"Hands Off My Family" Won't Work for the "Big Guy" with Christ the King at the Particular Judgment

The title of this commentary is sufficiently self-explanatory, I believe.

Another original commentary should be published in a day or two.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

The Seven Holy Brothers, pray for us.

Saints Rufina and Secunda, pray for us.

Republished: Not An Ecumenist Among Them

Although I had hoped to have another original article posted by Friday, July 7, 2023, the Feast of Saints Cyril and Methodius and the Commemoration in some places of Saint Lawrence Brindisi, a few health problems prevented me from doing so. It is my current expectation to post that new article by tomorrow, Monday, July 10, 2023, the Feast of the Seven Holy Martyrs and Saints Rufina and Secunda.

Thus, I offer you today, the Sixth Sunday after Penteocst, a revised commentary on the feasts (Saints John Fisher and Thomas More, the Martyrs of Gorkum. Saint Maria Goretti, Saint Veronica Giuliani) that are celebrated in some places even though they are not on the General Roman calendar of the Catholic Church.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Our Lady, Queen of the Apostles, pray for us.

Saint Joseph, pray for us.

Saints Thomas More and John Fisher, pray for us.

Saint Maria Goretti, pray for us.

Saint Veronica Giuliani, pray for us.

The Martyrs of Gorkum, pray for us.

Remember, Robert Francis Kennedy, Jr., That You Have A Soul

No one, especially a baptized and confirmed Catholic, can expect to save their immortal soul while supporting the chemical and surgical slaughter of the innocent preborn.

This commentary, therefore, is a rejoinder to Robert Francis Kennedy, Jr.’s, recent affirmation of his support for this slaughter in the name of “choice.” Alas, no one has the “right” to “choose” to kill an innocent human being.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saints Peter and Paul, pray for us.

A Reprise: Declaring Independence from the Declaration of Independence

Although I have written hundreds of commentaries about the false, naturalistic, Judeo-Masonic, religiously indifferentist, and Pelagian nature of the American founding and see no particular reason to write a new commentary as it is my goal (one of many, I might add) to publish some of those commentaries in volume two of "Restoring Christ as the King of All Nations" (volume two is eighteen years overdue, it should be noted), I think that this commentary from five months ago is quite appropriate to reprise on the day after July 4, 2023.

I am working on two articles at this time. The first is one that I have been meaning to get to in the past few weeks but have not had the time to do so centers on the fact that Robert Francis Kennedy, Jr., no matter how courageous he has been in exposing Anthony Fauci, the plandemic, and the "vaccines" to "combat" the Wuhan Virus, remains a Kennedy, which means that he is an unreconstructed pro-abort. I will post that commentary posed by tomorrow, Thuusday, July 6, 2023, the Octave of the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul.  

The other article that I have been working on for the past five days keeps growing and growing with source citations. It deals with head of the Delware Crine Syndicate and his belief in the White House--and presumably the Ministry of Injustice and the Internal Revenue Service as well--must keep "hands off" his family.  (Curious how that cocaine just happened to be found in the White House. Can't imagine anyone who lives in the White House having any interest in illegal substances.)

Finally, although I know the effort is futile, a need for non-tax-deductible financial gifts exists. Thank you.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint Anthony Mary Zaccaria, pray for us.

Saints Peter and Paul, pray for us.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us

Jorge Mario Bergoglio's Version of Beat the Clock

Does Jorge Mario Bergoglio have long to live?

Perhaps he does.

However, he is acting with such alacrity recently as to give an indication that he knows his end is near as to appoint Victor Manuel Fernandez as the prefect of the counterfeit church of conciliarism’s misnamed Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith so soon after the “apostolic visitation” meted out to “Bishop” Joseph Strickland represents an acceleration of Jorge’s revolution against the Faith. Bud Collyer, call your office. (Those who are not old enough to remember Beat the Clock or the original version of To Tell the Truth will not understand the reference to the late Bud Collyer. However, I include these references from time to time solely because they amuse me as I am about to fall asleep at the computer.)

I will excerpt part of this commentary here to highlight Mario Cardinal Mattei’s praise of the papacy and of Pope Pius IX soon after the overthrow of the Papal States in 1870:

“You are in our regard the master of sound doctrine. You are the centre of unity. You are the foundation of the church itself, against which the gates of hell shall not prevail. When you speak, we hear Peter. When you decree, we obey Jesus Christ. We admire you in the midst of so many trials and tempests, with a serene brow and unshaken mind, invincible fulfilling your sacred ministry.”

“You are in our regard the master of sound doctrine.”

Can anyone who is intellectually honest (seen any of that lately?) say this about Angelo Roncalli, Giovanni Battista Enrico Antonio Maria Montini, Albino Luciani, Karol Josef Wojtyla, Joseph Alois Ratzinger, or Jorge Mario Bergoglio?

“When you speak, we hear Peter.”

Do those in the “resist while recognize” movement hear Peter when Jorge Mario Bergoglio speaks?

Did many of them hear Peter when Karol Josef Wojtyla or Giovanni Montini spoke?

“When you decree, we obey Jesus Christ.”

Yet, of course, “Bishop” Athanasius Schneider, not to be confused with Athanasius of Alexandria, has counseled recently that Catholics can ignore and disobey “Pope Francis’s” Traditionis Custodes, July 16, 2021 (see Jorge Mario Bergoglio Bares His Teeth to Do the Work of Baal for an analysis of that decree)

Mario Cardinal Mattei was not speaking simply about Pope Pius IX. He was speaking about the very nature of the papacy itself.

Today’s neo-Gallicanists do not believe that the papacy is the center of unity, nor do they believe that they must obey when the pope speaks, which means, according to Cardinal Mario Mattei’s own words, they can disobey Christ’s Vicar on earth with absolute moral impunity.

Not so.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Pope Saint Leo II, pray for us.

Saints Peter and Paul, pray for us.

On the Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary: Magnificat

Today is the magnificent feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary to her cousin, Saint Elizabeth, and her preborn Divine Son’s preborn Precursor, Saint John the Baptist.

This date, July 2, marks the end of the period of Our Lady’s Visitation, which began on April 2, lasting until the day after the octave day of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist. Our Lady’s perfect Charity for her cousin and her Divine Son’s Precursor should prompt us to perform the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy at all times, making sure as well to proclaim the Holy Name of Mary, she whom all generations are duty bound to call blessed, as the Mother of God who made possible our salvation by her perfect fiat to the will of God the Father at the Annunciation and who is the Queen of Heaven and on earth, the very Immaculate Conception who prays for us now and at the hour of our deaths.

A new commentary, which discussses Jorge Mario Bergoglio's appointment of the egregious Victor Manuel Fernandez as the prefect of the counterfeit church of conciliarism's quite misnamed Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, is being written. I hope to have it published within twenty-four hours. Thank you.

A blessed Feast of the Visitation of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary to you all.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saints Processus and Martinian, pray for us.

The Laver of Redemption (2023)

The Most Precious Blood of Jesus is our laver of redemption, as our own sins, each and every single one of them, caused It to be shed during the events of Holy Thursday and Good Friday.

It was the thought of coming into contact with the horror of our sins, the very antithesis of His Sacred Divinity, that caused Our Lord to sweat droplets of His Most Precious Blood in His Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane.

It was our sins that caused the Most Precious Blood of Jesus to be shed so terribly during His cruel scourging at the Pillar.

It was our sins that caused the Most Precious Blood of Jesus to be shed as He was crowned with thorns to mock His Sacred Kingship over men and their nations.

It was our sins that caused the Most Precious Blood of Jesus to continue to be shed from the scourging and the crowning as He walked up the steps to be judged by the Roman procurator, Pontius Pilate. Droplets of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus are still venerated by pilgrims as proceed on their knees up the Sancta Scala in Rome right across from the Basilica di San Giovanni Laterano.

It was our sins that caused the Most Precious Blood to be shed as Our Lord’s hands and knees were crucified. It was our sins that caused the Most Precious Blood of Jesus to be shed unto Its last drop as He hung on the gibbet of the Holy Holy Cross for three hours, flowing in a torrent as Our Lord’s wounded side was pierced with the lance of Saint Longinus.

What is It that is poured out onto our souls when they are Absolved by a true priest in the Sacred Tribunal of Penance?

The Most Precious Blood of Jesus.

The Most Precious Blood of Jesus strengthens us when we receive It worthily in Holy Communion.

It was the shedding of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus on the wood of the Holy Cross that ratified the New and Eternal Covenant He inaugurated at the Last Supper, thereby obliterating forever the old sacrifices of the blood of bulls and goats and lambs in Temple worship, thus superseding he Old Covenant of the Jews.

We must celebrate this great Feast of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus, which was pumped through Our Divine Redeemer’s Sacred Body by His Most Sacred Heart, the very font of Mercy, with gratitude that we, sinners who caused It to be shed in torrents under the most unspeakably cruel conditions, are bathed unto our redemption by Its merits.

May we never take the Most Precious Blood of Jesus for granted.

A blessed Feast of the Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ and Octave Day of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist to you all! Today is also the First Friday of July, the month of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saints Peter and Paul, pray for us.

Saint John the Baptist, pray for us.

A Perpetual Truth in the Midst of the Perpetual Reiteration of Error: A True Pope Is Never in Need of Correction

Although it is late in the day, it is still the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul.

This commentary discusses the simple fact that it would never be necessary for well-meaning Catholics as Joseph Strickland, the conciliar “bishop” of Tyler, Texas (where we had lived for six months starting on June 29, 2013, before moving to rural north central Texas) to “correct” a true pope, who is the guarantor of Catholic orthodoxy. The fact that they feel compelled to do so with Jorge Mario Bergoglio should be enough to convince them to realize that Senor Jorge is not a true pope and that the conciliar religion is nor Catholicism.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saints Perer and Paul, pray for us.

Empty Faith Leads to the "Repurposing" of Catholic Churches in Europe

Once Catholic Europe arose from the ruins of pagan idolatry and barbarian hedonism over the course of the First Millennium. The Christ-centered world of Christendom provided glories to God through the ministrations of His true Church that were summarized by Pope Leo XIII in Immortale Dei, November 1, 1885:

The Nativity of Saint John the Baptist: His Name Will Be John

[Update on Monday evening, June 26, 2023: An unexpected storm system tore through our area and, among other things, felled upwards of eight trees (damaging some fencing) and knocked out our electricity and internet service, thus interrupting work on my next article. Although I wrote a bit more after the electricity was restored twenty-eight hours after it went off in the midst of a scorching heat wave, I will have to resume work on the commentary in the morning so that I can have it completed for posting either by late tomorrow evening or early Wednesday, June 28, 2023, the Feast of Saint Irenaeus and the Commemoration of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist and the Vigil of Saints Peter and Paul. I will explain the need to raise a thousand dollars to pay for our insurance deductible to clear the trees and repair the fencing when I post the next commentary. Penance is better than ever in 2023! Deo gratias! Thank you.]

Today's great feast, coming as it does six months, one day prior to Christmas Day, is only one of three in the liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church that commemorates a physical birth (or Nativity). Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ's Nativity in Bethlehem in celebrated on Christmas Day, December 25. Our Lady Nativity is celebrated on September 8. And Our Lord's Precursor, the son of Saint Elizabeth, Saint John the Baptist, is privileged to have his own Nativity celebrated this very day. This is a tremendous feast day in the life of the Catholic Church. 

Saint John the Baptist, the last of the Old Testament prophets, prepared the way for the coming of Our Lord prior to the assumption of His Public Ministry. Freed from Original Sin in the womb of his mother, Saint Elizabeth, who was Saint Anne's cousin, at the moment of Our Lady's Visitation, Saint John the Baptist preached fearlessly to convert sinners from their sinful ways and to prepare them to accept his Cousin, God Incarnate, as their Redeemer. He also knew that he had to decrease in stature in the world as Our Lord increased following His symbolic baptism in the Jordan River, during which, of course, God the Father sent a dove, symbolizing God the Holy Ghost, spoke to tell us in no uncertain terms, "This is My beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased" (Matthew 3: 17), a proclamation that would God the Father repeated at Our Lord's Transfiguration (Matthew 17: 5).

Saint John the Baptist fearlessly proclaimed the truth. He lost his head for doing so. In like manner, of course, we must proclaim the truth, doing so out of fidelity to Our Lord as He has revealed Himself to His true Church, and in true Charity for the eternal good of others, recognizing at all times that we are but weak vessels of clay, full of faults and failings, who must make much reparation to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary for our sins.

It is not easy to speak truth to those in power. Saint John the Baptist knew this.

Those in power, such as King Herod the Tetrarch, who was married illicitly to his brother's wife even though his brother was still very much alive, frequently believe themselves to be beyond criticism and that each of their decisions are binding upon the consciences of all others, a power that Our Lord has given exclusively to true popes, who can indeed bind our consciences.

Those in civil power, however, tend to think of themselves as demigods whose musings on this or that subject carry great significance. No matter who the President of the United States of America is, for example, it is invariably the case that some sort variation of one false, naturalistic presupposition after another is supposed to be accepted by the populace as the foundation for the common good domestically and for peace internationally. These "demigods" can't possibly be wrong, of course. They believe that their shallow words and empty and sometimes contradictory statements are received from on high (actually, their words and actions come from below!) and anyone who dares to dissent from them is suspect of being a "domestic terrorist." For my latest explication of this, please see Men Who Defy Christ the King and His Laws Are Their Own Worst Enemies, Now and For Eternity, which was published yesterday, Friday, June 23, 2023, the Octave of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Commemoration of the Vigil of Saint John the Baptist.

Another commentary about Saint John the Baptist can be read by clicking: Saint John the Baptist: Everything That Jorge Mario Bergoglio Is Not and Will Never Be.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint John the Baptist, pray for us.


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