Quinquageisma Sunday update: I am still working on what will be a detailed commentary about Jorge Mario Bergoglio's false pontificate after he dies or a review of this false pontificate on the occasion of his twelfth anniversary of being elected as the sixth universal public face of apostasy as the head of the false conciliar sect. I made substantial headway yesterday and hope to make some more today. So much apostasy, so little time, but at least I am working on the project despite my own flu-like illness that is now in its tenth day. Penance is indeed better than ever in 2025! An article on a different topic, though, should appear by tomorrow, Monday, March 3, 2025.
Although President Donald John Trump and Vice President did a masterful job of putting the Ukrainian grifter named Volodymyr Zelensky in his place yesterday, Friday, February 28, 2025, we must never fall into the Judeo-Masonic naturalistic trap of developing intense attachments to those in public life other than the commitment in Christian charity that we must perform daily to pray for the conversion of everyone in public life to the true Faith and/or to a correct view of the Holy Faith as the only standard by which we are to understand the events of this passing, mortal vale of tears.
Thus, the same man, Donald John Trump, who reamed out the man who has used American taxpayers as his personal ATM even before Russia’s unjust invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, Volodymyr Zelensky, is the same man who put an artificially generated image of himself enjoying the decadent “pleasures” of “Trump Gaza,” including an image of a giant golden statue of himself.
Can any say King Donald John Nabuchodonosor?
Finally, although Jorge Mario Bergoglio may or may not die from the serious conditions that have required him to be hospitalized for two weeks, it is probably the case that many parishes within the conciliar structures are planning their own “celebrations of life” for their revered “pope.” It is perhaps that the “closing song” in one or more of these parishes might be as follows given the fact that white is the chosen color for “Masses of Christian Burial” in the Protestant and Judeo-Masonic Novus Ordo liturgical travesty: Adios, Au Revoir, Auf Wiedersehen. (Although Lawrence Welk was a faithful Catholic of German-Russian immigrant parents in North Dakota, I never once watched his show, and it was on television for over twenty years. I only know the closing theme from his show because it was played by organist Jane Jarvis on the Thomas organ at Shea Stadium every time fans filed out of the ballpark after a Mets’ home game between April 17m 1964, and her retirement in August of 1979. It fits the mood of the celebratory festive nature of the Novus Ordo.)
Continue to pray for the conversion of the lay Jesuit revolutionary, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, to the Catholic Faith before he dies, whenever that might be within the Providence of God.
Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.
Saint Joseph, Patron of Departing Souls and Terror of Demons, pray for us.