Pope Saint Pius V: Rigid Enemy of Heresy and All False Religions

This is a slightly revised version of a reflection on the saintly life and work of  the great Dominican, Pope Saint Pius X, who is indeed quite a contrast to the life and the work of the conciliar revolutionaries. 

Today's original article, Jorge's Preferential Option for Apostasy, was published around 1:00 a.m. this morning. 

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Pope Saint Pius V pray for us.

Jorge's Preferential Option for Apostasy

The Argentine Apostate was in Egypt on April 28 and April 29, 2017. This is a brief commentary on what he did not say while he was in a land whose center of learning, the city of Alexandria, was once suffused with Catholicism. Then again, it is very difficult to speak as a Catholic when one does not have the Catholic Faith.

Although I will write a commentary about President Donald John Trump’s executive order to protect “religious liberty,” heedless of the fact that it is “religious liberty” that has made it possible for the rise of the monster civil state of Modernity, at some point next week. It is now time, however, to turn my attention to the American Death Care Act and the practices it will enable insurers to continue to fund to expedite the death of human beings.

I want to reiterate for the moment, however, that There Is Nothing "Pro-Life" About RyanCare even as amended in various ways in the version that passed in the United States House of Representatives yesterday, Thursday, May 4, 2017, the transferred Feast of the Finding of the Holy Cross and the Commemoration of Saint Monica within the Octave of Saint Joseph.

A revised reflection about Pope Saint Pius V will appear later this afternoon.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint Joseph, pray for us.

Saint Monica, pray for us.

Pope Saint Pius V, pray for us.

On the Solemnity of Saint Joseph: Why Live In Fear With Saint Joseph So Near?

[Update on the transferred Feast of the Finding of the Holy Cross and the Commemoration of Saint Monica within the Octave of Saint Joseph: As work on my commentary about the false "pontiff's" two-day Egyptian journey requires another four or five hours to complete, I must suspend work now, about 12:30 a.m., but will endeavor to complete it as quickly as possible for posting by late today, although there might be some merit in waiting until tomorrow, the Feast of Pope Saint Pius V within the Octave of Saint Joseph. The long-delayed article on "palliative care," which will touch, at least tangentially, on what is expected to be passage of the ObamaCare replacement bill by the United States House of Representatives that would keep the basic structure of the so-called Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in place, will follow thereafter. Madame Defarge will also get some attention in that particular commentary. Thanks for your patience.]

Today is the Solemnity of Saint Joseph in Paschaltide, a feast that originated under the title of “The Patronage of Saint Joseph” in 1847 by Pope Pius IX before being given its current name in 1911 and then repositioned two years later on the Wednesday following the Second Sunday after Easter by Pope Saint Pius X. This reflection is by way of an annual reminder, slightly revised, to trust in Saint Joseph, the Patron of the Universal Church and the Protector of the Faithful, in these times of persecution by the forces of Antichrist in the world and in the counterfeit church of conciliarism. 

A commentary about the Argentine Apostate's journey to Egypt this past weekend will be posted tomorrow, the transferred Feast of the Finding of the Holy Cross, 

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint Joseph, Patron of the Universal Church and Protector of the Faithful, pray for us. 

It's Still "Wait Until Next Time" for the Innocent Preborn

As it is way beyond the time that I wanted to complete this article, which has taken several long days of writing to put together, all that I have the strength to explain at this point is that this is another commentary on the farce of naturalism, which has produced another predictable outcome: continued funding of Planned Barrenhood for five more months.

There will be a brief commentary on the false “pontiff’s” activities of recent days up next on this site, and that will be followed by the much-delayed study on palliative care.

Thanks again for your patience.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saints Philip and James, pray for us.

Saint Catherine of Siena Suffered With Joy For the Good Shepherd

Today’s article is a slight revision and republication of a very brief and wholly inadequate reflection on the life of the great mystic, stigmatist and spiritual directress of souls, Saint Catherine of Siena, T.O.P., whose feast day is the day after that of the Protomartyr of the Order of Preachers, Saint Peter of Verona (Saint Peter Martyr).

Saint Catherine was calumniated during her life, and she was blamed for having precipitated the Great Western Schism by convincing Pope Gregory XI to return to return to Rome in 1378. She suffered all such calumny with joy.

What’s our excuse for grumbling and/or murmuring about our crosses and the state of chaos in which we live in this time of apostasy and betrayal?

Remember, everything thing that happens to us has been ordained by the hand of God Himself with exquisite perfection. Saint Catherine of Siena never lost an opportunity to suffer well. Indeed, she begged to suffer more and more for love of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. So should we.

A loss of internet service for a few hours yesterday interrupted work on the next article, which should be posted by this evening. The articles are just taking longer to chun out than in years past. I am sorry.  Thank you for your patience.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint Catherine of Siena, T.O.P., pray for us.

Saint Peter of Verona: In His Own Blood

Today is the feast of the protomartyr of the Order of Preachers, Saint Peter of Verona, who is known more commonly as Saint Peter Martyr. Time has been spent to revise this brief reflection of the life and holy martyrdom of this great Dominican, who hated error in his childhood as a result of being brought up by parents who were Manicheans. Saint Peter Martyr loved the Holy Faith, and it was this love that prompted him to accept his martyrdom with serenity as he wrote "Credo in Unum Deum" in his very own blood as he fell to the ground after a heretic had stabbed him. 

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us. 

Saint Peter Martyr, pray for us.

Saint Louis de Montfort: Friend of the Cross, Apostle of True Devotion to Mary

Yes, I am working on my next article, but it seems to be taking longer to do less. This could have something to do with the the amount of "free" time that I have available to write after the reading and research necessary for original articles.

In the meantime, however, I offer those who still access this site a reflection Saint Louis Grignion de Montfort's exhortations to avoid worldliness by becoming friends of the Cross and by being truly devoted to Our Lady as the consecrated slave of her Divine Son, Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ through her own Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint Paul of the Cross, pray for us.

Saint Vitalis, pray for us.

Saint Louis de Grignion de Montfort, pray for us.

Saint Peter Chanel, pray for us.


Four Saints Who Converted Non-Catholics, Not "Encountering" Them

Although I am continuing work on a commentary about "palliative care" as a means to expedite the deaths of sick human beings according to the dictates of sentimentality and utilitarianism, news that broke late last evening, the Feast of Saint Mark the Evangelist, that the United States Department of Justice had asked the Supreme Court of the United States of America for a sixty-day delay to sort out the "complex" issues of the "contraception insurance mandate," which was issued by former United States Secretary of Health and Human Sevices, Kathleen Sebelius, a pro-abortion Catholic who had close ties to the late George Tiller, better known as Tiller the Killer, on June 28, 2013, the Feast of Saint Irenaeus, as being challenged by the Little Sisters of the Poor. 

What's so "complex."

What's so hard about simply repealing the mandate itself and dropping the Federal government's case against the Little Sisters of the Poor?

Oh well, be assured that I am loaded for bear on this one.

Remember, I did write a series of articles (Sober Up, part oneSober Up, part two, Sober Up, part three, Sober Up, part fourSober Up, part fiveJerusalem Belongs To Christ the King, part one/Sober Up, part sixSober Up, part sevenSober Up, part eightSober Up, part nine, and Sober Up, part ten) in addition to a four-part video series (No Catholicism, No Social Order, part one, No Catholicism, No Social Order, part two, No Catholicism, No Social Order, part three, and No Catholicism, No Social Order, part fourto shed some true Catholic realism to bear on contemporary events. There have also been several recent articles that have attempted to convince the unconvinced that Donald John Trump is an anti-intellecutal secularist is surrounded by Talmudists, none of whom have any intention of restoring legal protection to the innocent preborn or to the Little Sisters of the Poor (see Everyone Loses When Our King Reigneth Not Over Men and Their Nations, part one,  Everyone Loses When Our King Reigneth Not Over Men and Their Nations, part two, There Is Nothing "Pro-Life" About RyanCareEveryone Loses When Our King Reigneth Not Ove Men and Their Nations, part three, and  Jerusalem Belongs to Christ the King and His True Church, part two)/

In the meantime, I am offering a republished reflection on the life and martyrdom of Saint Fidelis of Sigmaringen, O.F.M., Cap.,whose feast was celebrated on Monday, April 24, 2017, that incorporates a few comments about the work of Saint Mark the Evangelist and Pope Saints Cletus and Marcellinus to win souls for the Holy Faith.

Saint Fidelis opposed false ecumenism with his very life. Unlike the conciliar "popes" and their "episcopal" henchmen, Saint Fidelis came to "extirpate heresy, not to embrace it."

Our Lady of Good Counsel, pray for us.

Saint Fidelis of Sigmaringen, pray for us.

Demythologizing the Nonagenarian Demythologizer, part one of a periodic sereis

Joseph Alois Ratzinger/Benedict XVI turned ninety years of age on Easter Sunday, Apri 16, 2017, and I thought it appropriate to revisit and revise some older commentaries to remind those who pine for the "restorer of tradition" that their hero is just as much a Modernist heretic as Jorge Mario Bergoglio. 

A revised commentary on Saint Fidelis of Sigmaringen will appear later today. An original commentary on "palliative care" and "brain death" will follow in a day or two as it is taking time to complete.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint Fidelis of Sigmaringen, O.F.M., Cap., pray for us.

Judas Bergoglio

Jorge Mario Bergoglio gave a "homily" in the Basilica of Saint Peter a week ago today during the Protestant and Judeo-Masonic liturgical service's Chrism "Mass." 

This commentary is more about what he did not say in that "homily" than what he did say, although Judas Bergoglio's statement that "The integrity of truth" is not rigid served more or less as the foundation of explaining why this apostate never speaks of the sacerdotal nature of the Holy Priesthood. 

Thank you for your patience during our unexpected difficulties with that failed hot water heater.

Alleluia! He is Risen!

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.


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