Jorge Despises What Martin Luther Despised: The Ten Commandments and Moral Truth

Believe it or not, I recorded an eighty-two minute video yesterday afternoon, Monday, February 6, 2017, the Feast of Saint Titus and the Commemoration of Saint Dorothy, and dutifully uploaded the video to You Tube. Ah, it was not until a reader of this little-accessed site who subscribes to my little-viewed videos that I learned of a particular problem with the video: it had no audio.

Oh yes, I had checked the proper box on the computer’s “You Cam” program to enable the audio recording, but I found out later that the computer, which I purchased thirty-one months ago now, no longer records any audio whatsoever (and it does not play any DVDs). It will be back to drawing board soon as I attempt to use an older computer—one that features keys that no longer work—to redo the video. This time, though, I think that it might be a really nifty and all around terribly terrific idea for me to confirm that the computer is able to record the audio before I attempt to spend eighty-two minutes of my time giving a presentation as though it were a silent movie without subtitling. Penance is good. So is humiliation!

All to thee, Blessed Mother. All to thy Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I love you, save souls!

The current article is relatively short and to the point. It deals with a recent sermon given by Jorge Mario Bergoglio in which this abominable apostate once again disparaged the Ten Commandments and those who observe them.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint Romuald, pray for us.

Sober Up, part ten

Thanking you for your patience, I am now posting "Sober Up, part ten," which will be the last part of this series, although I will write a commentary after President Donald John Trump's nominee to replace the late Talmudic-friendly Antonin Scalia to serve as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States of America, Neil Gorsuch, whose late mother apostatized from the true Faith as a young woman, testifies during his confirmation hearings before the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary. 

Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who has become a caricature of a conciliar revolutionary as he repeats himself to the point of irrelevance, will be given some further attention soon, but I will be attempting to complete some book projects while I continue to try to find some kind of work that will help with an unexpected two hundred dollar increase in our monthly housing costs. Keep checking. I will write I as I am able to to do so.

By the way, this commentary is very lengthy. Then again, there might be some of you who will have time on your hands today as most Americans get wrapped in an event that is hardly "super." 

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint Agatha, pray for us.

Absolutely Nothing Super About the "Super Bowl"

Some kind of "game" is being played tomorrow. I will not be one of one the hundred million or more people who will watch this spectacle. This commentary explains why. 

For those seeking to do something else with their time rather than waste it on the spectacle of immodesty and indecency in Houston, Texas, tomorrow, the concluding part of "Sober Up" will be posted by this time tomorrow morning, Sunday, February 5, 2017, the Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany and the Commemoration of Saint Agatha. A video presentation oni the same topic shoud be posted by Tuesday, February 7, 2016, the Feast of Saint Romuald.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint Anrdrew Corsini, pray for us.

On the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Although I had wanted to revise this reflection, we were away for fifteen hours yesterday, something that was most unexpected. It was impossible to reply to e-mails or to revise this reflection as "yesterday" did not end until 2:40 a.m. this morning, which was followed by "today" five hours later. I beg the patience of those who are waiting resplies from me.  I also apologize for the garbled nature of the original posting of this reflection as I forgot to select "Full" to replace "Filter" for text appearance. I have no idea what this means. However, I do know that it is not good to forget to press the "Full" button. Humiliation is good. Deo gratias!

Obviously, today is the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary, always the humble handmaid of the Lord who humbled herself this day, the last day of Christmastide, which ends after Holy Mass today, by submitting to the rituals of the law although she was not in need of such a ritualistic purification because of her Perpetual Virginity.

This is the day that Our Lady presented her Divine Son, Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, in the same Temple where He would be found twelve years later answering questions of the rabbis, the same Temple whose curtain would be torn in two from top to bottom as He breathed His last on the wood of the Holy Cross to redeem us, thereby signifying the permanent end of the Old Covenant and the supersession of Judaism by Catholicism as the true religion. The aged Simeon, who waited patiently every day in the Temple for the fulfillment of the promise that God had made to him, that he would not die before his eyes had seen and his arms had beheld the Messiah, sent the first Sword of Sorrow plunging through Our Lady's Sorrowful and and Immaculate Heart when he prophesied that the Child he beheld would be destined for the rise and for the fall of man, a sign to be opposed, a Sign of Contradiction. We must never fear to be signs of contradiction in our own lives in imitation of the THE Sign of Contradiction, Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, as He hung on the wood of the Holy Cross to redeem us as he was mocked and reviled by the very people from whose stock He had taken His Sacred Humanity.

We must be willing to suffer all manner of calumny and humiliation for the many times that we have preferred human respect to fidelity to Our Lord, for the many times we have refused to call upon Our Lady's maternal intercession, for the many times we have refused to "take sides," especially in our day by refusing to reject conciliarism and its ravenous wolves once and for all.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us!

Saint Joseph, Patron of the Universal Church and Protector of the Faithful, pray for us.

Saint John Bosco Had Zeal For Souls Until the Moment He Died

Today is the Feast of the great Saint John Bosco, to whom we are very devoted. This is a revised reflection on an extraordinary priest who had a zeal for the salvation of souls in his youth, a zeal that would last until he died on this date in 1888, one hundred twenty-eight years ago.

Saint John Bosco stands a rebuke to everything that manner in which the conciliar revolutionaries refuse to seek converts to what they think is the Catholic Church and the manner in which they reaffirm unrepentant sinners in lives that could lead them to Hell for all eternity if they do not go to Confession and amend their lives. This brief reflection, written about four or five years ago, I believe, is an effort to capture the spirit of this magnificent teacher of the young, mystic and zealous apostle of souls.

As I need another solid eight to ten hours of uninterrupted work to complete "Sober Up, part ten," an amount of time that will not be available to me until the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Thursday, February 2,  2017, the concluding part of the series that began a few days after the election on Tuesday, November 8, 2016, may not appear until Friday, February 3, 2017, the Feast of Saint Blase and the tenth anniversary of the death of Sharon's father, John Griffith Collins III. Although much is happening at this time at a pace that is without any kind of precedent in American history, I want to be methodical in the presentation of my analysis, something that requires many hours of work. Remember, I write not for the short term but to provide the few people who read this site with analyses that seek to transcend the crises of the moment, and thus it is that I thank you for your patience. 

Vivat Christus Rex! Viva Cristo Rey

Our Lady, Help of Christians, pray for us.

Saint John Bosco, pray for us.

Saint Dominic Savio, pray for us.

Saint Maria Domenica Mazzarello, pray for us,

Saint Francis de Sales: Apostle of Charity and Zealous Foe of Calvinism

Although it is now Monday, January 30, 2017, the Feast of Saint Martina, I have just now finished a brief and wholly inadequate reflection n the life and work of Saint Francis de Sales that I attempted to have ready for yesterday but was not able to do so because of the amount of transcription that had to be completed. 

As, however, the story of the Apostle of Charity and zealous foe of Calvinism is timeless--and quite relevant to our own times today, I present it to the readership of this site. 

The concluding part of the "Sober Up" series is being written at this time. It was interrupted on Saturday evening to pay this small tribute to Saint Francis de Sales.  

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint Francis de Sales, pray for us.

Saint Martina, pray for us.

Forty-Four Years Old: The American National Warfare Against Innocent Babies

[An original article, Sober Up, part nine, was posted a short while ago. It deals with the restoration and revision of the Mexico City Policy by President Donald John Trump that will be heralded day at the March for Life.]

Today’s article has been adapated and revised to place the observed forty-fourth anniversary of the decisions of the Supreme Court in the cases of Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton, January 22, 1973, in an historical context. This commentary contains an excerpt from an allocution given by Pope Pius XII that reminded Catholics they are never to support a single, solitary exception to the inviolability of innocent human life. Within the allocution is a moving story about a mother who sacrificed her own life in 1905 rather than to kill the child in her womb. The mother’s prayers from eternity won the daughter to whom she gave life shortly before she, the mother, died to the religious life. This is the sort of sacrifice that is foreign to the mind of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, and it unknown to almost all "pro-life" naturalists, including President Donald John Trump, whose Mexico City Policy contains "exceptions" that both offensive to truth and actually needless from a medical standpoint.

We pray in reparation today for the ongoing chemical and surgical slaughter of the preborn in the United States of America and around the world. We pray for the restoration of the Social Reign of Christ the King and of Our Lady, Immaculate Queen, as the fruit of the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us.

Saint John Chyrsostom, pray for us. 

Sober Up, part nine

The hour is very late (or early), and thus there is time and energy enough to inform the few of you who read this site that this new article discusses the restored Mexico City Policy, which, despite President Trump's evident desire to show that he is sincere in his efforts to limit American taxpayer funding of surgical baby-killing and his unprecedented effort to shame the mainslime media for ignoring the March for Life, which takes place today, five days after the forty-fourth anniversary of the decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States of America in the cases of Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton, January 22, 1973, remains an instrument to fund evil under the cover of the civil law.

A republished companion article will be posted soon.

Pray for the safety of those participating in the March for Life today in Washington, District of Columbia, and those doing so in similar events around the nation.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint John Chyrosostom, pray for us.

Saint Paul the Apostle: Converted By Our Blessed Lord Himself

Today is the Feast of the Conversion of Saint Paul the Apostle and the Commemoration of Saint Peter. Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ personally intervened to effect the conversion of the fire-breathing hater and persecutor of Catholics, Saul of Tarsus. By so doing, of course, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity made Man in His Most Blessed Mother's Virginal and Immaculate Womb by the power of the Third Person of the Most Blessed Trinity, God the Holy Ghost, violated the counterfeit church of conciliarism's prohibition of proselytism. Saul of Tarsus did not seek out Our Lord, but was sought out by Him so that he would become Saint Paul, the Apostle to the Gentiles one of twin pillars of the Church of Rome along with the first pope himself, Saint Peter the Apostle.

"Sober Up, part nine," is progressing well as the basic documentation has been gathered to demonstrate to the relatively few people who read this site that the Mexico City Policy, which was reinstated on Monday, January 23, 2016, the Feast of Saint Raymond of Penafort and the Commemoration of Saint Emerentiana, according to the rules promulgated by then President George Walker Bush on March 28, 2001, as published in the Federal Register, continues to be a porous sham.

 Our Lady, Queen of the Apostles, pray for us.

Saint Paul, pray for us.

Saint Peter, pray for us.

Almost Always Silent About the Holy Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ Before Men

This is being published just a few minutes before one o'clock in the morning on Tuesday, January 24, 2017, the Feast of Saint Timothy. 

Today's commentary, which took several days to complete, examines the continued silence about the Holy Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ on the part on the conciliar revolutionaries when they are gathered in public settings. Two of those who exhibited silence about the Holy Name of Jesus "prayed" in front of the President Donald John Trump and Vice President Michael Richard Penance on Friday, January 20, 2017, the Feast of Saints Fabian and Sebastian were Timothy MIchael "Cardinal" Dolan and "Father" Patrick Conroy, S.J., who said six years ago now that he never prays in the Name of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ except when he is doing something "Catholic." Ah, to do something "Catholic" one must be a Catholic, and apostates such as Messrs. Dolan and Conroy expelled themselves from the bosom of Holy Mother Church long ago by clinging to anathematized propostions and by their public embrace of false religions.

May God have mercy on us all.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint Timothy, pray for us.


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