 10.)

9. Be attentive, then, my brethren, and guard your selves against speaking immodestly, more than you would against death. Listen to the advice of the Holy Ghost: ”Make a balance for thy words, and a just bridle for thy mouth; and take heed lest thou slip with thy tongue and thy fall be incurable unto death." (Eccl. xxvhi. 29, 30.)”Make a balance" you must weigh your words before you utter them and”a bridle for thy mouth" when immodest words come to the tongue, you must suppress them; otherwise, by uttering them, you shall inflict on your own soul, and on the souls of others, a mortal and incurable wound. God has given you the tongue, not to offend him, but to praise and bless him. ”But, ” says St. Paul, “fornication and all uncleanness, let it not so much as be named among you, as becometh saints." (Ephes. v. 3.) Mark the words”all uncleanness. ” We must not only abstain from obscene language and from every word of double meaning spoken in jest, but also from every improper word unbecoming a saint that is, a Christian. It is necessary to remark, that words of double meaning sometimes do greater evil than open obscenity, because the art with which they are spoken makes a deeper impression on, the mind.

10. Reflect, says St. Augustine, that your mouths are the mouths of Christians, which Jesus Christ has so often entered in the holy communion. Hence, you ought to have a horror of uttering all unchaste words, which are a diabolical poison. ”See, brethren, if it be just that, from the mouths of Christians, which the body of Christ enters, an immodest song, like diabolical poison, should proceed." (Serm. xv., de Temp.) St. Paul says, that the language of a Christian should be always seasoned with salt. ”Let your speech be always in grace, seasoned with salt. ”(Col. iv. 6.) Our conversation should be seasoned with words calculated to excite others not to offend, but to love God. ”Happy the tongue," says St. Bernard, ”that knows only how to speak of holy things!" Happy the tongue that knows only how to speak of God! brethren, be careful not only to abstain from all obscene language, but to avoid, as you would a plague, those who speak immodestly. When you hear any one begin to utter obscene words, follow the advice of the Holy Ghost: ”Hedge in thy ears with thorns: hear not a wicked tongue." (Eccl. xxviii. 28.) "Hedge in thy ears with thorns" that is, reprove with zeal the man who speaks obscenely; at least turn away your face, and show that you hate such language. Let us not be ashamed to appear to be followers of Jesus Christ, unless we wish Jesus Christ to be ashamed to bring us with him into Paradise.(Saint Alphonsus de Liguori, Sermon for the Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost.)

Jorge Mario Bergoglio, much like his fellow agent of Antichrist in the White House, is completely unrestrained by the laws of God and men. Bergoglio is a man who believes that every manner of blasphemous, vulgar, profane and lewd speech is acceptable. Such a man is, of course, one of the greatest spiritual terrorists that the world has ever known, which is why it is so very important to use this season of Lent to make more and more reparation for our sins and those of the whole world as the consecrated slaves of her Divine Son through her own Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart, especially by meditating fervently on the Sorrowful Mysteries of her Most Holy Rosary this Lent.

This is why a remarkable book, Our Lady of the Great Event and Her Little Office, written by Dr. Karl D. Keller, a teacher of Spanish, and a similarly title website, Our Lady of the Great Event and Her Little Office, can be of great benefit to you this Lent. Dr. Keller explains that the title of “Our Lady of Good Success” has been mistranslated from the Spanish language. The title “Nuestra Senora del Bueno Successo” has everything to do with the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the eclipse of the true Church during this time of apostasy and betrayal. Dr. Keller’s interpretation is presented in a scholarly manner, and I very much recommend it to those who read this site.

Today is the Feast of Saint Gabriel of the Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Sorrows of Our Lady, of course, are those of her Immaculate Heart, something that is made clear in readings for Matins in the Divine Office today:

Gabriel, born at Assisi in Umbria of a respectable family, and called Francis in memory of his seraphic fellow-townsman, showed from boyhood an excellent disposition of soul. As a youth, when studying letters at Spoleto, he seemed for a time to be allured by the empty beauty and pomp of the world. But by the gift of the merciful God, who had already called him to the perfection of a Christian life when he had fallen sick, he began to tire of the vanity of the world, and to desire immortal treasures alone. But to quicken his obedience to the call of God, it happened that as he saw the celebrated Image of the Blessed Virgin being carried with solemn pomp outside the precincts of the church of Spoleto, he experienced the flame of divine love, and at the same time decided to enter the Institute of the Clerks of the Passion of Jesus. Therefore, after overcoming no slight difficulties, he joyfully donned the somber habit in the secluded place of Morrovalle, and chose to be called Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows, to recall forever the memory of her joys and griefs.

In the novitiate, day by day he became conspicuous for regular observance and for the exercise of all the virtues, and in a short time he came to be considered a pattern of perfect holiness, not only by his companions and his seniors, but also beyond the confines of the monastery; he became a sweet odour in Christ in every place. An assiduous devotee of the Lord's Passion, he spent days and nights meditating upon it. He was drawn by unbelievable zeal towards the Holy Eucharist, a memorial of that Passion; and when he nourished himself with it, he burned with seraphic ardour. There was nothing more noticeable than his filial piety towards the great Mother of God. He was accustomed to pay her honour for every type of devotion, but especially to contemplate her stricken and afflicted by the sufferings of Jesus, with such sorrow that he shed floods of tears. The sorrowful Virgin was, as it were, the whole reason of his being, and the teacher of the holiness that he had acquired. As a result all his associates shared the one opinion that this servant of God had been inspired from on high so that the cult of St. Mary of Sorrows through his example might receive a great increase.

Among other virtues, he especially loved Christian humility and obedience; for he considered himself the least of all. He therefore strove eagerly to do all the most menial work of the house, and he most diligently performed, not only the direct commands, but even the unexpressed wishes of his superiors. Curbing his senses, and accustoming himself to a life of austerity, he retained unfaded the flower of his virginity, and completely crucified to the world, he lived to God alone, enjoying an intimate familiarity with his Lord. And so, at Isola in the Abruzzi, filling the short span of his life with so many noble virtues, consumed by the fire of charity rather than by disease, and refreshed by the aid of the Mother of God, his soul flew to heaven in a most peaceful journey in the year 1862, at the age of twenty-four. Then, as he had been made illustrious by God through miracles, Pope Pius X added him to the number of the Blessed in heaven. Likewise, the Supreme Pontiff Benedict XV in 1920, two hundred years after the foundation of the Institute of the Passion, on the feast of the Ascension of the Lord, decreed the honours of the Saints to the blessed youth; and Pius XI extended his Office and Mass to the Universal Church. (Matins, The Divine Office, February 26.)

May Saint Gabriel of the Sorrowful Mother prayer for us in these times of sorrows, these times when vulgar, profane blasphemers and heretics are accepted even by believing Catholics to hold ecclesiastical office in the Catholic Church, she who enjoys a perpetual immunity from error and heresy.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, triumph soon!

Vivat Christus Rex! Viva Cristo Rey!

Our Lady of  Sorrows, pray for us!

Saint Joseph, pray for us.

Saints Peter and Paul, pray for us.

Saint John the Baptist, pray for us.

Saint John the Evangelist, pray for us.

Saint Michael the Archangel, pray for us.

Saint Gabriel the Archangel, pray for us.

Saint Raphael the Archangel, pray for us.

Saints Joachim and Anne, pray for us.

Saints Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar, pray for us.

Saint Gabriel of the Sorrowful Mother, pray for us.