Today is the one hundred sixty-second anniversary of the first apparition of Our Lady to Saint Bernadette Soubirous in the Grotto of Massabielle near Lourdes, France. Our Lady explained to the fourteen year-old Bernadette that we must do penance for our sins and for those of others.
Can we do any less in our day?
Indeed, the state of the Church Militant on earth and of the world-at-large has worsened as the sins of men have grown more numerous and more daring and as most baptized Catholics have been deprived of access to Sanctifying Grace by virtue of the invalid sacraments offered in the counterfeit church of conciliarism. God is not going to permit any country that kills the innocent preborn with legal impunity and kills souls in the name of the falsehoods of "freedom of speech" and "freedom of the press" and "freedom of religion" and a general sense of legal and cultural licentiousness to know long term material prosperity. Then again, these merchants of death have been enabled by the conciliar revolutionaries, who believe that signs of "outward penance belong to a different era in the history of the Church." We must indeed take Our Lady's injunction, "Penance! Penance! Penance! Pray to God for sinners," most seriously as we pray as many Rosaries each day as our states-in-life permits.
As noted in the update posted about twenty-four hours ago, I am working on book projects at this time. While I will continue to write for the website as time permits, I do want to put a representative sampling of the over two thousand articles that have appeared on this site since February 17, 2004, as it replaced the printed journal, Christ or Chaos, which had been in publication between August of 1996 and January of 2004 (this means that the work of Christ or Chaos is in its twenty-fifth year) in book form.
The current series of books upon I am working to format is on the blatherings and actions of Joseph Alois Ratzinger and Jorge Mario Bergoglio. The first volume, upon which I worked most of yesterday, Wednesday, February 10, 2021, the Feast of Saint Scholastica, contans articles from around this time seven years ago, a year after Jorge Mario Bergoglio's election to the conciliar seat of apostasy. It is truly amazing to review the extent to which the Argentine Apsotate's agenda had been laid out with clarity. The current volume will be around seven hundred pages in length. Subsequent volumes will appear, God willing and Our Lady interceding, over the course of the next six or seven months. There should a total of twenty volumes.
Finally, as noted a day ago, I am paying zero attention to the impeachment proceedings of a private citizen. What little I have read--and it is very little--indicates that the conclusion of this unconstitutional farce is very clear, and it will be after its conclusion that I will either write a commentary or prepare a video presentation.
Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us.
Saint Bernardette Soubirous, pray for us.