Reflections on the Royal Road to Victory: The Via Crucis

As you may have noticed, I am no longer able to "rush" articles through to completion. Thoroughness requires care and time. The latter commodity, time, is my enemy, especially it is no longer possible to do "all-nighters" any longer. 

I am, though, making progess on the concluding part of "Jerusalem Belongs to Christ the King and His true Church," which covers, among other things, President Donald John Trump's decision to launch a Tomahawk Cruise missle attack upon a Syrian air base from which the "intelligence community" concludes that the Sarin nerve gas attack on innocent Syrians was launched. Whether true or not, however, the predicates of just military action were not met, but it is no wonder that the president is being hailed by a first-class moral monster, Benjamin Netanayhu, a true enemy of the Cross of the Divine Redeemer, is praising President Trump's actions. Just another da in the "global war on terror?"

Anyhow, I will be up for another three hous if I write anything elese. Suffice it to say for the moment that the devil is mocking Holy Week with the Syrian conflict, which keeps the attention of many people, including Catholics, on Our Lord's Passion, Death and Resurrection to temporal matters that are the direct consequence of His being rejected by His own people on Good Friday.

The current posting contains a few reflections for your consideration on the Way of the Cross that might be useful during Holy Week. A few other reflecions will be republished later today as I continue work on the next article.

Thank you.

Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us.


The Feast of the Seven Dolors of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Passiontide, 2017

Unfathomable. Just unfathomable

Only a handful of genuine mystics and truly gifted spiritual masters have been able to comprehend the unfathomable mysteries of grief that overwhelmed the fairest creature of our race, Our Lady, as those Seven Swords of Sorrow were plunged through and through her Immaculate Heart. We sin so casually, so thoughtlessly, so repeatedly, rarely giving a moment’s worth of a meditation to how our least Venial Sins caused Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to suffer unspeakable horrors during His Passion and Death, horrors that penetrated the Immaculate Heart of His Most Blessed Mother as she, conceived without any stain of Original or Actual Sin, suffered in a perfect communion of Hearts with Him. It cannot be that way with us from this day forward.

We are on the cusp of Holy Week, ending now the first week in Passiontide, Passion Week. We must enter deep into the mysteries of our salvation, which was wrought for us by the perfect obedience of the Word made Flesh in Our Lady’s Virginal and Immaculate Womb to the Will of His Co-Equal and Co-Eternal Father. We must quit our sins once and for all, recognizing how they caused the God-Man and His Most Blessed Mother to suffer, how they wound our own souls, which have been purchased by the shedding of every single drop of the Divine Redeemer’s Most Precious Blood, and how they have brought great sorrow into the Heart out of which was formed Our Redeemer’s Most Sacred Heart.

No more sin.

No more joking about sin.

No more dismissiveness about the gravity of sin.

We must repent and amend our lives as the consecrated slaves of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary. Our Lady brought forth her Divine Son painlessly and miraculously. She brought us forth in great pain as the adopted children of the Living God as she stood so valiantly by the foot of the Cross on Good Friday. She stands by the foot of her Divine Son’s Most Holy Cross in every true offering of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass by a true bishop or a true priest. We must stand by her each day at Holy Mass as we make reparation for our sins and those of the whole world with every beat of our hearts, making sure as well to pray as many Rosaries each day as our states-in-life permit.

Finally, please be assured that the concluding part of "Jerusalem Belongs to Christ the King and His true Church is progessing well. It is particularly providential that there has been a delay as President Donald John Trump's newfound desire to involve the military forces of the United States of America in direct air strikes against Syrian military bases proves yet another almost every American president does the bidding of the war-mongering Talmudists of Tel-Aviv.  For Trump to believe the propaganda about the culpabiity of Syrian President Bashir Assad that is emanating from the same "deep state" intelligence agencies that targeted him during the campaign and whose agents are still leaking raw intelligence data about him to friendly, if not paid and bought for, members of the mainslime media (most likely at the direction of former President Barack Hussin Obama/Barry Soetoro) is t oshow the extent to which he is the captive of the State of Israel. 

The irony is quite stark: the man who campaigned against more American involvement in Middle East has involved the armed forces of the United State of America more deeply in th Syrian mess that serves the purposes of the Zionists quite nicely, Whether Russian Preident Vladimir Putin, whose country Syria's chief patron and protector, will stand by as Americn forces attack a sovereign nation to effect "regime change" is quite questionable. The man who ran against "regime change" wars is now waging one.

There are many who believe that my political commentaries are not "realistic." Quite to the contrary, thery are very realistic as they are founded in Catholic realism, which teaches us that nothing good comes from naturalism.

Why is this lesson so hard to understand and to accept?

Anyhow, I am working on the next article, It will be as hard-hiting as part one of "Jerusalem Belongs to Christ the King and His true Church."

Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us.

Saint Vincent Ferrer Sought to Convert Non-Catholics, Not "Dialogue" With Them

This is a revised version of an article that was written in 2011 to contrast the zeal of Saint Vincent Ferrer for the conversion of Jews and Mohammedans with his antitheses in the counterfeit church of conciliarism, who do not believe that they have a mission from God to seek with urgency the conversion of the souls of any non-Catholics, including adherents of the Talmud and the Koran.

Although I would not have thought it possible six years ago when this article was written originally, Jorge Mario Bergoglio is even more of antithesis of Saint Vincent Ferrer than was Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI before him, not that the German Modernist by the way of the “new theology” was any slouch in this regard. It’s just that the Argentine Apostate has exceeded everything that has gone before him in the past fifty-eight years, and he’s still at his work of destruction.

News reached me late yesterday afternoon that my former colleague and friend, Mr. Joseph John Vennari, who was the editor of Catholic Family News for nearly twenty-two years, died yesterday, April 4, 2017, the Feast of Saint Isidore of Seville and the Commemoration of Tuesday in Passion Week.

Although Mr. Vennari’s death was not a surprise as he had announced that he had colon cancer that he was not expected to survive, we are nevertheless saddened to learn of his death. Sharon and Lucy join me in expressing our deepest condolences to his widow, Mrs. Susan Vennari, and their three children, Elizabeth, Benedict and Philomena while assuring them of our prayers for them and for the repose of their husband and father’s immortal soul.

John Vennari, apart from being one of the finest researchers I have known, was a gracious Catholic gentleman. Even though our contact was very limited in the past eleven since I came to realize the actual state of the Church Militant in this time of apostasy and betrayal, a conclusion with which Mr. Vennari vehemently disagreed, he was unfailingly courteous, kind and amiable the few times that I e-mail him. It was always a pleasure to be in his company and we well remember the last time we saw him together with his lovely family at the Catholic Family News conference in Indianapolis, Indiana, in late-October of 2005.

Mr. Vennari was given a great grace of the time to prepare for his death. This is something for which we must pray every day. A terminal disease is really a blessing as it gives one time to prepare for the terrible moment of the Particular Judgment.

As is very well known, Joseph John Vennari was very devoted to Our Lady. We pray that Our Lady, whose Fatima Message he sought to champion as he exposed the errors of Russia, was indeed his Advocate at the hour of death and that her prayers will console his family at this time of grief. I prayed for Mr. Vennari and his family every day for over two decades. Those prayers will continue after his death.

Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him.

May his soul and all of the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

Finally, today, Wednesday, April 5, 2017, is the fourth anniversary of the death of Mrs. Melissa Kunkel, the late first wife of Mr. Thomas Kunkel of Sharonville, Ohio, and the mother of twelve loving children to whom she was so very devoted. Please join us in remembering the repose of this devout Catholic woman’s immortal soul. 

Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her. May her soul and all of the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint Vincent Ferrer, O. P., pray for us.

The Council of Trent Must Have Been Wrong For Jorge To Be Correct

We all make mistakes.

I made one last evening.

I accessed the Vatican website, finding that Jorge Mario Bergoglio addressed participants of those seeking to rehabilitate Martin Luther.

Discovering this address has pushed back other work and has resulted in the current article.

Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us.

Saint Isidoe of Seville, pray for us.

Passiontide, 2017

One of the recurring themes in my writing is the obligation each of us has as a Catholic to forgive others as we have been forgiven so freely and so readily by Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ acting through an alter Christus in the Sacred Tribunal Penance. There is nothing that anyone can do to us, say about us or cause us to suffer, whether emotionally or physically, that is the equal of what one of our least Venial Sins caused the God-Man to suffer in His Sacred Humanity during His Passion and Death as the Fourth through Seven Swords of Sorrow pierced the Immaculate Heart of His Most Blessed Mother. If He forgives us recidivist sinners, steeped in the spiritual mediocrity of lukewarmness, so readily and so frequently, who are we to hesitate for a moment to forgive others anything and everything, whether real or imagined or exaggerated, that they have have said about us or done to us?

Our Lord entered His Passion so as to redeem us and thus to make it possible for us to know His forgiveness, first in the Baptismal font and then in the Sacred Tribunal of Penance (and, for our Venial Sins, every time a priest administers Absolution following the recitation of the Confiteor in the offering of Holy Mass). We must make good use of this Passiontide to be more forgiving as we seek out the mercy of the Divine Redeemer through the ministrations of a true priest acting in persona Christi in the confesional.

As a sinner who has been forgiven much in the Sacred Tribunal of Penance, I have no energy at all (Deo gratias!) for nursing petty grudges and stewing in my juices about the judgments of others. Our sins imposed an unjust judgment on God in the very Flesh. It is good for us to suffer humiliation and rejection and calumny and scorn and derision. Very good for us. The more we suffer with love and gratitude is the more that we can unite ourselves to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary. And even if we are the victims of real injustices and calumnies, so what?

So what?

Everything gets revealed on the Last Day at the General Judgment of the Living and the Dead. Each of the just will be reconciled one to the other at that time. That happy reconciliation then can only take place, however, if we forgive others from our hearts in the here and now of this passing, mortal vale of tears!

Let’s make this the best Passiontide of our lives, grateful to Almighty God that He has brought us to the beginning of yet another Passiontide, uncertain though we may be as to we will live to see Easter Sunday in this passing, mortal vale of tears just thirteen days from now on Sunday, April 1, 2017.

There will be a new entry on Tuesday as I being very methodical in the completion of the concluding part of "Jerusalem Belongs to Christ the King and His true Church."

A new Donations page was created a few days ago. Please do respond if your means permit you to do so.

Thank you.

Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us.

Saint Francis of Paola, pray for us.

New Donations Page Update Published

A new Donations page update has been posted. This update was necessitated by several unexpected expenses, including some that were required to pay in the past two days. I do hope that readers who have means to send a non-tax-deductible financial gift and who support the work of this site will make a donation at this time. Thank you.

The next original article on this site should be published on Passion Sunday. It is the second part of a commentary posted three months ago now. It is difficult to find time for working on such commentaries when I am looking for employment and dealing simultaneously with the farces of the counterfeit church of conciliarism and the mad, mad, mad, mad world of naturalism.

Speaking of naturalism, I have read that President Donald John Trump is angry with the members of the House Freedom Caucus, who were correct to have opposed RyanCare, which accepts the basic premises of Obama/Care. There is there very little to add to either There Is Nothing "Pro-Life About RyanCare or Everyone Loses When Our King Reigneth Not Over Men and Their Nations, part three, except to say that Trump cares about the “deal,” not about truth and not about what is in the genuine best interests of citizens and the constitutional rule of law. It is taken for granted that he knows less than nothing about the binding precepts of the Divine Positive Law and the Natural Law.

The man cannot stand criticism. Anyone who values loyalty to self above truth is truly a pitiable creature. This is not to indemnify those who question the legitimacy of his election or seek to block his efforts to deconstruct the administrative state. It is, however, to note that Trump is his own worst enemy as the members of the House Freedom Caucus, naturalists though they are, took a principled position. Trump is a pure utilitarian who is even committing more troops to the endless "global war of terror" after he told us during the campaign last year that American interventionism had failed. 

Naturalism leads only to naturalism, and that is no foundation of social order.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Everyone Loses When Our King Reigneth Not Over Men and Their Nations, part three

This commentary explains the RyanCare debacle in light of the simple fact that men who are governed by no other principle than their own political self-interest will never have the courage to stand up against that which is forbidden by the laws of God and men.

Everyone loses when Our King reigneth not over men and their nations.

I am sorry for the length of time that it took to complete this commentary. The next original commentary should follow in a few days (as well as an update to the notorious fund-raising letter!).

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint John Damascene: Protecting the Images That Last For All Eternity

Many of the conciliar revolutionaries have smashed statues of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and Our Lady and Saint Joseph and other saints with an iconoclastic abandon. 

The great saint whose feast we celebrate today, Saint John Damascene, fought the iconoclasts in his day. And while many, although far from all, of our Catholic churches are now in the hands of the conciliar iconoclasts, we can festoon our homes with images of Our Lord and Our Lady and Saint Joseph and other saints as we use these images to remind us of we are united to the saints represented in these images by means of the Communion of Saints and that we hope to share Heaven with them for all eternity in the glory of the Beatific Vision. 

Today is, of course, our daughter Lucy’s fifteenth birthday and the ninth anniversary of her First Holy Communion. The years have just flown by. I look at our daughter and see a tall girl a who stands around five feet, six inches tall. How did this happen? 

We are very blessed to have our dear daughter, who is being taught by a mother possessed of a pure love of the Holy Catholic Faith and a deep, tender devotion to the Mother of God. I give thanks every day and night for the blessings represented by my family. Deo gratias! Please do pray for Lucy Mary Therese Norma Droleskey on her birthday today. Thank you. 

Finally, I did make a good deal of progess with the next original article for this site. However, there is still a bit more work to do before I can post it, and I am awaiting a response to a question I posed to a Catholic physician that I would like to have before finalizing the article.

Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us. 

Saint John Damascene, pray for us.

Here To Stay, June 29, 2012

Although I am working on a commentary about RyanCare’s failure, it will not be ready for posting until Monday, March 27, 2017, the Feast of Saint John Damascene and the Commemoration of Monday in the Fourth Week of Lent. The articles may be fewer each month than in years past as I just no longer able to stay up long hours to complete them with the thoroughness that I seek to provide for those who access this site. Thanks for your patience.

In the meantime, however, I am reposting a commentary about the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States of America in the combined cases of National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius, June 28, 2012, that has great pertinence to what unfolded this past week. I offer to readers once again to demonstrate that outcomes such as Friday’s are relatively easy to predict, which is why I do not get agitated about the events of the day. There is no political, constitutional, legal, nondenominational, interdenominational, secular or otherwise naturalistic way out of the mess created by the Protestant Revolution’s overthrow of the Social Reign of Christ the King and the subsequent rise of the anti-Incarnational modern civil state.

Finally, Novus Ordo Watch has translated a news story alleging that Ratzinger and Bergoglio no longer speak to each other. This is something along the lines of Leon Trotsky no longer speaking to Joseph Stalin. Trotsky and Stalin differed only about the speed with which to pursue a worldwide revolution in behalf of Marxism. Trotsky wanted to spread the poison of Marxism-Leninism everywhere in the world. Stalin wanted to institutionalize it firmly in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics before there could be what Trotsky called "constant revolution" (the neoconservatives are direct ideological descendants of Trotsky as they desire constant warfare as the means to spread American "values" and to engage in "nation-building."

Similarly, Ratzinger and Bergoglio's may have some differences, but what I wrote two years ago remains as true now as it was then:  No Space Between Ratzinger and Bergoglio: So Close in Apostasy, So Far From Catholic Truth. Both men are egregious Modernists. They are both revolutionaries against the Catholic Faith.

A blessed Laetare Sunday to you all!

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

On the Feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary: Ecce Ancilla Domini, Fiat Mihi Secundum Verbum Tuum

Today's article is a slightly revised reflection on the transferred feast we celebrate today, the feast which signifies the moment when the Second Person of the Most Blessed Trinity, the very Word through Whom all things were made, personally entered into human history as He was made Incarnate in the Virginal and Immaculate Womb of His Most Blessed Mother by the power of the Third Person of the Most Blessed Trinity, God the Holy Ghost, Who overshadowed Our Lady after she had given her perfect Fiat to the Will of the First Person of the Most Blessed Trinity, God the Father, as that Will was made known to her by Saint Gabriel the Archangel.

The whole of human history is changed today--and no one can remain neutral about what happened on this day. If the Second Person of the Most Blessed Trinity really did become Man this day in Our Lady's Virginal and Immaculate Womb so as to redeem us on the wood of the Holy Cross thirty-three years later, as we know is indeed the case, then every person and every nation on the face of this earth must acknowledge this fact and subordinate everything to the Deposit of Faith that He has entrusted exclusively to His Catholic Church for Its eternal safekeeping and infallible explication.

We must pray to Our Lady every day so that we will never lose sight of the centrality of the Incarnation in our own lives and in the lives of our nations, never lose sight of the fact that Holy Mass itself is Incarnational as the Word Who was made Incarnate in her Virginal and Immaculate Womb is made Incarnate on altars of sacrifice under the appearances of bread and wine by true bishops and true priests. Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ spent nine months in the tabernacle of Our Lady's Virginal and Immaculate Womb, thereby sanctifying the wombs of al mothers. He is in solidarity with every child in every mother's womb. Every abortion, whether by chemical or surgical means, is an indirect attack on the Incarnation that took place this very day.

A blessed Feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary to you all.

The next original article should appear tomorrow, Laetare Sunday.


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