Truth Must Be Surrendered In A World Awash In Sentimentality

There are three reasons why this commentary has been delayed.

First, last week was Holy Week.

Second, last week was Holy Week.

Resurrexi, et Adhuc Tecum Sum Allelulia

Alleluia! He is Risen! Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ has made manifest His Easter Victory over sin and eternal death. “O death, where is Thy victory. O death, where is thy sting?”

We shall all indeed rise again: but we shall not all be changed. In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall rise again incorruptible: and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption; and this mortal must put on immortality. And when this mortal hath put on immortality, then shall come to pass the saying that is written: Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is thy victory? O death, where is thy sting?

Now the sting of death is sin: and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who hath given us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast and unmoveable; always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. (1 Cor. 15: 51-58)

Our Lord made His Easter Victory over sin and eternal death manifest first to His Most Blessed Mother, who stood so valiantly at the foot of His Most Holy Cross as she cooperated completely in His Redemptive Act, bringing us forth as the spiritual sons and daughters of the living God in great pain by means of adoption. W need to rely on the help of Our Lady as the consecrated slaves of Her Divine Son through her own Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart so that we may persevere in a state of Sanctifying Grace with perfect contrition for our sins until the moments of our deaths so that our bodies and souls will be resurrected on the Last Day at the General Judgment of the Living and the Dead and counted among those destined for the enjoyment of an unending Easter Sunday of glory in Paradise.

Nothing else matters if we save our souls by cooperating with the graces won for us by the shedding of every single drop of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ’s Most Precious Blood on the wood of the Holy Cross and that flow into our hearts and souls through the loving hands of Our Lady, she who is the Mediatrix of All Graces. Nothing else matters if we fail to soul our souls.

This glorious day of Easter rejoicing is meant to be but a foretaste of Heaven. Let us live as redeemed creatures as we reject the naturalism of Modernity and the Modernism of the soul-killing agents of the counterfeit church of conciliarism. This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad!

A blessed Easter Sunday to you all!

Work proceeds on my next original article, which should appear by tomorrow, Easter Monday. Thank you for your patience. Holy Week simply took precedence, and my latest concussion (a car door this time that slammed into my forehead with a fair degree of force last week limits the amount of time that can be spent on the computer. Alas, there should be that new article by tomorrow morning.

Alleluia! Christ is Risen!

A Day of Anticipation After A Night of Waiting

Silence filled the earth in the forty hours between the death of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ on the wood of the Holy Cross yesterday, Good Friday, and His glorious Resurrection at dawn on Easter Sunday. Silence filled the earth as the God-Man went down into Limbo to announce the news of His Redemptive Act to the souls of the just who had awaited His Coming and His Sacrifice in atonement for the sins of all men from the beginning until the end of time.

Given the state of the Church Militant on earth during this time of papal vacancy, some Catholics, including ourselves, will be anticipating Our Lord’s Resurrection this morning. Others will be doing so this evening, No matter when the Easter Vigil is offered, however, we spend the first hours of this day (from Midnight until the Easter Vigil) continuing our prayers of gratitude as we mourn the death of Our Divine Redeemer by means of our sins.

Christ the King is the Light of the World. It is His light that is symbolized by the Easter fire that is lit at the beginning of the Easter Vigil. The Light of Christ breaks through the darkness of sin and eternal death, leading us by the fire of His bright, burning love as we continue our desert journey of life to the Promised Land of the New and Eternal Canaan made possible by His immolation on the wood of the Holy Cross yesterday, Good Friday. We must follow the Light of Christ as He, the New Moses, leads us as the first Moses led the Hebrew people as he followed a column of cloud during the day and a column of fire during the night, as we reminded once again during the Prophecies that are read during the Easter Vigil.

The Light of Christ, Our Crucified and Resurrected Saviour, will penetrate the souls of those who are baptized today and of those who are confirmed. It will penetrate the souls of those of us who were unable to receive Him in Holy Communion yesterday at the Mass of the Presanctified. It will penetrate the souls of those who are regenerated once again in the Sacred Tribunal of Penance. The Light of Christ that is symbolized by the Paschal Candle is meant to permeate every aspect of our lives without any exception at any time for any reason.

The Light of Christ has indeed broken through the darkness of sin and eternal death. Our Lord is making manifest His Easter Victory over the power of sin and eternal death. A fifty day period of glorious celebration is about to break upon us. Although the Easter Vigil is a long ceremony, eternity is forever. We can certainly spend five hours basking in the glories of the Sacred Liturgy that are, after all, a foretaste of eternal glories, can we not? The rewards are truly Heavenly, rewards that we could not have unless the Co-Eternal and Co-Equal Son obeyed His Heavenly Father out of love for him and out of love for us so that we could have access to the treasures of His Most Sacred Heart here through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary.

It is frstill too early to use the forbidden “A——a/” word that we have not heard since Septuagesima Sunday. However, it is not too early to look forward to its use prior to the proclamation of the Gospel during the Easter Vigil Mass.

A blessed Holy Saturday to you.

For those unable to get to a true offering of Holy Mass today, here is a listing of the services that will take place at Saint Jude Shrine in Stafford, Texas, for tonight and tomorrow:


Although it is not expected that many people will access this website on this, the most solemn day of the year on which our salvation was wrought for us by the shedding of every single drop of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour’s Most Precious Blood on the wood of the Holy Cross, two revised reflections, My Heart Is Ready, O Lord, My Heart Is Ready and Enter the Passion, were published late last night. A revised version of a Good Friday reflection, The Most Solemn Day of the Year, was published after Midnight this morning.

Also, Sharon took the time to type up the prayers in The Hour of Mary in Desolation as found in The Servite Manual: BEHOLD THY MOTHER: A Collection of Devotions Chiefly in Honor of OUR LADY OF SORROWS. These prayers are to be said between 3:00 p.m. this afternoon, Good Friday, April 3, 2015, and 10:00 a.m. tomorrow, Holy Saturday, April 4, 2015.

Although it had been hoped that an original reflection might be published by today, the material that was to be used therein will be placed into the commentary to published on Easter Monday. There are “Pilates Aplenty” in the world, men and women who go to great lengths to protect the very thing that caused Our Lord to suffer unspeakable horrors in His Sacred Humanity on this very day of days, sin, and who are, at the very least, enablers of unrepentant sinners who are intent on persecuting those who denounce sin as were the Jews who demanded that Pontius Pilate put their very Saviour, Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, to death on the wood of the Holy Cross.

These modern Pontius Pilates, though, have been enabled by the modern Judas Iscariots in the counterfeit church of conciliarism, starting today, of course, with Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who gladly hands over the immutable truths that Our Lord entrusted exclusively to His Catholic Church for their infallible explication and eternal safekeeping to the Talmudists as they make short work of anyone who opposes their agenda in support of evil disguised as “diversity” and “tolerance.”

This is a day of reparation and sorrow. It is also a today of great gratitude for the tender mercies of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, wounded by our sins and for our very redemption, and the love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, pierced as it was by the events that unfolded this day as the debt of our sin was paid back for us by her Divine Son and as there was effected a transfer from the Old Covenant to the New and Eternal Covenant that He had instituted at the Last Supper.

A link to live webcasts of the events of the Paschal Triduum has been provided on Novus Ordo Watch Wire Blog. The directions for accessing these webcasts are very clear. This is a great spiritual aid to those who have no access to the liturgies of the Paschal Triduum, and we should pray in gratitude to those responsible for making these webcasts available for everyone in the whole world. 

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.

Sorrowful Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death.

Hour of Mary in Desolation

Thanks once again to the labors of Sharon, whoever accesses this site today, Good Friday, April 3, 2015, can avail themselves of the "Hour of Mary Desolation" prayers that are found in the Servite Manual: BEHOLD THY MOTHER. The prayers are to be said between 3:00 p.m. today and 10:00 a.m. tomorrow, Holy Saturday, April 4, 2015.

We continue to keep Our Lady company at the foot of the Cross today as we keep vigil at the sepulchre throughout the night as is possible for us to do.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.

Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour our death.

The Most Solemn Day of the Year

This is the day that our sins transcended time and played their significant parts in putting God to death. The greatest crime in the history of the world was committed this day, Deicide, and we were among the guilty parties putting God on trial and then subjecting Him to horrible and painful humiliations and scourgings before we nailed Him to the wood of the Holy Cross, upon which He paid back to His Co-Equal and Co-Eternal Father the debt of our sins.

Yes, there is no greater crime than Deicide. There is also no greater act of love in all of human history as Love Incarnate took upon Himself the guilt of our sins though He was guilty of nothing. It was out of love for His Co-Equal and Co-Eternal Father's Holy Will and His matchless love for us that He, Who had instituted the Priesthood and the Eucharist last evening at the Last Supper, that He subjected Himself to the hands of us sinful men, even going so far as to make excuses for us, His executioners, as He hung on the gibbet of the Holy Cross.

This great act of sacrificial, redemptive love of the God-Man, Who had become Incarnate in His Most Blessed Mother's Virginal and Immaculate Womb by the power of God the Holy Ghost, is re-presented in an unbloody manner on altars of Sacrifice by true bishops and true priests every day of the year except for today, Good Friday. Our focus today is on mourning for our sins and expressing our gratitude that we have been redeemed by the shedding of every single drop of the Most Precious Blood of Our Divine Redeemer, Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ as we ask Our Lady to help us to grow in a greater fervor for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass as we grow more and more detached from even our Venial Sins and come to despise them as much as we despise any Mortal Sins that, God forbid, we may have committed.

This is a day of solemnity and sobriety, a day of total withdrawal from the world and its madness. We spend our time in church today as we keep Our Lord company at the Altar of Repose prior to noon and as we participate in the Mass of the Presanctified. Our sins put God to death. We helped to murder God in the very Flesh.

How does God repay us ungrateful and frequently lukewarm sinners? He gives us the true Church, born out of the Blood and Water that flowed forth from His wounded side when It was pierced by Saint Longinus's lance, making possible our regeneration in the Baptismal font and in the Sacred Tribunal of Penance, making it possible for us therefore to receive His very Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in the Most Blessed Sacrament in Holy Communion. And he give us His Blessed Mother, she who is our Co-Redemptrix, our Mediatrix and our Advocate, to be our Blessed Mother as He entrusts her to Saint John the Evangelist, whose fidelity to Our Lord on this day is meant to foreshadow our own fidelity by means of assisting at daily Mass frequently and of persevering until the point of our dying breaths in states of Sanctifying Grace by remaining a as close to Our Lady as he was.

Will we repay Our Divine Redeemer Who was nailed to the Cross this day with a true effort to amend our lives? Will we repay Our Divine Redeemer Who shed every single drop of His Most Precious Blood this day with a greater effort to take seriously our consecration to His Most Sacred Heart through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary? Will we seek to live at all times in light of First and Last Things as we bear our own crosses with love and joy and gratitude?

Our Lady stands ready to help us to bring us to Calvary every day. Sure, we must make the same kind of effort as Saint Helena made to find the site of the True Cross in the Fourth Century as the Mass has indeed been taken away by spiritual robber barons. However, Our Lady does indeed stand ready to help us to make whatever sacrifices we need to make to assist exclusively at Masses offered by true bishops and true priests who make no concessions to conciliarism or to the nonexistent legitimacy of its false shepherds who cater to the ancient enemies of the Faith and who promote one falsehood after another.

Will we let Our Lady lead us to these true offerings of Holy Mass so that we can be ready to die at any time and thus to enjoy an unending Easter Sunday of glory in Heaven?

May we give thanks and praise to Our Lord through His Blessed Mother's Immaculate Heart this day for the wondrous mystery of His love that has made possible our eternal salvation.

Enter The Passion

Novi et Aeterni Testamenti: A Maundy Thursday Reflection focused on Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ’s institution of the Holy Priesthood and the Holy Eucharist at the Last Supper for our sanctification and salvation.

My Heart Is Ready, O Lord, My Heart Is Ready

We have arrived at the time of the Paschal Triduum of the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Novi et Aeterni Testamenti: A Maundy Thursday Reflection

Today is Maundy Thursday, the beginning of the Paschal Triduum of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

This is the day on which Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ instituted the Holy Priesthood and the Eucharist at the Last Supper for our sanctification and salvation. Although Our Lord would enter deep into His Passion immediately after the completion of the Last Supper as He suffered His Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, He wonderfully gave us the Holy Priesthood of the New Dispensation as He instituted the New and Eternal Covenant that He would ratify by the shedding of every single drop of His Most Precious Blood on the wood of the Holy Cross tomorrow, Good Friday. We must express our gratitude to Him at all times for giving us the Priesthood so that we can have access on a daily basis to His own Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in Holy Communion, made present for us on altars of Sacrifice by true bishops and true priests in this time of apostasy and betrayal.

This is a day to keep watch with Our Lord in His Real Presence at the Altar of Repose, remembering most importantly to beg Our Lady to make more and more voluntary sacrifices to make reparation to the Most Sacred Heart of her Divine Son through her own Immaculate Heart for our sins and those of the whole world.

Finally, although I will have a new Good Friday reflection tomorrow to accompany an older one, I am not going to post any commentary on the many fast breaking events in the world until Easter Monday.

A most blessed Paschal Triduum to you all.

Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us.

Various Prayers To Our Lady of Sorrows

Although I will have a brief original article published tomorrow, Spy Wednesday, Sharon has taken the time to provide you, the readers of this website, with devotional prayers in honor of Our Lady of Sorrows. The prayers are taken from the Servite Manual, BEHOLD THY MOTHER: A Collection of Devotions Chiefly in Honor of OUR LADY OF SORROWS. that she purchased in the late-1990s at Queen of Angels Church in Newhall, California. This wonderful prayer book, which is laden with prayers and devotions, is very hard to find now as it is out-of-print (a friend told us recently that a copy was sold on eBay for over three hundred dollars).

Please do say three Hail Marys for Sharon for being inspired to volunteer to undertake this work, remembering to include Lucy, who typed a few of the prayers, as well!

Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us.


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