Today's republished article, Dancing to the Tune of Herod and Herodias," is to be found below this update.

Those of you who are familiar with my own criticisms of the false opposites of the naturalist "left" and the naturalist "right" who compose the supposedly "competing" organized crime families that are known by their undercover label, political parties, should read excerpts from a privately circulated column by Rabbi Mayer Schiller, who is a good friend of mine, offering comments on my articles now and again and even doing what the lion's share of the readers have never bothered to do, that is, to send a non-tax-deductible financial gift. The privately circulated column was published Chronicles: A Voice from Internal Exile on the Evil Party, the Stupid Party, and the Futility of Elecetions. Rabbi Schiller knows that I am praying for his conversion to the true Faith. I ask that the readers of this site, however many there are out there while I concentrate on other work these days, to pray a Rosary for this intention. He would make a great champion of the Holy Faith as he sees so many things in the world for what they are in reality, not what our minders want them to appear to be.

Also, a different friend sent me a link to a marvelous post on the Virtue of Modesty: Marylike Modesty Handbook. Those who wrote this handbook are to be commended for doing such a great service to Catholics, no matter where they may fall along the vast expanse of the ecclesiastical divide in this time of apostasy and betrayal.

Finally, speaking of apostasy and betrayal, I will endeavor to have part two of last Sunday's article published this coming Sunday, the Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost and the Commemoration of Saint Raymond Nonnatus.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint John the Baptist, pray for us.

Saint Sabina, pray for us.


August 19, 2014, Update on the Feast of Saint John Eudes:

Although there is no new article today as other work takes priority for the foreseeable future (keep checking, though, for original articles), I do want to note that there is an important post to be find at Novus Ordo Watch Wire concerning the diaries of the late Monsignor Joseph Clifford Fenton, the great foe of Father John Courtney Murray, S.J,. and one of the seminary professors of the late John Joseph "Jackie Boy" Sullivan at Saint Bernard's Seminary in Rochester, New York, in the late-1930s. Monsignor Fenton's diaries are a treasure trove of first-hand observations concerning the rise and triumph of what was beyond this great theologian's wildest imagings before the "Second" Vatican Council: a counterfeit church that had come to life as a result of the appointment of Modernists and liberals as bishops after the death of Pope Saint Pius X on August 20, 2014, precisely one hundred years ago tomorrow. Please do take the time to read the handwritten notes of the late Monsignor Fenton as he saw the collapse of Catholicism right before his very eyes. This is truly a remarkable piece of history to make accessible to Catholics worldwide!

I also want to highight once again links to the print and Kindle versions of Conversion in Reverse: Hard copy: Conversion in Reverse: How the Ethos of Americanism Converted Catholics (Volume 1); new Kindle edition: Conversion in Reverse: How the Ethos of Americanism Converted Catholics. Volume one provides a summary of the rise of Christendom in the First and Second Millennia and connects the Protestant Revolution againt the Social Reign of Christ the King and the rise of all of the naturalism of Freemasonry with the founding of the United States of America. The new church that was rising before Monsignor Fenton's very eyes had important antecedent roots here in the United States if America, something that has been the subject of many articles on this site and will be detailed more fully in volume two of Conversion in Reverse.

What's this? Another Jorge interview? The one on the airplane returning to Rome? All right. All right. I will try to deal with this before the end of the week.

Saint John Eudes, whose feast is celebrated today, Tuesday, 19, 2013, helped to establish devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus some thirty years before the revelations that Our Lord gave to Sister Margaret Mary Alacoque. He also promoted devotion to the Holy Heart of Mary. His own priestly heart was such that he stressed the importance of priests to have the very Hearts of Jesus and Mary in the confessional, exhorting sinners to amend their lives, to be sure, but doing so with an understanding of the frailties of fallen human nature and the manner in which Our Lord wants His Mercy to be extended to the souls for whom He shed every single drop of His Most Precious Blood on the wood of the Holy Cross. Saint John Eudes will help us to trust in the tender Mercies of the Hearts of Jesus and Mary during these times of apostasy and betrayal, especially as we pray the Holy Rosary to which he was so personally devoted.

Perhaps we can, in honor of Saint John Eudes, recite this salutation of his to Our Lady, who is meant to reign as the Queen of all men and all nations here on earth:

Hail Mary! Daughter of God the Father.

Hail Mary! Mother of God the Son.

Hail Mary! Spouse of God the Holy Ghost.

Hail Mary! Temple of the Most Blessed Trinity.

Hail Mary! Pure Lily of the Effulgent Trinity. God.

Hail Mary!! Celestial Rose of the ineffable Love of God.

Hail Mary! Virgin pure and humble, of whom the King of Heaven willed to be born and with thy milk to be nourished.

Hail Mary! Virgin of Virgins.

Hail Mary! Queen of Martyrs, whose soul a sword transfixed.

Hail Mary! Lady most blessed: Unto whom all power in Heaven and earth is given.

Hail Mary! My Queen and my Mother! My Life, my sweetness and my Hope.

Hail Mary! Mother most Amiable.

Hail Mary! Mother most Admirable.

Hail Mary! Mother of Divine Love.

Hail Mary! IMMACULATE! Conceived without sin!

Hail Mary Full of Grace. The Lord is with Thee! Blessed art Thou amongst Women and Blessed is the Fruit of Thy Womb, Jesus!

Blessed be thy Spouse, St. Joseph.

Blessed be thy Father, St. Joachim.

Blessed be thy Mother, St. Anne.

Blessed be thy Guardian, St. John.

Blessed be thy Holy Angel, St. Gabriel.

Glory be to God the Father, who chose thee.

Glory be to God the Son, who loved thee.

Glory be to God the Holy Ghost, who espoused thee.

O Glorious Virgin Mary, may all men love and praise thee.

Holy Mary, Mother of God! Pray for us and bless us, now, and at death in the Name of Jesus, thy Divine Son


Most Pure Heart of Mary, pray for us.


Saint John Eudes, pray for us.



Reconciling Enemies One Unto the Other

Forgiveness of one’s enemies is a necessity if we want to save our immortal souls. There is, as I have noted so frequently on this site, no place in the heart of a Catholic for holding or nursing grudges or wishing ill for those we believe have injured us in some way or another. We must forgive as we are forgiven in the Sacred Tribunal of Penance, and we must seek to do good to those who have injured us, recognizing that there is nothing we can suffer from others that is the equal of what one of our least Venial Sins caused Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to suffer in His Sacred Humanity during His Passion and Death and caused His Most Blessed Mother to suffer as those Seven Swords of Sorrow were plunged through and through her Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart.


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