Gretchen Whitmer Mocks the Most Holy Eucharist

Given the time available to me on this Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost and the Commemoration of Saint Edward the Confessor (and the one hundred seventh anniversary of Our Lady's sixth and final apparition to Jacinta and Francisco Marto and their cousin, Lucia dos Santos, in the Cova da Iria near Fatima, Portugal, during which the Miracle of the Sun took place), this commentary is going to be very short, perhaps one of the shortest ones ever published on Christ or Chaos since it went live online on February 20, 2004, as the continuation of the eponymous print journal that began in 1996 and then ceased publication in 2004 prior its continuation here online.

Gretchen Whitmer Mocks the Most Holy Eucharist

We live in a time when most men used the Holy Name of God casually without thinking about what they are saying. A prime example of this is when someone utters the phrase “Oh, my” in front of the Holy Name of God.

However, such a phrase is blasphemous as it is taking the “Name of the Lord, thy God, in vain.” As a card that was printed in 2006 by the Holy Name Society at Saint Pius V Church in Oyster Bay Cove, New York, God’s first name is NOT “Oh, my.” This thoughtless blasphemy comes out of the lips of so many people. Including traditional Catholics, as it has become so omnipresent in society that many people use the blasphemous phrase habitually without thinking anything about it.

Indeed, the blasphemous phrase is so widely used and accepted that baseball player for the New York Mets, Jose Iglesias, has written and produced some kind of “song” named after the blasphemous phrase, which is, I have read, its principal refrain. This is blasphemy as it is not a reverent use of the Holy Name of God. Mr. Iglesias does not know this, and neither do his teammates, who hold a sign with the first three letters of the phrase during games. Someone, though, within the Mets’ organization knows a bit more about the blasphemy than the players do as the phrase “Onward Mets, Go” is the “official” display on the display screen/scoreboard in the outfield according to reports that I have read.

The blasphemous phrase in question is used so universally that I hear it from merchants almost every day when checking out of a store, to which I use the rejoinder provided by the Saint Pius V

Church Holy Name Society, “God’s first name is not oh, my.” That gets the point across to most people, many of whom stop to consider the matter for a second or two and say, “You’re right. I never thought about that.”

Mind you, most people are completely ignorant about the blasphemous phrase and not as morally culpable as they would be otherwise, but there is a species of blasphemy that is always attributable when one uses the Holy Name of Jesus in vain or, worse yet, to use as a curse. This is especially true for Catholics as many of them have probably heard something about the Second Commandment (“Thou shalt not take the Name of Lord, they God, in vain”). Yet it is that I have known priests, both truly ordained and not, who have blasphemed in this way regularly.

Much more grievous in the hierarchy of sins against the Second Commandment that one can commit is the mockery of God, the Blessed Mother and all the other saints, the Holy Catholic Church, and the Sacraments. Mockery is a sin of malice, not of habit, although one can, I suppose, become habitual in his mockery, making his culpability, at least objectively speaking, even greater than a momentary lapse of, say, a Catholic who went along with the mockery committed by others out of fear of offending them rather than of God than to correct such mockers.

The outright mockery of God by those in public life (politicians, so-called “entertainers,” “social influences, educators, psychologists/psychiatrists, etc.) has been so commonplace that elected officials feel to mock the Holy Catholic Faith in this anti-Incarnational world of Modernity that is as mocking of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and His true Church now as the Jews of His time were mocking of Him as he hung on the gibbet of the Holy Cross to redeem them and us all.

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, who is one the most egregious pro-aborts in public office today, has herself seen fit to directly mock the Most Holy Eucharist in a video by giving a Doritos chip on the tongue of a kneeling woman:

The video made waves on social media with critics blasting Whitmer as mocking Catholics. 

"Let’s be clear what’s happening in this video," former Trump advisor Tim Murtaugh posted on X. "Gov. Whitmer of Michigan is pretending to give communion to an leftist podcaster on her knees, using a Dorito as the Eucharist while wearing a Harris-Walz hat. Do they want ZERO Catholic votes for Harris?" (Michigan gov feeds kneeling female podcast host Doritos while wearing a Harris-Walz hat.)

While some are contending that what Gretchen Whitmer did originated as a “trend” on some social media platform that is controlled by the Chinese Communist Party, this “trend” itself is meant to be a mockery of the administration of Holy Communion to the Catholics. This kind of mockery is malicious of its very nature, and it only the likes of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who ignores such mockery as he engages in acts of mockery on a daily basis, who could say what Whitmer did was “harmless.” It is not.

Gretchen Whitmer is a truly wicked person. She is also a hypocrite as she violated her own draconian lockdown rules in 2021:

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer was forced to apologize Sunday after she was caught attending a party that violated her own health department’s social distancing guidelines.

As of May 15, according to the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, no more than six people can be seated together at a restaurant and different groups must be separated by at least six feet.

However, someone forgot to tell Whitmer, who was photographed with a smile on her face Saturday as she sat with 12 other people around a pair of pushed-together tables at an East Lansing bar.

According to Breitbart, which first reported on the photo, the image was posted to Facebook by another member of the governor’s party, then taken down, then reposted without including the governor and state Chief Operating Officer Tricia Foster.

“Throughout the pandemic, I’ve been committed to following public health protocols,” Whitmer said in a statement obtained by the Detroit News and other local media Sunday.

“Yesterday, I went with friends to a local restaurant. As more people arrived, the tables were pushed together. Because we were all vaccinated, we didn’t stop to think about it. In retrospect, I should have thought about it. I am human. I made a mistake, and I apologize.”

Whitmer’s social distancing slip-up recalled California Gov. Gavin Newsom, who was photographed in November dining indoors with a dozen others at the exclusive French Laundry restaurant in Napa Valley.

Hours earlier, Newsom had warned Californians not to gather in groups from more than three households and to wear masks when eating out. The incident is widely seen as galvanizing the recall campaign against Newsom, which will culminate in a recall vote later this year.

The bar incident was the latest embarrassment for Whitmer in her pandemic response. Last year, she claimed her husband was joking when he dropped her name in an attempt to get his boat installed by Memorial Day.

Earlier this year, Whitmer took even more heat for traveling to Florida to visit her elderly father after advising Michigan residents to think twice about travel and recommending spring breakers and snowbirds returning from the Sunshine State quarantine for at least a week amid a surge of coronavirus cases in her state.

It has since come to light that the flight she took to Florida was not authorized to perform charter flights and that the bulk of the flight’s cost was paid for by a nonprofit organization close to the governor.

Whitmer announced Thursday that all capacity limits on outdoor events in the state will be lifted June 1, with capacity restrictions on indoor and outdoors gatherings set to go away July 1. (MI Gov. Whitmer caught violating her own public health guidelines. Whitmer admitted earlier this year, though, that her lockdown orders never made much sense: Whitmer says her COVID restrictions in hindsight ‘don’t make a lot of sense.)

Gretchen Whitmer is certainly a hypocrite, but she is as every bit of an anti-Catholic bigot as are Kamala Harris Emhoff and her Red Chinese stooge of a running mate, Timothy James Walz. She is an ignorant woman who uses her governorship to lord it over the masses as she supports baby-killing, child-mutilation, and all the vices covered by sodomy and its never-ending mutations and permutations. Her mockery is par for the course in a world where motion pictures, television programming, magazines, books, “social media influencers,” journalists, commentators, politicians, judges, doctors, lawyers, bankers, chief executive officers of major multinational corporations, and so many others mock the Holy Faith regularly.

Quite to the contrary of what Mr, Murtaugh emphasized for the campaign of former and perhaps future President Donald John Trump, Gretchen Whitmer's offense was not to Catholics but Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ as a direct violation of the precepts of the Second Commandment.

We must care about offenses to God and not to mere vessels of clay. 

Indeed, the sad reality is that there are all too many Catholics who are not offended by Whitmer's mockery of the Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ's Real Presence in the Most Blessed Sacrament because they been immunized by mockery of all things concerning Catholic Faith, Worship, and Morals by the conciliar revolutionaries.

Mockery from the Lords of Modernism in the Counterfeit Church of Conciliarism

Gretchen Whitmer’s mockery of all that is truly holy will never be the subject of any kind of a denunciation from the conciliar Vatican, which is itself the world’s capital of mockery, blasphemy, sacrilege, apostasy, and heresy.

The ongoing “synod” the Aula Paul VI within the walls of the Occupied Vatican on the West Bank of the Tiber River is a gigantic exercise in mocking the Catholic Faith its belief that pastoral practice is government by the “people” in their changed circumstances listening to the “spirit” and not upon conforming themselves to Divine Revelation by cooperating with the graces won for us by Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and that flow into our hearts and souls through the loving hands of His Most Blessed Mother, she who is the Mediatrix of All Graces:

Turning to the reflection by Fr Timothy Radcliffe at the beginning of work on the Third Module, Dr Pires pointed to the Dominican spiritual director’s comparison between the processes of transformation within the Church and Jesus’ interaction with the Canaanite woman in the Gospel.

Fr Radcliffe said that Jesus’ silence demonstrated a moment of deep listening that can be a model for the Church’s attempts to listen to the cries of those who are suffering and to address the complex questions facing the Church today.

The Dominican preacher's reflection also emphasized the question of the relationship between equality and difference, especially in the context of the different vocations and roles in the community of the baptized.

Finally, he highlighted the need for attentive and continuous prayer, and the importance of resisting the urge to find immediate and simplistic answers. Jesus’ response to the Canaanite woman, Fr Radcliffe noted, shows an openness and a welcoming gaze for those who are different. (Synod Briefing - Day 9: Care of relationships.)

As Saint Alphonsus de Liguori noted in his sermon on the delusion of sinners:

 “But God is merciful.” Behold another common delusion by which the devil encourages sinners to persevere in a life of sin! A certain author has said, that more souls have been sent to hell by the mercy of God than by his justice. This is indeed the case; for men are induced by the deceits of the devil to persevere in sin, through confidence in God’s mercy; and thus they are lost.  "God is merciful." Who denies it? But, great as his mercy, how many does he every day send to hell? God is merciful, but he is also just, and is, there fore, obliged to punish those who offend him. “And his mercy,” says the divine mother,” to them that fear him." (Luke i. 50.) But with regard to those who abuse his mercy and despise him, he exercises justice. The Lord pardons sins, but he cannot pardon the determination to commit sin. St. Augustine says, that he who sins with the intention of repenting after his sins, is not a penitent but a scoffer.” Irrisor est non pœnitens." But the Apostle tells us that God will not be mocked.” Be not deceived; God is not mocked." (Gal. vi. 7.) It would be a mockery of God to insult him as often and as much as you pleased, and afterwards to expect eternal glory. (Saint Alphonsus de Liguori: Sermon for Quinquagesima Sunday.)

God is not mocked, and everything about the counterfeit church of conciliarism is a mockery of Catholic Faith, Worship, and Morals. It happens every time the Protestant and Judeo-Masonic Novus Ordo liturgical travesty is staged. It happens every time some kind of “inter-religious” prayer service is held. It happens every time a conciliar “pope” has praised a false religion, and it is happening anew in the conciliar effort to brings its revolutionary task of “transforming” what most people think is the Catholic Church from being the only Divinely founded means of human sanctification and salvation that teaches only that which has been deposited in her by her Divine Founder, Invisible Head, and Mystical Bridegroom, into a human organization where popular sovereignty triumphs over God’s eternal laws. The hierarchical nature of Holy Mother Church is being mocked as anathema, and all that is anathema is being celebrated in the name of “empowering the people” in “participatory process” of “discernment.”

What Gretchen Whitmer did in mocking the zenith of God’s ineffable love for us in the Most Blessed Sacrament is despicably wicked, but what the conciliar revolutionaries are doing is even worse as they mock Our Lord and His Holy Church in the name of “discernment” and being “faithful to the spirit.”

There are all kinds of spirits, and only one is holy, and that is the Third Person of the Most Blessed Trinity, God the Holy Ghost, Who has nothing to do with the lords of conciliarism and their utterly false religious entity.

Today’s mockers will one day meet Christ the King at the moment of their Particular Judgment and, barring a miraculous conversion for which we must pray, that moment will be a terrible reckoning for all the times they dared to engaged in their mockery and for their overweening arrogance associated with such mockery.

We must pray to Our Lady so that we will leave in a manner befitting redeemed creatures and seek to do or say nothing that her Divine Son, Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, would not do Himself.

May each Rosary we pray today, the twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost and the Commemoration of Saint Edward the Confessor, and every day help us to reject even the near occasion of the mockery of God, especially by not voluntarily subjecting ourselves to such mockery by patronizing motion pictures, theatrical productions, and television programing in which such mockery is celebrated.

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our deaths.

All to thee, Blessed Mother. All to thy Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, we love you. Save souls!

Saint Joseph, pray for us.

Saints Peter and Paul, pray for us.

Saint John the Baptist, pray for us.

Saint Michael the Archangel, pray for us.

Saint Gabriel the Archangel, pray for us.

Saint Raphael the Archangel, pray for us.

Saints Joachim and Anne, pray for us.

Saints Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar, pray for us.

Saint Edward the Confessor, pray for us.

Jacinta, Francisco, and Lucia, pray for us.