Saint Jospaphat Kuncewicz Laid Down His Life To Do What Conciliarism Forbids

As my week is consumed with medical examinations, the best that I am able to do for you today is to rework some older material to contrast the heroic martydom of Saint Josephat, who was killed by the Orthodox in revenge for his having converted the son of a prince, with the absolute prohbition of his holy work by the counterfeit church of conciliarism.

I am working on another article that I hope to complete upon my return home tonight.

Thank you for your continued prayers.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint Jospahat, pray for us.

Nota Bene, Blase Cupich: Believing Catholics Prefer Death to Apostasy

[Late November 12, 2017, Update: Saving the details for another time as I am rather exhausted at the moment, I received word on Friday, November 10, 2017, the Feast of Saint Andrew Avellino and the Commemoration of Saints Respicious, Tryphon and Nympha, about the results of the echocardiogram and the chemically-induced nuclear stress test that I had taken a week earlier. Scarring on the back of my heart was discovered, meaning that, as the nurse who called me with the results said, an "event" had occurred at some point. Such an "event," about which I received no notification from Google on the "upcoming events" update, was what is called in layman's terms a "silent heart attack." A heart catheterization will take place on Monday November 27, 2017, the Feast of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, and there are additional tests in the coming week. It is a great blessing to know that one's Particular Judgment may come upon one more suddenly than not, and this will be the theme of my next commentary, which has been begun but is not yet ready to be posted.

[In the meantime, I beg the prayers who still access this site and, of course, renew my request for non-tax-deductible financial gift while, at the same time, thanking those who sent donations in the past week. Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us. San Diego of Alcala, pray for us.]

Mr. Blase Cupich, the uber-Modernist who is the conciliar "archbishop" of Chicago, Illionis, explained in an address last month that Catholics had to let go of their "cherished beliefs."

Medical appointments notwithstanding, time was made to dispatch Cupich's sophisms that are repugnant to Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, condemned solemly by the authority of Holy Mother Church and harmful the eternal and temporal good of souls.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Saint John the Baptist, pray for us.

Saint John the Evangelist, pray for us.

Be Not Agitated in the Midst of the Chaos

This commentary deals with some of the madness extant in our mad, mad, mad, mad world of naturalism.

As one who wrote up in excess of over two hundred articles, if not more, about the Clintons and their criminal ways in the 1990s during my years with The Wanderer, it is simply amazing to me that any rational person could think that they were finally be brought to the bar of justice in this world. While they will be face the bar of Divine Justice when they die, there is no sense getting agitated about how they get away with breaking the laws of God and the just laws of men as the most important thing that we can do is to pray for their conversion—and for that of the nation itself—to the true Faith, outside of which there is no salvation and without which there is no true social order. 

It is precisely because we will face the same bar of Divine Justice at the moment we die that we have to make reparation for our sins against the laws of God and the just laws of men by offering up all that we do to the throne of the Most Blessed Trinity as the consecrated slaves of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, especially by praying as many Rosaries each day as our state-in-life permits.

As so much is unknown about Devin Patrick Kelley, who, it appears, believed in some kind of Protestantism despite his thoroughly Irish Catholic name, a commentary on yesterday’s tragedy in Sutherland Springs, Texas, will wait for a few days. There are several other articles that need to be completed, and I intend to work on those as time permits tomorrow and Wednesday (it’s off for more medical tests today; non-tax-deductible financial gifts remain a matter of urgency).

Pray for the souls of those killed and for the needs of their survivors, remembering as well those who were wounded. Indeed, make it a point at the beginning of every day to pray for all those who have died, are dying or will die by the end of that day. We are all at risk in a land where the most-at-risk—the innocent preborn—are snuffed out at a rate of around 3500 per day. May God have mercy on us all.


Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

Highlighted From 2016: Conciliarism: The Most Dangerous, Destructive and Corrupt Force on the Face of the Earth

The conciliar Vatican gave its "stamp of approval" to Martin Luther with the issuance of Lumen Gentium, November 21, 1964, and they have been reaffirming that stamp of approval ever since.

Preface with a few new comments, an older from a year ago is being highilighted as a way of demonstrating the conciliar affinity for Luther and his heresies. There is no need to reivent the wheel.

There will be no article until Sunday as this is the day that I must drive some distance for an echo-cardiogram and then have the chemically-induced nuclear stress test before paying the chiropractor a visit for the penance known as my back. My sins deserve the penance. Deo gratias! All to thee, Blessed Mother. All to thy Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I love you. Save souls!

Finally, given the curent expenses, there remains a need to ask readers of this site who support its work and have the whereithal financialy to make a non-tax-deductible financial gift to to do rather promptly. Thank you.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for s.

Win Friends For Life--Eternal Life! Pray for the Poor Souls in Purgatory

One of ways in which we can practice true Charity is to remember the Poor Souls every day in our prayers. Terrible, terrible sinner that I am, one of my devotions has long been to the Poor Souls. To help the Poor Souls repay the debt that they can no longer pay for themselves is to acquire friends for eternity who will help us at the moment of our own deaths. Charity to the Poor Souls can help to undo our own lack of charity to others in this passing, mortal vale of tears. This is indeed the month of the Poor Souls. Let us show them our due attention each and every day of the year, especially in this month of November.

Remember, of course, that from noon yesterday through midnight of the Commemoration of All Souls today, the Catholic faithful, as often as they visit a church or to pray for the dead, reciting six times during each visit the Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be for the intentions of Holy Mother Church may gain a plenary indulgence applicable only to the souls in Purgatory, under the usual conditions of making a good Confession within a week before or after, worthily receiving Holy Communion within the week and having the right intention of heart. This is called the Toties Quoties Indulgence. 

Work on the next article continues. It is my hope to be done with it later today, November 2, 2017, as tomorrow is the day of the chemically-induced nuclear stress test and cardiogram. That will pretty much eat up the day on the First Friday of the month.

Finally, this would be a pretty nice time for a few more of those who do read this site and have not previously made a non-tax-deductible financial gift to us to do so. This is an euphemistic way of saying that such gifts are very much needed now.  I thank the three people who did so yesterday, All Saints Day, and I will write thank you notes later today as I returned home from the appointment with the cadiologist yesterday at a late hour.

Thank you. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and all of the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

The Triumphant Feast Day of Those Who Have No Feast Days

Our one and only goal in this life is to get home to Heaven by dying in a state of Sanctifying Grace as a member of the Catholic Church. Absolutely nothing else matters. The path to Heaven runs through the Cross of our Divine Redeemer, Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, as we consecrate ourselves to Him totally through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of His Most Blessed Mother.

We must embrace suffering and humiliation and hardship with equanimity, joy and gratitude, mindful of the fact that Our Lady desires use whatever merits we earn from our embrace of our sufferings for the honor and glory of the Most Blessed Trinity and for the good of souls, especially the Poor Souls in the Church Suffering in Purgatory, whose intentions we must remember every day and especially during this month of November. There is no other path to the triumph of the empty tomb other than the suffering of the Cross.

We must also forgive right readily those who have offended us in any way and to ask forgiveness from those whom we have offended, whether advertently or inadvertently. Nothing anyone does to us or says about us is the equal of what one of our least Venial Sins caused Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to suffer in His Sacred Humanity during his Passion and Death and that caused His Most Blessed Mother's Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart to be pierced through and through with Seven Swords of Sorrow. The lesson of the Last Gospel on Sunday, the Feast of Christ the King, for the Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost, which was read during Mass on Monday, October 30, 2017, is that we will not be forgiven by God unless we forgive others from our heart.

The good, the bad and the ugly of ever person's life is revealed only on the Last Day at the General Judgment of the living and the dead. Let us be content to bear with suffering, humiliation, ostracism and mockery now as a means of so dying to self that we will consider it to be a great honor to be crushed and brought low in the sight of men. Suffering is indeed the path to triumph!

We must continue to pray for each other on a daily basis, praying especially that the disagreements of the present moment in this time of apostasy and betrayal will be washed away by the merits of the Most Precious Blood of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and by the maternal intercession of His Most Blessed Mother.

If we want to be in Heaven for all eternity, you see, in the presence of the Most Blessed Trinity, Our Lady, Saint Joseph and all of the angels of the saints, then it is a pretty good idea to pray for everyone whom God's Providence has placed in our paths, hoping that those from whom we might be estranged at the present time, especially because of the divisions among Catholics created by conciliarism and its apostasies, will be united with us for all eternity in the glories of Heaven, please God that each of us dies in a state of Sanctifying Grace.

One of ways in which we can practice true Charity is to remember the Poor Souls every day in our prayers. Terrible, terrible sinner that I am, one of my devotions has long been to the Poor Souls. To help the Poor Souls repay the debt that they can no longer pay for themselves is to acquire friends for eternity who will help us at the moment of our own deaths. Charity to the Poor Souls can help to undo our own uncharity to others in this passing, mortal vale of tears. This is indeed the month of the Poor Souls.

Let us show them our due attention each and every day of the year, especially in this month of November. Remember, of course, that from noon today on All Saints' Day through midnight of the Commemoration of All Souls tomorrow the Catholic faithful, as often as they visit a church or to pray for the dead, reciting six times during each visit the Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be for the intentions of Holy Mother Church may gain a plenary indulgence applicable only to the souls in Purgatory, under the usual conditions of making a good Confession within a week before or after, worthily receiving Holy Communion within the week and having the right intention of heart. This is called the Toties Quoties Indulgence.

Also, courtesy of the Daily Catholic website, are the Thirty-Day De Profundis Prayers for the Holy Souls in Purgatory. (Link provided in text of this brief reflection.)

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

All the Saints, pray for us.

A blessed All Saints Day to you all!

(An original article was posted about nine hours ago now. Please scroll below.)

Attention All Frogs! Get Out! The Water Is Boiling

As the hour is late and physical strength is wan, permit me to tell you that this is a brief commentary on a story that was sent to me by a friend yesterday, the Vigil of All Saints, about sub secreto efforts to concoct an "ecumenical Mass" that would not be premised upon an acceptance of the Catholic doctrine of Transubstantiaton. 

I had been working on an article about the counterfeit church of conciliarism' "stamp of approval" upon Martin and Luther and Philip Melancthon. However, I decided to complete this article first. 

Be patient. It's off to the cardiologist later today before undergoing the chemically-induced nuclear stress test. I will try to get the next commentary done within the next day or two.

A revised reflection on All Saints Day will appear later today.

Our Lady, Queen of All Saints, pray for us.

All the Saints, pray for us.

Disqualifying Dr. Paul Byrne Because He Proclaims the Truth

This is an article that I meant to write last week but was prevented from doing so because of circumstances beyond my control.

The title is pretty self-explanatory as Dr. Paul A. Byrne has been “disqualified” by a Canadian judge from testifying in behalf of the family of a twenty-seven year-old Canadian woman, Taquisha McKitty, who was declared “brain death” shortly after taking an overdose of illegal drugs because he. Dr. Byrne, is “biased” again the medical industry’s manufactured, profit-making myth, “brain death,” that is merely a device to vivisect living human beings in order to “give the gift of life.”

May God have mercy on us all.

Please pray for Dr. Byrne and the McKitty family at this time.

This will be a busy week (cardiologist visit on Wednesday; nuclear stress test and echo cardiogram on Friday). It is my hope to have an article tomorrow about the five hundredth anniversary of Martin Luther’s diabolically-inspired revolution against the Divine Plan that God Himself instituted to effect man’s return unto Him through His Catholic Church, although it might appear very late in the day tomorrow.

As always, there is a need for non-tax-deductible financial gifts from those who are able and willing to do so.

Our Lay of the Rosary.

Without A Thought of Christ the King and His Social Reign

This is a third reflection on today's Feast of Christ the King. 

The work that has been done in the printed pages of Christ or Chaos from 1996 to 2003 that has been continued on this website since February 20, 2004, has attempted to help readers to see the world more clearly through the eyes of the true Faith, outside of which no one can be saved and without which there can be no true and lasting social order. Most importantly, though, we must remember that we must build up the reign of Christ the King in our souls before He can reign over our nation, and to do this we need the help of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Immaculate Queen, especially through her Most Holy Rosary, as without her help we are lost.

Vivat Christus Rex!

Viva Cristo Rey!

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.

We Must Live and Die for Christ the King

Today is the Feast of the Universal Kingship of Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Commemoration of the Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost.

As we live in the midst of the insanity, the utter madness of the absolute farce that is our Judeo-Masonic governmental system, we must always be champions of Christ the King as His totally consecrated slaves through His Most Blessed Mother's Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. Our Lord is meant to be King of both men and their nations. We must never fall for the diabolical trap posed by the organized forces of naturalism in our country. We must rally at all times to the cause of Christ the King, Whose cause is defended by neither the naturalists in political parties or the conciliarists in the counterfeit church of conciliarism.

Remember, the coup that made it possible for the likes of Robert Mueller to effect a coup against a fellow naturalist he believes to be on the "wrong" side of the naturalist divide was undertaken by Martin Luther just two days shy of five hundred years ago. Luther's coup against Christ the King and His true Church is being celebrated by Jorge Mario Bergoglio and his band of conciliar revolutionaries. Una cum Francisco, anyone?

Vivat Christus Rex!

Viva Cristo Rey!

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.


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