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Jorge Mario Bergoglio, Son of Esau
Although there is a very good post at Novus Ordo Watch Wire concerning Jorge Mario Bergoglio’s latest blasphemy against Our Lady, I would be most remiss in defense of her sublime privileges if I did not address, if ever so briefly, the latest outrage on this site.
Indeed, Blessed Among Women: Defending the Sublime Privileges of the Blessed Virgin Mary, was published in 2016 in response to several blasphemous and heretical statements that had been uttered by the pestilential beast of an apostate from Argentina. The currently presiding universal public face of apostasy is nonstop machine of heresy and blasphemy. He is a mocker of the Holy Faith who has no regard for doctrinal truth of any kind, including the doctrinal effects of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary:
So who is happy in the Nativity scene? Our Lady and Saint Joseph are full of joy: they look at the Child Jesus and they are happy because, after a thousand worries, they have accepted this gift of God, with so much faith and so much love. They are “overflowing” with holiness and therefore with joy. And you will tell me: of course! They are Our Lady and Saint Joseph! Yes, but let us not think it was easy for them: saints are not born, they become thus, and this is true for them too. (Address to Vatican Employees, December 21, 2018.)
No true pope has ever spoken such words that, in effect, deny the fact that the August Queen of Heaven, she who is the Sovereign Mistress of Angels and the Blessed Mother of us all, Moreover, no true Successor of Saint Peter could ever utter words that make it appear as though Our Lady was not filled with grace from the first moment of her Immaculate Conception. However, this is not the first time that a conciliar “pope” has denied the doctrinal effects of Our Lady’s Immaculate Conception. The alleged “restorer of tradition,” Joseph Alois Ratzinger/Benedict XVI, whose resignation from the conciliar presidential seat is still the subject of debate and useless speculation among those who refuse to look honesty at their hero’s lifelong defections from the Catholic Faith, starting with his embrace of Modernism’s dogmatic evolutionism, gave his “papal” endorsement to a Protestant-produced motion picture, The Nativity Story, that portrayed Our Lady as a sulky, moody and rebellious teenaged girl.
When did he do this, some of you might ask?
Twelve years ago, that’s when, thank you.
Yet it is that Jorge Mario Bergoglio/Francis's predecessor as the head of the counterfeit church of conciliarism, Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI, gave personal approval to the using the Paul VI Audience Hall, which is just as hideous as was Paul The Sick, for the world premiere of a Protestant-produced motion picture, The Nativity Story, on Sunday, November 26, 2006, after he had been given a personal screening of the film, which just happened to portray Our Lady as a sulk, moody and at time rebellious teenager.
Here is a contemporaneous review provided by Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Heckenkamp of the Apostolate of Our Lady of Good Success:
On December 2, 2006, on the First Saturday of December, we went to the local movie theater to watch the movie “The Nativity. Based on previous reviews of this movie that we had heard, and the fact that the Vatican2 held a premier showing of this movie, we were expecting a movie that at the very least held to Catholic beliefs. However, from the very beginning of the movie we soon realized our high expectations had to be thrown into the trash, for as the movie progressed, we became more and more disappointed. The overall conclusion of this movie is that it is not a catholic movie at all, but at best, a Protestant movie directed by men who did not even follow the Biblical account of the birth of Christ. At worst, it is a vile anti-Christian movie created by people who hate Christ and His Church and whose main motive was to defame the name of the Blessed Mother and warp the story of the Birth of Jesus.
As mentioned before this movie discredits our Catholic beliefs, beliefs that are so essential to our Faith that if we do not believe in them, the Church no longer considers us Catholic. What beliefs are these that have been maligned? It is those beliefs which we hold sacred: the Immaculate Conception and the Virgin Birth.
In one of the very first scenes of the movie, Mary is shown with her friends, sowing a field of what looks to be corn. These friends of Mary give sideways glances and smiles to each other after looking at a group of boys that are nearby. Then one of these girls runs to tackle one of the boys and what ensues appears to be a pile up of youths in the cornfield with Mary sort of participating in on the outer edges of this entanglement. Then from the house emerges Mary’s mother looking stern and upset. She calls to Mary and shakes her head “No.” The fact that Mary looks to have been participating in some kind of impropriety and had to be corrected by her mother is beyond belief but this is only one occurrence of “sinning” on the part of Mary. For throughout the first part of the movie, Mary is depicted as any normal 14 year old given to sullen, sulky moods. This movie shows her to be unhappy with the future marriage that is being arranged for her by her parents (which we know to be historically incorrect). She walks out of her house in defiance when her father tells her that she is now betrothed to Joseph. These scenes call into question the dogma of the Immaculate Conception issued by Pope Pius IX in 1854.
It also was implied in the betrothal scene that Mary and Joseph planned on a large family as Mary’s parents indicated that they were to live as husband and wife in every way for one year except for that one act that would produce a family. Joseph began building the home for Mary and their future children indicating Joseph was planning on having many children. This is in line with the Protestant viewpoint that Mary and Joseph had many children after Jesus and counters the Catholic Church as it has always taught that both Mary and Joseph took vows of virginity and mutually consented to live as virgins in the married state.
The scene of Annunciation was not anything that a catholic would contemplate while saying the rosary. They depicted Mary reclining under a tree in the middle of the day while others were around her working. What is supposed to be the “Archangel Gabriel” is first shown as a hawk and then as a man with an Afro-like hairstyle and white robe looking as if he could be a son of Cheech or Chong. The “angel” had no mystical or holy appearance and he is shown at quite a distance from Mary. The portrayal makes you wonder if he’s truly Heaven sent.
The Visitation was portrayed as an excuse to run away from her “intended”, Joseph. A way out all of it- as if the whole idea of the coming of Our Lord and the idea of marriage was too much for her. The Magnificat was left out of this scene; however, it was partially narrated at the end of the movie omitting the first half of this beautiful prayer:
“ My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my savior; Because he has regarded the lowliness of his handmaid; for, behold, henceforth all generations shall call me blessed; because he who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is his name; And his mercy is from generation to generation on those who fear him...”
You can be certain, upon looking at these omitted words, just why they were omitted and the intentions of the creators of this vile cinematography!
The birth of Saint John was very degrading. This scene is about two minutes long, depicting Elizabeth holding her upper body up off a chair by holding onto ropes, screaming from pain while two women are ready to receive the child. She delivers, while Mary, with a horrified look on her face, stands by watching. This scene is not suitable for children to watch.
During Mary’s absence at Elizabeth’s, Saint Joseph was portrayed as being upset that Mary left. Also were included, implications that Joseph did not expect Mary to come back, as in one scene where he was deep in thought pondering his future with Mary holding his carpenter tools – then suddenly with a look of frustration and anger, he throws his tools to the ground. Saintly behavior for sure!
When Mary had returned to Nazareth, Joseph was excited to see her. However, on lifting her from the wagon he discovered that she was heavy with child and walked away upset. Mary tried to convince her parents and Joseph that she was not pregnant due to another man but that “an angel” appeared to her and told her she was going to have a baby. There was no evidence of any of the three believing Mary. It was implied that Joseph was ready to stone Mary until he had a vision through a dream (with that “angel” again) that Mary was telling the truth.
The traveling of Joseph and Mary to Bethlehem was the best of all scenes in the movie. But even during this trip there was an occurrence that was disturbing. While Mary and Joseph were walking through a market of a town, a palm reading woman offered Mary a small piece of cheese or bread which Mary accepted but then this sorceress read Mary’s palm and claimed she was going to have a son. Mary accepted this prophecy with a smile and Joseph shook the woman’s hand, thanked her and then they continued their journey. The implication was that Joseph and Mary had no objection to fortunetellers.
The scene of the Nativity was extremely heretical. Besides this grave evil, again we find it necessary to say that this movie should not be viewed by children. Mary was shown to be in labor while she was in the town of Bethlehem. Joseph rushed around carrying Mary in a frantic state trying to find a room for her as she groaned and breathed heavily as if she had taken Lamaze lessons. The worst of the worst occurs once they arrive at the stable with Joseph kneeling ready to deliver the baby. He partially lifts Mary’s dress putting his hands between her legs ready to receive the child. Mary is laboring, her face sweating and in extreme pain with all of the normal actions of a woman in a delivery room and then she gives birth. Joseph raises Jesus in the air showing the baby covered with blood and Joseph laughs for joy totally discrediting belief in the Virgin Birth. There is no sign of worship or adoration by either Mary or Joseph.
Therefore this was not only a Protestant view of the Nativity but also indirectly an act of disbelief in the Divinity of Jesus. There was no indication that Mary and Joseph believed Jesus to be God.
Meanwhile, the Archangel Gabriel (yes, that same “angel”) appears to one shepherd to inform him of the birth. There are no other angels that appear as stated in St. Luke’s Gospel “And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying glory to god and the highest on earth peace among men of good will.”
One by one, the shepherds seem to be leaving their sheep in a “zombie-like trance” and seen walking NOT RUNNING toward the star as it would seem natural to do considering they received this great news from a heavenly vision of great beauty! There was no joy exhibited in this scene by these shepherds. It only looked as if these guys were told to walk to this cave and stare at something… When the shepherds arrive at the stable Mary is seen reclining and holding the child; he is not lying in the manger. None of the shepherds worship or adore the child and they arrived simultaneously with the three Kings. Who neither appear to be worshipping him. Then there is this GREAT pause in the movie as we look on at this living Nativity Scene. Some kind of cold, blue lighting is glaring on Baby Jesus that causes him to keep his eyes closed. Surely they could have done better than this!
This was to be the culmination of the greatest act of love – God becoming Man to die for us! And yet this movie could not convey even a hint of this profound act of God.
And so it is, with all of these facts exposed for your examination, we refute and condemn this movie, “The Nativity.”
Since these cinematographers (who incidentally were the same ones that produced “The Lord of the Rings Trilogy” and had well within their grasp the ability and capability to make a work that would honor Our Lady and Our Lord instead of dishonor them) offended and blasphemed in a seemingly intentional way the Immaculate Heart of Mary in not just one way but ALL FIVE ways that Our Lady had mentioned in her apparitions to Sr Lucia of Fatima, we sincerely hope and pray that our small effort to undo this travesty will help those of you who read this to know the truth and join us in making reparation for this movie by following the directives of the Queen of Heaven:
‘Look, my daughter, at my Heart, surrounded with thorns with which ungrateful men pierce at every moment by their blasphemies and ingratitude. You at least try to console me and say that I promise to assist, at the hour of death, with the graces necessary for salvation, all those who, on the first Saturday of five consecutive months, shall confess, receive Holy Communion, recite five decades of the Rosary, and keep me company for fifteen minutes while meditating on the fifteen mysteries of the Rosary, with the intention of making reparation to me.’”
Consider the number of offenses contained in The Nativity Story as recounted in the review by the Heckenkamps twelve years ago,
- Our Lady was portrayed as a sulky, moody teenager, a denial of the Perfect Integrity she enjoyed as a doctrinal effect of her Immaculate Conception.
- Our Lady was portrayed as teenaged girl who was interested in boys, a blasphemy so unspeakably diabolical that it is painful even to have to repeat it here.
- Our Lady was portrayed as living with Saints Joachim and Anne when she was a teenager even though she had been presented to God in the Temple at the age of three.
- Saint Joseph is portrayed as not wanting Our Lady to return after she had, as is recorded in The Mystical City of God, received his permission to go to the hill country of Judea to discharge her duties of fraternal charity to Saint Elizabeth as she bore within her own womb Our Lord’s Cousin, Herald and Precursor, Saint John the Baptist, the last of the Old Testament Prophets.
- Our Lady was portrayed as being happy to get away from Saint Joseph.
- Our Lady was portrayed as recoiling in horror upon the birth of Saint John the Baptist.
- Our Lady was portrayed as having consulted a fortune-teller in full violation of the First Commandment, a blasphemous denial of her total faith and trust in the Providence of God at all times and without any hesitation.
- The scene of The Nativity itself was heretical as it is the constant teaching of the Catholic Church that Our Lady delivered Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ miraculously and painlessly, Our Lady herself described this miracle to the Venerable Mary of Agreda, who recorded in The Mystical City of God:
477. At the end of the beatific vision and rapture of the Mother ever Virgin, which I have described above (473), was born the Sun of justice, clean, most beautiful, refulgent and pure, the Son of the eternal Father and of Mary most holy, leaving Her untouched in her virginal integrity and purity, and making Her more divinized and consecrated; for He did not divide, but penetrated the virginal chamber as the rays of the sun penetrate the crystal shrine, lighting it up in prismatic beauty. Before the explanation of the miraculous manner in which this was executed, I say the Infant God was born pure and disengaged, without the covering called secundina, surrounded by which other children are commonly born and in which they are enveloped in the wombs of their mothers. I will not detain myself in explaining the cause and origin of the error which is contrary to this statement. It is enough to know and suppose that in the generation and birth of the incarnate Word the arm of the Almighty selected and made use of all that substantially and unavoidably belonged to natural human generation, so the Word would be made true man, truly calling Himself conceived, engendered and born as the Son of the substance of his Mother ever Virgin. Regarding the other circumstances which are not essential but accidental to generation and birth we must disconnect our ideas of Christ our Lord and most holy Mary, not only from all that are in any way related or consequent upon any sin, original or actual, but also from many others which are not necessary for the essential reality of the generation or birth and which imply some impurity or superfluity that could in any way lessen or impair the dignity of Mary as the Queen of heaven and as true Mother of Christ our Lord; for many such imperfections of sin or nature were not necessary either for the true humanity of Christ, or for his office of Redeemer or Teacher, and whatever was not necessary for these three ends, and whatever by its absence would redound to the greater dignity of Christ and his Mother, must be denied of both. Neither were the miracles necessary for such a birth given sparingly by the Author of nature and grace in favor of Her who was his worthy Mother, prepared, adorned, and made increasingly beautiful for this purpose, for the divine right hand enriched Her at all times with gifts and graces, and reached the utmost limits of his omnipotence possible in regard to a mere creature.
478. Conformable to this truth the fact She was a Virgin in conceiving and giving Him birth, remaining ever Virgin by the operation of the Holy Ghost, did not derogate from her being a true Mother. Though She could have lost her virginity in a natural manner without incurring any fault, yet in that case the Mother of God would also be without this singular prerogative of virginity; hence we must say the divine power of her most holy Son preserved it for Her so She would not be without it. Likewise the divine Child could have been born with this covering or cuticle in which others are born, yet this was not necessary in order to be born a natural Son of the Blessed Mother; hence He could choose not to take it forth with Him from the virginal and maternal womb, just as He chose not to pay to nature other penal tributes of impurity which other human beings do pay at their coming into the light. It was not just for the incarnate Word to be subject to all the laws of the sons of Adam; rather it was consequent upon his miraculous birth for Him to be exempt and free from all that could be caused by the corruption or uncleanness of matter. Thus also this covering, or secundina, was not to fall a prey to corruption outside of the virginal womb, because it had been so closely connected and attached to his most holy body, and because it was composed of the blood and substance of his Mother. In like manner it was not advisable to keep and preserve it outside of Her, nor was it appropriate to give it the same privileges and importance as his divine body in coming forth from the body of his most holy Mother, as I will yet explain. The wonder which would have to be wrought to dispose of that sacred covering outside of the womb could be wrought much more appropriately within.
479. The infant God therefore was brought forth from the virginal chamber unencumbered by any corporeal or material substance foreign to Himself, but came forth glorious and transfigured, for the divine and infinite wisdom decreed and ordained that the glory of his most holy soul should in his Nativity overflow and communicate itself to his body, participating in the gifts of glory in the same way as happened afterwards in his Transfiguration on mount Tabor in the presence of the Apostles (Mt. 17:2). This miracle was not necessary in order to penetrate the virginal enclosure and leave unimpaired her virginal integrity, for without this transfiguration God could have brought this about by other miracles. That the Child was born leaving his Mother a Virgin is certain, as the holy Doctors say who know of no other mystery in this Nativity. It was the will of God for the most blessed Virgin to look upon the body of her Son, the Godman, for this first time in a glorified state for two reasons. The first was so by this divine vision the most prudent Mother would conceive the highest reverence with which to treat her Son, true God and true man. Though She was already informed of his twofold nature, the Lord nevertheless ordained that by ocular demonstration She would be filled with new graces corresponding to the greatness of her most holy Son which was thus manifested to Her in a visible manner. The second reason was to reward by this wonder the fidelity and holiness of the divine Mother, for her most pure and chaste eyes which had turned away from all earthly things for love of her most holy Son were to see Him at his very birth in this glory, and thus be rejoiced and rewarded for her loyalty and beautiful love.
480. The sacred evangelist Luke (2:7) tells us the Virgin Mother, having brought forth her firstborn Son, wrapped Him in swaddling clothes and placed Him in a manger. He does not say She received Him in her arms from her virginal womb, for this did not pertain to the purpose of his narrative; however, the two sovereign princes, St. Michael and St. Gabriel, were the assistants of the Virgin on this occasion. They stood by at a proper distance in human corporeal forms at the moment when the incarnate Word, penetrating the virginal chamber by divine power, issued forth to the light, and they received Him in their hands with ineffable reverence. In the same manner as a priest exhibits the sacred host to the people for adoration, so these two celestial ministers presented to the divine Mother her glorious and refulgent Son. All this happened in a short space of time. In the same moment in which the holy Angels thus presented the divine Child to his Mother, both Son and Mother looked upon each other, and in this look She wounded with love the sweet Infant and was at the same time exalted and transformed in Him. From the arms of the holy Princes the Prince of heaven spoke to his happy Mother and said to Her: “Mother, become like unto Me, since for the human existence thou hast given me, I desire from today to give thee another more exalted existence in grace, assimilating thy existence as a mere creature to the likeness of Me, who am God and Man.” The most prudent Mother answered: Trahe me post Te, curremus in odorem unguentorum tuorum (Cant. 1:3); draw me after Thee, Lord, and we will run after Thee in the odor of thy ointments. In the same way many of the hidden mysteries of the Canticles were fulfilled, and other sayings which passed between the Infant God and the Virgin Mother which had been recorded there, as for instance: My Beloved to me, and I to Him, and his turning is towards me (Ib. 2:16; 7:10); behold thou art fair, my friend, and thy eyes are dove’s eyes; behold, my beloved, for thou art fair (Ib. 1:14-15); and many other sacramental words, which to mention would unduly prolong this chapter. (New English Edition of the The Mystical City of God, The Book Four: The Incarnation, Chapter Ten.)
These offenses against Our Lady were witnessed by Joseph Alois Ratzinger/Benedict XVI during a private screening of The Nativity Story in his quarters on the fourth floor of the Apostolic Palace. The disciple of the Hegelian torchbearer of the “new theology,” which was condemned by Pope Pius XII in Humani Generis, August 12, 1950, Father Hans Urs von Balthasar, gave his personal endorsement to a theatrical production that was a blasphemous and heretical denial of the doctrinal effects of Our Lady’s Immaculate Conception, debases the most pure Saint Joseph and the very Nativity of the Son of God made Man in Our Lady’s Virginal and Immaculate Conception by he power of God the Holy Ghost at the Annunciation.
Ratzinger/Benedict XVI authorized the now-deceased John "Cardinal" Foley, the "president" of the "Pontifical" Council for Social Communications from April 5, 1984, to the time of his death on December 11, 2011, to host a “world premiere” of The Nativity Story at the monstrous Paul VI Audience Hall on Sunday, November 26, 2006. It is evidently the case that neither Ratzinger/Benedict nor Foley believed that Our Lady or Saint Joseph or Saint Elizabeth, who scream at Our Lady at one point in the film (according to a report sent to me by another reader twelve years ago), were blasphemed in the motion. Most of the conciliar officials who congratulate themselves endlessly on the "new springtime of the church" they have helped to create and sustain walked out of the Paul VI Audience Hall on November 26, 2006, after the completion of The Nativity Story without thinking for a single moment that anything in it that was opposed to Faith and Morals.
The gift of Our Lady's Perfect Integrity was also put into question by Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI in his "unofficial" book, released under the name of Joseph Ratzinger, Jesus of Nazareth: The Infancy Narratives. Ratzinger/Benedict described Our Lady in terms that do not correspond to the doctrinal effects of her Immaculate Conception as he did not have any conception of the horror of Original Sin (as it is taught dogmatically by Holy Mother Church), which rent asunder man's relationship with God and with his fellow men as it overthrew the delicate balance between our higher, rational faculties and our lower, sensual passions, and the privileges according to the fairest flower of our race precisely because she was preserved from all stain of Original Sin. This explained not only Ratzinger/Benedict's endorsement of The Nativity Story. It also explains the following passage he wrote in Jesus of Nazareth: The Infancy Narratives:
Mary's response, which we will consider now, unfolds in three steps. To begin with, in reaction to an angel's greeting she is troubled and pensive. Her reaction is different from Zechariah's. Of him it is said that he was troubled an "fear fell upon him" (Lk. 1:12). In Mary's case the first word is the same (she was troubled), but what follows is not fear but an interior reflection on the angel's greeting. She ponders (dialogues within herself) over what the greeting of God's messenger could mean. So one salient feature of the image of the mother of Jesus is already present here, and we will encounter it again in two similar situations in the Gospel: her inner engagement with the word (cf. Lk. 2:19, 51).
She does not remain locked in her initial troubled state at the proximity of God in his angel, but she seeks to understand. So Mary appears as a fearless woman, one who remains composed even in the presence of something utterly unprecedented. At the same time she stands before us as a woman of great interiority, who holds heart and mind in harmony and seeks to understand the context, the overall significance of God's message. In this way, she becomes an image of the Church as she considers the word of God, tries to understand in its entirety and guards in her memory the things that have been given to her. (Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI, Jesus of Nazareth: The Infancy Narratives. Translated by Philip J. Whitmore and published by Image, an imprint of Crown Publishing Group, a division of Random House, 2012, pp. 33-34.)
This is an example of what I termed as Ratzinger/Benedict's Practical Paganism some years ago now. That is, the passage from Jesus of Nazareth: The Infancy Narratives is a projection onto Our Lady of what the now-retired false "pontiff" believes to have been the case. He thus attempted, quite blasphemously, I hasten to add, to make Our Lady a perjured witness in behalf conciliarism by using such phrases as "dialogues within herself" and by referring to the Sacred Deposit of Faith, which Holy Mother Church has always had the infallible protection of God the Holy Ghost to interpret and teach, as but a "memory." This is nothing other than pure rationalism as there is no discussion whatsoever of the illumination that Our Lady had received prior to the Annunciation, an illumination of which countless saints have written in the most eloquent and inspirational of terms imaginable.
As bad was Ratzinger/Benedict's attempt to transform Our Lady into a caricature of the Modernist mind, the section that followed in his book was a direct denial of Perfect Integrity of body and soul as well as an assault upon the whole doctrine of Our Lady's Perpetual Virginity as defined and taught by Holy Mother Church, thereby placing the false "pontiff" in the same blasphemous, heretical camp as his countryman Gerhard Ludwig Miller, the man he picked to serve as the prefect of the conciliar church's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (see Deft? Daft Is More Like It, part two, Daft? Deft Is More Like It, part three, Does The Defense of Catholic Truth Matter To You?, When Will The Madness End?, part one and Memo To Bishop Fellay: Ratzinger/Benedict Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Loves Gerhard Ludwig Muller).
Jorge Mario Bergoglio has no regard for doctrine as he is just as much as a rationalist as Ratzinger/Benedict himself, projecting onto the Catholic Faith and thus onto Christ the King Himself whatever his revolutionary mind conjures up as being in accord with his personal inclinations at the moment. Joseph Ratzinger is a lifelong heretic. So is Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who is at least honest enough to use plain language to express his blasphemy, which is a contrast to Ratzinger’s linguistic obfuscations and Hegelian newspeak. Nonetheless, however, both men are nothing other than Esaus according to the teaching of Saint Louis de Montfort in True Devotion to Mary:
God the Father wishes Mary to be the mother of his children until the end of time and so he says to her, "Dwell in Jacob", that is to say, take up your abode permanently in my children, in my holy ones represented by Jacob, and not in the children of the devil and sinners represented by Esau.
30. Just as in natural and bodily generation there is a father and a mother, so in the supernatural and spiritual generation there is a father who is God and a mother who is Mary. All true children of God have God for their father and Mary for their mother; anyone who does not have Mary for his mother, does not have God for his father. This is why the reprobate, such as heretics and schismatics, who hate, despise or ignore the Blessed Virgin, do not have God for their father though they arrogantly claim they have, because they do not have Mary for their mother. Indeed if they had her for their mother they would love and honour her as good and true children naturally love and honour the mother who gave them life.
An infallible and unmistakable sign by which we can distinguish a heretic, a man of false doctrine, an enemy of God, from one of God's true friends is that the heretic and the hardened sinner show nothing but contempt and indifference for our Lady. He endeavours by word and example, openly or insidiously - sometimes under specious pretexts - to belittle the love and veneration shown to her. God the Father has not told Mary to dwell in them because they are, alas, other Esaus. (Saint Louis de Montfort, True Devotion to Mary.)
Heretics and blasphemers are other Esaus, and among their number ranks legions of conciliarists, including, but not limited to, Karol Josef Wojtyla/John Paul II, who destroyed the integrity of Our Lady’s Most Holy Rosary, Joseph Alois Ratzinger/Benedict XVI and, of course, the most epic blasphemer of them all, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who is currently masquerading as “Pope Francis” as he does the work of the adversary day in and day out.
Each of Joseph Alois Ratzinger/Benedict XVI’s blasphemous words and sacrilegious actions went without a word criticism from those who labored under the myth that he was trying to “restore tradition” with the issuance of Summorum Pontificum on July 7, 2007, and Jorge Mario Bergoglio’s numerous blasphemies against Our Lady have been met with complete silence from priests and presbyters in the various communities (Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter, Institute of Christ the King, Sovereign Priest, Institute of the Good Shepherd, Personal Apostolic Administration of Saint John Mary Vianney, et al.). Such priests and presbyters must shut their mouths and close their eyes to each of the multiple ways in which their “Pope Francis” offends the honor and glory and majesty of the Blessed Trinity, preaches heretically, spreads errors, confuses souls and blasphemes Our Lord and Our Lady. Not only do refusal to stand up in defense of Our Lord and Our Lady, some of these men actually boast of how “obedient” they are to a “pope” is but a figure of Antichrist and an enemy of the souls for whom Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ shed every single drop of His Most Precious Blood to redeem. Pope Leo the Great explained that such a studied silence makes them as guilty of blasphemy as the blasphemers themselves:
But it is vain for them to adopt the name of catholic, as they do not oppose these blasphemies: they must believe them, if they can listen so patiently to such words. (Pope Saint Leo the Great, Epistle XIV, To Anastasius, Bishop of Thessalonica, St. Leo the Great | Letters 1-59 )
Yes, those who remain silent in the face of blasphemies by patiently listening to such words cannot call themselves Catholic. It really does not get any clearer, does it?
Conciliarism is simply not Catholicism, and no believing Catholic can have anything do with blasphemers lest he be adjudged by God Himself as guilty of the blasphemy himself by means of his cowardice and/or indifference.
Saint Louis de Montfort explained the esteem that believing Catholics must have for the Blessed Virgin Mary and the sublime privileges she was given by God, Who had chosen her from all eternity to be the New Eve, the Ark of the New Covenant, the Gate of Heaven, that Singular Vessel of Devotion in which His Co-Equal, Co-Equal Divine Son would become Incarnate and who is our Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix of All Graces and Advocate:
31. God the Son wishes to form himself, and, in a manner of speaking, become incarnate every day in his members through his dear Mother. To her he said: "Take Israel for your inheritance." It is as if he said, God the Father has given me as heritage all the nations of the earth, all men good and evil, predestinate and reprobate. To the good I shall be father and advocate, to the bad a just avenger, but to all I shall be a judge. But you, my dear Mother, will have for your heritage and possession only the predestinate represented by Israel. As their loving mother, you will give them birth, feed them and rear them. As their queen, you will lead, govern and defend them.
32. "This one and that one were born in her." According to the explanation of some of the Fathers, the first man born of Mary is the God-man, Jesus Christ. If Jesus Christ, the head of mankind, is born of her, the predestinate, who are members of this head, must also as a necessary consequence be born of her. One and the same mother does not give birth to the head without the members nor to the members without the head, for these would be monsters in the order of nature. In the order of grace likewise the head and the members are born of the same mother. If a member of the mystical body of Christ, that is, one of the predestinate, were born of a mother other than Mary who gave birth to the head, he would not be one of the predestinate, nor a member of Jesus Christ, but a monster in the order of grace.
33. Moreover, Jesus is still as much as ever the fruit of Mary, as heaven and earth repeat thousands of times a day: "Blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus." It is therefore certain that Jesus is the fruit and gift of Mary for every single man who possesses him, just as truly as he is for all mankind. Consequently, if any of the faithful have Jesus formed in their heart they can boldly say, "It is thanks to Mary that what I possess is Jesus her fruit, and without her I would not have him." We can attribute more truly to her what Saint Paul said of himself, "I am in labour again with all the children of God until Jesus Christ, my Son, is formed in them to the fullness of his age." Saint Augustine, surpassing himself as well as all that I have said so far, affirms that in order to be conformed to the image of the Son of God all the predestinate, while in the world, are hidden in the womb of the Blessed Virgin where they are protected, nourished, cared for and developed by this good Mother, until the day she brings them forth to a life of glory after death, which the Church calls the birthday of the just. This is indeed a mystery of grace unknown to the reprobate and little known even to the predestinate!
34. God the Holy Spirit wishes to fashion his chosen ones in and through Mary. He tells her, "My well-beloved, my spouse, let all your virtues take root in my chosen ones that they may grow from strength to strength and from grace to grace. When you were living on earth, practising the most sublime virtues, I was so pleased with you that I still desire to find you on earth without your ceasing to be in heaven. Reproduce yourself then in my chosen ones, so that I may have the joy of seeing in them the roots of your invincible faith, profound humility, total mortification, sublime prayer, ardent charity, your firm hope and all your virtues. You are always my spouse, as faithful, pure, and fruitful as ever. May your faith give me believers; your purity, virgins; your fruitfulness, elect and living temples." (Saint Louis de Montfort, True Devotion to Mary.)
Woe to those who have Esau produced within themselves. Woe to the conciliar heretics and blasphemers. Holy Mother Church, guided as she is by God the Holy Ghost, has included a reading from pope Saint Leo the Great about the nature of the papacy and its inability to be tainted by heresy to accompany the hagiography of Pope Saint Sylvester I, whose feast we celebrate today on the seventh day in the Octave of Christmas
When the Lord, as we read in the Gospel, asked his disciples who did men, amid their divers speculations, believe him the Son of Man to be, blessed Peter answered and said: Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. And the Lord answered and said unto him: Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-Jona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father, which is in heaven: and I say also unto thee: That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it; and I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. But the dispensation of truth perdures, and blessed Peter, persevering in the strength of the rock which he hath received, hath not relinquished the position he assumed at the helm of the Church.
In the universal Church it is as if Peter were still saying every day: Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. For every tongue which confesseth the Lord is taught that confession by the teaching of Peter. This is the Faith that overcometh the devil and looseth the bonds of his prisoners. This is the Faith which maketh men free of the world and bringeth them to heaven, and the gates of hell are impotent to prevail against it. This is the rock which God hath fortified with such ramparts of salvation, that the contagion of heresy will never be able to infect it, nor idolatry and unbelief to overcome it. And therefore, dearly beloved, we celebrate today’s festival with reasonable obedience, that in my humble person he may be acknowledged and honoured who doth continue to care for all the shepherds as well as sheep entrusted unto him, and who doth lose none of his dignity even in an unworthy successor.
When, therefore, we address our exhortations to your godly ears, believe ye that ye are hearing him speak whose office we are discharging. Yea, it is with his love for you that we warn you. And we preach unto you no other thing than that which he taught, entreating you as did he: Gird up the loins of your mind; be sober; be ye holy in all manner of living; pass the time of your sojourning here in the fear of God. My disciples, dearly beloved, ye are to me as the disciples of the Apostle Paul were to him, namely: My crown and joy; if so be that your faith, abide, still in all lowliness and holiness, like unto the first times of the Gospel. For although the whole Church, which is in all the world, should indeed abound in all the virtues, it becometh especially you among all others to excel in acts of piety, founded as ye be on the very citadel of the Apostolic Rock ye who have not only been redeemed with the rest of men by our Lord Jesus Christ, but who have been instructed by the blessed Apostle Peter far beyond all others. (Pope Leo XIII, as included in Matins, Divine Office, Feast of Pope Saint Sylvester I.)
Anyone who believes that the conciliar “popes,” blasphemers who have esteemed false idols and whispered sweet nothings into the ears of non-Catholics, including outright pagans and atheists and persecutors of Holy Mother Church, exhibit the qualities described by Pope Saint Leo the Great in the passage below from Matins in today’s Divine Office is delusional. Those who believe that the counterfeit church of conciliarism is the Catholic Church are invited to read Antichrist Has Shown Us His Calling Card.
While we beg Our Lady to reproduce her virtues in our own souls as we seek to make reparation for our sins as the consecrated slaves of her Divine Son, Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, through her own Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart, especially by our faithful and recollect recitation of her Most Holy Rosary, we must pray always to make reparation for the blasphemies uttered about her and against her by the likes of men such as Joseph Alois Ratzinger/Benedict XVI, who once described himself as a rationalist who only prayed the Rosary when he had time to do so, and the hideous Jorge Mario Bergoglio.
One of the ways that we can make such reparation is to pray the Chaplet of the Privileges of Our Lady:
The Chaplet of the Privileges of Our Lady
In the Name of the FATHER and of the SON and of the HOLY GHOST. Amen.
V. O GOD, come to my assistance.
R. O LORD, make haste to help me.
Glory be to the FATHER….
∗ ∗ ∗
HAIL to thee, purest, holiest Mother of JESUS.
We humbly pray thee, by thy predestination, whereby thou wast even from all eternity elected Mother of GOD; by thy Immaculate Conception, whereby thou wast conceived without stain of original sin; by thy most perfect resignation, whereby thou wast ever conformed to the will of GOD; and, lastly, by thy consummate holiness, whereby throughout thy whole life thou didst never commit one single fault: we pray thee to become our advocate with our LORD, that He may pardon our many sins, which are the cause of his wrath. And thou, O FATHER Almighty, by the merits of these privileges vouchsafed to this thy well-beloved Daughter, hear her supplications for us, and pardon us, her clients.
Spare, O LORD, spare thy people.
PATER once, Ave four times, Gloria once.
By thy holy and Immaculate Conception deliver us, glorious Virgin Mary.
∗ ∗ ∗
HAIL to thee, purest, holiest Mother of JESUS.
We humbly pray thee, by the most holy Annunciation, when thou didst conceive the Divine Word in thy womb; by thy most happy delivery, in which thou didst experience no pain; by thy perpetual virginity, which thou didst unite with the fruitfulness of a mother; and, lastly, by the bitter martyrdom which thou didst undergo in our SAVIOUR’S death: we pray thee to become our mediatrix, that we may reap the fruit of the Precious Blood of thy Son. And Thou, O Divine Son, by the merit of these privileges granted to thy well-beloved Mother, hear her supplications, and pardon us, her clients.
Spare, O LORD, spare thy people.
PATER once, Ave four times, Gloria once.
By thy holy and Immaculate Conception deliver us, glorious Virgin Mary.
∗ ∗ ∗
HAIL to thee, purest, holiest Mother of JESUS.
We humbly pray thee, by the joys which thou didst feel in thy heart at the Resurrection and Ascension of JESUS CHRIST; by thy Assumption into Heaven, whereby thou wast exalted above all the Choirs of the Angels; by the glory which GOD has given thee to be Queen of all saints; and, lastly, by that most powerful intercession, where by thou art able to obtain all that thou dost desire: we pray thee, obtain for us true love of GOD. And Thou, O HOLY SPIRIT, by the merits of these privileges of thy well-beloved Spouse, hear her supplications, and pardon us her clients. Amen.
Spare, O LORD, spare thy people.
PATER once, Ave four times, Gloria once.
By thy holy and Immaculate Conception deliver us, glorious Virgin Mary.
∗ ∗ ∗
Antiphon. Thy Conception, Virgin Mother of GOD, brought joy to the whole world, for of thee was born the Sun of Justice, CHRIST our GOD, who, loosing the curse, bestowed the blessing, and, confounding death, gave unto us eternal life.
V. In thy Conception, Virgin Mary, thou wast Immaculate.
R. Pray to the FATHER for us, whose SON JESUS, conceived by the HOLY GHOST, thou didst bring forth.
Let us pray. GOD of mercy, GOD of pity, GOD of tenderness, who, pitying the affliction of thy people, didst say to the angel smiting them, “Withhold thy hand”; for the love of thy glorious Mother, at whose precious breast thou didst sweetly find an antidote to the venom of our sins, bestow on us the help of thy grace, that we may be freed from all evil, and mercifully protected from every onset of destruction. Who livest and reignest for ever and ever.
R. Amen. (Chaplet of the Twelve Privileges of Our Lady.)
May we give all honor and glory to the Most Holy Trinity for giving us the fairest flower of our race, Our Blessed Mother, who was filled with grace and thus a saint from the very moment of her Immaculate Conception.
Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.
Saint Joseph, pray for us.
Saints Peter and Paul, pray for us.
Saint John the Baptist, pray for us.
Saint John the Evangelist, pray for us.
Saint Michael the Archangel, pray for us.
Saint Gabriel the Archangel, pray for us.
Saint Raphael the Archangel, pray for us.
Saints Joachim and Anne, pray for us.
Saints Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar, pray for us.
Pope Saint Sylvester I, pray for us,