Georgie "The Chin" Bergoglio Strikes Again on Behalf of the Pro-Aborts

Work was proceeding nicely on part two of Roe v. Wade is Gone, Baby-Killing Will Continue when I saw an email containing a news story about Georgie “The Chin” Bergoglio giving a special meeting to the Wicked Witch of the West, Nancy Patricia D’Alesandro Pelosi, providing her what he thought to be a “papal blessing,” and permitting her to receive what purports to be Holy Communion at the Protestant and Judeo-Masonic Novus Ordo liturgical abomination in abject open defiance of “Archbishop” Salvatore Cordileone’s ban on her receiving same because of her support for the surgical assassination of innocent preborn children.

The legendary mobsters of yore have nothing on Georgie “The Chin” Bergoglio, who has just kneecapped every conciliar “bishop” in the United States of America who has stood up in support of Cordileone’s punishment of Pelosi (for past articles on this site about this matter, please see Not Exactly from the Excommunication Scene in Becket and Jorge "Claps Back" at Salvatore Cordileone and Stands Up for Nancy Patricia D'Alesandro Pelosi and Her Pro-Abort Ilk).

Jorge Mario Bergoglio makes a mockery of the papacy, which, as this commentary demonstrates, is exactly the point of the conciliar sect. The papacy is a subject for our reverence, not scorn, and the conciliar “popes” have done nothing but make a mockery of it.

Part two of “Roe v. Wade is Gone, Baby-Killing Will Continue” should be published in less than twenty-four hours after this posting.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saints Peter and Paul, pray for us.

Roe v. Wade is Gone, Baby-Killing Will Continue

Part one of my commentary on Associate Justice Samuel Alito’s opinion for the Court in the case of Thomas E. Dobbs, Mississippi State Health Officer v. Jackson Women’s Organization, June 24, 2022, is hereby published.

Having read Justice Alito’s opinion for the Court in its entirety, I decided to categorize his principal points and to offer commentary about them rather than to provide the sort of paragraph-by-paragraph exegesis that I have undertake in other Court cases. While I may do so when offering commentary in part two of the opinions of the dissenting justices, I think that this current commentary provides readers with a comprehensive summary of the major areas covered by Alito’s opinion, which they can compare with its text, which is appended below the main body of the commentary.

Part two will follow in a few days.

Our Lady of Perpetual Help, pray for us

On the Nativity of the Precursor and Herald of Christ the King: Saint John the Baptist

This is a republished reflection for the Feast of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist.

Today's great feast, coming as it does six months, one day prior to Christmas Day, is only one of three in the liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church that commemorates a physical birth (or Nativity). Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ's Nativity in Bethlehem in celebrated on Christmas Day, December 25. Our Lady Nativity is celebrated on September 8. And Our Lord's Precursor, the son of Saint Elizabeth, Saint John the Baptist, is privileged to have his own Nativity celebrated this very day. This is a tremendous feast day in the life of the Catholic Church. 

Saint John the Baptist, the last of the Old Testament prophets, prepared the way for the coming of Our Lord prior to the assumption of His Public Ministry. Freed from Original Sin in the womb of his mother, Saint Elizabeth, who was Saint Anne's cousin, at the moment of Our Lady's Visitation, Saint John the Baptist preached fearlessly to convert sinners from their sinful ways and to prepare them to accept his Cousin, God Incarnate, as their Redeemer. He also knew that he had to decrease in stature in the world as Our Lord increased following His symbolic baptism in the Jordan River, during which, of course, God the Father sent a dove, symbolizing God the Holy Ghost, spoke to tell us in no uncertain terms, "This is My beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased" (Matthew 3: 17), a proclamation that would God the Father repeated at Our Lord's Transfiguration (Matthew 17: 5).

Saint John the Baptist fearlessly proclaimed the truth. He lost his head for doing so. In like manner, of course, we must proclaim the truth, doing so out of fidelity to Our Lord as He has revealed Himself to His true Church, and in true Charity for the eternal good of others, recognizing at all times that we are but weak vessels of clay, full of faults and failings, who must make much reparation to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary for our sins.

It is not easy to speak truth to those in power. Saint John the Baptist knew this.

Those in power, such as King Herod the Tetrarch, who was married illicitly to his brother's wife even though his brother was still very much alive, frequently believe themselves to be beyond criticism and that each of their decisions are binding upon the consciences of all others, a power that Our Lord has given exclusively to true popes, who can indeed bind our consciences.

Those in civil power, however, tend to think of themselves as demigods whose musings on this or that subject carry great significance. No matter who the President of the United States of America is, for example, it is invariably the case that some sort variation of one false, naturalistic presupposition after another is supposed to be accepted by the populace as the foundation for the common good domestically and for peace internationally. These "demigods" can't possibly be wrong, of course. They believe that their shallow words and empty and sometimes contradictory statements are received from on high (actually, their words and actions come from below!) and anyone who dares to dissent from them is suspect of being a "domestic terrorist."

Finally, I spent most all of yesterday, the Feast of Sacred Heart of Jesus, reviewing the text of Associate Justice Samuel Alito's opinion for the Court in the case of Thomas E. Dobbs, Mississippi State Health Officer v. Jackson Women's Health Organization, June 24, 2022, that overturned the Court's unconstitutional and immoral decision in the case of Roe v. Wade, January 22, 1973. A protracted commentary will be written that, although it will repeat many of the points I have made so many times in the psat, will be a new composition based upon an exegesis of the Alito opinion, which rendered a correct decision about the unconstitutionality of Roe v. Wade and provided an invaluable correction to the false historical narrative used by the late Associate Justice Harry Blackmun in that decision but it is still nevertheless fatally flawed in its concession that the "people" are "free" to "decide" anything about the killing of innocent human life except what sort of punishment should be meted out to those who kill for a living. 

As noted in a brief morning update yesterday, error can never be the foundation of any kind of just social order. I hope to have part one of my commentary on the Alito opinion for the Court published Monday, and will then follow up with commentaries on the concurring in part and dissenting in part opinion of the Chief Institutionalist, John Glover Roberts, Jr., who acted entirely according to the expectations I had of him when George Walker Bush nominated him in 2005, and then, in due course, the opinions of the dissenters, most notably the emotional screed issued by the a-constitutional, a-historical, amoral, mass of raw emotions named Associate Justic Sonia Sotomayor. The sequenced articles will be placed into an anthology of my commentaries on various Supreme Court decisions. 

Another commentary about Saint John the Baptist can be read by clicking: Saint John the Baptist: Everything That Jorge Mario Bergoglio Is Not and Will Never Be.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint John the Baptist, pray for us.


The Feast of Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

[Morning Update: The Supreme Court of the United States of America in the case has indeed issued its decision in the case of Thomas Dobbs, Mississippi State Health Officer v. Jackson Women's Health Organization and, as expected, it overturned the Court's dreadful decision of Roe v. Wade, January 22, 1973. Although I will be preparing an extensive commentary on today's decision, the commentaries I wrote in the immediate aftermath of the unprecedented leak of Alito's draft opinion, Merchants of Murder and Mendacity, part one, and Merchants of Murder and Mendacity, part two, provide an initial overview as to the fact that while Justice Alito is indeed correct about the erroneous nature of Court's reasoning in Roe v. Wade, his belief that the "people" have the "right" to "decide" what to do about the deliberate execution of innocent preborn babies is itself erroneous, and error can never be the foundation of any kind of just social order. 

[Such must be the sophistry when constitutions ignore any reference to the binding nature of the Divine and Natural Laws and when they empower the "people" to make "decisions" that are beyond the authority of mere mortals to decide.

May God have mercy on us all.]

Today's feast, which was extended to the universal church by Pope Pius IX, is the result of at least six centuries of devotion to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus that culminated with the apparitions of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque at the height of Jansenism in the late-Seventeenth Century. 

None of us deserves the mercies of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Yet it is that Our Divine Redeemer does indeed shower us with those mercies if we approach Him with a contrite heart, especially by making regular use of the Sacred Tribunal Penance to make good, integral confessions of our sins to a true priest as we promise to amend our lives, to do penance and to sin no more. We are loved by Love Himself. We are loved particularly by Love Incarnate, Who died for us on the wood of the Holy Cross to redeem us.

Our Lord's love for us is an act of His Divine Will, the ultimate expression of which is the salvation of our immortal souls as members of His Catholic Church. What an obligation we have to return love unto Love Himself as we seek to serve Him as His consecrated slaves through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Several other reflections on this feast day that have been posted on this site in the past are: Enthroning the True and Unsurpassed Love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Our HomesNo One is a Stranger to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus: Remedy for the Cruelty of a Cruel Age.

A protracted power outage delayed my continuing work on part eigheen of "Sin: More Dangerous Than the Coronavirus has been delayed yet again as a consequence, and it will be delayed further if the Supreme Court of the United States of America issues its long-anticipated decision in the case of Thomas Dobbs, Mississippi State Health Officer v. Jackson Women's Health Organization on Friday, June 24, 2022. It will take several days to prepare a detailed commentary about the Court's opinion and the concurring and dissenting opinions.

A blessed Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to you all.

Our Lady of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us.

Saint Aloysius Gonzaga, S.J.: Our Model of Angelic Purity

Saint Aloysius Gonzaga is one of Holy Mother Church's shining examples of a youth who maintained his innocence and purity throughout his twenty-three years of life as a member of the Church Militant on earth.

Heresy, Thy Name is Jorge Mario Bergoglio

Jorge Mario Bergoglio had a "conversation" the editors of Jesuit periodicals in Europe.

This relatively brief commentary focuses on two of the comments the false "pontiff" made in this "conversation." (I suppose the word "interview" is offensive to someone plagued with being terminally infantile. "You called me a name. You criticized me. I hate you.")

"Sin: More Deadly Than the Coronavirus, part eighteen," is progressing despite various interruptions. 

Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacarment, pray for us.

Saint Juliana Falconieri, pray for us.

Saints Gervase and Protase, pray for us.

On the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, June 16, 2022

Today is the great Feast of Corpus Christi. This article, written a long time ago now and slightly revised over the years, is an exhortation to the readers of this site to spend more and more time in adoration before Our Beloved before His Real Presence in the Most Blessed Sacrament if this is at all possible in your area. 

Adoration is the first end of prayer, including the perfect prayer that is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in which Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ becomes Incarnate under the appearances of bread and wine when a men man, uttering mere words over the elements of the earth, calls Him down from Heaven. We must adore God with our whole mind, soul, heart, body and strength. To spend time before the Most Blessed Sacrament in prayer is a foretaste of Heavenly glories.
Our goal in life is to behold the glory of the Beatific Vision of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost for all eternity in the company of Our Lady, Saint Joseph, our Guardian Angels (each of whom beholds the Beatific Vision as he tries to guide us home to Heaven!), our patron saints and all of the members of the Church Triumph, whose ranks we hope and pray will include our dearest and nearest relatives and friends.
We must make time for the foretaste of Heavenly glories by means of profound Eucharistic Adoration in this life is we want to enjoy the glories of Heaven itself for all eternity. There are infused graces that are flooded into the souls of those who spend time in adoration before the Blessed Sacrament, those souls who are conscious of the need to make reparation for their sins as they give thanksgiving to God for all of the favors, both spiritual and temporal, they have received and who recognize the need to petition God for the favors we need, both spiritual temporal, starting with an earnest petition each day that we be given the grace to have a holy and sacramentally-provided-for death. 
Our Lord stands ready to send us this infusion of graces through the loving hands of His Most Blessed Mother, who is mystically with us when we pray before her Divine Son’s Real Presence. All we need to do is to arrange our lives in such a way as to make time for prayer before Our Eucharistic King and Lord. 
We must, of course, be conscious of our need to get to the Sacrament of Penance on a weekly basis in order that our reception of Our Lord’s Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity in Holy Communion will be worthy and fervent. The frequent, devout and worthy reception of Our Lord in Holy Communion gives strength even to those souls who have been steeped in one sin after another, those souls who have refused to surrender to the devil’s attacks upon them over the years: 
And then come, and accuse me, saith the Lord: if your sins be as scarlet, they shall be made as white as snow: and if they be red as crimson, they shall be white as wool. If you be willing, and will hearken to me, you shall eat the good things of the land. (Isaias 1: 18-19.) 
We must ask Our Lady on this great feast day of Corpus Christi, which, of course, is celebrated as an Octave in those chapels that use the Missal of Saint Pius V before it was “reformed” by the revolutionary efforts of Annibale Bugnini and Ferdinando Antonelli in the 1950s, to help give us more and more graces to recognize the Most Sacred Heart of her Divine Son, Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, beats for with great love in the Most Blessed Sacrament. 
We must ask Our Lady to help us approach the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus through her own Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart with such fervor and devotion that we will consider it as a great loss if ever there is a day we are unable to get a true offering of Holy Mass and unable to spend at least some time with her Divine Son, Who is the Prisoner of Love in tabernacles today just as He was the Prisoner of her Virginal and Immaculate Womb from the time of His Incarnation to the day of His Nativity.
We must also thank Our Lord and His Most Blessed Mother for our true bishops and true priests who make it possible for us to have the Sacraments in this time of apostasy and betrayal, remembering to pray that more young men will have the courage to renounce the world and study to become an alter Christus so that he, acting in persona Christi in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, can make Our Lord present in the Most Blessed Sacrament and to bless us with that Most Blessed Sacrament on great feast days such as this one. 
The next original article this site was going to be part eighteen of "Sin: More Deadly Than the Coronavirus." However, Jorge Mario Bergoglio has attacked traditional Catholics again while praising his wretched mentor Father Pedro Arrupe, S.J., about whom an Irish Jesuit once said in my presence, "On the Last Day will come out of the last oven in Purgatory Giovanni Montini, and he will have draped on his shoulders Pedro Arrupe." This was a very optimistic assessment of their eternal fate, I noted at the time. Anyhow, Jorge beckons again for a response. 
A blessed Feast of Corpus Christi to you all!

Today should be devoted entirely to gratitude to Eucharistic King for the great gift of Himself in Holy Communion and our ability worship Him in His Real Presence even though He sitteth at the right hand of God the Father in Heaven. 

What a mystery of love. 
Words fail. 

Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament, pray for us. 


As Saint Basil the Great Once Said to an Arian: "Perhaps You Have Not Met A Catholic Bishop Before

Today's republished article, which was written twelve years ago now and revised again in 2018, attempts to draw comparisons between Saint Basil the Great's battles with the Arians and our own battles with the lords of the counterfeit church of conciliarism and their apologists. I had forgotten, prior to re-reading the article, just how many little nuggets from Dom Prosper Gueranger's The Liturgical Year are contained in its text.

Here is one just nugget:

"Peace is just what Basil desired as much as anybody; but the peace for which he would give his life could be only that true peace left to the Church by our Lord. What he so vigorously exacted on the grounds of faith proceeded solely from his very love of peace. And therefore, as he himself tells us, he absolutely refused to enter into communion with those narrow-minded men who dread nothing so much as a clear, precise expression of dogma; in his eyes their captious formulas and ungraspable shiftings were but the action of hypocrites, in whose company he would scorn to approach God's altar. As to those miserably misled, 'Let the faith of our fathers be proposed to them with all tenderness and charity; if they will assent thereunto, let us receive them into our midst; in other cases, let us dwell with ourselves alone, regardless of numbers; and let us keep aloof from equivocating souls, who are not possessed of that simplicity without guile, indispensably required in the early days of the Gospel from all who would approach to the the faith. The believers, so it is written, had but one heart and one soul. Let those, therefore, who would reproach us for not desiring pacification, mark well who are the real authors of the disturbance and so not point the question of reconciliation on our side any more.'"(Dom Prosper Gueranger, O.S.B., The Liturgical Year.) 

The authors of disturbance today are not those of us who point out the errors and blasphemes and sacrileges of the conciliar "popes," including Jorge Mario Bergoglio, but those who are silent about and/or enable these offenses, a silence that prevails these days among so many "conservative" and "traditionally-minded" priests and presbyters in the structures of the counterfeit church of conciliarism.

Oh, remember that the Ordering Books page contains links to purchase some of my more recent books. 

It will take me most of the rest of this week to complete part eighteen of "Sin: More Deadly Than the Coronavirus" no matter what decisions the Supreme Court of the United States does or does not issue this week. The writing of any Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, as seems probable, will take a considerable amount of time as it is my intention to analyze the opinion of each justice, including that of Associate Justice Samuel Alito.

Pray for the safety of the justices who are being targeted by the pro-death crowd, whose protests in front of their homes is in full violation of a Federal law that the ideological hack named Merrick Garland, the current Minister of Injustice of the United States of America, refuses to enforce. 

May God have mercy on us all in this time of chastisement.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint Basil the Great, pray for us.

On the Feast of Saint Anthony, Hammer of Heretics

Today is the Feast of Saint Anthony of Padua.

This is but brief, revised reflection on Saint Anthony, who is near and dear to the hearts of a preponderance of Catholics today no matter where they might fall along the vast expanse of the ecclesiastical divide in this time of apostasy and betrayal.

Perhaps I should note, however, that Saint Anthony of Padua would be hammering the heretics of the counterfeit church of conciliarism today just as he did in his own day nine hundred years ago.

An original article, Arsenic Jorge and Old Lace, was published about twenty-two and one-half hours ago.

Thank you.

Our Lady of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us.

Saint Anthony of Padua, pray for us.

Arsenic Jorge and Old Lace

Jorge Mario Bergoglio recently disparaged the use of lace in liturgical vestments when speaking to priests/presbyters in Sicily. Although he rightly denounced the mobsters in Sicily, he acted like one when seeking to humiliate priests/presbyters for wearing "grandmother's lace." He is a mocker. This commentary deals with Bergoglio's contempt of the true honor and glory that belong to the Most Holy Trinity in Divine Worship and at all times.

A blessed Trinity Sunday to you all.

Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity, pray for us.

Saint John of San Facundo, pray for us.


Saints Basilides, Cyrinius, Nabor, and Nazarius, pray for us.


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